A Unique Hunter

Chapter 843: Leaving the Demon Seal

Cook was very excited, but Kelong said disapprovingly: "I have searched all over this place and there is a shit."

The golden dragon looked at Cook but didn’t move. Obviously he didn’t really believe in what Cook said. Cook ignored it and rushed straight down the passageway. It was blocked by a metal wall that suddenly appeared. You can see that the wall is falling from above. As for how thick it is, Cook is not very clear.

"I've found it here" Karon asked suspiciously

Cook said with a smile: "This is our misunderstanding of thinking. Who do you think will check the fallen metal wall. If you can't find it, it will be like forcibly breaking the wall. As long as it breaks open, who will look for it? If my guess is good, there must be something on the wall that fell."

After Cook finished speaking, he immediately picked up the thunder-tooth composite metal wall like mud. Kalong and the golden dragon looked at them and were shocked. The golden dragon was even more enthusiastic and cried out in his heart: "Artifact artifact"

Seeing Cook’s Thunder Tooth Golden Dragon screaming in his heart, Karon’s mind was not so heavy. Karon asked Cook with a smile: "What kind of equipment is this great?"

"Advanced Mageweave Equipment" Cook answered without turning his head. Soon, Cook dug a big hole in the composite metal wall and Cook also dug a step look.

Cook's excavation took at least another hour. Of course, Cook's physical strength did not have the slightest burden on this. For more than an hour, Cook has excavated an upward step that can accommodate people to pass. It can be said that the metal wall that partitions the step is extremely thick. It has been more than ten meters. Obviously this thing is to isolate the fluctuation of the elements below

The height of the downward steps is a full 15 meters. Cook keeps digging a piece of metal that has been cut and is thrown into the natural ring by Cook. This thing is more profitable than mining. It is not that Kalong and the golden dragon do not hold Cooke. The slightest confidence that the golden dragon is searching around the hall again is obviously unwilling

Kalong don't look at a lazy appearance. In fact, the ears are almost erected. Kalong jumped up without warning and rushed directly into the cave dug by Cook. The golden dragon heard the noise and rushed over when he saw Kalong. After disappearing, the ugly face also rushed in

Cook looked at the dark space, but the dark space is not black in Cook's eyes. It's like a huge well. There are huge traces on the side wall like gears. Obviously this is. Control the downward momentum of the huge metal gate

Before Cook thought about what to do, Kalong came up from the hole he had just dug, followed by the golden dragon, and looked suspiciously at Cook and Kalong.

"I haven't moved yet" Cook said with a shrug.

"Go", the golden dragon took the lead to fly, and the whole person shot at the well head like a cannonball

Kalong is not to be outdone, but Cook did not move the lich. It’s not that ordinary people certainly won’t be as simple as they thought. Cook searched it carefully. This huge gate is more than ten meters square. Cook searched one by one, but Did not find any doubtful places

Kalong and the Golden Dragon also came down. Kalong shook his head and said, "The above is also a composite metal wall."

"Why don't you search carefully" Jinlong asked

Cook shook his head and said, "If you search, I will consider that this lich will definitely not be so simple to put things in it. Everyone has seen such a thick composite metal wall. If there is no weapon in my hand, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to get out. Up"

"This **** thing" Karon scolded bitterly but still searched carefully

Cook thought about the problem. Cook imagined himself as a lich who wants to put such a key thing as a phylactery. Little by little, Cook first delineated a range, but this range is not easy to delimit first. Demonstrate the strength of the lich

But then Cook became dumb again. If he thinks with his own thinking, Cook, who is definitely not the same as the result, finds that he only needs to grasp a little. That place is the safest and most overlooked place. Cook remembers the hall little by little. Scenario

"Bang the **** place" Kalong came down and stomped fiercely at the clad metal gate with a thud.

When Cook's eyes lit up, he immediately went down from the hole just dug, and then Cook started digging from the gate to the lower passage. Kalong and the golden dragon looked at each other and felt helpless, thinking about not staying with Cook, in case the servant found the regret medicine. But nowhere to eat

The two of them looked helplessly as Cook kept digging in Karon and couldn't help but ask; "Cook, you are sure about this several times, but every time it fails, I think this is also dangerous."

"If you don't try and see what to do, don't you just let go of that lich? You don't want to find it. If you don't want to find it, I will dig this out. You can go" Cook replied, buried

Kalong and the Golden Dragon both shook their heads, and the Golden Dragon said in an angry tone: "Cook, you didn't know that the place did this on purpose."

"I deliberately used it deliberately. Just now I promised that some people in Karon are still suffering." Cook replied disdainfully.

Kalong did not speak. Obviously he also had doubts in his heart. Cook didn’t explain more about it. Believe it or believe it or not. The Golden Dragon and Kalong can’t do anything about it.

After a while, Cook digs down the stairs. When Cook waved Thunder Teeth several times in succession, Thunder Teeth clearly felt that he was not under any force. Cook kept moving under his excitement, so an underground space appeared in front of Cook. But this time Kalong and the golden dragon did not follow, Cook quietly issued the order, and jumped down. Cook quickly crawled back and the hole that Cook dug was not very big.

"How is it that there is no gain?" Karon asked immediately when he saw Cook climb up.

"Nothing found" Cook quickly climbed out, turned around and went down again after speaking. Kalong and the Golden Dragon rushed down immediately. This time the Golden Dragon ran ahead.

With a bang, Cook jumped into the secret room and then climbed up to Cook's clothes smoothly. Cook lifted up a scroll to tear up a huge suction force and directly sucked up the dust inside.

The golden dragon looked at Cook suspiciously and then carefully looked at the secret room. This secret room has seven to eight hundred square meters. The two sides of the secret room are full of metal shelves.

Bang Golden Dragon saw a thing, squinted his eyes and rushed towards that thing, but was blocked by Cook directly. Cook smiled and said, "Don't worry, Karon hasn't come down yet."

"Hum" Golden Dragon snorted coldly and was about to do it, but Kalong had already fallen into the secret room in just one second

"Why do you want to swallow it alone?" Kalong had already stretched his head out of the hole just now, seeing Cook blocking the Golden Dragon, now staring at the Golden Dragon with unkind eyes.

"Karon's thing is very important to our giant dragon clan..." The golden dragon said without looking at him.

"Hum, the dragon family, is it you who has the final say" Kalong replied angrily

Golden Dragon was also angry and asked: "What do you say?"

Karon was also stunned by the question. Yes, what should I do with this kind of thing that is against the sky? The two of them stood in a stalemate there. Cook saw this and said, "It's better to destroy it."

"No," the two dragons said immediately at the same time

"Well, you decide for yourself the other things first. I will pack them up." Cook said while looking at the things on the surrounding metal shelves.

"No" Kalong and the Golden Dragon said at the same time again

"No way, I just took it, what can you do" Cook smiled

Karon looked at Cook and said, "Cook did it."

Dong Kalong's abrupt start rushed to the golden dragon and said loudly

Cook did not stop and hurriedly rushed past many things on the metal shelf and was swept away by Cook, and then Cook stared at the most conspicuous middle of the entire secret room, a complex transformation magic pattern formation in this magic pattern formation. There is a transparent thing resembling a crystal ball in the middle and a black wood carving beside the crystal ball

"Karon, you bastard, **** it" The golden dragon was hit hard by the eighteenth of Kalong's clothes. This fast and too late play made the golden dragon too late to react. Wait until the golden dragon reacted and Cook was close to that. It’s something like a crystal ball, the golden dragon is furious, and the entire chamber is immediately enveloped by a layer of gold

In the metal domain, Cook did not expect the golden dragon to come to this trick. Cook looked at the crystal ball that was only one meter away from him, his body broke out in vindictiveness.

"Hum" Golden Dragon snorted and then the whole person disappeared in front of Kalong and appeared in a place that looked like a crystal ball.

"Asshole don't think you have a realm" A touch of black appeared in the middle of the golden realm. Kalong's body was a bit slower than the golden dragon

The golden dragon reached out and grabbed something like a crystal ball. At this time, the green on Cook's body instantly expanded to a verdant vine and rolled directly towards the golden dragon's hand. The golden dragon saw the verdant branch rushing to his hand. The golden dragon had to avoid it. The verdant vine is like the verdant branch like a deadly poisonous snake

"Hey" Karon saw a chance and immediately reached out to that thing

But the next moment, the golden dragon kicked Kalong's body and the hand that was stretched out was empty.

"Natural garbage" Golden Dragon saw the vines released by Cook's entire hand as if it was smeared with a layer of rich golden yellow and immediately condensed to the front of the hand, like countless sword auras, and directly cast Cook's green vines. Chopped into countless pieces

"Puff" Cook was spouted by this shock. This is no longer a simple attack, but a collision in the field. Although Cook is also very powerful, he has just been promoted without the veteran nobleman like the Golden Dragon.

The hand of the golden dragon directly grabbed something like the crystal ball in the middle of the magic pattern. Kalong saw this scene and gritted his teeth and kicked the golden dragon's hand.

When Cook saw this scene, his vindictiveness skyrocketed again, and the entire field of green vines expanded again. Cook also smashed the golden dragon's hand with a fierce punch.

"Puff" Cook's fist and Kron's foot between the electric light and flint hit the golden dragon's hand fiercely. All three of them were stunned.

The golden dragon stretched out his palms in astonishment. The inside of his hand was full of crystal clear powdery things. Cook and Kalong were also stunned.

"Bang" the golden dragon was shocked and slammed into the wooden statue next to it. But what was shocking was that the golden dragon did not break the statue.

"Break it for me" The golden dragon was taken aback and then a golden sword slashed directly at the wooden statue. The wood statue was hit by the force of the golden dragon in the concentrated area, but it was only split with a big hole.

Cook reacted and shouted loudly: "What are you doing?"

"Huh, everyone, don't think about it." The moment the golden dragon spoke, the statue was cut into filaments by countless golden swords. That's not even the whole secret room. There is a metal storm. Cook and Karon are no problem, but on the ground. The magic pattern circle and the surrounding shelves have turned into powder

Cook and Karon looked at each other, and then Cook took the lead out of the secret room and Karon sighed: "Hey, I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Yes" Cook is also a little frustrated

The Golden Dragon also came out afterwards, and his face became even more embarrassing. Kalong said with a sneer: "Old guy, you have waited so many years for this result."

"Hey" Golden Dragon is even more frustrated. I didn't expect to wait until this time to be such a result.

Cook looked at Karon and the Golden Dragon and said, "Let's go, I also want to see the phylogeny of the Lich.

"The soul crystal is actually the best soul crystal." The golden dragon looked at the powder in his hand. Even the hardest soul crystal could not bear being hit by the strongest in two domains. The reason why the golden dragon has not left on this plane for so long I'm just thinking about this stuff, but who knew it would be the result?

Cook used Thunder teeth to excavate and finally dug through the composite metal gate. Cook took the lead to drill out and Kalong and the Golden Dragon followed.

The golden dragon looked at Cook and said with a smile: "See you Cook in the sanctuary"

Then the Golden Dragon took the lead to leave Kalong and look at Cook. Cook was a little surprised. There were dozens of teammates who followed him. Cook asked Karon: "What do you do now?"

"I also want to see if there are any good things left behind" Karon said with a smile

"Hehe I'm leaving here. There are dozens of teammates. I don't know if these guys are in any danger." Cook left with a smile.

After watching Cook's departure, Kalong followed for a while, convinced that Cook had left Karon and then turned his head back to the secret room and searched it. The golden dragon also appeared while searching in Karon.

"Hmph" Golden Dragon looked at Kalong and snorted coldly

"Hmm, old fellow, you're not leaving yet" Karon said angrily

The golden dragon ignored Kalong's careful search, but the two found nothing. The golden dragon asked, "Kalong, did you say that Cook did any tricks?"

"Ghost" Karon also thought about it

"Yes, after all, he found out first," the golden dragon nodded, seeing Kalong no objection

Karon shook his head: "I don't believe that Cook is very greedy for money, but if you think so, you are wrong. The greedy for money will give me such a good Mageweave officer equipment. It is impossible for Cook to take away. Because that would be an enemy to our entire clan of dragons. I don’t think Cook would be so stupid."

"Not necessarily humans are very cunning" Jinlong looked at Kalong in surprise, but didn't expect Kalong to have such a side.

"Human beings are cunning, but human beings are also very self-aware," Karon replied irritably.

"I don't believe in humans" Golden Dragon said affirmatively, shaking his head

Karon rolled his eyes and said, "What can you do if you don't believe it, and call the door?"

The Golden Dragon also sighed and then asked: "Then the thing just now is indeed what the Demon Race controls our dragon."

"The material is made of the best soul crystal, and the statue next to it is also a statue of the demon and it is an item from the time of the war between gods and demons. I think the phylactery of the lich must be correct," the golden dragon said

Karon said in a maddening voice: "I will tell you that Cook is still a very good item from the war between gods and demons and is still so hard. You have to use the power of the domain to attack with all your strength to break Cook's hand. There must be no such thing"

"I hope what you said is true" Jinlong said a little while ago

"Hey old guy, don't worry, Nasha has me to take care of," Karon said with a smile

"Hmph, if you dare to embarrass Nasha, I will tear you alive unless you never come to the sanctuary" Golden Dragon snorted and left Kalong, shrugged and followed behind.

After Cook came out through the Demon Seal and found that his teammates were actually in Lina, he was even more worried and asked Cook: "If you don't come out, Cook, I will go to you."

"It's okay to be delayed for a while" Cook said comfortingly

West Asia also asked with concern: "Is Cook injured?"

"Don't go, there is nothing left in this place" Cook said with a smile from the corner of his mouth. Cook emptied everything that could be emptied inside.

Kalong and the golden dragon in the seal of the devil walked to the huge statue space. Kalong looked at the dark passage and asked, "Old man, how do you know this is a trap"

"It's not the trap that Cook had eaten enough to open a hole next to him and all the water rushed in" Golden Dragon said angrily

Karon looked at the passage under the huge statue and asked, "Are there any good things in it?"

The Golden Dragon was also a little moved, looking at the channel and thinking about it. Kalong saw the Golden Dragon immediately saying: "Or let's take a look."

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