A Unique Hunter

Chapter 820: Little beautiful exposure

PS: Cough, everyone, don’t think that Ryan’s trip to the sea clan is an inevitable friendship. Reminder: If there are no conflicts within the sea clan in the Moragan Desert, how can Cook know what is underneath?

Cook laughed loudly and the surrounding sea people had long since disappeared. The lively scene just watched before suddenly became deserted, but what is surprising is that the water elements on the sea surface were shattered by a cold snort just now. So there’s nothing moving where Cook and others are standing

"You are Cook" a figure floating in the air looking down at Cook and others

"I am who you are" Cook asked, looking at the figure

"I am the king of Nashen tribe, the father of Nagu," Bangna replied proudly looking at Cook

Cook patted his head and said, "I'm sorry I never heard of you"

"Puff" Sia and the others immediately laughed. Cook's words are too annoying. You should know that the only big tribes that can be called kings in the sea clan are the big tribes that dominate the side.

"How can an ant like you know me?" Helped that cold snort and said sarcastically

"What do you want me to do? If you have something to say, just let it go." Cook asked with pain when he saw this guy's arrogant appearance.

"You'd better leave immediately, otherwise I don't guarantee what will happen next." Bangna's face was pale, but Bangna knew that this was not his site, this was Quiqi's site, otherwise Bangna had asked someone to chop Cook into meat. Sauce

Cook laughed and didn't even look at the helper, and then replied: "Old guy, this is what I said to you. Don't think you will be afraid of you if you rely on the old and sell the old."

"Ivis here" helps the hands that were irritated by Cook trembles, but after all, Bangna is the king of one side, and there is still some tolerance.

"I'm sorry," Ivis, holding Cook's arm, looked at Bang Na and replied

Help that really got really hot now and shouted loudly: "Quiqi, our agreement is still not counted."

"Haha, what promise?" Quiqi asked rhetorically with a smile when he walked out of the big boat on Cook's side.

"Quiqi, is this the answer you gave me today?" When he heard Quiqi's words, his face was gloomy and could drip water

Kuiqi looked at Bangna and said, "I won't interfere with the marriage of Bangna King Ivis."

Hearing this, Cuxia and the others immediately rolled their eyes. Who was the one who was looking for someone to be responsible? Ivis nodded fiercely.

"Ivys, my Nasen tribe has soldiers and thousands of strong people, is it not as good as this thing with no tail" Nasen pointed to Cook and asked Ives

Cook didn't care at all, but when he heard Bangna's words, he immediately asked loudly: "You old thing, you don't have a tail or a tail...it's not right."

Cook was just about to scold someone, knowing that Ivis was by the side and dragging Cook fiercely, Cook immediately knew that Ivy was still a fish tail and did not say anything decisively

"I just like Cook for helping that uncle" Ivis replied respectfully

Helped that face with a cold snort: "I'll help that remember well."

"From now on, our two tribes will never talk to each other, and there will still be humans. You better pray that I won't let me meet you again" shouted to Cook that angrily

Cook asked Quiche in a low voice, "You said if we kill this guy, will we have trouble"

"It's okay to kill, but it's not your fault if you have trouble." Quiqi said I supported your approach

Cook knew that there was something hidden in it, so he didn’t say anything, but Cook said to Lina: "Lina has a way to track this guy?"

"Yes" Lina just said a word and Cook didn't speak anymore

Help Na see that Na Gu was seriously injured. It is because that Gu was unlucky and fell directly on a sea clan shop selling snails. Although the snails are not very powerful, but Cook’s power is too great, even if Na Gu gets better, I am afraid that he will act in the future. Will be affected

"Humans remember that I called Bang, you humans just wait for my revenge," Bang Na gritted his teeth at Cook when he saw his son.

"You..." Cook really wants to kill this old guy directly, but this will cause damage to Ivy's tribe

Cook's face was full of dissatisfaction. Who is Cook now? Is a person with status and status? No matter how you put it, the chairman of the plane alliance is actually threatened by a sea clan.

"Okay, don't be angry, Cook. I've arranged everything." Quiche patted Cook on the shoulder with a smile.

"It's fine if it's arranged." Cook immediately felt relieved when he heard the old guy Quiche say this.

I don’t know that Quiche’s next sentence made Cook almost fall to the ground: "Yes, I have arranged everything, you just need to execute it."

"You..." Cook was speechless when he heard these words. It's like someone treats to dinner and eats. Others say I treat you to pay.

"Don't worry, don't worry" Quich said quickly when he saw Cook's appearance, and winked at Ivis

"Cook, don't you know that this group of jealous of our snow sugar trade is that we have to divide him 30% of the profit, but this guy does not give up and wants to occupy half of the share. We have no way to talk about how our tribe is so small, how can we contend with Nasen? "Tribe" Ivis hurriedly acted like a baby to Cook

Cook snorted and said, "Well, talk about the plan."

Kuiqi invited Cook and others to the center of the sea clan gathering place. Cook was surprised that there are huge plants here. These plants are hundreds of meters high. The roots of huge plants are entangled with each other and cover several kilometers. width

"This is really a magical place." Cook looked at the surrounding lush big trees and the intertwined roots of the trees were huge hollows. The maids of the sea clan shuttled back and forth and put things on a table. Floating on the water, Cook sang the sun and said in admiration

"Hehe, I don't know where these trees are floating from there. I looked at the place and directly ordered others to drag it over, but the place was a little smaller," Kuiqi said with a smile.

"How big is a small way" Cook asked with a smile like this

"Hundreds of square kilometers" Cook was shocked by this number and almost fell into the water

"It's okay to be smaller." Quiqi looked at Cook's expression and smiled in his heart because Quiche knew Cook had a way.

"There are only so many things, you can figure it out by yourself" Cook threw a bottle of life essence directly to Quiqi

"How do you use this" Quiche asked when he took it in his hand and opened the bottle.

"It just fell on the roots behind you" Cook replied after taking a bite of the fish fillet comfortably.

"Oh" Quiqi really fell directly on the root of the tree

"Get out of Windsor." Cook saw that Quiche really fell on the roots of the tree. Cook jumped up immediately. If these plants grow wildly, they will have great power.

"What are you shouting... That **** is such a waste of life essence, idiot, stupid" Windsor was screamed by Cook with an unhappy face. You must know that Windsor grows extremely fast in natural space, but when he sees the wildly growing plants below, he immediately yelled.

"This is..." But this is not a shock. The shock is the figure behind Windsor.

"Damn" Cook quickly put the figure behind and put it directly into the natural ring because this is the little beautiful angel

"Cook was just..." Sia and others also opened their mouths wide.

"Why there was only Windsor Flower Elf just now" Cook looked confused

"Cook" Sia looked at Cook with a smile and the other people also looked at Lina, but knew

Avis said irritably, "Isn't it just an angel? Cook! Letting the little beautiful out too, little beautiful must be sad."

"Angel" Sia jumped up, Mickey Manli and others were dumbfounded

"Hey Meili, say hello to these sisters" Cook had to release Xiao Meili

"Sister Ivise" Xiao Meili saw Ivise and rushed over and shouted sweetly

The other women were stunned to know what angels are in these people's minds. They are representatives of gods. Look at the characters portrayed on the dome of the Holy See Temple of Light, and you will know that they are angels.

The angel also called the Bright Protoss Ivis, hugged Xiao Meili and quickly stuffed some food to the little angel: "Come to Xiao Meili and try this, but this is the hometown of sister Ivis."

"It's delicious, thank you Sister Ivis" Xiao Meili exclaimed after taking a bite and then ate it

Sia even rubbed her eyes, Emma. What kind of angel is there? It’s just a snack.

"Sister Xiao Meili comes here and there are good things," Lori was shocked and immediately took out a lot of food and gave it to Xiao Meili.

"Thank you sister" Xiao Meili cleaned it up. You need to know that there is a small bad snack beside Lori, so she eats a lot.

"Haw" Xiaohuai also held a snail and handed it to Xiaomei

"Little beautiful sister, I have it here too" Manli excitedly hugged her stored snacks to Xiao Meili with a trembling hand.

"Yeah, thank you sister" Xiao Meili is the one who never refuses to add Xiao Meili and cute. Several women quickly put Cook aside

"Okay, Cook, I didn't read you wrong." Quit took a picture of Cook and looked at the ever-growing plants. The sea races around them were escaping in panic, then look at the little angel Quiqi couldn’t help but sigh this Nima Cook. Who is there such a figure as an angel?

"Okay, what is the plan you just mentioned?" Cook asked angrily

"Hehe, in fact, our tribe was bullied by the Nasen tribe before, and every year we have to contribute materials to the Nasen tribe. But before, we were not weak, so we had to endure it. After all, we don’t have the strength. It’s not even the snow sugar trading that we used to be drawn into. It wasn’t Cook at the time. Your strength is not strong, so I can bear it. But of course Ivis’s thing. If Avis likes that ancient, I won’t say anything, but Avis likes you. I can’t help but let you help. "Qui Qi explained with a smile

Cook looked at Quiqi and nodded. Quiqi is worthy of what the leader said. Cook has no heart knots. Listening still very comfortable. He is like a savior.

Cook said with a smile: "Uncle Quiqi as long as you tell me one thing, then let alone the Nashen tribe, the emperor of the sea clan, I will fight for you."

"What do you say?" Quich immediately agreed without a word.

"What is going on in the Moracan Desert" Cook asked in a faint tone, as if it were an extremely common thing.

"The Moracan Desert, hahahaha, as expected to be someone I'm optimistic about, you can actually see Cook, you may be the first human to see." Quiqi was taken aback and then laughed and patted Cook on the shoulder.

"Then you know" Cook asked with a shock

"I know, but I can't say unless you promise me a condition" Kuiqi nodded and replied, but then immediately turned around.

"Say" Cook just spit out a word

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