A Unique Hunter

Chapter 170: "3rd more"

"Guardian of the Dark Night!" The headed Templar saw that more than a dozen people died silently on his side in an instant. It was obvious that the opponent's strength was too tyrannical, and he immediately shouted.

"Goddess again!" The rest of the Templars immediately roared, and the remaining dozens of people burst into black flames.

"Huh! Space swallowed!" Lina snorted disdainfully, with full mental strength, and then with a wave of her hand, the space began to rippling like water waves, and then a small dark crack appeared, and this crack continued. Growing.

"Go!" Lina's face was a little ruddy, and she whispered in a low voice.

"Space magic, flash...!" Seeing such a scene, the headed Templar roared immediately, dripping with cold sweat, but in an instant, a crack of ten meters long was like a big mouth to count the rest. Ten people swallowed it in one bite.

Lina calmed down the restless magic, jumped and cursed: "Damn bastard, shameless!"

"Ahem, sister Lina, someone is here again!" Xia coughed twice, and a team of equally equipped knights appeared again, but this time the leader was an old man in a black robe.

"Goddess is on!" This is also an archbishop. The archbishop knows the good things in Danif's warehouse, so he came here for the first time. I didn't know that there was a Templar corpse along the way. There were more than a dozen corpses at the gate, the archbishop chanted in a low voice, and then asked coldly.

"Did you kill the faithful of the goddess?" the archbishop asked condescendingly.

Milo saw this bishop's appearance and went crazy: "Nima, goddess shit, I **** your goddess!"

"Eh? Blasphemers, you should be the cruelest... slap!" The archbishop was surprised, and then said angrily, but before he finished speaking, he was slapped away.

"I hate your tone of voice!" Milo said grimly.

"I hate magic sticks too!" Bula also took out his weapon, and Xia smiled and drew something in the sky, only Lina was expressionless.

"Oh! I don't want to kill anymore, but I don't want to kill you, but you want to kill me!" This time Ernie was not invisible at all, and Ernie's figure wandered around the Templar group like a gray shadow.

Bla murmured dissatisfiedly: "Damn fellow, actually did it first!"

"Oh! It consumed my magic!" Xia gave Ernie a dissatisfied look.

"Hmph, Ernie, you took my lead again!" Milo said with a cold snort.

"Kill me!" the archbishop yelled in a sharp voice, but his heart was very angry. One of his own dignified archbishops was attacked unexpectedly, yes! Sneak attack, one's own eighth-level mage, will the grand bishop be defeated?

However, the following scene made the archbishop slumped directly to the ground, "Puff! Puff! Puff!" With a dense voice of frustration, the heads of more than a hundred archbishop's personal guards rolled to the ground. As if he didn't know his head fell off, the archbishop shook with fear when he instantly killed a hundred elite temple guards.

"Haha, Your Excellency, can you tell me what goddess it is?" Milo glanced at the archbishop's wet robe in disgust, and asked with a smile.

"The goddess of the dark night...! Click!" As soon as the archbishop said these four words, Milo stretched out his hand, and the archbishop's head immediately turned 180 degrees before falling softly to the ground.

Milo knocked on his head before saying, "The Goddess of the Night? I haven't heard of it!"

But then Milo regretted it, because this time it was actually three archbishops, dozens of temple priests, and hundreds of people just came out of the room of the teleportation formation, because Lina sensed the spatial fluctuations here.

"Nima!" The five left in an instant, not because they couldn't fight, but the five didn't want to participate in this inexplicable battle at all. Who knows how many of these guys still have.

The five easily caught an adventurer, and they knew what happened with a little bit of means. Lina cursed angrily: "We were fooled by the **** little bastard! Goddess of the night, the wizard's union, Wushuang The academy, there are so many forces, **** it, why didn't we know this place exists?"

"Oh! What should I do now?" Blah shrank his head when he heard the wizards' union.

"Damn, what else can I do? Repair the magic circle and let those guys from the Mage Union take care of it themselves, damn, if we don't care, maybe we will be beaten by that old guy!" Ernie also shrank his head. Scolded.

"Just look at your talents. You were so scared by a **** who was many years younger than you?" Lina said with contempt.

"Damn unparalleled bastard! We shouldn't have found that kid to join the team!" Xia also cursed softly.

"By the way, do you think the **** Cook has anything to do with the Wushuang bastard?" Milo asked with a raised head.

"No way!" The other four immediately said in unison.

Ernie sighed and said: "Let's act quickly. If the **** knows that we are still chatting here, if the college boys die, it would be a bad thing for the **** to go crazy!"

"Huh~www.novelmtl.com~ isn't it the metaplane magic teleportation formation?" Xia stood tall and disdainfully said, and then the five quickly moved towards the magic teleportation formation.

And Cook was humming happily in the lobby of the base, because the energy of the base was finally relieved, and the weapon system was also repaired. Cook looked at the loot like a hill, and it was only blame when Cook saw Luo. Li rushed over angrily, while Connie walked behind blankly, Manli walked at the end with a smile, Cook felt a bit bad, and wanted to drive away.

"Stop!" Lori quickly grabbed it, grabbing Cook's ears and shouted loudly.

Cook was led into the room by Lori, and then Lori stared at Cook, while Cook looked at Connie, who was expressionless, and Connie said flatly: "I didn't say it!"

"I said it!" Manli replied with a smile, while Lori gave Manli a fierce look, and Manli snorted disdainfully.

Cook's head is big, watching Lori crying, Cook explained quickly: "I was forced, I am a second-level hunter, Manly a star knight, this, this is what I want to hard You must have that strength too!"

"Huh, Manly, Manly, you call affectionate!" Lori roared.

"The first time I forced you, what about the second time?" Manli asked with a smile.

"Wow! Another second time?" Lori burst into tears.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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