Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1061: Strong aid green pheasant

"Above the King of Pirates (

"There's nothing to talk about... Give the people to us, and we can return this Usopp!" Kalifa pushed his glasses and said calmly.

To be honest, if you can avoid conflict with Luffy, the people of CP9 don't want to!

After all, Karp is standing behind Luffy!

Therefore, if Luffy is willing to change, CP9 people don't mind using Usopp for Robin, and then put a straw hat and a group of others away!

Of course, CP9 people are willing, but Luffy and his party...

"I won't substitute my partner!!!" Luffy refused without hesitation!

"Everything else is easy to talk about, but this is the only one that doesn't work, change another!" Nami also immediately agreed!

Although Chopper, Sauron, and Sanji didn't say anything, they could also tell from their solemn expressions that they were unwilling!

Are you kidding me?

Their straw hats have never been the kind of people who betrayed their teammates!

This is the collective idea of ​​the Straw Hat Adventure Group!

"Grab Robin for me! If others stop him, do it! As long as the one named Luffy doesn't die, it doesn't matter if the others are dead!" At this time, Spandam stood up from CP9 , Pointed to Robin and said excitedly.

Since the boss has ordered this, what else is there to say?

Catch people!

The CP9 people listened to Spandam's words, their eyes gradually became serious!

next moment!

"Fruit awakens. Thousands of reds. A huge tree. The tree world is coming!"


Robin does it first! ! !

She folded her hands on her chest, her eyes condensed, and she directly used the fruit power!


In an instant, countless arms grew out of the ground, one on the palm of the other, overlapped, and soon formed a sea of ​​arms similar to the arrival of the tree world. Spandham, Rob Lu Qi and others are separated from the army behind them, and surrounded together!

At the same time, Usopp and Frankie, who were originally tied up, were pushed up by two of the arms that suddenly appeared, and then they were thrown directly toward Robin and his group. come!




There was no reaction in the audience. At this time, Usopp and Frankie had been thrown in front of Luffy and his party!

Luffy looked at the scene before him, and was startled at first, but then he reacted and said happily, "Robin, good job!"

"Great, I was rescued!" Nami was also very surprised!

Although Chopper, Sauron, and Sanji didn't say anything, the excited expressions on their faces proved everything!

They are also very happy!


When they were thrown over, Usopp and Frankie, who had been thrown a little awkwardly, also reacted immediately, struggling and looking very excited!

"Oh, oh, deceitful cloth, I'm here to help you untie the rope!" Seeing this, Chopper quickly reacted, and stepped forward to untie the ropes between Usopp and Frankie!

the other side!

While the people in straw hats were excited by the sudden change, CP9's face was not so good!

Damn it!

After finally taking the big hostages and the owner of the Pluto design, they were rescued in front of them. Where do they put their faces?

"Damn!!! Quick, quick, catch all these **** for me!" Spandam was even more excited and about to jump up!

What was it that was just rescued?

Usopp and Frankie?

Do not!



A lot of credit!

"Go!" Rob Lucky said coldly!

No hesitation!

After an order, seven people including Kaku, Gabra, Bruno, Lion Snuggle, Otome Owl, Kalifa and CP9 newcomer Hai Itachi Nero followed Rob Lucy and headed towards Luffy. People rushed over!

But immediately, they suffered a tragic blow!

Just from the name of Robin’s move, he knew that it was an imitation of Mu Dun. The Arrival of the Tree World, and the actual effect is similar to the Arrival of the Tree World!

However, imitating and imitating, flowers and fruits are not wooden fruits, nor wooden escapes!

So this move of the tree world has its own subsequent changes, such as...

"call out!"

When Rob Lucky and the others rushed towards Luffy and his group, this arm was like a tree world. A huge arm in the sea was like a whip, accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking through the air, directly towards the group. People smashed down!

"No good, flash!"


"Be careful!"


Rob Lucy and the others had a heartbeat, and quickly flashed to the side!

next moment!


After a loud noise, the place where Lu Qi and others were before was pulled out of a long ditch by the huge arm!

But it's not over yet!

After the first hit, countless huge arms slammed down at Rob Lucy and his group one after another.





Accompanied by a loud noise, CP9's except that Rob Lucy not only has the ability to dodge completely, but also can hide with Spandam, the others are more or less harmed!

Among them, Sea Ferret Nero and Otono Owl were beaten into meat sauce by huge arms that were smashed down by countless times after being unable to evade them once!

And seeing the people of CP9 is about to die here~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly, an extremely cold air rushed over not far away!

"Ice Age!"


Along with the crisp sound of icing, behind Luffy and the others, a biting chill came, and it swept in front of Luffy and the others, and the flower and fruit version of the tree world released by Robin came to all freeze. Up!

"The green pheasant! It must be the future of the green pheasant. This terrifying cold can never be wrong!" Bruno in CP9 suddenly became excited!

Seeing that he was about to be killed, suddenly there came a strong man who was considered to be a friendly side. What better and more exciting thing in this world?

Although the other surviving members of CP9 did not speak, the excitement in their eyes betrayed them!

Obviously, they are also happy for such a strong support from their side!


Then, as they expected, with the sound of the wheels turning, the familiar figure of the blue pheasant appeared on the bicycle!

"General Green Pheasant, you happened to be here. It is this group of people who attacked us and attacked the Judicial Island. Hurry up and catch them!!!" Spandam, who had survived the aftermath of his life, looked at the visitor, suddenly excited. Jumped up.

However, the green pheasant who just came out didn't pay attention to him!

After he parked his bicycle aside, the green pheasant slowly came to Lu Fei and his group, as if talking to himself and explaining, quietly said, "It was a pity that I was going to stop you on the road. Bad luck, missed it! But it doesn't matter, just see it now!"

As he said, the green pheasant focused his gaze on Robin, revealing a complicated look, and said, "Nicole Robin...Your changes over the years are really big~"

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