In the mist.

Arthur glanced at the Tiger Pirates group that was still behind him, and didn't bother to pay attention. He just turned to the side and stared at the depths of the mist, and asked Nome, whose eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation, "Wait. How should we go"

"I don't know" Noam quickly turned his head when he heard it, and answered honestly.


What the hell

Didn’t you say that you know the way?

Now I don’t know if I want to cheat Laozi

Arthur was a little angry.

Upon seeing this, Noam quickly explained, "To be precise, I don't know how to go, but I know to go there."

When Arthur heard it, he frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I have the ability to roughly feel the direction of the tree of life, so I know to go there," Norm said sternly.


Arthur asked curiously, "You elves still have this ability."

He hasn't heard that the elves have this ability

And over the years, although the elves have been very closed, no one has come out, and occasionally some people have come out. If this kind of ability is really there, then the territory of the elves has long been exposed.

"Not all," Nom explained honestly, "Only those who have eaten elven fruit have it, and they must be of the elven clan. Outsiders can't do it at all."

Arthur's eyes lit up and he asked quickly, "So, if you have eaten Elf Fruit, then tell me if Elf Fruit has the ability to increase luck."

This is Arthur’s biggest concern

The purpose of his trip is for this

"The average life span of people who have eaten our elves is two hundred years, and elves are produced every ten years, so there are not a few people in the elves who have eaten elves."

"As for whether we can increase luck. To be honest, we elves don’t know about themselves, but everyone who eats elven fruit will not have bad luck."

As Nome said, he suddenly thought of the experience that he could hit Arthur while flying at will, and was finally caught by Arthur, so he secretly gave Arthur a bitter look, and whispered, "Yeah. ,except me"

As he said, he seemed to be afraid that Arthur would hear it, so he changed his voice and said, "But eating the elves can slightly increase the speed of reaction, increase eyesight, and increase perception. These are all verified by our elves for generations."

"However, because the increase is too slight, it is difficult for outsiders who eat the elven fruit to feel it, so they only think that the elven fruit can increase luck, so there has been a legend that the elven fruit increases luck."

Arthur heard the whispered words of Nome, but he didn't care, but after carefully savoring Nome's words, he frowned.

Even the elves who have inherited the tree of life from generation to generation and who have studied the elven fruit the most are not sure whether it can increase luck, so it is really unknown whether the elven fruit can increase luck.

Of course, Arthur did not panic either

It’s good to be able to increase luck, but if not, he is not too entangled.

After all, it is still unknown whether things like luck can affect the system.

Moreover, being able to increase reaction speed, increase eyesight, and increase perception is enough for him to make this trip.

In his realm, even something that can only increase a little strength is precious.

"Regardless of whether the spirit fruit can increase luck or not, the only thing in the world that can be confirmed to increase luck is the lucky fruit. If the spirit fruit has no effect, then people should concentrate on finding the lucky fruit or those with fruit ability. Okay," Arthur couldn't help but murmur.


Then, after taking a deep breath, Arthur turned the topic back to the original question and continued to ask, "Then where should I go next?"

At this time, the surrounding fog is getting heavier and heavier. If you go blindly, you may get lost in the fog.

"Left forward to the left, and continue walking at about eleven o'clock," Noam said in a deep voice after closing his eyes and feeling it.

"The Heaven Breaker head towards eleven o'clock" Arthur listened to Noam's words, and without hesitation, he immediately ordered the Heaven Breaker.

"Yes, Your Majesty," said after the cold mechanical sound of Heaven Breaking Machine, "However, your Majesty's magnetic field here is extremely disordered, and there is a special substance in the air that I can't analyze, which affects my senses all the time. With radar, I can’t drive in a straight line accurately, so in order to avoid walking crookedly, please ask Noam to show me the way every half an hour.”

It can actually affect the sky breaking machine, making the sky breaking machine not even able to drive the boat

Arthur was a little surprised

You know, Heaven Breaking Machine is a machine

And it’s not the ordinary one, but Transformers

The magnetic field here can even affect Transformers

Surprised, Arthur still ordered to Nome, "I heard that Nome will wait for you to show me the way every half an hour."

Although Arthur did not understand why, he still knew what was the most important thing at the moment. It was nothing more than going to the Elf Kingdom first, so he directly ordered Nome.

As for what kind of substance it is, if you have time in the future, just study it.


Noam nodded.

These days he and Arthur were on the Heaven Breaking Machine. He was a little surprised when he talked about the Heaven Breaking Machine, but then he gradually became familiar with it. So when he was speaking at this time, he was not surprised

Time is flowing

Soon, three hours passed

At this moment, they are still in the mist

However, something happened

"Hey, what is that?" Arthur stood on the bow and stared, but found that not far in front of them, a tan, curved, and some tens of meters long. Stripes, things that look like tree roots, show their heads on the sea

"Oh, that is the root of the tree of life" Noam explained with a smile after looking at the brown roots in the distance.


Arthur asked in surprise, "Does this mean that we are going to the Elf Kingdom"

"Do not"

Nom shook his head and said, "The tree of life is but the people in the elven kingdom are not sure how big it is, but we can be sure that the largest tree in the world is just If you see the roots of the tree, at our current speed, at least five or six hours will be needed."

Five or six hours


Arthur couldn't help taking a breath

Although they were in the mist at this time, they were afraid of driving too fast and encountering things too late to escape. They didn't go fast, but they didn't go too slow

The Tiger Pirates who followed them all the time almost couldn't keep up

Under this circumstance, it still takes five or six hours to open, which can explain how big the so-called tree of life is.

But after thinking about it, Arthur's heart inevitably rises with anticipation.

What is the biggest tree in the world?

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