A Unique Hunter

Chapter 165: Gift "2nd more"

But when Manli heard this huge explosion, she was involuntarily relieved, and then looked at the Templars around half of them. Her teeth were itchy with hate, her whole body swelled in an instant, and the anger almost formed. A substantial light curtain, and the huge siege hammer was swung like a grass in Manly's hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" These Templar knights have also suffered for eight lifetimes. Who knows that someone uses a perverted weapon like a siege hammer, yes! The Templars burned their lives, and their strength and defense were greatly increased. Divine art was like a solid defense that could not be broken. If they were replaced with other weapons, maybe these Templars could really kill Manly and Cook.

But Manly’s weapon is a siege hammer. You don’t need to break your defense at all. As long as you are hit by a huge siege hammer, the huge counter-shock force is enough to kill the people in the defense. After all, your body is not There is not much increase in defensive power, and these magic arts are just borrowed defenses, so your own body simply cannot withstand such an attack power. If your own vindictive energy can resist it, then your body can definitely withstand it. Got it, so these Templar knights only need to be hit by Manli's siege hammer, and they will fly tens of meters away, and then they will collapse in flames, leaving their **** bodies limp on the ground.

"Sample!" Cook took out the ghost bow and attacked the remaining Templar knights. A cold arrow hit the weak parts of the Templar knights. The small gaps in the eyes exposed on the helmets, the gaps in the nail leaves on the neck, etc. Other places are where Cook attacked.

The Templars were completely numb. Watching their companions fall down, these religiously brainwashed guys did not have a trace of fear. They continued to rush up with slogans, even if they were killed by a huge siege hammer in the next moment. , Or a tricky arrow directly blasted the head, leaving a deformed helmet.

"Asshole!" Seeing Cook's archery and powerful power, Manli couldn't help but shudder. Manli saw an arrow penetrated into the gap in the eye of a Templar helmet, and then the whole helmet Where there are gaps, bright red blood sputtered all of a sudden. In the end, the helmet rose to the sky, leaving a headless corpse and a deformed helmet. You can imagine how powerful this arrow is, and Cook The distance of is still a kilometer away. Manli thought about how she would approach this kilometer if she was Cook’s enemy, but then she saw the siege hammer in her hand, and Manli was speechless. Please, then the huge single-edged sword will definitely be chopped over to the ground. The last Manli thought that her mount was actually listening to Cook's command, so she was so angry that she cursed secretly and moved towards the last few. The Templar rushed over.

"Great Master, you are so amazing!" After half an hour, Bagru and everyone in the base came out, looking at the corpses all over the ground and the howling mounts everywhere, Bagru was dizzy. When the food is ready, Baglu looked at these iron pots that fell on the ground and was uncomfortable, but now he was lying on the ground.

"Well, pack up the spoils. You all find a dead monster mount and sign a contract. If those **** guys disagree, just kill them. There are 30 mounts here. How many of us are there?" Ku Ke commanded loudly.

"Yeah!" The members of the mercenary group cheered loudly. These are basically intermediate mounts. You must know that it is not easy to conquer an intermediate beast. The most excited people are the people of the troll clan. These guys run better. Everyone is fast, focusing on the powerful guys, but then these trolls are squeezed away by others.

"Master, master, what about the big guy over there?" Bagru asked when he saw the double-headed dark eagle at first glance, his two small eyes turned.

"That is the eighth-level double-headed dark eagle, do you think you can subdue it?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Eight. Eighth level!" Bagru left with his head drooping, but then yelled: "Damn boy, that mount is Baghru's, Baghru's!" Then he quickly rushed into it. A relatively large monster was in front of him, pulling Luocuo away like a chicken.

"Manli, what should this big guy do?" Cook asked Manli, pointing at the huge dark vulture, which is worthy of being a monster. At least there are hundreds of scorched holes on her body. There is only one feather here. The root is still half-focused. The most important thing is that Cook thought that this guy has two eighth-level magic cores in his mind. How many days should this be able to maintain the energy consumption of the base! As for the strength of the two eighth-level heads, Cook didn't pay attention at all. As long as there is energy, the nine-level monsters are scum!

"It's none of my business, and you can make this weapon a magic weapon for me!" Manly threw the siege hammer to Cook, and then ignored Cook.

"I... how much money should such a big guy need!" Cook looked at the siege hammer and couldn't help but feel pain.

Cook looked at the Dark Demon Eagle, and when his eyes rolled, he thought of what to do. Cook hurried to the base, Connie was still asleep, and Xiao Lei treated Connie’s* as a toy. Kneading, Cook slapped Xiao Lei angrily, then put the quilt on Connie, and then awakened Connie, calling out with mental strength.

"I'm alright?" Connie opened her eyes and sat up. The first sentence was this, and Cook couldn't help but feel distressed. This poison is already Connie's dream.

"Haha, it's all right!" Cook stretched out his hand to pull the quilt on Connie's body, and then said, at this time Cook didn't have a trace of desire in his heart, only his heartfelt pity for a person who had been poisoned for a long time, Cook I always remember the way Connie turned blue from the poisonous hair. It was too scary and too distressing.

"Wow!!" What Cook didn't expect was that Connie burst into tears all of a sudden, and hugged Cook tightly.

Cook was still embarrassed, and finally he touched Connie’s smooth back with his hand. Cook didn’t say anything. He just listened to Connie’s crying quietly. After a while, Cook said, “Okay, put on your clothes. Get up, I have a gift for you!" Then Cook turned around and went out.

"My grudge?" Connie asked Cook suspiciously after she came out.

"Your vindictiveness is gone, but it doesn't matter, you can start again. I will prepare enough awakening potions for you. After this treatment, your own attributes may change." Cook can't grasp the separation of blood. It is unknown what effect the poison of the poison will have on its own attributes, and Sky Eye only said that there is a certain chance of mutation.

"What's going on?" Connie looked at the **** armor and the stripped corpse.

Cook hurriedly said the matter, and Manly's matter was not let go. Connie's face was a little stiff when she heard it, and finally she smiled and said, "Hehe, Cook, you are not suitable for investigation anymore. At the time, we directly took our top command. A large number of nobles died, and a prince was posted! This time you will not only kill an archbishop, but also conquer a beauty, and you are also a star knight. The Star Knight with Level 7 Earth Dragon~www.novelmtl.com~ I really don’t know if you will detect any other abnormal things next time you go to investigate."

"I don't know at all. This is awful. If Mickey and Lori know, what can I do?" Cook also felt weird. The relationship with Connie was very delicate. Cook felt that everything was in front of Connie. It can be said that, unlike Mickey and Loli, there are some things that cannot be said at all.

Connie looked at Manli in the distance and said with a smile: "This world is not that a man can only have one woman. As long as this man is strong enough, then he can have more women!"

"Really? How powerful?" Cook found himself asking an idiot question.

"So strong that when someone hears that she is your woman, they can't even think about it, so strong that that woman's family will cry and let you marry her!" Connie's words were a little hoarse.

"Hehe, maybe!" Cook smiled, and then took Connie to the side of the dark eagle.

The Dark Demon Eagle is huge, standing on the ground 20 meters high, of course, the neck, head, and legs each occupy one-third of the height. The two bald heads make this guy a bit ugly.

"This is my gift to you, the eighth-level double-headed dark eagle!" Cook pointed to the dark eagle and said to Connie.

"Haha, Cook, who is this?" At this time, Manli, who had been cold and arrogant, suddenly came to Cook, took Cook's arm, and asked affectionately, her eyes fixed on Connie.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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