Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 827: Confusion

   Cornfield Island Port!

A sturdy middle-aged man, holding a loaded gun, was standing on the harbor, and behind him was dozens of young men with guns, knives, axes, even sickles and rakes. Looked solemnly at the three pirate ships not far away!

   At this time, the people on the three pirate boats looked at the group of people in the harbor with crazy faces!

   "Brother, they seem to resist!" The middle-aged man with a big back head said gloomily.

   "Then... crush them!!!" The bald man roared with a hideous face.

   "Crush them!"

   A crowd of pirates also echoed the crazy roar!

   And following their roar, their three pirate ships rushed into the harbor at this moment!


   Without any hesitation, even without getting off the boat, the bald man stood on the bow and fired the first shot directly at the middle-aged man led by Maitian Village.


   Before he could even react, the middle-aged man was shot headshot and fell on the spot.





After   , before the young people of Maitian Village and the patrol team in the harbor could react, a group of pirates followed the bald man, found their positions on the ship, and fired one after another.


"it hurts!"

   "No way, run away!"

"help me!"

   "Run, we can't beat them!"


   No accidents!

  The young villagers and patrol team in Maitian Village, who had no actual combat experience, were spurred by their deaths. They didn't even make a counterattack. They were directly defeated by the pirates who hadn't even sailed!

   "Little ones, rush in for me, kill! Grab!"

   Looking at this scene, the crazy look on the bald man's face is even worse.

   "Kill! Grab!"

   And a group of pirates also rushed off the ship after the ship docked, with enthusiasm and greed, chased after the escaped Maitian villagers, and rushed towards the inside of the Maitian village!


the other side!

   Above the sky of Ryetian Island, Arthur looked at the killing that was taking place below with a cold face, without any intention to stop it!

   Well, this looks a bit cruel!

   But, in Arthur's eyes, it is nothing!

Originally, if he didn’t suddenly feel the desire to experiment and wanted to see if there was any way of heaven, what world’s will, and if he didn’t come to this village, then according to the cruelty of this group of pirates, there would be basically no possibility in this village. A lively mouth!

   And now because of his experimental heart, he is ready to try to change Luffy's dream, so after bringing Luffy here, Arthur decided to take action at a critical time to save some people's lives!

   Of course, his ultimate goal is not to save people, but to let Luffy have a deeper understanding of the pirates through the painful performance of these people after the death of their relatives!

   But in any case, from a certain perspective, Arthur's approach can be regarded as a good deed, saving some **** people!

   "So, I'm still a good person!?" Arthur thought dumbfoundingly.

   But in the next moment, Arthur returned to a serious look, looking coldly at the killing that was taking place below!


   After waiting for a while, after the pirate had searched all the houses in the village and followed the trail towards the back hill of Maitian Island, Arthur narrowed his eyes and showed a dangerous expression.

   The pirate entered the back mountain, which means it was close to Luffy!

   And once they officially met with Luffy, Arthur's first step to change Luffy's dream was completed!


   "Brother, according to the traces, they must be in this mountain!" The middle-aged man with a big back said in a deep voice.


   After the bald man nodded, he showed a ferocious expression and sternly said, "These bastards, take away all the good things. When I find them, I have to strip them off!"

   "Don't worry, brother, this island is so big, I just let someone go to watch the port! They have no place to run, you can definitely strip them off!" The middle-aged man with a big back said viciously.

"That's good!"

   The bald man nodded in satisfaction.

   And this time!


   With a sound, a thin pirate pierced through the grass and came to the bald man!

   "Boss, I have found it, just ahead!" The thin pirate said with excitement, pointing in the direction behind him.

   "Good job, when it's over, reward you with one million Baileys!" The bald guy happily patted the thin pirate on the shoulder and said.

   "Thank you, Boss!" The skinny pirate said in excitement.

   "Lead the way~ Everyone comes with me!"

   The bald man commanded a few words to the thin pirate, then beckoned behind him, and entered the forest first, and a group of pirates followed, and entered the forest!

   In a while!

   Under the leadership of the bald man, a crowd of pirates came to a hidden cave aggressively!

   "Listen to the people inside, let me come out obediently, as long as you come out obediently, maybe I will spare you!" After a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, the bald man shouted toward the entrance of the cave.

   And his voice soon reached the depths of the cave.

"What should I do?"

   "They are coming in!"

   "The patrol is all to blame! Those guys are useless at all, they are defeated at once!"

   "Oh~ I can't blame them all! We don't usually have any pirates here, and they have not gone through any actual combat, and it is normal to lose!"

   "Now is not the time to discuss these, mainly what should we do?"

   "surrender! Otherwise, you will die if they come in!"

   "No! Even if we surrender, we will die! The group of pirates is so cruel, the patrol team and the young people were killed by them all. I don't believe that if we surrender, they will let us go!"

   "What should I do then? Surrender is no good, no surrender!"

   "How about... fight with them?"

   "No way! The patrol team lost so badly, we now have no guns in our hands, I am afraid it will be even worse!"


  After a group of people chatted and talked for a long time, they still didn't come up with a result!

   Some people want to surrender, some people don’t want to surrender, but no one can persuade anyone!

   While they were discussing, a small figure, hiding in the corner, fell into deep self-doubt!

   "Pirate... not like this!"

   Luffy whispered, falling into self-doubt!

In contrast to the kindness and boldness that Shanks and his group gave him ~www.ltnovel.com~, the impression of boldness and boldness, at this time this group of pirates gave him a kind of contrast to Shanks and his group. impression.

   The two impressions were opposed to each other and collided with each other, making Bennbu beat him into chaos for a while!

   is only a few years old, in the collision of these two impressions, he can no longer tell which one is the real pirate!

"Da da da!"

   While the villagers of Maitian Village were talking about it, when Luffy was in chaos, the bald guy outside the cave seemed to be a little impatient, and walked in directly with someone!


   The bald man brought a group of pirates and appeared in front of these old and weak women and children in Maitian Village!

   "I found you!" The bald man said with a grin, then raised the gun in his hand!


   Without any hesitation, the bald man smiled and pulled the trigger.

   And this shot directly headshot a middle-aged woman at the front of the crowd!

  At the same time, blood splashed out from her forehead, a large part splashed on other people, and a small part splashed on the face of Luffy who was hiding in the corner!


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