A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Get what you want

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On the second day, Cook happily brought his plan to the president. Cook’s excitement was not pretended. Cook gave his plan to the president. The president saw Cook like this. , I feel a little guilty, after all, the president knows this is a pit. Full text reading of the latest chapters

Of course, the president will not know what Cook’s thoughts are in his mind. If he knows it, he will definitely be kicked out of the Sage Association as soon as possible. After reading Cook’s plan, the president still has something in his heart. Surprised, the president asked: "Sage Locke, what is the success rate of your plan?"

"Very big, senior." Cook also learned the word senior.

"Oh, Locke, I also approve of your plan, but I can't give you your request." In fact, the president is not optimistic about Cook's plan, but on the surface, the president will definitely not say that, because once he says he is not optimistic. , Then Cook took it back to revise it, and finally got the president's approval. What should I do if something happened? When that happens, Cook can say that his plan is approved by someone or not.

Cook knew that it would be useless to get points, but Cook still had to say passionately: "Senior, you can't do this. This is the new direction of the association. I assure you that as long as the start-up capital is 5 million points, The industrialization of education can run."

"Rock, I understand your idea, but now the association does not have so many points, and every point is useful. After a while, the construction of Black Ridge City will begin, although the construction funds do not need to be used by Black Ridge City. , But now that the people are relocating, we still need to carry out the compensation work. This requires a lot of points, and your five million points are actually used for Thousand Miles Sound Transmission..." The president is speechless, if you Locke wants some Points to buy something or something, needless to say, support, after all, the points are not there, things are there, but what kind of thing is Thousand Miles Sound? It is a money-burning thing. Who knows if it will work? Besides, it’s 5 million points, you If Locke of Ya wants to reach these five million points, my confidants have no opinion in their hearts, so rejection is necessary.

"But, but, senior, don't you want to build Black Ridge City better." Cook asked at this time in the words of the president at the time.

"Sage Locke, it's not that I don't want to, but that I really don't have points." The president sneered in his heart, a little kid of yours, come with my old fritters, hum.

"But, but there is no start-up capital, what should I do?" Cook asked anxiously.

"Should I give up the task, there is no punishment anyway." Cook paused, then continued to ask.

The guild leader frowned when he heard this. The guild leader has nothing to do. Five million points will never be given. Now there is a place for every point. There is still room for five million points. I can't give it if I have it, but if Cook wants to pick up a piece, then digging the hole is not a waste of effort.

"Sage Locke, now is the time for the Black Ridge City Exhibition. You must not have such a thought of self-defeating yourself, and don't you have points, how about you advance it yourself." The president heard that Cook was going to pick up. , And couldn't help but persuaded, the president suddenly remembered that Locke himself had points, so he said without a word.

"Okay, but President, did you write me an IOU?" Then I knew that Cook would answer like this.

The president’s nose got crooked, Nima IOU, 5 million points IOU, but the president can’t get angry because what Cook said is right, but as the president, how can there be no way? With a wave of his hand, he said: "This is the association's. It's not appropriate for me to write an IOU to you, but you can enjoy a certain percentage of dividends when you contribute. Yes, you can form a private chamber of commerce, but our association will definitely occupy the bulk. Yes, after all, you are using the resources of the association, and you are still the Minister of Education." The president did not know that what he said was what Cook wanted.

But Cook has to tweak: "This is not appropriate, after all, the Chamber of Commerce is a businessman, and I am a sage."

"What's wrong with that, silver-level cities, but there are subordinate associations, you can form one, I immediately approve, and you can also establish a place to work within the sage association, which can be regarded as the shares of our association. In addition, I will give you the tax free of this association for the first five years, and we can also promise that once your association brings 100 million points of tax profit to Black Ridge City, the tax profit will be divided into half of your association." Said with a wave.

The president didn't know that his decision today made him regret it in the future, and he became the laughingstock of the sage world, letting people in this world know what it's like to lose his wife and break down.

"But the president, that's five million points." Cook has to fight for it. After all, a profit point now, how many points it represents in the future, can't be estimated.

When the president heard Cooke say this, he immediately yelled unhappily: "Sage Locke, your idea is wrong, don't you want to build Black Ridge City into what you think it is? If it were me, don't say five million Points, which is 50 million points, and I am willing."

"Well, President, the association and I will occupy half of the shares by then, but this requires a procedure." Cook stood up and said with a look of shame.

"That's, that's, I'll write you a note later, and you can go through it." The president heard Cook let go, and immediately agreed, but it was a pity in his heart that the five million points were gone. , But fortunately, five million points can collect some taxes, so he waved his hand and Cook's plan passed.

"The president, I will change the plan, and then come to ask for instructions." Cook asked tentatively.

"Sage Locke, you have to do it boldly, boldly, don't come to ask for instructions, now Black Ridge City is about to leap, and I am very busy." The president refused without hesitation.

"Well, senior, just call me if you have something." Cook has a very good attitude.

"Yes." The president agreed on the surface, but muttered in his heart, I called you when I had a problem with my brain. I have been in contact with you a lot, and I can't tell it later. It seems that this guy will come and I have to find a way to refuse.

Cook trot and left. Cook secretly lost his mind: "Hey, half of the profit, no, now we have to configure some more pills, and a carpet-like advertising bombardment, hey, my points, how much do you have to change? Points."

Soon, the formalities that Cook needed were completed in less than a day. Cook looked at the scroll in his hand and felt excited. Although Cook did not come to Black Ridge City for a long time, the brass giant Cook found one. The characteristic, that is the chat, Cook has learned a lot.

For example, the Sage Association is the most powerful and, of course, the most unreasonable organization in the entire star realm. There is no one. The Giants can only be regarded as vassals of the Sage Association, and halflings are vassals of the vassal, and the Sage Association also has enemies. , How powerful the enemies of the Sage’s Association are. The Brass Giant did not say, but it is said that the sage’s enemies in the Astral Rift Valley are all enemies of the Sage’s Association. I have tried hard, and the enemies of the Sage Association have also worked hard. Both have nothing to do with each other. It is said that the enemy of the Sage Association is an alliance, which is an alliance composed of all the enemies of the Sage Association.

As for the scroll of proof issued by the Sage Association, it is common throughout the star realm. No matter which association issued it, it is effective, and the one that Cook possesses can be said to be a guarantee for the future.

"It's difficult to start a business." When Cook thinks that he needs more manpower, he can't feel it. However, if Cook's words are heard by other sages, he will at least spit Cook a few mouthfuls. Worth tens of millions of points, and even said that starting a business is difficult, wouldn't it be even more difficult for those of us to earn points.

Choosing a helper is a matter of luck. If you find a good helper, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and if the helper you find is not effective, then you will get twice the result with half the effort. What Cook wants to do is destined to deal with sages, so If you only ask sages to be your helpers, or you find ordinary people who are born to be dwarfs, the situation is not optimistic.

Cook came to the Sage Association and inspected the mission. Cook was stunned. It was because Cook came here to realize that he was an out-and-out rich man. Because of the mission on the mission wall, he earned one hundred points. There are only three of them, and they are organized by the Association of Sages, and those with more than ten points account for 3o%, and they are all in a state of being done, while those with less than ten points account for more than 69%, as you can see from here How low the consumption level is, it also reflects how huge Cook's millions of points are.

"May I have a task..." Cook just said these words to the staff, and the atmosphere was wrong.

"Brother, what is the task, let me talk about it first, if it is a combat task, and the brothers are idle, we can pick it up right away, and we promise to complete the task." A sturdy sage next to him looked at Cook and asked with a smile. Of course, this smile is enough to scare a child's smile.

"Uh." Cook was shocked.

"Ahem, for a combat mission, we are more suitable." However, there is a business grabbing right away~www.novelmtl.com~ Sorry, I am looking for someone to do the management task. "Cook said immediately when he saw that the situation was a little subtle.

"Management tasks, we can do it too, look, I am the number one in Black Ridge City's annual fight." A sage took out a scroll and said braggingly.

"Haha, they are looking for management, your annual fighting champion, so funny." Another wise man laughed.

"Wait, I'm sorry, I'm looking for a lot of people, so I'm going to set up the task first." Cook said when he saw other sages also noticed himself.

Before this person finished speaking, Cook quickly took out the points exchange terminal and said: "I want to arrange employment tasks, every day, ten points every day, the number of people, the number of people is two hundred, for the time being."

What Cookmi has noticed is that when he said this, the surroundings suddenly fell silent, as if the whole hall was Cook alone. Cook didn't even know that the people behind were just stunned. Looking at myself, I continued to talk to the staff.

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