Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1128: Sengoku who took the blame and resigned!


The navy soldier reported truthfully, "Just now, the intelligence personnel below heard news that Ace was awake shortly after being taken away by the red-haired Shanks and others! He is currently heading to the original White Beard Pirates group. Hurry up!"

"Hahaha, that's great!"

Karp, who had been silent, his eyes lit up when he heard the news, and he laughed from ear to ear!

Ace is not dead!

This is a big surprise for Karp!

But after the three of Crane, Warring States, and Qing Pheasant looked at each other, they all fell silent!

This is good news for Karp, but not so good news for them!

They worked desperately. After sacrificing so many of their men and even two generals were almost broken, they finally killed White Beard, but you told me that the target of this execution, Ace, was not dead?

What a **** it is!

It's almost like a 60-point pass, but you got 59:5!

Although the main target of the Navy’s operation was White Beard, and White Beard was indeed dead, the main target of White Beard was only determined by the Navy. The foreign Navy announced the execution of Ace!

Now Ace is not dead. On the bright side, in the eyes of outsiders, it is the navy mission that has failed!

There was a long silence!


After taking a sip of water, the Warring States period said bitterly, "I will... take the blame and resign!"

Previously, the Sengoku resignation was only because of the guilt of so many navy deaths, but now it is to take responsibility!

Ace is not dead, it is a failure of the Navy on the bright side!

In this case, even if the world government knows what is going on, it must find an individual to stand up and take full responsibility for this time. Otherwise, it will not be easy to explain externally, internally, or to the participating countries!

"Warring States, you don't have to be like this!" He frowned and said.

"It's okay, I wanted to resign!" After the Warring States shook his head, he seemed to look away and smiled and said, "Let me take full responsibility this time!"

"What are your burdens? Let me do it!" Karp said with a grin.

"You old bastard, if you get a bargain, you still sell well!"

Listening to Karp's words, and looking at Karp's happy look, he just wanted to hit someone with a warring state spirit!

However, Karp did not pay attention to the words of the Warring States Period, and continued solemnly, "Ace is my grandson, and I should bear this responsibility for both reason and reason!"

After the Warring States rolled his eyes anger, he still said solemnly, "Don't talk nonsense, I was going to resign, this time I will come!"

"I'm coming!" Karp stood up and argued.

Karp doesn't want his friend to take responsibility.

"No, I'll come!" The Warring States also stood up, gritted his teeth and argued.

Karp didn't want his friends to take responsibility. How did the Warring States think?

"I come!"

"I come!"

"I come!"


In this way, the two were arguing constantly on the Marshal’s desk, and as time passed, the two argued more and more loudly, and their voices became louder and louder, until the two of them put their heads on their heads, viciously. Look at each other, let no one!

And seeing the two people seem to be fighting, the crane on the side couldn't see it!

She interrupted the two of them directly, and said angrily, "What are you fighting for, or else you two should bear it together?"

Originally, Crane was just a joke, not serious!

But I never thought that after hearing these words, Zeng Guo and Karp looked at each other, their eyes lit up, as if they had heard a good idea, and the crane agreed in unison, "Okay, that's it. Do it!"


This time, He was dumbfounded!

She never expected that one of her own jokes would take them seriously!

"Would you like to think about it again?" He looked at the two carefully and asked.

"No need, so be it!" The Warring States waved his hand, and refused without hesitation!

"Yeah, that's it! Just so many years have passed, and I want to retire too!" Karp said with a grin.

At the insistence of the two, He persuaded them a few more times, but in the end they did not stop them!

that's it!

The Warring States period reported the matter to the world government, took the responsibility on both of them, and made a request for resignation to the world government!

"Resign? No, you can't resign!"

In this regard, the world government naturally disagrees!

Not to mention that the Sengoku status is the marshal, and it is not his turn to assume responsibility, just say that the Sengoku is a general-level combat power, the world government does not want to let him go!

The same goes for Karp!

Even if Karp did a lot of wrong things this time, compared to his general-level combat power, the world government can selectively ignore those wrong things!

However, even if the world government objected, the two still insisted on resigning!

"Let’s do it... it’s better to resign. Since you don’t want to be a marshal, then be a navy inspector. You will be responsible for monitoring the illegal activities within the navy. Karp is the same. If you don’t want to do it, you can be a recruit. Coach, train recruits for the navy in the future!"

In the end, after the five old stars discussed, they gave Warring States and Karp such a compromise choice!

"Can you?" Warring States listened, and after covering the microphone with his hand, he asked Karp.

The choice given by the five old stars, the Warring States Period is actually a bit tempting!

Having been in the navy for so many years, he is really uncomfortable to withdraw from the navy!

And now the compromise choice given by the five old stars can be said to be the best choice!

The post of Chief Inspector of the Navy not only saves him from having to withdraw from the Navy, but also ensures that he has certain powers in the Navy, and he will have a lot of leisure in the future, so he does not have to worry about the development of the Navy all day long!


Karp thought for a while and agreed.

Like the Warring States period, he had been a navy for a lifetime, so if he were to withdraw from the navy like this, he really wouldn't be used to it!

And now that he has become a recruit coach, he has the best of both worlds!

Hearing Karp’s words, Zeng Guo nodded, and after he understood, he let go of the covered microphone and said in a deep voice, "Yes, that's it!"

After the two agreed, the five old star on the other side of the phone said again, "By the way, the Navy should be very busy this time, so the marshal needs you to take the post first, and then you can retire after a while when you are not busy! "


The Warring States nodded.

Right now the top war has just passed, and the entire navy is going crazy. Even if the Warring States period wants to retreat, it needs to pass this period of time.

"One more thing! If you are not a marshal, who are you going to recommend to the next marshal?" At this time, the five old stars on the other end of the phone asked again.

Since the Warring States period is not a marshal, a new marshal is naturally needed!

"Who recommend..."

The Warring States period murmured, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "If I must recommend it~www.ltnovel.com~I recommend the green pheasant!"

With that said, the Warring States period seemed to have thought of something embarrassing. After hesitating for a moment, he added with difficulty, "There are red dogs!"

The green pheasant is the most promising person in the Warring States period!

Their ideas are similar, and both of them are considered doves, so the Warring States period did not hesitate to recommend him!

However, for the red dog, the Warring States did not have a stick to kill!

Although Aka Inu's philosophy is different from his own, and his personality is completely different from him, the Aka Inu's ability and Warring States period are also in the eyes, so he also gave Aka Inu a chance!

As for the Yellow Ape among the three generals, the Warring States Period was decisively skipped!

Huang Yuan's salted fish philosophy of passing by is really not suitable for being a marshal!

In fact, Warring States also knew that even if he recommended it, Huang Yuan would not necessarily accept it, and might even shirk it!

After all, compared to the marshal, there are still fewer things for generals!

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