A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 113: damage

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At this time, Cook also looked at the magic projection. Cook was shocked when he first saw these things, but after a peeping a while ago, Cook knew that this thing was actually extremely crude, and Cook secretly estimated this in his heart. The maintenance rate of a system is very high, which also proves the reason why these guys have not paid off the payment after hundreds of years of use. The maintenance cost occupies a large part.

"Tsk tut, I don't know if the guy behind refining these things is a demons. -..-" Cook sighed.

From this point of view, Cook found that the Mozu is very similar to his own development routine, but the Mozu is not visible, and the things that the Mozu refines are indeed very high, but the quality is not good, high failure rate, high Although the maintenance rate allowed the forces behind them to make a lot of money, relatively speaking, the development of these peripheral forces was relatively slow.

Cook slowly infiltrated the system with the'Essence' divine power. For a senior Mageweave master, it is too easy to enter, just like a smart locksmith wants to enter a locked room. Same, but the only thing that won't unlock is to think of another way.

"There is actually another control system outside of $?" Cook found out the entire system soon. To Cook's surprise, there is actually another set of advanced controls in this system. System, obviously this is the back door left by the guys who made these things.

This system is very large, occupying an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, but there are only hundreds of magic patterns drawn on such a large area. If you know the magic pattern equipment made by Cook, a helmet has at least 20 magic patterns. Pattern.

The energy source of the entire system is converted by absorbing the surrounding light source, but the energy converted by the light source is not a lot, and it is just enough for the operation of the entire system, but this system is not useless, first of all, the internal biological system. Sealing systems, these are more innovative, but that's all.

"Hey, I'm sorry, everyone, I want to see the guy behind making this soon." Cook smiled in his heart.

Cook found dozens of parts to be damaged in the entire system, so Cook's spirit moved, Rocky immediately exclaimed: "Boss, Boss, it's not good, this thing is bad again? Now, retreat, retreat."

But Roda could hear Rocky's words because the language communication system was damaged by Cook. Of course, unless a Mageweave master with a higher level than Cook can see some clues, the rest is useless.

"Boom." Dozens of mounts rushed towards a group of mountain giants with a slip of smoke.

"Robbers." The mountain giant could think that there would be robbers on the Death Star, and he suddenly became confused.

"Rocky, Rocky, fire support, fire support." Roda had just'fighted' with these mountain dwarves. Although the raid caused dozens of mountain giants casualties, the strength of the mountain giants is strong enough, and these The mountain giant then took out the crossbow made by the gravel plane, and Roda immediately roared loudly when he saw this.

Rocky was dumbfounded. The giant bow and crossbow equipped by the mountain giant directly penetrated a robber giant, and the mount was nailed to the ground at a distance. Rocky then burst out with a roar: "Damn, damn. , It's bad at this time, "jerk", "jerk"."

And Roda, who did not receive fire support and Rocky’s answer, knew that something was wrong, turned around and ran. What made Cook dumbfounded was that these robbers seemed to be very experienced, and they scattered all at once, but left a few. The body of a teammate.

"This, this, this..." Cook looked dazed.

Rocky didn't care about Cook at all, and started to get busy in the entire control room. Not long after, Luoda rushed in and asked loudly, "Rocky, how is it?"

"Boss, this luck is terrible, and this system is broken again. It seems that we have to return to the ‘chaotic’ plane ahead of time." Rocky shook his head and said.

"Asshole, asshole, it's the same again." Roda stamped her foot, and Cook heard this. It was obviously not the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Looking at Rocky's inspection, Cook asked very curiously: "Is this thing broken?"

"It's not broken, it needs maintenance, do you understand?" Luoda replied irritably, and Luoda was also very depressed. This system is very powerful, but the'exhaustion' is also'very' strong.

After a full hour, Rocky said: "Boss, the weapon control system is damaged, the sound transmission system is damaged, and the sensor monitoring system in the a2, b8, and k9 areas is damaged."

"So much?" Roda's face turned green.

"No way, these systems should be repaired last time, but the funds were insufficient at that time, and now they must be repaired, otherwise we can't use them." Rocky shook his head and said.

And Cook almost laughed and "puffed". Rocky said that the weapon system was damaged. This is obvious. It can't be controlled. It's not damaged. The sound is also. You can't hear Luoda. It's not damaged. There is also sensor monitoring. Nima's, there are no images in these areas on the magic projection. It took an hour to conclude that it was not seen by the magic pattern master. It seems that Rocky's magic pattern attainments are also very limited.

"Bastard, then the energy system is enough for us to return to the chaotic plane. If we find those guys to fix it, the cost..." Roda asked worriedly later.

"No problem, the energy supply system, conversion system, and steering system are all operating normally." Rocky said.

"Well, let's go to the ‘chaos’ and ‘chaos’ planes in advance." Roda said with some chagrin.

Rocky then asked: "Boss, what about these guys above?"

Luoda was referring to the mountain giant, and Luoda replied helplessly: "What else, these **** guys actually bought a metal giant crossbow and let these guys go, otherwise, there may be some trouble."

When Cook saw this, he smiled in his heart. Of course, with a dazed look on Cook's face, he asked: "Are we just letting go of these'jerks' like this?"

"Ahem, now we are not the opponents of these guys." Roda explained.

"Why isn't it an opponent, come on, it's just hundreds of enemies, in our place, what kind of person is this person?" Cook looked agitated.

"Okay, okay, let's not say, we have experience in these things." Luoda said irritably, obviously disagreeing with Cook's ideas.

When Cook heard Luoda say this, he asked with some suspicion: "Aren't we thousands of people?"

"If you think, tens of thousands of people will be gone." Love seized the opportunity and said mockingly to Cook.

"Uh..." Cook looked at Roda and the others in surprise.

Roda said, "In such an environment, our fertility is lower than on a normal plane."

"Oh." Cook understood at once, it turned out there was this reason.

Then Roda and others began to get busy, but Cook did not assign tasks, and of course he restricted the scope of his actions. Cook didn’t care about it, and Cook couldn’t go to the control room. Time just passed by. There are not many days here, except for the lighting system in the room that can be controlled by itself, the rest of the place is always shining.

"Hey, a little depressed." After staying in this environment for a long time, I felt a little depressed.

"Cook, how do you want to face it?" Windsor asked Cook.

"No, take one step at a time, it may not be the demons, maybe some other chamber of commerce bought slaves for mining or something." Cook shook his head and replied.

Windsor also sighed: "In fact, we don't have to fight like this at all."

"Hehe, it’s not really a fight. How can I say, we are definitely able to go to the God Realm, but my parents, and my sister, they may never be able to go, and there are also our descendants. All of them have high talents. If the existence of the Demon Race is not eliminated, it will explode one day. I am thinking of our future generations." Cook said and started to be honest.

"Humph." Windsor snorted, disagreeing with Cook's point of view, but did not refute it either.

"Tuba, Tuba." Rocky's voice rang outside.

"Come here, here." Cook quickly got up, put on his clothes three times, and Windsor went directly into the natural ring space.

Rocky saw Cook speak, and there were some strange smells in the room, and he smiled and said, "The nourishment that your kid has lived in."

"I'm all idle and boring if there is anything." Cook said when he locked the ‘door’, but there was nothing in the ‘door’.

"It's about to reach the plane of'Hun' and'Chaos', the boss called us over." Rocky said.

"Here, so fast?" Although Cook thought it was slow, he still had to speak quickly.

"Tuba, let me tell you that it's not what you see in the'chaos' plane. The fist has the final say. If you have that mentality~www.novelmtl.com~, it will disappear sooner or later. There are also rules in this "chaotic" plane. I will watch more and talk less later. Do you understand?" Rocky asked.

"That is, I won't cause you trouble." Cook said so, but he wondered how to make the trouble bigger so that he could "feel" the fish in muddy water.

"Tuba, Rocky's words must be remembered, okay, let's go." Luoda immediately said when Touba and Rocky came over.

"Just a few of us, where are the goods?" Cook asked in surprise.

"Haha. Naturally someone will take over the goods." Love looked at Cook with an idiot look.

"Oh." Cook said awkwardly.

When Cook reached the plane of chaos, he couldn't believe his eyes, and asked incredulously: "This is better than my hometown, how can this be called chaos? Where is the plane?";--28936+dsuaahhh+26723024-->

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