Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 988: then...


   Listening to this familiar voice, Sauron turned his head subconsciously.

   And this look...


   What is this?

   Why is there a big meat ball of "DuangDuang" dangling in the street?

   Sauron, who was a little bewildered, took a closer look and discovered that the person here turned out to be Luffy, their captain Luffy!

   Well, fortunately, Luffy’s clothes, pants, and hat have not changed, otherwise he might not recognize it!

   But even so, Sauron couldn't help but ask, "Luffy, how can you eat like this for a meal!?"

Listen, Luffy ignored this question. Instead, he pointed at the group of bounty hunters on the ground and roared very angry, saying, "Sauron, how can you do this? Everyone entertained us so warmly. , You actually killed them?"

   Upon hearing this, Sauron opened his mouth and explained, "Luffy, the reason they entertain us warmly is because..."

   But as soon as the words were so common, Luffy couldn't help but rushed towards Sauron, trying to beat him!


There's no after that!


   Lu Fei was just halfway there, when a woman rushed out of the alley beside him, and a violent shudder hit him on the head!


   Luffy took advantage of the situation and hugged his head and squatted on defense. While sucking in a cold breath, he grinned and said, "Nami, what are you doing? Sauron has done this kind of gratitude and revenge. I must teach him a lesson!"

   "Will you get revenge?"

Nami almost laughed in anger, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "You are a brainless idiot, those people are not good people at all. The reason they entertain us warmly is just for the hat on your head! "

   "It's not like that, how can you do this kind of thing when you are so good?" Luffy is still stubborn!

   In response, Nami gritted her teeth, wishing to press Luffy to the ground for a beat!


At this time, a figure that was slightly X, leaning against the wall in the alley next to it, while puffing out cigarettes, said calmly, "Miss Nami, there is no need to explain, with Luffy’s mind, it is estimated I don't understand it!"

   Everyone at the scene followed the reputation, but they saw Sanji!

   "Oh, Sanji, why are you?" Luffy asked subconsciously, and suddenly reacted, hesitatingly muttered, "They...really are not good people!?"

   If someone says those people are bad people, Luffy doesn’t believe it!

   Luffy is dubious if they say it!

   But if all three crew members say that...

   Even if Luffy’s mind is simple, this will turn around and understand that these bounty hunters are probably not good people!


   Watching Luffy's mind turn around, Nami exhaled deeply, which suppressed her anger!

   "By the way, where's Usopp?" Nami looked around and couldn't help asking when she found there were only four people.

   "It's okay, I just drank too much. I saw him when I first came here and he slept soundly!" Sanji said lightly.

"That's good!"

   Not only did Nami breathe a sigh of relief, the others present also breathed a sigh of relief!

   "Wake him up later, when the record pointer is ready, let's go!" Nami thought for a while and said.

   This is the gathering place for bounty hunters. They might have troubles if they stay, so it’s better to leave early!

   "Good too!" Sauron nodded, conforming.

   But just now!

"Da da da!"

   A burst of dense footsteps came from the other side of the place where the few people were!


   When the four people turned their heads to look, they saw a figure hit in front of them for the first time!

   is Usopp!

   The four people present looked intently, and their hearts tightened.

   They thought something happened to Usopp!

   "Don't make noise, I want to sleep..."

   But then, Usopp's voice made them dumbfounded!


   actually sleeping?

   has been thrown over, can you still sleep?

   Thinking, the four of them let go of their hearts and fixed their eyes on the direction of the sound of footsteps!

I saw a group of weirdly dressed people in a tall, muscular, Shaolin monk-style costume, with snakes on the sides of the chest, and a bald man with "壱" pierced on the chest. Next, slowly walk towards them!

"You are?"

   Nami looked at the group of people, frowned and asked.

   "Baroque Work Agency, Daz Bonis, you can also call me MR.1!" The headed bald man said lightly while looking at several people.

   "Baroque Work Club?"

   Sauron looked at Daz Bowness, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "So in other words, are you here for trouble?"

"You can think so too!" Daze Bowness said faintly, "Although they are just a bunch of rubbish, they are people from our work club after all. You are going to leave like this... Then where do we put our face? Can't open a job club?"

   "Let's hit it!"

   Sauron didn't talk nonsense, drew a knife and made a look like he was going to fight!


At this time, Sanji took a deep breath of cigarette, spit it out fiercely, and dropped the cigarette **** on the ground. After stepping on it, he walked to Sauron's side and said solemnly, "If this is the case, there is nothing to say. That's it!"

   "Fighting? How can I be less!" Lu Fei who ate into a ball also Duang Duang walked to Sauron's side, grinning excitedly.

Nami was also very fascinated. Seeing that a battle was about to begin, she hurriedly stepped forward and dragged the sleeping Usopp back, and gave the battlefield to the three capable people on board. !


   The two sides confronted each other, and I didn’t know who shouted, and the battle broke out suddenly!

  The people from the Baroque work agency led by Daz Bowness~www.ltnovel.com~ took the lead in rushing to the three of Luffy.

   And the three of Luffy didn't persuade them. Although the other party was crowded, the three of them still rushed up!


There's no after that!

  Daz Bowness, the strength of these people is not the same as in the original!

  After Krokdal was subdued, even though Arthur still allowed them to work in the Baroque work club for these Demon Fruit abilities, he did not stock them like the original Krokdal, but instead let people guide them from time to time!

   Well, in the eyes of Arthur, this group of demon fruit abilities also have potential, but they didn't have any professional teaching in the original book, and they looked a little bit **** only by their own exploration!

   put Arthur here, they will not waste their potential!

   Therefore, he deliberately asked for professional guidance.

   Because of this, their current strength has long been stronger than in the original book!

   are basically at school level!

   The most talented Daz Bowness has even reached the level of major general!

Therefore, in the face of Luffy's three people who have just entered the great waterway, in less than a minute, all the people from the Baroque Work Club were put on the ground, let Luffy and his party understand what it means to come from the society. Beat it up!

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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