A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 112: Pirate Base

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The bunny girl was frightened all of a sudden. It was the first time that Chi Guoguo threatened the bunny girl. Cook then asked, "Which plane do you come from? Who else is there? , What is your identity in the tribe?"

"You, my father won't let you go, but my father..." the bunny girl threatened loudly. . The update is fast.

"Tear!" Cook grabbed the bunny girl's trousers and pulled it forcefully. The trousers suddenly became like a cheongsam, and a white, white stripe appeared. 'leg'.

"Answer my question." Cook said coldly, and did not notice the open mouth of the Bunnyman'woman'.

"You **** bastard, I...tear." This bunny man's'female' **** is indeed hot, but the words are not finished, the neckline is torn, if it is not **** with a rope Yes, it is estimated that the clothes will not be kept, even so, most of the'chest' of this bunny girl's son is'exposed' in the air.

"Well, it feels good, if you don't answer, I'll continue." Cook smoothly ‘touched’ the bunny’s ‘female’’ breast, and said with a smile.

"Ah!!!" The bunny girl'female' finally reacted and exclaimed ¢≮. Come.

"Do you want me to tear it there?" Cook stretched out a hand and asked coldly.

Cook's expression made the bunny ‘female’ trembling constantly. Cook let go and asked, "Say."

"My name is Ai Li, it's..." Ai Li shrank tightly on the'bed', intermittently talking about her origin in a trembling voice.

"Boom." Cook waited until Allie had finished speaking, and he knocked Allie out at once, and then put Allie into the Ring of Nature. According to Allie, this interstellar pirate was actually hiding A group of bandits in this Death Star, but the bandit’s equipment is very powerful, so even though Ellie brought guards, they were also arrested, and there were hundreds of guards, but they were killed and injured in the battle. In part, several of Ellie's'maidens' have been ruined by these bandits a long time ago. If it weren't for Ellie's higher status, she would be treated like that as well. This would not be used to win her over.

Cook groaned for a moment. Through Ellie’s narration, the “female” bunny men were ruined like they were worthless, but the bunny men with a little stronger strength would suffer serious injuries. Take remedial measures.

"Do these people need guys with stronger ‘physical’ strength?" Cook wondered. Of course, this is just a guess. As for the true result, further understanding is needed.

Cook gave up deep-level conjectures, and then carefully looked at the room. This room is made of metal, more than a meter thick, and the metal is very tough. It looks like an alloy. Ke was wondering that the environment where these giant robbers lived in such a good environment needed to come out and rob, and the metal in this room could be used to build a batch of weapons on any plane.

The designed magic pattern is very crude. It seems to be inferior to the one drawn by the magic pattern apprentice under Cook’s hands, but it can only be used. Here, a magic pattern occupies several cubic volumes. You can know this magic pattern. The teacher's accomplishments.

Windsor suddenly appeared and stared at Cook: "What did you do to the bunny man just now, this time Lina and others let me look at you."

"It's great to be here, I'm really a bit lonely." After Cook saw Windsor, he hugged Windsor and started rubbing his hands.

"You...oooo." Just as Windsor was about to speak, Cook gagged his mouth, and then the two rolled on the'bed'.

After the storm, Cook put his arms around Windsor's smooth shoulders and said, "I just scared the bunny man just now."

"Hmph, the clothes are torn and scared, I think you want to take advantage." Windsor nestled lazily in Cook's arms and said weakly.

"I said you shouldn't be so sensitive in thinking, okay, things..." Cook explained the current situation in detail.

When Windsor heard it, he said contemplatively: "Maybe your guess is reasonable, because the demons are bloodlines, so they need a strong slave. After all, the body is strong and the blood is more, the better the blood's vitality."

"Yes, so I just did that." Cook kissed Windsor and said.

Windsor gave Cook a white look, then smiled and asked, "Are you really not tempted?"

"Of course not, how can I appreciate that kind of ‘color’." Of course Cook knew how to answer.

When Windsor heard Cook say this, he snorted: "I don't know what I think in my heart."

"Hmph, dare to question me, and ask for family law to serve you." Cook saw Windsor's coquettish look, and certain parts were eager to move, and he hugged Windsor again.

"Hey, I feel..." Before Windsor finished speaking, she opened her mouth wide, took a long breath, and the war continued again.

Cook walked out of his room refreshedly, and Cook also used a big lock to lock the'door' very exaggeratedly. Seeing Cook like this, Roda asked in surprise: "Brother Touba , What are you?"

"Haha, thank you brother Luoda last night. The chick was too hot last night, but I was tossed it hard and wanted to live. This is why I tied this chick up again, but I'm afraid some people Enter at will." Cook said with a smile.

Luoda felt sweaty in his heart, thinking that you, this fellow, shouldn't be playing for real, of course, no matter what Luoda is, Luoda said to Cook: "Brother Tuba, we are going to work, are you going? ?"

"I, I'll take a look first." Cook said with a groan.

"All right, you just watch in the control room." Roda replied to Cook, then turned and left.

Roda called out the Cook brothers, but Cook just walked around and basically didn't allow him to go there. He just moved freely in a small area. As for the control room, Cook saw hundreds of magic projections for the first time. , Like hundreds of monitors.

"Wow!" Cook exclaimed.

"Hehe." Rocky smiled, with a smug expression in his smile.

"Brother Rocky, your position is not easy, isn't it something ordinary people can'fuck'?" Cook leaned forward and asked Rocky.

"That is, I am a Mageweave Master. These things need me to'manage' and control, and I can't change it for another person. If I see it, I saw you for the first time here." Rocky heard Cook's Admired, immediately said triumphantly.

"It's really the place I walked, but Brother Rocky, how can I see the outside here? Why haven't I seen these things, these things are very valuable?" Cook tried to think of himself as a small place, feeling Said.

"It can't be done with money." Rocky shook his head and didn't continue.

Cook was also a little surprised, and muttered to himself: "Small, the vigilance is still ‘quite’ high."

But for these triumphant people, there is another characteristic, that is, showing off their love, so Cook stopped talking. According to Cook, a **** is hypocritical. If you want to ask, you must be killed. You If you don't ask, you can tell it yourself.

"I see it, this is our goal this time." Sure enough, as Cook expected, the Rocky pointed to a magic projection and said.

"Can you attack those people here?" Cook asked very carefully, while looking at Rocky with admiration.

"Of course I can, but I don't need it. Seeing that, the boss and others are already hidden." Rocky shook his head and replied.

Cook looked at the magic projection intently. In fact, Cook was observing the operation of the system. As a result, Cook gave a word: "Rotten, super rotten, the probability of repairing this thing is high."

"Will this thing break?" Cook asked with a curious look.

"Bad, why not, look at your equipment will be damaged, this thing will definitely be broken, but this thing is too powerful, with this, we can surprise the enemy, and this set of things He also brought weapons to attack." Rocky explained in a low voice.

"Rocky, report the target location." A voice rang in the control room.

"Who?" Cook jumped aside immediately, and then asked vigilantly.

"Boss, the target has entered the c3 area, and will soon reach your area, ready for battle." Rocky replied.

Roda's voice rang again: "Rocky, report the target's movements at any time."

"Yes, boss, don't worry." Rocky replied assuredly.

With a dumbfounded look, Cook swallowed his saliva and asked like a bun; "Can you still talk to Big Brother Luoda?"

"Of course." Rocky didn't care what to say to Cook now, and answered two words.

"It's amazing. If I have such a set of things, those scumbags will no longer be able to approach me." Cook's words are very ambiguous. The system is fixed, and the chaser is mobile.

Rocky rolled his eyes and sighed in his heart: "This Bunnyman's IQ is really high. This thing can be used in ambushes but not in pursuit. Besides, you can have this set of things as an orc. Got rich."

Of course Cook knew that what he said was an idiot. Cook smiled and asked Rocky: "Brother Rocky, how much is this system?"

"How much is it? Our entire team has more than 6,000 people. I have been working here for more than 600 years. That's it. We haven’t paid off this system. Our previous generation has already used it. This system is now." Rocky replied very simply.

"No..." Cook looked extremely shocked.

Rocky saw Cook's expression ~www.novelmtl.com~ and whispered: "If you have any enemies, just join us. I think those enemies will have no good fruit."

"Really, I offended the temple. I came here as a human being along the way. Do you look at me wearing a helmet like a human?" Cook put on the helmet with a smile, and his ears disappeared. .

"It really looks like it." Rocky looked at Cook's way, also a little surprised.

"That is, when I came from the plane of gravel, the dwarves thought I was a human." Cook just thought of a huge flaw, that is, Cook is a human in front of the patriarch of gravel dwarves, and now he is an orc. Once these robbers knew about it, they would definitely doubt themselves, so Cook made up this flaw first.

"Rocky, Rocky, we are ready to fight, you pay attention to'fuck' the weapon." At this time, Luoda's voice came out again, and Cook also saw Luoda and others initiate a charge, and the opposite target, a group of Mankind obviously did not expect that there would be enemies here, and there was a panic, after all, this is a dead plane. ;--28936+dsuaahhh+26697437-->

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