A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Enter the dark passage

Cook and others entered the gorge smoothly. There is still a road in the gorge, but this road is not only tortuous, but also very narrow. Cook looked at the steep Grand Canyon and asked: "Such a road. What is the road for?"

"Master, this is to trade with the intelligent creatures in the dark passage. The thorns around these roads are full of poison. As for the deal, I don't know. The druid guards have very tight mouths." Kanter has been Pitdian Pitdian followed behind Cook, as long as Cook had a question, he would answer immediately, and Kanter, who didn't know, would go back and ask other druids.

Cook didn't even guess what deal the druid had with the creatures in the dark world. Cook looked at the fading sunlight above his head and said to Kanter: "Give them a drop of these potions each."

"Master, what kind of potion is this?" Kanter looked at the potion bottle in his hand in confusion.

"Dark vision, taking this medicine can make people see things in the dark." Cook explained.

When Kanter heard Cook’s words, he first dropped a drop in his mouth. After taking the medicine, Kanter felt a cool sensation in his eyes. Kanter looked around and found that it was much brighter. Kanter quickly yelled Get up: "Good things, good things."

With Kanter’s demonstration, no one else had any resistance. When everyone found that the surrounding area was much brighter than before, they were shocked. Constantine and others looked at Cook eagerly, because if there was such a medicine. In the future, the darkness of the Blackrock Wilderness will be easier to pass, and maybe you can continue hunting.

There is no trace of light in the dark passage, and even the fluorescent plants that should appear on other planes have not appeared. The dark passage is very wet and slippery. There is no road at all. It is a very steep mountain wall. The smooth boulder, fortunately, Cook and the others are powerful, and more often they just need a place to borrow.

The most eye-opening thing for Cook is that some of the druids' way of traveling turned into a sepak takraw, and they followed up with little effort, some became spiders, lizards, and even more. To become a half-meter-long caterpillar-like creature, the tauren and tiger tribe are the more difficult ones.

The moist air and the slippery rocks finally saw Cook and the others see the area at the bottom of the canyon, but the bottom of the canyon is not solid ground, but water. Cook warned loudly: "Attention, don't get close to the water."

"Master, is there anything in the water?" Kanter asked, looking at the calm water.

"Yeah." Cook nodded and said nothing. He took a piece of meat directly from the natural space and threw it in the water. As soon as the piece of meat fell into the water, the surface of the water boiled, all of a sudden. Yes, the creatures with a thickness of a few centimeters rolled up all at once. There were hundreds of them. These creatures opened their mouths full of sharp teeth and bit down the meat. The tremendous power of these creatures actually made the meat. The lump did not sink, but within a few seconds, the lump of flesh decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then disappeared, and the water surface was calm again.

"This..." Everyone was stunned. No matter it was the druids or the orcs, they had never expected such a fierce creature under such calm water.

And Cook started to get busy, why, because Cook saw that these guys looked like eels, Cook wanted to see how this thing tasted, if it tasted good enough, then these guys would suffer, no matter what Species, once they have any value to humans, even if these species are powerful, like giant dragons, they have to stay away from humans, because the most dangerous creatures in the world are humans themselves.

Just like tigers, how fierce the poisonous insects are, but when the humans who died under these species are compared with the humans who died in the hands of humans during the war, it is not difficult to tell who is the more dangerous creature.

Without any tools at all, Cook took out a piece of meat again and threw it down, but this time there was a weird scene. The dark guys a few centimeters thick suddenly floated up for dozens of times. After there were so many articles, Cook did not continue to catch, but there were still many such creatures on the water.

"It's really similar to the eel." Cook first released a toxin detection and found that the creature contained traces of toxins, but the toxins were concentrated on the internal organs and there was no harm. To say harm, it means eating too much. , It may be diarrhea for a few days.

The next thing is simple, the magic furnace is in front of the electric stove, then the pots and pans, and some spices. The people around are watching Cook nervously, and Constantine asked in surprise. : "His Royal Highness is a witch doctor?"

"Witch doctor, you mean this, I'm trying to see how this thing tastes." Cook repeated, then came to his senses and explained.

"Master, are you cooking?" Kanter also burst into tears, and the master of his own is too ridiculous.

"Of course, I have a dedicated team of chefs with extremely strong strength. As long as these things are good enough, then this dark passage is ready to welcome those foodies." What Cook said is true. Halflings can do good food. Not afraid of any danger, of course, there is also the foodie Jin Guangyan, and Cook made a special magic pattern weapon for halflings with a big hand, magic pattern chopper, so Cook’s team of chefs has reached tens of thousands of people, among them Most of them are halflings, with golden light, hehe, wherever this guy will directly bring an army of super-order beasts and push it over, of course, if there are super-order creatures in this dark channel, then golden light will be more trouble-free. Just let those creatures submit directly.

Hearing Cooke say this, Constantine opened his mouth wide, and said after a while: "Your Highness, this dark passage is very dangerous."

"Hehe, for foodies, the creatures here are the most dangerous." Cook laughed and said.

"Well, it's delicious, it tastes great, I think those guys will love it here." Cook tasted the eel-like delicacy and found that the taste was good and the meat was very tender.

Under the gaze of everyone, Cook packed his things, then threw a crystal bottle to Kanter and said: "There is a potion for recovery of physical strength, one drop per person."

Kanter knew that Cook had all good things in his hands. Just after dropping a drop in his mouth, his whole body was hot, and his fatigue disappeared quickly. Kanter clearly felt that his strength was recovering quickly.

"Bang." Kanter began to give these people some medicine. There was not much, just one drop. Kanter also hoped that there would be some left. Although Cook had given Kanter some medicine, Kanter had never used it before. At this moment, with a bang, Kanter turned his head and looked over, and a silver-white thing was floating on the water.

"Kengkengkengkeng." As soon as this silvery-white thing fell on the water, I heard the sound of kengkeng. Everyone looked over and found that densely packed creatures were eating the silvery-white thing.

"Haha, I actually want to eat magical alloys." Cook laughed, and Cook took out a ship, not very big, but it was enough to hold these people.

After everyone got on the boat, they all felt very strange. Kanter knocked on the hull and found that it was actually metal. Kanter asked in surprise, "Master, this metal can actually be suspended on the water."

"Of course." Cook didn't answer, and started to start the ship. A transparent magic shield wrapped the hull. Although Cook was strong, he couldn't follow these things. This magic shield was to deal with certain emergencies. Situation.

Everyone was amazed, Kanter even sighed, and then a few huge rays of light shot out in the direction of the bow of the ship. Under the light, the scenery within a kilometer was clearly visible.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, this will attract dark creatures." Constantine said anxiously when he saw this situation.

"Hehe, it just happened to be here." Cook said with a smile.

However, Constantine was still very worried. Although Cook was strong enough to deal with gods, Constantine knew that there were more ants, not only could kill elephants, but even tigers could not escape. He was in the Black Rock Wilderness. There is a kind of ants, a colony of millions, no matter what kind of creatures enter this area, they will become food for these ants.

The ship moved quickly. The druids and the orcs were very novel at first, but within a moment, these guys felt uncomfortable. Cook saw these guys and was speechless. These guys were seasick. .

"I said you guys are still seasick?" Cook is afraid that these guys will throw things up on his boat~www.novelmtl.com~ It is more troublesome to clean up, isn't it, and the smell under the magic shield is definitely not uncomfortable.

"Seasick?" Kanter asked again in confusion.

"Hey!" Cook patted his forehead. Kanter didn't know anything at all. Cook already regretted taking these guys away with him.

"Roar!" Just as Cook was about to explain, there was a huge roar in the darkness, and then under the shining of the light, a behemoth appeared. This behemoth was sticking to the stone wall, roaring in the direction of the ship.

"It's actually the Shadow Dragon." Constantine shouted immediately.

"This is also a dragon?" Cook looked at this guy like a gecko, but it was a gecko about fifty meters long. Of course, the color of his body was black. .

"The shadow dragon can be invisible, your lord must be careful." Constantine reminded Cook that the shadow dragon is known as the killer of the dark world. It is not the most ferocious creature, but it is definitely the most dangerous, but the shadow dragon also has one of the biggest The advantage is that as long as it does not invade its territory, it will not attack indiscriminately, unless of course it is hungry, and then you happen to appear.

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