A Unique Hunter

Chapter 483: The truth about the war between gods and demons

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? If it wasn't for Laozi pleaded with you, you've been tortured to death, the old thing, I told you that if it wasn't for Nasha's sake..." Karon jumped up when he heard this.

Cook looked at Karon and said, "Karon, I'm sorry. I am very curious, but I am very curious, or you will feel wronged."

"Cook this matter to me, hum, I want to see how old the old guy still has some strength." Kalong is so angry that he saved you by himself, but now he wants others to beat me and you are a jerk.

"Hmm, let me see what a guy like you can do to me." The golden dragon sneered and stood up. The wound on the golden dragon's body was actually healed. The golden dragon itself was so angry.

"Cough, don't forget Karon is my friend" Cook reminded him with a cough

Kalong's eyes lit up when he heard Cook say this: "Yes, I should beat this old guy in the future, the old guy can't fight back."

"If you don't admit that you have this friend, I will tell you this big secret" Golden Dragon tempted to Cook.

Karon watched Cook playing the drums in his heart. Cook smiled and said: "This is a good idea. It's a good idea, but I still have the easiest way."

"Cook, you, you..." Karon immediately got anxious when he heard that Cook actually moved.

"Good Cook, if you admit that I still have a baby for you." The golden dragon looked at Kalong and wanted to eat meat from Kalong.

"That's me and Karon beat you together and you can't fight back because of the vows. Would you say that if you say this?" Cook said with a smile after a while

"You You" Golden Dragon was blushing with Cook's anger, and his neck was thick. If his eyes could kill, Cook and Karon would have been killed countless times by his eyes.

The golden dragon sneered when he saw the appearance of Cook and Karon and said, "Well, I will tell you this secret, but after listening to this secret, I am afraid that you will all be chased by the gods in the future."

"I don't believe in the pursuit of the gods" Cook said, shaking his head

"After listening, you will know what your so-called gods are," Golden Dragon said with a cold snort

Both Cooke and Karon quietly listened to the Golden Dragon to sort out their thoughts and then said: "The battle between the gods and demons hundreds of thousands of years ago was the battle between the gods and the demons.

"The Demon Race is the race you see with a one-horned head. This race is called Demon Race. It is not a devil-like race, but this race is naturally gifted with magic. It can be said that the people of the worst Demon Race are better than the current ones. The magical talents of human geniuses. The demons are also the rulers of the entire world. The demons are nobles. All other races are slaves. Dwarves act as blacksmiths. Gnomes act as engineers. Giants act as construction workers. Titans are just guards. Wings are messengers who send messages. The farmer, our dragon, is a mount domesticated by the demons, and the orcs are just the failures of the fighting races studied by the demons. At that time, humans were the lowest and the lowest humans' combat power could not be compared to any of the above races. It can be said that the so-called angels are like livestock. It’s just a fighting race created by the demons.” The Golden Dragon stopped after speaking for a while.

Karon exclaimed: "How could this be?"

Cook was also shocked that there was so much complexity in it. Cook then asked: "Then why did the demons perish?"

"Hehe the demise of the demons is the self-seeking demons who have enslaved all races for millions of years. Countless dwarves have died in the mines. Countless giants have been exhausted while building huge projects. Countless elves have been treated as demons. Dance girls bullying dragons have also become mounts for competition. Orcs are gladiators on the arena. Numerous races are enslaved by demons. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, an elemental storm came and the elemental storm made the demons’ combat effectiveness plummet because of the elements. Storm magic elements are difficult to absorb. The magic that the demons are proud of is greatly reduced. The first to rebel is the angel stationed in the sky city. Because of the decline of magic power, the fighting race of angels loses control, so the war between gods and monsters begins. Human dragons have participated in the battle, which lasted for tens of thousands of years. These races and demons have suffered heavy casualties. Our dragon lost tens of millions of dragon’s lives in this battle. Dwarf dwarf elves are as fertile as our dragons. The fertility of humans is very low. Orcs don’t have to think about it, because neither dwarves, dwarves, nor elves like the combination of orcs, orcs, and humans, so our races are ready to let humans multiply our offspring, but we failed because The human beings born in this way are still very low in combat effectiveness, and occasionally there is a high talent," the golden dragon continued.

Karon and Cook looked at each other and the golden dragon continued: "We don’t think that the battle is still going on. The battles on both sides have reached the culmination. The countless mountains have been smoothed by powerful attacks. The countless planes have been broken into pieces. The stars have fallen. The gradual disappearance of the storm, the demon thought that the elements were restored, but did not expect the elements to become thinner. The demon was desperate and the coalition forces of the other races were excited. What's more, there are winged angels, but angels can reincarnate as long as the bright jade is actually the core of the soul without damage, but other races are not so good."

The golden dragon paused and said: "What we haven't noticed is that although human beings are rarely born strong, it is almost one in a billion to reach the height of strong, but we ignore that our dragon needs a minimum of 1,500. There is basically only one year and how many offspring will a human couple have in 1,500 years. Humans are very cunning and treacherous. Humans were in charge of logistical work at that time. So as long as we conquer a place, we will send humans out to garrison and wait until our coalition forces defeat the demons. At the moment, humans showed their fangs, dwarves, dwarves were driven to remote mountains, orcs were driven to the plateau, the dragons were expelled from the mainland, even the angels at the time had to retreat. As for the Titan giants, all logistics materials were occupied by humans. Because of this, a large number of people of the dead wing people have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and the wing people have almost become extinct. This is also the reason why humans have a bad relationship with other races."

Cook looked at the golden dragon and asked in surprise: "No more."

"I want to know what you should know now that you will be chased by the gods in the future, because you know which gods were just humble slaves before," the golden dragon said loudly and looked very excited.

Cook rolled his eyes and said: "Your brain is sick, the winner is king. This is no simpler truth, just like those great empires competing for the throne, do they care about others' opinions?"

"Gods who have face will definitely not let you go" Jinlong shook his head and shouted.

"Don't be passionate, I think these gods dare to fight, dare to fight against the demons. This is the true warrior. If you let others oppress, it will be no face." Cook replied in an angry voice.

"It's impossible, impossible, that those gods will definitely kill you," the golden dragon roared

"Tsk tusk, I think you are crazy. So the thing that the lich held in his hand like a crystal ball is the magic item that controls your dragon." Cook sighed and asked.

Kalong and the golden dragon looked at Kalong and said, "Cook, I hope you can destroy this thing by then."

"Of course this thing is not being chased by the entire dragon family when you hold it in your hand, but I'm wondering what this crystal ball is capable of controlling your dragon," Cook said awe-inspiringly.

But Kalong and the Golden Dragon are obviously a little worried. The Golden Dragon gritted their teeth and said: "Karon, as long as you **** the thing that the Lich took back, I will mate Nasha to you."

"Cook, Cook, Cook, my life-long happiness depends on you." Kalong is not an idiot. Regarding racial interests, Golden Dragon and Kalong are in the same camp.

Cook didn’t know the thoughts of these two guys, but Cook couldn’t let these two guys together. Cook rolled his eyes and said, "Karon, I swear with my soul that I won’t take that thing, but you’re the one. If you get that thing, you still need this old guy to promise you to give the order directly."

Cook's suggestion made Karon very heartwarming and muttering to himself: "Looks like Nasha's mother is also a beauty."

"Karon don't believe that human beings are very cunning" The golden dragon hurriedly draws in Kalong

But Kalong said irritably: "People Cook has vowed to do what you want. I think it is the best thing to keep in me. As a dragon, I will not harm my people." Of course Kalong I want to find more beautiful dragon girls

Cook smiles in his heart. In a place like this, you can't let the two dragons stand together, or it will be over. As for Cook's oath, cough and cough, I can’t use my big mouth, Linasya, can’t these be used?

"Baribali" Cook looked around and shouted loudly

"Stop making trouble, I'm going to bed too" Barry's voice came from Cook's body

"Where is Barry Lich's phylactery" Cook asked quickly

"Didn't the Lich Lich have been eliminated?" Barry asked suspiciously.

Cook immediately explained: "What we have destroyed is only the outer soul body, and the soul source is placed in another place. As long as enough soul particles are absorbed again, the lich can recover."

"The undead is okay, okay, we will recover it again in the future. We will get him one time. I have absorbed too much energy this time, so I will fall asleep. But in a place like this, the soul body will not be too far away. Find it yourself Asleep" Barry said excitedly

Cook profusely slandered in his heart: "When you are cutting leeks, you have to grow a stubble and harvest a stubble. You must know that this lich will take many, many years to wake up, but it is also possible to kill the spirit of Warcraft. Dissipation means I don’t know if this Lich Phylogeny can be absorbed by then."

Cook just said that it’s impossible, but under normal circumstances, the place where there are many soul particles must be the place where the creatures die. At most, it is similar to the place of the battlefield. When Cook’s heart moves, I will see if the phylogeny can absorb energy. If it is, it's just a piece of equipment that can refine soul crystals at any time

Cook thought of this and said: "I will discuss with you for a while the thing that can control your dragon and give you other things is my responsibility."

Kalong is thinking about the famous beauty of the dragon family. When the time comes, she will get something and direct her orders. It means she thinks of her happy life in the future. Kalong's saliva will flow down. Kalong heard Cook say this and immediately replied: " it is good"

"I don't have any problems." The golden dragon had a bad feeling in his heart when he saw Kalong's appearance, and decided to grab that thing later. There is that thing Dragon God is a fart.

Cook saw that his distribution plan was passed in this way and was very pleased to say that the thing that controls the dragon is too hateful and that the lich is not transformed from the demon god. It must have the details of this thing, of course it can be obtained. it's the best

The three men each have their own ghosts, and they are all guarding against Cook, and the Golden Dragon is united, and the Dragon is guarded against Cook. He does not give himself and guards against being taken by the Golden Dragon and the Golden Dragon also guards against Cook not giving things and guarding against things Go to Krona like that, the dragon family must never have peace. The poisonous dragon is notoriously abducted.

The three people searched very tacitly. The funny thing is that the three people actually searched together, and they all became vigilant. Whoever gets the thing first will definitely do it.

The entire hall is very messy. The surrounding composite metal walls have been deformed by the impact of the previous battle. The dead body of the green dragon on the ground. The undead fire in the skull of the undead skeleton has not been extinguished. Sometimes people walk by and bite.

Kalong and the Golden Dragon ignored Cook but kept collecting and sealing them with magic seals. Cook prepared to make a powerful weapon. The skulls of these skeletons are extremely hard. This is the peak of the sanctuary. The problem is that this tooth mouth is no worse than the magic pattern equipment. Imagine being eaten by hundreds of these skeletons.

Kalong and the Golden Dragon did not care about Cook. After all, the head of the undead skeleton is of no use to them.

After searching for a circle, the three of them didn't find anything. Karon couldn't help but ask: "Couldn't this Lich's phylactery be here?"

"It is impossible that this composite metal wall can hinder mental power and so can also hinder the soul, so the phylactery must be in this hall," Jinlong said immediately.

"I think this phylogenetic must be in the most overlooked place for us," Cook said with certainty.

Kalong looked at it and said: "There are obviously supporting pillars on the ground of the statue."

"Check the ground and see if there are any hidden doors," Cook said. Then the three of them used their weapons to knock on the ground one by one.

After several hours, the statues on the supporting pillars on the ground were beaten, but Cook looked at the surrounding composite metal wall: "It's impossible to be inside the wall."

"It's possible" Kalong and Golden Dragon are both eyes bright

So the three people began to beat the composite metal wall. The wall area is very large. Moreover, there is a place where the undead skeletons are hidden. The three of them are tired to death. This is a wall tens of meters high.

"I think the Lich's phylogeny is definitely not here" Karon said disappointedly, the Golden Dragon was also a little anxious.

Cook carefully walked around in the hall and looked at it one by one: "The support column has passed the wall, the statue has passed the ground, and this has been carefully searched."

The scalp that Cook thought was aching, but he didn’t think of where he was watching Cook walking around. He said irritably, “Don’t leave Cook and leave no clue. I think we might as well go out and look for it. Other places are right. How to open the passage that came down just now"

"It's a big deal, just cut it open, we haven't searched for the passage yet" Cook replied in an angry voice, but then immediately jumped up. There are half of the steps where the passage is not only steps, but also the walls on both sides and ceilings. It is extremely easy to overlook

Kalong and the Golden Dragon immediately jumped up when they heard Cook say this, and then ran to the passageway. The steps, walls and ceiling were carefully checked, but they did not find three people. Check again, and there is no Kalong to Cook booth. Spread hands

"I don't believe it. There is no lich in it. It will cost a lot to penetrate those composite metal walls," the golden dragon said bitterly with a fist on the wall.

Cook pondered for a while and said, "Or let's try using water to see if there is a gap in any place. The lich can pass through a small gap in the soul body."

"Good" Kalong and Golden Dragon both agreed

Cook directly took out the water magic crystal and began to arrange the magic circle that produces water, but the water magic crystal was slowly losing the elements inside. Cook saw this and said: "There is no water. There is a seal of the magic god."

"Then what should I do? The **** Demon Seal is too strong. Such a thick composite metal wall can't stop it," Kalong yelled.

When Cook heard this, his inspiration flashed and immediately said: "I know where the Lich Phylogram is, it's really safe enough."

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