A Unique Hunter

Chapter 169: Madness "3rd more"

The five of Lina are depressed and depressed, but the most depressing is West Asia. West Asia does not understand the structure of this magic circle, but the five of them are all old monsters who have lived for many years. Patience is very strong. , But at this time an antelope man sneaked into the magic circle. Knowing that the magic circle was listed as a forbidden place by these five people, Ernie wanted to do it, but Xia stopped and said: "Wait, there must be something strange!"

Sure enough, as soon as Xia had finished speaking, Cool Tail took out a silver-white card from his head and inserted it somewhere in the magic circle, and the magic circle began to emit a faint light, and Lina was fierce. He glared at Ernie, because Ernie had searched these guys, Ernie was very depressed, how could he know that this guy put things on his head, this is not logical at all.

"Quick, this guy is going to run!" Xia yelled quickly, and the five immediately appeared, and Kuwei fled out embarrassed when they saw the five. Where did the five of Xia take care of Kuwei and rushed directly to the magic circle.

As soon as the five rushed to the magic circle, Lina shouted: "I sensed it, it's an alien teleportation!"

"Damn it!" Xia cursed secretly, and rushed towards the silver-white metal card, but the magic circle suddenly lit up, and then the five people disappeared, and Kuwei emerged from the darkness and shouted loudly: "Red Hoof, don't let anyone in here, the team leader will be back tomorrow."

"Hmph, don't worry!" Red Hoof's face was blue and purple. This is Lina's masterpiece. I want to ask Cook where to go, but Red Hoof knows.

Cook evaded Danif’s team without any risk. What Cook didn’t know was that the adventurer had been delayed for twenty minutes in line at the gate of the fortress, so when the adventurer finally saw him When a mentor at the college, it was already an hour later when this letter was handed over to the deputy dean of the team leader.

"Quickly, gather all the students. The students who are still in the fortress must be gathered within ten minutes!" After seeing the letter, the deputy dean jumped up and shouted, then rushed out in a hurry.

All the instructors were dumbfounded for a while, and then they hurried to gather all the students, and the deputy dean directly rushed to the external patrol team, and was called the Foreign Patrol Department. There were only three deacons inside, and the rest went out to take risks. After all, fighting is the best way to exercise.

When the three deacons realized the seriousness of the matter, they immediately led dozens of guards towards the gate of the fortress, but Danif had already arrived and ordered the gate to be locked. The three deacons looked at the outside of the fortress and smiled. Those outside guards of the country jumped and cursed.

"Hold here, you go and gather all the guards on rotation!" According to the truth, the five thousand foreign guards should be on rotation every day, mainly because the foreign patrols do not need to patrol at all at night.

"My deacon, there are only three hundred people on duty, and the rest are out hunting!" a guard reported in a whisper.

"Damn! Send a warning, hold on, guard the first and second stairwells for me, the deputy chief, the rest will count on you." The deacon shouted angrily.

The outside guard who had just received a large sum of money from Danif suddenly heard two bangs, and then two red magical fireworks skyrocketed, his smile instantly solidified, and he shouted: "Quick, quick, enter Fortress, enter the fortress!"

And Danif just learned from the guard at the gate that his daughter Manli had taken away a large bag of things. There were dozens of beasts, and he was crazy. He hurried to the warehouse, but just finished the passage. Before going up the stairs, there was a shower of arrows, and dozens of believers in the temple were immediately cut to the ground.

"Damn it! Attack! It's time to blow the horn and dedicate myself to the goddess, and the goddess will go up again!" Danifu roared loudly, and then a horn of varying lengths rang, and the more than three thousand internal patrol personnel immediately rang. Armed up, marching towards the area where the horn resounded, and some adventurers also put on the badge of the goddess of the night and joined the ranks of these internal patrols.

So a chaotic war broke out. Hundreds of foreign patrols, as well as some of the Wushuang Academy students who came after hearing the news, conducted a chaotic battle on the first and second floors. After the battle, part of the internal patrol then flanked hundreds of people and some students led by three deacons on the second floor and the first floor. The students who came later saw their own people being attacked, and they drew out their weapons and joined the battle. .

After the adventurers and mercenaries experienced the initial panic, they also started one after another. They did not dare to deal with the internal tour, the overseas tour, and the students of Wushuang Academy, but there were frequent frictions between the adventurers. So sneak attacks, sap, catch and fight each other, and it's even more chaotic.

"Damn it, **** it! Give me the magic giant crossbow up, hurry up!" Danifu immediately shouted when he saw the guards on his side continue to fall.

"Asshole, asshole, use a piercing crossbow!" The three deacons of the foreign patrol watched the foreign patrols continue to fall, and some Wushuang Academy students also yelled frantically.

The foreign patrol personnel who kept gathering outside the fortress were anxious, but the gate was lowered. As time went by, nearly four thousand foreign patrol personnel finally arrived, including six deacons. Obviously these guys did. Going to private work.

"Attack! The flying mounts were dispatched immediately, attacking from the gap, and getting into the fortress first is rewarded!" The six deacons just met and gave orders immediately.

But these commands are almost useless. There are very few flying mounts. Rogues face a straight cliff with a height of 1,000 meters, and only a few can get in. Danif yelled frantically: "Damn, damn. Yes, the teleportation array of the temple is in my room, whoever of you goes up to open the teleportation array, I, Danif, will reward a thousand magic crystal coins!"

Danif’s words were shouted with amplifying magic. Actually, you don’t need to shout. The confidant of Danif, who left the fortress, had already opened the teleportation array. Teams of Templar knights rushed out, and these knights received orders. It was the first to occupy the warehouse, and the adventurers encountered along the way were driven out and killed. This aroused the hatred of the adventurers. You must know that the adventurers here are all middle and high-level professionals, and the combat experience is extremely rich.

When the 100-person Templars arrived at the warehouse, there were fewer than fifty people. At first sight of these fifty people, five adventurers came out of the warehouse. The gate of the warehouse had been destroyed by force. A pile of ruins, and what the Templar knights saw through the gate was an empty warehouse.

"Goddess is on! Kill me!" The commander of the Templars, a star knight roared. Just now, this guy was attacked by adventurers, sap, and slapped half of the people who killed them. The follow-up troops still need it. Ten minutes, because the teleportation formation can only transmit ten people at a time, a hundred people must be sent out~www.novelmtl.com~ This is a decision made by the top of the temple for safety, so dozens of fighting spirit blades rushed towards Five people.

Lina was very angry, and finally sent it over. The result was an empty hall. No matter how hard it was to find the door, the door was locked from the outside, so the angry Lina directly cut the door into pieces with a dimensional blade, because The warehouse has a magic circle that isolates psychopaths. After the five people came out, they used their mental powers to induce them, and they were immediately dumbfounded. What is this all about? Before the five people could react, a team of knights rushed over. Milo showed a self-righteous smile and was about to ask about the situation here.

"Nima!" But the one who greeted Mi Luo was dozens of fighting spirit blades, and what frightened Mi Luo the most was that these guys actually shouted in unison: "Goddess is on!" Is it someone from the Holy See? But then Milo reacted. The Holy See of Guangming shouted that the Lord God is up. The goddess of Nima dare to trouble Lao Tzu, so Milo became angry, Lina was also angry, Sia was even more angry, Ernie sighed. The figure disappeared with a flash.

"I hate magic sticks!" Bra drew out two weapons, a 3-meter-long silver-white one-handed sword, and a half-meter-long black short sword. There was a fierce meal under his feet, and his figure looked like a Charged into the Templar crowd like a cannonball.

"Get out of the way, space is swallowed!" But Ernie, Miro, and Blah heard Lina's roar and instantly retreated. They appeared behind Lina at a speed several times faster than rushing past, with his forehead still attached. After sweating for a while, breathing was a little bit short, and she looked at Lina like a little girl with palpitations.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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