A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 36: When planning

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Cook thought about it. Since there are many tasks with ten points, he will give ten points a day, but what Cook doesn't know is that it is like a certain medicine task, six points, but it takes a full week. Time, yes, yes, it’s good for a sage to earn one point a day on average. Most of the time there is no point in the account. [800]

"Then what are the requirements for these hired sages?" The staff member was shocked, but asked faithfully.

"Requirement, it seems that there is no requirement. By the way, if you are not afraid of things, you are not afraid of trouble, and can do what I ask for." Cook thought about it, and there really is no requirement for his own employment.

"No special expertise is needed." The staff couldn't believe that Nima was so generous, and there was no special requirement.

"Well, specialty, those with high combat effectiveness can add some points for hire as appropriate." Cook thought about it. If he wants to do a good job in his education, he must first have the ability to educate others. This is something Cook doesn't have, but Cook There are points.

"What about the increased standard," the staff member asked.

Cook is embarrassed, but Cook still measures it based on the task wall, and then said: "One can play two plus five points, three plus ten points, four plus twenty points, five If you add fifty points, you can make five plus points, and you can add one hundred points. Of course, you must be a sage of the same level."

"Are you sure." The staff wanted to remind, but seeing the sages all around, they had to ask.

"Well, there is one more point. You can have special skills, you can also increase points, and management experience is preferred." Cook felt that there was no more.

After deducting certain points from Cook’s point redemption system, the staff respectfully said to Cook: "Sir, how long is your job hire."

The staff also forgot to ask, and only after the fee was charged, Cook woke up. Cook pondered and replied: "Let's go for a year."

"Puff, puff." There was a puff of voice, and Cook turned his head to see that the sages behind were all messed up.

Cook glanced suspiciously at these sages, and then saw that the staff posted the task on the task wall, and it was the highest level, because the total task points reached 150,000 points, yes, two hundred people, the minimum ten ten a day, six More than a hundred days.

"Damn it, I'm going to take the task, hurry up." Cook just left, and all the sages present rushed forward.

"Man, come on, there are points task here, 1.5 million points."

"Get out, get out, Lao Tzu is a special talent. 800"

Cook looked at the swarming sages in amazement. There was still the demeanor that sages should have. Cook reacted a little and asked the brass giant guard: "Is there any problem."

"Yes, sir, the average level of people here is almost three, and the average income per person per day is one point. Sometimes it is not. If you have to make up for it, Mr., do you see if I am a special talent? I can be a person of the same level. Hit three." The brass giant replied quietly.

"Forget it." You can imagine the depression in Cook's heart. What could have been done with 150,000 points, he actually made 1.5 million.

"Roar, get out of the way, I want to take the task." Cook saw a flash before his eyes, and then the brass giant disappeared, and at the place where the task was received, there were still five brass giants, shouting to the staff .

"Why don't you go?" Cook looked at the remaining brass giant guard and asked.

"Sir, none of the five of them are my opponents. I want to ask if I can get one hundred points a day." The remaining brass giant asked twitchingly, and Cook was instantly messed up.

In less than half an hour after Cook’s mission was set up, two hundred sages had already received the mission. The sages who received the mission consciously stood beside him, and Cook looked at the two fighting types around him. The sages stared at each other, and Cook waved his hand: "You go first, find him at the Sage Association tomorrow."

Cook wisely pointed his finger at a brass giant guard. This giant guard immediately raised his chest and looked up proudly, because Cook said that, it means he is a trusted friend.

"I'm leaving now." Cook didn't expect to recruit enough staff so quickly. The next plan is still in Cook's mind. All the preparations have not been prepared yet. Of course, this is the same as Cook's. High salary has a special relationship, ten times the salary, naturally no one hesitates, if one point a day, Cook can not recruit so many people, of course it means such a short time.

Then Cook was very busy, and he was very busy instructing the giant guards around him to prepare for this, to prepare for that. Cook sits on his brain and directs, and the giant guards are also very happy. After all, this guard But I know that my employer is very generous.

Everything was prepared, so Cook took a few guards directly to the association, where there was an office designated for Cook.

"Coke, hang up the two signs, and hang them up." Cook commanded a brass giant. The brass giant had two huge signs in his hand. The texture of the signs was black. This was used for three thousand years. The signboard made by Tieshu, the cost of this signboard is tens of thousands of points, and the three thousand years here refers to the time in the star realm.

"Yes." The two brass giants carried a brand, showing how heavy the brand was.

Several giant guards were busy at once, and Cook kept giving some opinions on the side. Two signs were hung side by side at the entrance of this area.

"Sage Association Higher Education Specialty Education Base."

"The Sage Association Black Ridge City Education Department."

The two black plaques are shining with golden light, giving people an atmosphere and grandeur. As for the literal meaning, it is nonsense.

The specialist education base is the money-raising plan to be implemented by Cook, and the Ministry of Education has only Cook a polished commander, and these guards are personnel of the specialist education base, which can be regarded as Cook's private employment.

"Sir, this, we are the employees of the Sage Association." A brass giant asked in astonishment.

"Don't be busy with this." Cook heard the giant's guard asking, he originally wanted to deny it directly, but Cook's eyes lit up. Nima, the internal staff of the Sage Association, is an iron rice bowl. It is a civil servant treatment. For things that sages admire incredibly, Cook is going to communicate with the upper-levels of the association, and if you give a spot or something, he will use this as a reward, without using his own points, thinking of his pride, Cook's heart is happy.

Of course some people have to say, if the president of the association is not willing, hey, Cook has a way.

"Go, go in and take a look." After Cook entered the designated area with a few guards, it is now very big, basically the first floor of the entire building. This is a building behind the Sage Association, with three floors. The third floor is assigned to Cook, and the other two floors are used by the Association of Sages. Of course, the frequency of use is very low.

"Coke, Keguo, you two are responsible for placing the customized things, see if you don't." Cook began to point and order.

"Sir, those things are too much, there are thousands of them." Coke said numbly.

"I mean tomorrow you will lead me to hire one hundred of the two hundred people I hired today." Cook said angrily. The giant's combat effectiveness is extremely powerful, but the IQ is a bit worrying, but the giants are still very good. , Because once a giant feels that he has suffered a loss, or he is justified, it is a huge fist that greets you, so most people are not willing to deal with giants at all, because these giants can’t argue, and if they are anxious, they will be rough, very vivid. Two words are metaphors, rough people.

"Understood, sir." Coke understood at once, and immediately replied excitedly.

Cook is also speechless. These five brass giants all have a Kezi to take the lead. It is said that Kezi is the surname of their own tribe, and the names of the giants are all two characters. I don’t want these star giants, their names are like bound feet. , Smelly and long.

As for the words that follow the word Ke, it depends on luck, because these tribes take their first names and their surnames are fixed, and the latter words are determined by the lottery. The family writes all the following words, and then the head of the family The one grabbed one.

So these five brass giants are called Coke, Keguo, Cocoa, Dao, Ke, Keshu, you tell me what the name is, it is even more white than Xiaobai.

But the name is extremely sacred in the eyes of the brass giant. If you want to make a joke about the name, then the big fist of the brass giant and the anger of all the giants will greet you.

"As for Cocoa, you and Dadao tomorrow will bring another hundred people to wear our uniform uniforms, and then drive the carriage and start walking around the city. Remember, the finished flag must be inserted in the carriage. Come on." Cook continued to order.

"Then what about me." Keshu was anxious and asked quickly, knowing that being assigned a job means that an employment relationship is established, which is a point.

"You still have to protect me. I'm worth millions of points now." Cook replied irritably.

The five brass giants nodded solemnly, and Cook patted his head. In this world, no one can rob the sage, because the points are not transferable and others can’t use it, and with the strength of the sage association, Once such a thing happens, I am afraid that many people will suffer.

"You guys go to prepare, I'll take Keshu to do things." Cook waved to the other four brass giants, and then left.

Cook brought Keshu to the business management office of the Sage Association. Very few people came in and out of this place~www.novelmtl.com~, so the staff here are ordinary people, but today the sage leaders here are actually early Waited here.

"Oh, Sage Locke, you can count as coming. I received the notice from the chairman, and I am waiting here." After seeing that Cook is coming, the sage immediately greeted him warmly, but he leaped forward. The description is fine.

"Well, you are ready, then can you start?" Cook nodded helplessly, knowing that this is consumption points and the association also collects taxes.

"Sage Locke, let me confirm again, you are really going to spend 5 million points." The sage looked and asked.

Puff, puff, several puff sounds, ordinary staff members fell to the ground after hearing the five million points.

"Well, five million points a day temporarily, let's come for three days first, no..." Cook is about to come to a continuous, carpet-like advertising bombing.

"Puff." But before the words were finished, the sage opposite also fell to the ground.

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