Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 808: "Friends"

Another five hours passed

The mist in front of me seemed to have been driven away by something unknown, and gradually became thinner.

Until the end, the fog disappeared completely, and Arthur's face suddenly opened up

At the same time, a huge tree came into his eyes for the first time


Arthur looked up and down at the light exposed on the water. It was at least thirty kilometers high. After it had violated the laws of physics, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is the belief of our kingdom. After the tree of life was visited by a big pirate named Roger more than ten years ago, he praised that he had not been here before, and he would not be considered to have really seen the elves." Nom said. Proudly introduced.

Roger was here too

After Arthur glanced at him, he nodded as if he was enlightened. At the same time, he turned his head to look at the tree of life and muttered, "Since Roger said so, then this is indeed a good place. Speed, when will we be able to occupy this place"

Hearing the words, Noam suddenly got a spirit, and immediately stared at Arthur with a vigilant look.

and many more

You seemed to say something terrible just now

Thinking about it, Noam dare not say anything

Although he seems to be very free now, he knew in his heart that he was always in danger before getting off the boat, so even if he heard something, he couldn't say it at this time.

Otherwise, what is the difference with looking for death

If you have to say something

After that, I’m free and there’s no life worry, it’s not too late to say it then

And at this moment.

With the sound of hunting and hunting caused by dozens of clothes and air friction, dozens of wearers like leaf-like skirts and tops, carrying muskets, long bows, spears, or holding Western swords, stepped on On the surface of the water, leaping quickly toward Arthur

"Anyone can walk on the water" Arthur looked at these people with some surprise

You know, walking on the water in this world is not something ordinary people can do

In addition to those with the Devil Fruit ability, at least it is possible to practice physical skills to the school level, and now dozens of elves have appeared casually. How does this make him not surprised?

Take a closer look

Arthur discovered that they weren't walking on the water

But walk on the leaves

On the surface of this sea area, there are scattered leaves that look like the tree of life falling, and leaves about 30 cm in size are floating on the water.

These people stepped on the leaves and jumped over with the power of the leaves.


When the group of people ran to the Sky Breaker, a feather was inserted on the top of their head. The man with a well-proportioned body and a soft face, carrying a long bow, jumped and jumped lightly to the Sky Breaker. On the deck


Before Arthur could question, the visitor frowned and questioned.

Before Arthur could answer, Noam's eyes lit up by his side, and he stepped forward and said excitedly, "Oh, it's me Noam."

After a few months, I finally met someone I know


The man named Orr by Noam glanced up and down at Noam and exclaimed, "Noam, how are you?"

"Isn't it me" Noam said with a smile.

"Where have you been? Parents can find you crazy. If you don't show up again, I'm afraid they will give you a reward for arresting you," Orr said sternly.

"Ah, really?" Noam's face suddenly collapsed

As soon as he heard what Orr said, he couldn't help but guess the scene after he went back.

Well, based on what he knew about his parents, it was definitely a beating

Thinking about it, Nome is a bit bad

"Really, why did I lie to you" Orr nodded without hesitation.

Noam's expression on his face collapsed even more when he heard the words he confirmed, and the whole person was depressed.

At this moment, Orr glanced at Arthur, then asked Nome, "By the way, who is this?"

When Nom heard this, he quickly broke free from his depression, smiled and wanted to introduce, "This is"

But as soon as he said a few words, he was speechless

He doesn't know what to say about his relationship with Arthur

Speak straight

He was afraid that Arthur would go wild on the spot.

In that case, he, who is still in Arthur's hands, must be dead on the spot.

Don't tell me directly

He was afraid that Orr would accidentally do something to offend Arthur and make Arthur furious, and he would still be dead

Besides, he was also afraid that Orr really misunderstood the relationship between him and Arthur, thinking that Arthur was really a good person.

That is likely to cause Orr to accidentally expose some of the secret things in the Elf Kingdom in the subsequent chat, or expose some things that should not be exposed, and what loss to the Elf Kingdom.

Therefore, he is a little confused and doesn't know what to say

At this moment, Arthur looked at him like this, and after a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he smiled slightly and interjected, "I and Noam are good friends."


Nom's heart jumped and he felt a bad feeling, but he still had to bite the bullet and introduce, "Yes, we are friends. This is a friend I know from the outside world, Arthur."

How to do

Norm was a little flustered.

He felt that after he had said this, Orr might have really misunderstood the relationship between him and Arthur.

When I was panicking, my inspiration flashed

Nome suddenly remembered that their patrol team in the Elven Kingdom had a special set of gestures used when they were unable to communicate normally, and this set of gestures he had learned at the time.

Immediately, Norm did not dare to hesitate

He quickly made three gestures that he remembered after trying hard to remember with his hands.

The strong, the enemy, go back and report

When Orr saw this, he raised his brows slightly, but said calmly, "Since I am a friend, of course, I have to use the etiquette of our Elf Kingdom to welcome Brother Arthur. You are here for a while, I will let them go. Prepare for etiquette"

Speaking ~www.ltnovel.com~ seems to see that Arthur wants to refuse in general, Orr stretched out his hand in advance and said sternly, "Don't refuse, this is your first time here, we must let you experience the spirit Kingdom’s friendship"

After listening to his words, Arthur nodded slightly after a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "Well, there is a saying in our kingdom that the guest does whatever the owner does, which means that the guests do whatever they want with the owner, since Brother Orr If you say so, then I will agree."

Orr smiled and nodded, then turned to the side of the boat, and the elves who were still stepping on the leaves, who followed him, shouted, "It's Noam and his friends, go back Prepare for the etiquette of our Elf Kingdom, hurry up"

While speaking, Orr made vague gestures from an angle that Arthur could not see.

Immediately, a group of elves who followed Orr's eyes became serious, nodded, and said, "We understand."

After speaking, the group of people immediately turned and left, and rushed towards the tree of life at a speed three points faster than when they came.

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