A Unique Hunter

Chapter 164: War "First More"

"Damn it! Xiao Huang, charge me!" Cook was depressed. Bishop Levy left nothing behind. The energy consumption of the base was too great this time, and the dark magic eagle was not allowed to be killed, Cook. That suffocation, I knew it would be better to enter the underground base. Seeing fifty Templars, Cook's eyes brightened again. This Templar should always be a little bit oily, so Cook was in Manly's He glared directly on the back of the earth dragon, and then the ghost sword was put away, replaced by a huge siege hammer.

When the earth dragon saw this huge siege hammer, he almost fell on the ground. Is this still a human? A burst of yellow light appeared on the Earth Dragon, and Cook felt that the siege hammer in his hand was lighter. Cook gave the Earth Dragon a surprised look: "Gravity Magic?"

The Earth Dragon ignored Cook, flicked his tail excitedly, and yelled, "Roar!" Then he rushed towards the fifty Templar knights.

Although Cook has no experience in cavalry combat, Cook knows that when cavalry on earth fights, they don’t need to wield weapons. As long as the weapons are held firmly, the powerful impact of the mount will directly evolve into a huge attack power. If you wield it yourself With weapons, coupled with the impact of the mount, the consequence is that his arm breaks. Cook grasped the ten-meter-long siege hammer and did not deliberately aim, because the fifty Templars charged intensively. of.

"Bang!" A distance of hundreds of meters was reached in one second. The earth dragon first slapped its front paws. Within two hundred meters of the surrounding area, there was a burst of yellow light, and the movements of the Templar knights were a lot slower. Then countless pointed stone pillars emerged from below the ground.

"Ground thorn, gravity!" Manli looked at her mount in surprise, knowing that the temperament of the sub-dragon monsters is not very good, and sometimes she does not listen to the master's orders, let alone releasing such powerful range magic. .

"Boom! Boom!" The huge forehead of the Earth Dragon directly slammed into the two Templar knights, and the connected mounts were all knocked off. The Templar weapons also caused some slight damage to the Earth Dragon, and Cook's attack The city hammer directly smashed the three Templar knights into the air for tens of meters, and then stopped moving at all, like a pile of mud, and this was not over yet, the earth dragon's ten-meter-long tail flicked left and right, again Several Templar knights were directly knocked into flight.

Two groups of people interspersed with each other in less than a second, the earth dragon had several wounds, and the Templars paid ten knights to get out.

"Humph!" Seeing this, Manli snorted coldly. She burst into anger and rushed into the knight group with her bare hands.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A group of tallest but sky knights, most of them are ocean knights, and some of them are earth knights. Where is the opponent of the star knights, Manly is like a wolf entering a group of chickens, not The flock.

"Xiao Huang, charge!" Cook saw Manli's appearance and immediately roared, and then the earth dragon rushed into the Templar group.

But Cook still underestimated the madness of the Templars. Looking at the appearance of Cook and Manly, the Templars shouted loudly: "The glory of my god! The glory of my god! The light of the dark night!"

"No, these guys are desperate." Manli was shocked, because these Templars, except for those who were comatose and dead, all the others were blazing with traces of black flames. This is the Templars burning vitality. The price of the phenomenon of forcibly releasing the magical magic, Manli kicked Cook out directly, and the huge siege hammer was replaced by Manli.

"Rolo! Kill!" Manli roared and rushed over with a huge siege hammer.

"Bah! Bah! Damn woman, lack of sex!" Cook spit out the dirt in his mouth. Cook was unfortunately kicked into a pit by Manly. There was still some slimy mud in it. Cook looked at Man. Li's figure cursed loudly, and then the ghost bow appeared in Cook's hands.

The potion of strength, the potion of agility, the potion of wind, the potion of stamina, Cook poured four bottles of potion into his head, Cook felt a little fluttering in his body, and then Cook jumped up quickly.

With a sound of "Shoo!", a violent breaking through the air sounded. Cook's hands were full of more than 10,000 kilograms of power, converted into powerful kinetic energy through the ghost bow, and the speed of the arrows was not clear at all.

"Boom!" A Templar looked at the big hole in his neck in disbelief, and then fell straight to the ground.

When the speed and power reach a certain level, all defenses are nonsense, and Cook perfectly demonstrated this. The Templars not only have a strong fighting spirit, but also magical arts and magical armor, but they still say that. There are some places where vindictiveness can't be practiced at all, such as the neck, eyes, ears, noise, crotch, etc., so these places are the places that armors protect.

But the armor is made by people. People have to wear and take off, there is always a gap, and Cook is using these places, Cook once again raised the ghost bow.

"Shoo!" The palpitating noise rang again.

"Boom!" The eyes of a Templar knight were directly pierced, and the powerful force directly blasted the entire head into a pile of mud, and the helmet was still intact. It was a magic weapon, and the Templar looked at each other.

"Kill him first!" The knight leader personally led a dozen people and rushed over, while Manli was surrounded by the others.

"Shoo! Shoo!" In a short distance of several hundred meters, the two Templar knights rolled to the ground again~www.novelmtl.com~ The knight leader screamed frantically: "Kill!"

"Hehe!" Cook sneered, and a handful of thorn seeds appeared in his hand.

"Thorn Technique!" Cook threw it towards the ground, then jumped away instantly.

With a crisp sound of "Keng!", a metal ring was kicked away by Cook with his foot, and countless vines grew in an instant, covering a trace of metallic luster, and Cook turned over and jumped off. He walked over the small hill formed by the ruins at his feet, and quickly squatted behind a big rock.

"Huh!" When the knight leader rushed through the thorns, he found that there was no figure in Cook, and he was surprised.

"Cook!" Manli was anxious. There were more than a dozen Templars, and even Manli couldn't stand it. Manli was willing to help, but the current Templars desperately held her back.

With a sound of "Boom!" Hundreds of meters away, Manli felt her feet vibrate. A huge dazzling flame rose from where Cooke just stood, and countless rubbles were on Manli's vindictive shield. Make a sneer.

"So powerful!" Cook crawled out of the gravel behind the stone and looked at the dozen or so Templar knights who had been blown to pieces. The mount was even worse. Cook found that he could not hear at all, but he still endured it. I couldn't help sighing, but if Sam knew that Cook had used ten advanced engineering* this time, he would definitely jump his feet: "Ten, you're a prodigal, five is enough. This is advanced engineering*, open the mountain. Things used."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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