A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 116: sin

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"Shoo." A guy with black'color' long'hair' on his arm, a black'color' light appeared on his arm, and then tens of thousands of black'color''hair' hairs on this arm It flew towards Cook like a steel needle, like a black rainstorm. . For more latest chapters visit:щw..

"This?" Cook was astonished. Yes, it was such an attack method.

Roda and others hurriedly avoided, while Cook sneered, and then took out a robe, which was flying in Cook's hands, and the black needle rain was all wrapped in the robe.

Luoda and the others were dumbfounded: "Can you do this?"

"Go to hell!" Another guy with a one-horn on his shoulders, the whole one-horn released a yellow ‘color’ light, and the orc flew sideways towards Cook.

"Haha, do you know how the people in our tribe deal with crazy livestock, look at it?" Cook laughed and said with a loud humiliation.

When the man approached Cook for a few meters, Cook also took a step towards the orc, but Cook seemed to collide with the orc at this step. This is just an illusion that Cook’s body gave the orc. In fact, Cook’s The'legs' have already moved ⊥ha..., the orc saw Cook coming oncoming and roared with a grinning smile: "Go to death...Boom!"

When Roda and the others saw that Cook was in contact with the orc, their bodies suddenly leaned to the side. The orcs on the opposite side saw that Cook disappeared in front of them. Before they could react, they felt a strong attack on their backs. Then, the whole person slammed heavily on the ground, the ground shook, and the whole orcs sank into the stone ground.

"You see, the animals are the animals." Cook said very arrogantly, the appearance is simply awkward.

"Tear me up this ‘jerk’." A cat-eyed guy on the other side roared angrily.

When Cook heard this, the whole person rushed up, and the guys whose hands had turned into a huge wooden thorn looked at Cook with a sneer, and then this person slowly disappeared.

"I wipe it!" Cook was shocked, yes, he still has this skill?

There are also some orcs who have started to work together. There are guys with black'colored' liquid spraying from their mouths, those with fine scales on their hands and nails that have turned into claws, and the entire head is like a wolf's head. The guy, as well as the guy whose mouth occupies most of his face and is full of teeth, opened his mouth and rushed over.

"A group of cattle!" Cook shouted loudly.

"You said, Tuba can win?" Roda asked at the side.

"You will definitely lose, don't forget these guys are crazy." Rocky replied affirmatively.

Roda shook his head and said, "Don't forget that Touba hasn't used a weapon yet."

"Bang, bang, bang." Cook's next performance stunned Roda and others. As long as the enemy touched by any part of Cook's body, he immediately fell to the ground, and Cook punched a guy with fangs on the head. The sunk in, and then his arm forward again, the back of his hand shot the other guy out directly, and this guy spurted blood while flying.

Immediately afterwards, Cook’s wrist slammed an enemy down and flew back, and his elbow pierced an enemy’s chest through a large hole, just like being directly penetrated by a heavy weapon, the shoulder, The head and feet are very slow to speak, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye. The dozen people on the opposite side are like being bombarded by a violent explosion, and no one can stand up again.

"A group of livestock, dare to seduce me with the uncle, hum." Cook finally snorted very disdainfully.

"Puff." Love swayed and fell softly to the ground.

"Damn it, Tuba is so awesome, especially the movement just now, I depend on it." Rocky roared violently.

"Don't be jealous, if there is no abnormal power, your hand will break directly when you hit someone with the back of your hand." Roda is very self-aware. Cook's movements look very chic, but in fact there is no strong power. The speed and rapid response ability will not have such a result at all.

"Big Brother Roda, where did these beasts come from?" Cook asked with a ‘bewildered’ face.

"Tuba, you are in big trouble. These are a bunch of lunatics, a group of lunatics who desire power to turn themselves into beasts, and these guys are cruel, and the slaves they grab have never been'women', children, or old men. , They are the strongest men." Luoda said.

Cook was startled, and then jumped and said, "These damn'jerk', I'm going to kill these guys, but my dad said that you don't want big or small hunting, and don't hit mothers. These are simply cattle, cattle. "

"Tuba, these guys are very strong, and the bases these guys have are better than ours, and these guys are not weaker than us here." When Roda heard Cooke say this, he wished Cook immediately Go, but Roda said so pretentiously.

Cook blinked his eyes, then moved his ears and said, "That's it, then forget it, it's better than you, I can't handle it alone, then let's not go quickly, no one sees us doing it now."

Luoda almost vomits blood, mother, how can Tuba's brain work better sometimes? Luoda weighed it in his heart. If he left like this, those lunatics would definitely make trouble for themselves. It's better to kill them together now. , As long as the action is fast enough and there is hope of victory, then other forces on the'chaotic' plane will definitely take action.

"No, Brother Tuba, these guys also have that kind of surveillance system, so we went in." Luoda said that Rocky was shocked, deed, the boss is going to provoke those lunatics.

"That's not good, those guys are better than us, or we will run away first, the big deal will not come here." Cook replied with his head tilted, and Luoda and others stared with eyes widened. 'Mao' is sick. Roda ignored Cook's words and said to the people around: "Rocky, gather all those who can move."

"Boss, those are crazy..." Rocky said eagerly.

"Because we are lunatics, we have to act first." Luoda directly interrupted Rocky's words and said.

"Okay." Rocky heard Roda's explanation and immediately replied, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Brother Touba, this time you are here to take the lead. As long as you can get everything, it belongs to you." Luoda said very proudly.

"Really, it belongs to me?" Cook blinked his eyes and looked at the natural ring on his hand, as well as several super space bags made from the skins of god-level creatures on his waist. Part of the space is'sex', so the space bag produced has a large capacity, and one space bag can hold a large mountain.

There are also a few space rings, which are also large-capacity. They are refined from the magic metal of the space system, which is almost millions of cubic meters of space.

"Of course, when did our boss say what we said, but Brother Tuba, how many things can you carry with your small body?" Love said with a smile.

Roda glared at Love, and Cook said, "I don't limit how much I can bring?" "Of course, but you have to do your best this time. If you do well, maybe we can help you. Be the patriarch." Luoda continued to'entice and confuse'.

"Okay, this is what you said, beasts, you Uncle Tuba, I'm here." Cook is now going to make things bigger and muddy the water, so he can'feel' the fish in the muddy water, and the water is muddy. In the future, fish will naturally show their heads if they can't stand it.

Seeing Cook rushing over, Roda sternly said to Love: "You are an idiot, and you say this to your face. Although this Tuba is not very good at his brain sometimes, he is definitely not a fool, you know, if you are in the future Still like this, just bring me back with the kids."

"Boss, boss, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I don't want to have children." When Love heard this, he thought that a group of children were crying and making trouble, and couldn't help but shiver.

"Go, let's rush in, remember, move everything out." Luoda shouted at the dozens of subordinates behind him.

"Boss, Boss, we are here too." Rocky also came with hundreds of people. In fact, the two residences are neighbors.

"Grab, all things that can be moved will be moved back." Roda ordered loudly.

"Rocky, you take people to move things, Love, you go in with me, remember, we don't want a living." Luoda commanded loudly.

After Cook rushed into this station, all he saw were guys with a part of the body of a beast. Cook didn’t intend to kill, but when he walked into this station, he asked a scent. Cook didn’t say this. Familiar, but absolutely know, this is a kind of grilled'meat' taste, but it is the taste of grilled people's'meat'. Cook once killed an ogre tribe, this is the real ogre, grilled Human'meat' is this taste.

"Boom." Cook rushed into the place where the smell came from with an afterimage~www.novelmtl.com~a place that resembles a kitchen, but there is a large iron cage in the kitchen, which is full of humans. There are dwarves, such as humans, orcs, all of which are'female', as well as children. Two guys with a part of the body of a beast are cleaning an orc with a'female'. Eyes, but an open wound on the neck shows that this is already a dead person, and on the other side, the huge magic circle emits a hot temperature, and two people who can't see what race are worn on the iron shelf , Made a sizzling sound.

"Dead!" This has touched Cook's bottom line. The reason why the demons are hated by Cook is because these demons don't treat people as humans, and now Cook sees a guy who is more cruel than the demons.

"Puff!" The strange orcs didn't react at all. The whole body was like being blown by countless steel needles, like a leaking balloon.

"I just died, I hope the resurrection scroll in Windsor is useful." Cook took the orc girl's body directly into the natural ring, and at the same time passed the news to Windsor. Cook has the biggest light in the Holy See. It is also the most powerful thing, the resurrection of the divine technique scroll. ;--28936+dsuaahhh+26841714-->

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