Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 826: The beginning of the ruined dream


   The only pub in Maitian Village, Old Mike’s Pub!


   After Arthur led Luffy and pushed the door in, he found an old man in the tavern wiping a wine glass in the bar.

   And this old man, Arthur knew him!

   is the white-haired old man who just asked him!

   "Welcome, guest!" The white-haired old man also saw Arthur at this time, so he put down the cup in his hand and said with a smile, "I am the owner of this tavern. Everyone calls me Old Mike!"

   "Hello, old Mike!" Arthur smiled and said hello, "My name is Arthur, just call me Arthur!"

   "My name is Lu Fei!" At this time, Lu Fei also interjected.

   "Okay, Arthur, Luffy!" Old Mike said kindly.

   After greeting each other, Arthur asked, "Old Mike, do you have anything to eat here?"

   As soon as he heard the food, before Old Mike could respond, Luffy said with bright eyes, "I want meat, a big piece of meat!"

   "How about steak? Someone killed a cow in our place the day before yesterday. I bought some steaks back!" Old Mike said with a smile.

   "All right!" Arthur nodded and said, "Then steak!"

After that, Arthur seemed to have thought of something, and quickly shouted to the old Mike who was about to turn around to prepare, and added, "Yes, old Mike! Both of us have relatively big appetites. You can serve as many steaks as you have. !"

   Upon hearing this, Old Mike glanced at the two of them, nodded, and smiled, "No problem!"

   It’s not uncommon for people to eat a lot in this world, and it can even be said to be common, so Old Mike didn’t seem surprised at Arthur’s request, so he just agreed!

   In a while!

   A few fried steaks were placed in front of Arthur and Luffy!

   "I'm going to start!" Luffy looked at the fragrant steak in front of him. After saying a word, he was not polite. He picked up the knife and fork and started directly, aiming at one of them and working hard!

   And Arthur took up the knife and fork without any haste, pointed it at the steak in front of him and ate it!

  The meat is average!

   The taste is average too!

The heat of    frying is over!

   However, the sauce is not bad and has a unique flavor!

After tasting two steaks carefully, Arthur put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth, took out fifty thousand Baileys from his pocket, put it on the table, and said, "Old Mike, I'm going to buy some Things, Luffy stay here, can you take care of it first?"

   Old Mike looked at the pile of Baileys on the table and said, "Luffy has no problem putting me here, but the steak doesn't cost that much!"

   "The steak tastes pretty good, but it's mostly a tip!" Arthur said with a smile.

   "Let's do it!" After hesitating for a while, Old Mike accepted it!

   He can see that Arthur is not bad for money!

"Luffy, you are eating here. If you don't have enough, you can ask old Mike again. I'll buy something and I'll be back soon!" At this time, Arthur turned to Luffy, who was working hard and working hard. Said.


   Luffy was eating, so after hearing Arthur's words, he quickly responded without saying much.

   Seeing this, Arthur didn't say much, turned around and left the tavern!

   "I hope you can accept this cruel reality in the future!"

   When Arthur left the tavern, he had a stature and glanced slightly at Luffy, who was eating upright. After sighing in a low voice, the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily!

After   , Arthur did not go shopping as he said, but after walking around, he found a hidden corner, flew directly to the sky, and stared at the whole village with domineering look and hearing!


   Not far from Maitian Island!

   Three small sailing warships with a skull-head flag hung on them, seemingly shabby, are parked on a small island less than 100 square meters!

   At this time, one of the ships looks better than the other two!

   "How's the inquisition?" A big bald man with a big five and three thick, fierce face, and a shotgun hanging from his waist, asked a middle-aged man with a big back who looked gentle and gentle.

"Brother, it's almost time to inquire!" said the middle-aged man with a sullen smile, "The Maitian Village on the island has a population of almost 300 people, and the defense force is only a spontaneous formation of the village. Patrol of twenty people!"

   "Moreover, only less than half of the patrols have guns! For the 80-odd members of our Black Lance Pirates, with more than 80 guns, they can easily be taken down!"

   "That's good!" The big man grinned and showed a cruel smile!

   "Then brother, we are now..." After a sullen look flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man with a big back, he asked gloomily.

   "Now? Jie Jie~ of course it is for me to enter the village and kill me!" After a trace of bloodthirsty flashed in the eyes of the big man, he gave the order with a grinning smile!

   "Have you heard, please drive me into the village and kill!!!" Listening to the command of the big man, the middle-aged man with a big back head excitedly shouted towards the group of pirates behind him.


   The pirates also joined in frantically.

   In a while!

  The three boats they were on started one after another, heading towards Maitian Island!


   Cornfield Island Port!

   Two young patrol members responsible for patrolling the port are sitting in a small pavilion near the port and chatting while looking at the port!

   At this moment, one of the young people seemed to have discovered something, frowned, and looked towards the sea!

   Suddenly, his pupils contracted and he shouted fiercely, "No, there are pirates!!!"

   And following his shouting, another young man who was chatting with him also reacted. After briefly scanning the sea and confirming the young man's call, he immediately ran to a big bell outside the small pavilion!

   "咚! 咚! 咚!"

   After a bell rang across the island, everyone in Maitian Village on the island also reacted!

   "There are pirates!"

   "A pirate is coming!"

   "The patrol team ~www.ltnovel.com~ and young people, all bring the guys and follow me, go to the port to see!"

   "Other people tidy up the important things at home and follow me to hide in the back mountain! Hurry up!"


   Amid a loud shout, the entire Maitian village fell into chaos.

   Simply in this chaos, there are some people with high reputation in the village who are trying their best to preside over the situation, so that the people in the village are in the chaos and understand what they should do so that they will not become headless flies!

   Soon, the people in the village split into two groups!

   A group of young people followed a middle-aged man with a gun to the port!

   A group of old and weak women and children went home to pack their things, and then collectively walked towards the back mountain!

   Luffy, who was eating in the tavern, was ignorant, and was led by the old Mike to the back mountain of the village, following the wave of old and weak women and children!

   "What's the matter? Why are they so scared when the pirates come?"

   Lu Fei was puzzled, but no one explained to him at this time, and no one had time to explain to him, so he was pulled towards the back mountain!


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