Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1127: The curtain falls, a genius of the age!

"The big event, the top war ends!" ! ! "-Le Monde!

"The death of the White Beard, the nearly sunk naval headquarters!" "-Chambord Islands Daily News!

"Navy disaster, the navy headquarters with heavy casualties! "-Chambord Islands Weekly News!

"Admiral Akinu is seriously injured and unconscious, his life is at stake! "-A place in the Great Waterway!

"Admiral Huang Yuan broke his arm! "-New World Somewhere News!


Not surprisingly, on the second day after the event ended, overwhelming news swept the entire sea!

"The White Beard, one of the four emperors, and his pirate regiment had such a big conflict with the navy, it is incredible!"

"The world is so big, there are no wonders!"

"The dignified admiral was seriously injured? I can't believe it!"

"Yes, General Huang Yuan has all broken his arm, it's really miserable!"

"Fortunately, the white beard died in the end!"


Everyone is discussing this matter.

Among them, the most discussed is the end of the red dog, the yellow monkey and the white beard!

As the highest combat power in the navy, the red dog and the yellow ape are undoubtedly the most eye-catching, and as the four emperors of the pirates, the white beard is also eye-catching, so they have received the most attention!


at the same time!

Murloc Island!

"Huang Yuan is really bad luck!"

Arthur looked at the latest news and couldn't help shaking his head and exclaimed.

He knew the fate of the Red Dog. After all, before he left, the Red Dog had already been beaten like this by White Beard, but the fate of the Yellow Ape was never expected by Arthur!

As the group of people with the highest speed in the Pirate World, Huang Yuan is facing an enemy attack, not to mention that he can dodge it, but it is no problem to evade 90% of it!

Even if the person who made this attack was White Beard!

But just after he left, in just a few minutes when the entire navy headquarters sank, Huang Yuan broke one arm. This is incredible!

Of course, incredible is incredible!

The facts are happening now, and Arthur can't tolerate it!

Furthermore, even if Arthur has not received the news from his subordinates yet, but combined with the scene before he left, he can guess the whole story of Huang Yuan's broken arm in all odds and ends!

It's nothing more than Ace "death"!

In Ace's "death", the red dog was the murderer and the yellow ape was an accomplice, and when the red dog had been sanctioned, it was normal for the white beard to choose to deal with the yellow ape instead!

And Huang Yuan may be in this situation because he was not careful, or because the white beard was too strong, he couldn't avoid it, and caused this end!

"With the technology of the world government, even if Huang Yuan's arm can no longer be connected, there should be no problem with replacing it with a prosthetic leg. It is estimated that the combat power will not be reduced much!" Arthur thought for a while and mumbled involuntarily.

A few years ago, after Zefa's arm was broken, it was connected with a prosthetic arm made by a scientist!

And since Zefa can prosthetic limbs, Huang Yuan can't be unreasonable!

Even with Huang Yuan’s current age and identity, maybe even better equipped!

At that time, not only will the combat power not decrease much, it may even increase!

In this way, Arthur looked at the newspaper, read the news articles, and finally set his sights on the death of Whitebeard!


Arthur sighed faintly and said, "Going to the top of the war, is this a farewell ceremony of the highest level?"

Although Whitebeard was killed by Arthur himself, Arthur still agrees with his strength!

Maybe he is not as strong as Arthur right now, but it is only a slight difference, and the strength of his family is actually trained, which is different from Arthur!

A normal person, the strength can catch up with Arthur's open wall, which shows how exaggerated Baibeard's talent is!

It can be said to be an era-level genius!

Unfortunately, it is the enemy!

If it is possible to subdue him, Arthur will definitely find ways to subdue him!

Provisional Navy Headquarters!

After the sinking of the naval headquarters, the naval branch base originally located in the Chambord Islands was temporarily changed to the naval headquarters to allow the navies to have a temporary office, and the navy that had not died after the war receive!

At this time, inside the Marshal's office!

Karp, Warring States, Crane, and Green Pheasant sat in the office, silent!

After being silent for a long time, the Warring States period made a hoarse voice and said, "After this time, I will resign from the position of Marshal!"

"What? Are you crazy in the Warring States period?" Crane couldn't help asking.

As for Karp and the green pheasant, although they did not speak, they frowned!

Neither of them thought that the Warring States would resign!

"I'm not crazy, I have taken serious consideration!" After shook his head, Zhan Guo said bitterly, "I don't think...I am not suitable for the position of Marshal!"

I won't talk about it in the past!

This time, there are too many dead navy!

One hundred thousand elite naval forces, but less than one tenth survived, that is, less than ten thousand, which made the Warring States have a slight doubt about their own capabilities!

In the case of advance preparation, the navy can suffer such heavy casualties, and his marshal is not qualified at all!

"How come? You are the heir appointed by Marshal Kong, if you are not suitable, who else is suitable? This time is just an accident..." After a few words of persuasion, He suddenly fell silent!

She knows the idea of ​​the Warring States!

As a good friend for many years, she knew exactly what character the Warring States period was!

But because of this, she was silent!

She knew very well in her heart that if the Warring States period had not made up his mind, then it would be absolutely impossible to say this!


Warring States shook his head, and after a trace of self-blame flashed in his eyes, he said nothing more!

"Marshal, this time it was actually Moonlight Moriah's fault. You really don't have to blame yourself!" Green Pheasant said with comfort.

Regarding everything Arthur did, the Navy also investigated the matter immediately afterwards, and it was basically clear...The loss of the Navy this time was probably caused directly or indirectly by Arthur!

If it weren't for the various things in the navy headquarters at the moment, and it was a little too busy, Arthur's vest, Moonlight Moria, would probably be revoked from Qiwuhai's status today, and the latest reward order would probably go down!

Of course, it's just a little later now!

"Morlia Moonlight is wrong, and I am also wrong!" Warring States did not deny Arthur's mistakes, but neither did he deny his own mistakes!

And just as a few people were talking ~www.ltnovel.com~ the door was knocked!


"Come in!"

Warring States said casually.


A navy soldier opened the door and walked in front of the Warring States Period. After a simple salute, he said anxiously, "Marshal, according to the latest information, Ace... is not dead!!!"


When this sentence came out, it was like a bolt from the blue, and the four people in the town's office were dumbfounded!

What the hell?

Ace is not dead?

They saw the body of "Ace" with their own eyes!

With a three-pointer unbelievable, three-pointer surprise, Karp asked uncertainly, "What did you just say... Ace is not dead?"

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