A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Chaos

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As for the other detainees, Cook put these people into a large-capacity space bag. When these people enter it, they will fall asleep. There is no problem for three to five days, just like a pet space.

"Who?" A strange orc rushed in and asked when he heard the movement here. . For more latest chapters visit:щw..

"Blast!" Cook said coldly.

"Boom!" The orc's head exploded in the air.

Cook is like a whirlwind, but Cook’s pupils now have turned into a silver'colored' cross. Cook holds a scimitar in his hand. This scimitar seems inconspicuous, but no one would have thought it was An artifact, and an extremely powerful artifact.

A whirlwind of blood-red ‘color’ blew silently across the entire resident, only the sound of constant puffing, and the increasingly strong smell of blood.

Luoda and the others were only a minute behind Cook. After Luoda and the others rushed into the garrison fully armed, they were dumbfounded. The entire garrison was filled with a strong smell of blood, and on the ground and on the walls, you could see everywhere The splattered flesh and blood.

"This is too perverted." Love sucked in a ∫←Ha, .. mouth cold, originally these people thought that Cook would fight very hard inside, but they didn't expect to come in but a living person didn't see it.

"Who is it!" At this moment, a strong roar came from the depths of the resident.

"Huh." When Luoda and the others heard this, their faces were hard to look like. The owner of this voice has a higher status in the plane of Chaos, and he has a certain status in the plane of Chaos. Right to speak.

Love even stammered: "Boss, this old guy is here, shall we leave first?"

"Kill, do you expect him to let us go?" Luoda's face is also very ugly. The person who just spoke is the boss behind this group of interstellar pirates. The combination of these strange beasts and humans is also because of this man. Arising from existence.

"Shaman?" Cook saw the human in front of him, but this human was dressed as a shaman.

"Damn bastard, you dare to come here to play wild, but your physique is very strong, it seems that I have another good experiment." The guy opposite Cook kept looking up and down the library. K, said.

"I have a bottom line, that is, for anyone who dares to ignore human life, it will disappear from this world, not only the'body' but also the soul." Cook said lightly.

"Haha, haha, haha, I, Ricky, have lived for thousands of years, and this is the first time I heard such a saying, boy, in the plane of chaos, your idea is not feasible." Ricky haha Laughed.

"One plane doesn't work, I will change another plane." Cook said very arrogantly.

"Haha, haha, change, what if you can't change it?" Ricky asked with a laugh.

"Then destroy this plane." Cook's words sound like the words of a madman. Destroying a plane, even a **** dare not say that he can do it, let alone a rabbit that looks very low. people.

Ricky laughed and said, "Okay, okay, but I'm afraid you don't have this ability. If you do my experiment, maybe I will put the heart of a dragon in your body. Look at me. , I have Yalong’s heart. Yalong’s heart gives me great strength and a strong physique. As a man, I am also the strongest."

"Really, are you finished? I should send you on the road after I'm finished." Cook said coldly.

"Roar, then come on, my test product, I will grab you by myself, then interrupt your limbs, and do the experiment slowly. I hope you can hold on for a while." Ricky snarled in a low voice. , The shaman's robe was suddenly torn, small scales appeared on Ricky's skin, and the whole body became a little taller.

"A monster like you shouldn't exist in the world." Cook raised his machete and said.

"Do you have magic pattern equipment? I have it too." Ricky said with a sneer when he saw the scimitar in Cook's hand, and then a magic pattern spear appeared in Ricky's hand.

"Puff puff puff." Cook didn't continue to give Ricky time at all, and he rushed up with a flick of his figure, with a popping sound.

Ricky watched his magic pattern spear shattered in pieces, and was shocked. Seeing that Cook's machete was not damaged at all, a bad premonition appeared in Ricky's mind.

"Mine is an artifact." The last voice that Ricky heard was Cook's voice. The powerful tearing attribute of the artifact's own **** directly made Ricky's entire body become a bit of a trace, like being torn. The lean meat is average.

Cook glanced at this station, then rushed into the place where Ricky had just come out.

"To do this kind of experiment, crazy guy." A huge laboratory, many crystal vessels, which are soaked in countless biological organs, a human has six, which looks like a sow transplanted. Similarly, there are some orcs whose hands have been replaced with some kind of beast claws, and some orcs have their wings transplanted.

In addition, some apparently alien creatures are still being held in the laboratory, and these creatures have obviously been modified.

"Poor technology is just a simple transplant." Cook found the experimental record, and after looking at Cook, he was speechless. The simple transplanting technique actually created such a perverted guy.

"Tear!" Cook raised the scimitar and waved it at the laboratory.

The scimitar began to vibrate constantly, and this vibration drove the surrounding space, and then everything in the entire laboratory fell slowly like sand, as if everything in it was made of sand. The entire laboratory disappeared in an instant, leaving only a big empty hole, but there was a thick layer of sand on the ground.

"Boom!" At this moment, the entire resident was shaking, and Cook rushed out of the laboratory.

After Cook rushed out of the laboratory, he saw an amazing scene. A monster hundreds of meters high emerged from below the ground. This monster has eight arms, to be precise, claws, the body of a dragon, and the head of a human. It looks so weird.

"Damn shit, dare to destroy my body." The monster saw Cook all at once and roared, his voice resounding throughout the underground space.

As soon as the monster turned his head, the head of the Cook Discoverer guy was exactly the head of a Titan, and there was also a purple ‘colored’ eye on the forehead.

"Zizizi." The purple ‘color’ eyes flashed, and a purple ‘color’ thunder and lightning shot towards Cook’s ‘fire’ at once, and the whole space made a noise.

"Damn." Cook didn't expect that this monster would be the first to deal with himself, and the figure dodged.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you, it's you who destroyed my effort, it's you, **** orc, choppy...boom, boom, boom." This monster rushed towards Cook with its huge paws. After coming over, many buildings were smashed along the way. These several-meter-high buildings didn't exist.

"Damn." After Luoda and the others saw this monster, they ran out of the big ‘door’ in a swarm.

"Boss, where is Brother Touba?" Rocky asked loudly.

"Rocky, your brain is sick, and you are still taking care of others, so quickly evacuate." Luoda cursed out loudly.

"What kind of monster is this, why are you chasing me?" Cook is still in'confusion'. This monster is very powerful. Seeing this guy does not take the buildings on the ground seriously, he knows that the power is very powerful, let alone Eight arms or eight claws are all odd-shaped, with a pair of large tongs resembling a crab, and claws resembling a tyrannosaurus ironclad, none of them resemble human hands.

"Stop, despicable guy, a rat-like existence, you stop me, I Ricky will never let you go." The monster saw Cook rush into the house and slammed a stone-built house. Kicked away, but Cook was nowhere to be seen. A yellowish light was released around the monster's body. All the buildings within a few hundred meters of this monster were immediately razed to the ground, all turned into powder.

When Cook heard these words, he was a little stunned. Yes, this monster was Ricky. Didn’t Ricky be killed by himself? How could he appear here? Does this guy actually have two souls, or is the soul split? of?

"Bastard, come on, come on." Cook saw that Ricky's big move just now caused the deaths of many innocent people, Cook jumped out immediately, if it weren't for Cook to find the demons, Make sure that Ricky will be chopped into pieces in less than two seconds.

Cook now wants to attract this Ricky away. On the one hand, he wants to get rid of this guy and keep others from knowing his own strength. On the other hand, Cook is very curious about this secret technique of soul splitting. It's a way to save lives, but Cook also thinks that this situation is like the trick of the demon~www.novelmtl.com~ but it is lower than the trick of the demon.

"It's probably a breakthrough." Cook thought to himself while provoking Ricky.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The whole underground world was in chaos. Cook kept fleeing in front of him, and the monsters behind him kept beating and releasing lightning, causing a mess.

"Stop, someone." A voice rang in front of Cook.

"Hehe, I'd like to see what powerful role this ‘chaotic’ and ‘chaotic’ plane has." Cook smiled in his heart, but rushed towards the speaker.

"Help, help." Cook ran, slowing down, and shouting hoarsely, how miserable and miserable it was.

"Stop, those who move forward die." A figure hovered in mid-air, and shouted sharply at Cook, which made Cook secretly surprised. ;--28936+dsuaahhh+26937323-->

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