Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1062: Robin Black

"Above the King of Pirates (

How does it feel to become your own rival in a blink of an eye when facing a girl you once let go?

No one else knows!

Anyway, the feeling of the green pheasant is very complicated!

There is the kind of gratification of the elders watching the younger ones grow up, the regret of making an enemy with their own hands, and the guilt of letting Robin go!

However, the green pheasant is complicated, Robin is not complicated!

After hearing the words of the green pheasant, Robin looked at him with burning eyes, and said coldly, "Big? This is all thanks to your navy, thanks to your world government!"

As he said, Robin raised his voice several times, with a hint of resentment in his tone, and continued, "If it were not for your fear that our O'Hara study of history will expose the secrets of the world government, it will seriously hit the world government, If the possibility of subverting the world government and destroying our O'Hara with the Demon Slayer Order, how could there be who I am today?"

The green pheasant listened, silent!


It feels a bit familiar! ?

In the Water City Hotel, Arthur listened to Robin's words, touched his chin, his face looked inexplicable, but he felt a sense of familiarity in his heart!

After thinking about it, Arthur patted his head, and finally thought of why he felt familiar!

The tone of Robin's words is exactly the same as when he cheated!

and many more!

Recall what Robin said just now...

Isn't this just cheating people?

First of all, he is live broadcast, Robin knows this!

Secondly, although Robin didn't have much words just now, he also directly revealed a very important message-the historical text may subvert the world government!

As soon as this is said, people who are a bit ambitious in everything must collect historical texts!

When the time comes, once more people are collected, someone will always decipher it!

Well, although the world government always says that Robin is the last person in the world to be able to translate historical texts, there must be more than that!

Among other things, Robin has taught many people over the years in St. Martin!

Secondly, although O'Hara's scholars are well-known in the industry, there are no other scholars of the same kind in the industry!

Among these scholars, there are a few who know how to translate, and at most there are not as many scholars as O'Hara studying together!

Finally, the scholars of O'Hara did not all focus on O'Hara, and some went out to archaeology like Robin's mother. After O'Hara's accident, these people were hunted down by the world government, but Not all accidents happened, there were also a few wisely escaped without incident!

In addition to these people, there are also people in this world who know the content of historical texts without interpreting historical texts, such as Roger's experience!

All in all, if you want to decipher historical texts, there are many methods in this world, and some are people, not necessarily Robin!

In this case, once a major power or careerist obtains the historical text, it is likely to be deciphered and cause a major blow to the world government!

And Robin's behavior...

To put it bluntly, it is revenge, let more people know the existence of historical text, and share their own risks by the way!

Doesn't your world government want people to decipher historical texts?

it is good!

Then I want people to decipher, and let more people participate in deciphering!

Robin probably has this idea!

Once more people participate in the deciphering, the world government will not only stare at her to prevent her from deciphering historical texts, but also stare at other people in the world to prevent them from deciphering historical texts!

It can be said that she kills two birds with one stone by doing so, not only pitting the world government but also sharing the risk of herself!

Thinking about it, Arthur sighed faintly, "Robin broke his studies~"

Think about Robin, who was so innocent and innocent, how has it become like this now?

The surface looks bright and beautiful, but it is black after cutting!

Who did you learn this from? ? (Distressed.jpg)


Navy headquarters!

People used the video phone worm to send the live broadcast to the Warring States Period in his office. After hearing Robin's words, his heart jumped, and he felt bad at once!

What Arthur could see, and the Warring States Period naturally could see it too!

As soon as Robin's words fell, he immediately understood the consequences of Robin's words!

"Quickly, cut off all live broadcasts!" Warring States almost roared out.


The people under him were also unambiguous. After the Warring States' order was issued, they immediately started to act!


Chambord Island Plaza!

"Keep out of everything, keep out of everything!"

"All away!"

"These devices have been confiscated, and live broadcasts are not allowed. You guys should come with me too. I have something to ask you!"


A group of naval soldiers who had been waiting on the sidelines, after receiving the order from above, immediately drove away those who were watching the live broadcast, and detained the live broadcast equipment and the person in charge of the live broadcast!

"What is the Navy doing?"

"Why don't you let us watch the live broadcast?"

"Yes, why?"


The crowd is in an uproar!

However, the navy did not explain to them, and the attitude was even more vicious!

"Hurry up, if you don't leave, I will shoot!"

"Go away, go away!"

"Let me go, you know?"

"Explain? Would you like to send you to prison?"


In desperation ~www.ltnovel.com~ civilians can only leave with the navy expelled!

But the person left, but the heart stayed here, and the discussion continued!

"You said why did the Navy suddenly want us to leave? Wasn't it okay before?"

"Did you not hear Robin just now? What historical text records the possibility of subverting the world government...I think the Navy doesn't want this to leak out, right?"

"Wait, according to what you said, what Robin said is true. The historical text really has..."

"Shhh, don't go on, we only need to understand in our hearts!"


And the consequences of the navy's rude expulsion of people quickly became apparent---someone gradually believed what Robin said about the historical text!


The screen returns to the island of justice!

After the green pheasant was silent for a while, he raised his head to look at Robin and shook his head slightly.

Did not speak much!

next moment!


He bent his legs slightly, kicked suddenly, and rushed towards Luffy's group!


Just do it!

the other side!

Robin, who watched this scene, narrowed his eyes and quickly said to Luffy and the others, "Luffy, I may not take care of you later, those CP9 people can only teach you, you yourself Be careful!"

"Don't worry, we are the Straw Hat Adventure Group!" Luffy grinned and said confidently.

In response to this, Robin nodded silently, did not answer again, and ignored the others. After taking a deep breath, he bent his legs slightly, kicked hard, and rushed towards the green pheasant...

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