A Unique Hunter

Chapter 819: Sea trip

After a few days of adaptation, Cook has gradually become accustomed to the water pressure. Cook is like a torpedo in the water. The tremendous force makes Cook extremely fast in the water.

But things like crabs live on the bottom of the sea, and here is already deep sea, the average depth of the sea is as high as 10,000 meters, some trenches are more than that, Cook has also seen a variety of marine monsters.

A sea cucumber-like creature with a length of tens of meters, a starfish-like creature with a diameter of seven or eight meters, a squid-like creature that spews a strong corrosive liquid, and a sea snail larger than a human, etc., all made Cook very surprised. , Of course, this foodie Cook is a real treat.

However, the tastes of humans and marines are completely different. After all, marines eat raw food. Although humans are not fully cooked, they taste different after all. Raw food tastes very crispy and tender. It may be a bit of high temperature. Something like wood that can’t be bitten.

Crabs are the best among them, because after they are cooked, they are not only beautiful in color, but also delicious in taste, without the fishy smell of other marine life. Unexpectedly, everyone fell in love with crab meat.

"Hey, I saw you." Cook's eyesight can see things even in the ocean thousands of meters deep. Of course, Cook's magic eye is the most effective. As long as the magic eye sees it, no matter how good your disguise is , I have to stop cooking.

A few hundred meters away from Cook, there is a crab in the sand pile. This crab is extremely sinister, with only two eyes erected, and then quietly waiting for the prey. If it weren’t for Cook’s magic eyes, I’m afraid I wouldn’t find it. This guy.

"Tsk, if this Nima is on the earth, it will be developed," Cook muttered to himself, because the two eyes on the crab are full of fist size, you can imagine how big it is. Cook is swimming forward. past.

"Huh," Just when Cook was 100 meters away from the prey, the water in the place where the crab was actually rotated.

Cook took a closer look and found that behind a huge seafloor, a sea clan was releasing magic, and Cook looked at how the sea clan cleaned up the crab.

The crab noticed the changes in the water flow, but this girl was also a fool, and actually hid in the sand. In this short time, the huge current has formed a huge vortex.

When the crab noticed something was wrong and was about to stand up and run, the huge suction force of the water had already sucked the crab away from the bottom of the sea, and the huge crab was constantly pushed and rotated by the vortex.

"This guy can be stupid." Cook didn't expect that such a big guy would be taken care of by such a simple magic. Cook already felt the crab almost fainted.

Just when Cook thought that the crab was over, the surrounding whirlpool slowly stopped. Cook felt it, and immediately burst into tears. The magic power that released the magic was insufficient.

"Puff puff puff." The crab reacted and spewed out several huge water arrows with puff puff.

"Rumble." The rock in front of the person who just released the magic was directly broken into countless large pieces, and the water instantly became muddy.

"It's pretty fast." Cook saw this and rushed over immediately.

The crab rushed angrily towards the guy who had just attacked him. This guy was on the bottom of the sea very fast. Several legs were constantly hitting the ground on the bottom of the sea. With the buoyancy of the water, it was a hundred meters away in a flash.

"Puff puff puff." A figure rushed out from the turbid water, and it could be seen that it was also a humanoid creature.

"Huh." Cook looked at the figure swimming in front of him and gave a soft voice, but with this sound, sea water was poured directly into his mouth.

And the speed of the crab is too fast, almost catching up with the figure, Cook was complacent about his swimming speed just now, but now he is a little speechless.

"Taste the power of your uncle." A thick metal spear appeared in Cook's hand.

Cook just made a light shot, and the metal spear in his hand rushed towards the crab with a white line.

"Crack." The crab didn't notice Cook at all, and the thick metal spear directly nailed the crab to the seabed.

"Keng." The crab's huge tongs constantly waved, making a metallic noise, but it was useless. The metal spear was nailed to the crab's back.

The crab twisted and struggled constantly, but it just couldn't move away, and its strength became weaker and weaker.

"There are still human races on the bottom of the sea." Cook looked at the back figure who was constantly swimming in front, and curiously chased him up.

But Cook found that the figure in front was extremely fast, like a sea fish. Cook tried his best and did not catch up. Cook extinguished his thoughts, but just when Cook was about to forget, the one in front The figure did not move, as if something had happened.

"What kind of race is this?" Cook hurriedly swam over and found that this race looked like a human. Cook had never seen such a sea clan, but Cook checked and found that he had passed out in a coma.

"Avis, look, what kind of race this is." Cook put the crab on and brought the stunned guy up.

"Clam Man." Ivis was also surprised when she saw it.

"Oh, this is a mussel man." Cook looked at the so-called mussel man in surprise, with two mussel shells on his chest like a bra, and two mussel shells on his buttocks. Cook had seen the sea people before. People use marine plants and mussel shells to make clothes.

"Yes, but it seems that the little guy has exhausted his magic power." Ivys put the mussel man into the pool, and after hearing what Cook said, she said guessingly.

"It's possible." Cook saw that it was all right, so he went to deal with the crab.

When the crabs were almost processed, the mussel woke up, and Cook realized that the mussel was actually a little girl. It was said that she had come from an adult trial. Ivy and the mussel had a lot to say.

However, after eating, the Mussel girl returned with the gift Ivis gave. When the Mussel girl left, Cook curiously asked, "How many kinds of marine people are there."

"No one knows. It is said that there are many sea races deep in the seabed, but only a few sea races dare to go out of the water. When some sea races show up, they will explode and die." Ives shook her head. .

"I don't know if it's coming." Cook looked into the distance with some expectation.

"Soon, make sure you can like the place where we live." Ivis said proudly.

Cook was also shocked when he saw the sea tribe riding huge sea beasts, lined up with guards of honor, and the huge scene stretching for tens of kilometers, but when Cook saw the place where Ives and others lived, Simply stunned.

That is an extremely beautiful sea area, countless colorful coral reefs are like huge blossoms of beautiful flowers. Teams of marine warriors are constantly patrolling in it. These patrols are marines such as lobster people. These lobstermen looked mighty. The lobstermen were more than four meters tall and had huge sea animal mounts.

"It's so beautiful." Lina was also amazed, the beauty in front of her exceeded expectations.

"Please." A huge tortoise with hundreds of tons is next to the giant wheel, with a huge back like a basketball court.

"What a big monster." Mickey also exclaimed excitedly.

"This is the most defensive monster of our sea clan, Dragon Turtle." Ivis introduced.

"Haha, haha, sister Ives is back." A huge voice rang.

"Humble humans, the scenery of our Sea Clan is not bad." With a loud shout, a big man with green skin and a naked big head, looks ugly as ugly as possible.

"This is." Cook looked at the big man in surprise.

"Hmph, Nagu, what are you doing here." Ivis shouted angrily.

"What are you doing? I'm here to see my fiancee." Nagu looked at Ivy, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

"Fiancée, who is your fiancee, I didn't agree." Ivis raised her brows and shouted.

"I didn't agree, it's not up to you. My father and I came to propose marriage." Na Gu replied coldly.

Cook didn't know what this guy was here for, but now he knows that he's here to pry the corner. When Cook heard the guy's words, he immediately shouted: "Ugly guys, get out of here."

That Gu looked at Cook in disbelief, and then reacted after a while, and shouted at Cook, "What are you, you dare to come to the Sea Clan to go wild."

"Bang." Cook kicked Nagu out without saying a word.

"Puff." Nagu was kicked hundreds of meters away and fell into the sea with a dash of blood.

"Boom." The giant sea beast that was riding in Nagu saw Cook standing on his body and immediately flew.

"Huh, bastard." Cook just felt the sea beast move, and immediately stomped it down.

"Puff puff puff." The sea beast at Cook's feet was stomped directly to the bottom of the sea by a huge force~www.novelmtl.com~ The surrounding sea water made a puff sound.

"Damn bastard, dare to hurt my master." The ancient entourage was furious, drew out their weapons and rushed up.

"Humph." Xia snorted coldly, and the sea water within a kilometer of the surroundings continued to roll.

Cook looked at West Asia with a smile. In these few seconds, huge water elements over 20 meters high climbed out of the surrounding seawater. There were dozens of them.

"Boom." A huge lobsterman was unprepared, and was directly hit by a huge fist of the water element into the sea, and then the huge body of the water element directly smashed into the sea. This lobsterman was only a few seconds away. There was a pile of rotten meat, and the water element rushed to the other ancient entourage.

"Humph." A cold snort sounded in the distance.

"Wow." Dozens of water elements were directly hit by this cold snort into countless fragments, turning into a large mass of sea water, and the entire sea surface was directly washed out by countless waves by the huge sea water.

"Ability." Cook shouted, clapping his hands.

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