A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Go to Blackrock Wilderness

Cook’s idea is good, but no one knows what the facts are. Kanter was sent out by Cook to inquire about the news. Cook now feels that he has nothing to do here, and Drew The relationship between the Yi family is also a bit embarrassing, anyway, Cook can not participate in the affairs of the Druid family.

Even the other races of the light camp, Cook did not know where, thinking of other races, Cook remembered some orcs, these orcs should be a good target.

"Where did you come from?" Cook came directly to the orc's residence. The orc lived thousands of meters away from the Temple of the Sun. In Cook's eyes, several orcs had good strength. A fox The tribe, two bear tribes, two tiger tribes, and hundreds of tauren, formed a small camp. When Cook went there, these guys were eating a kind of vegetable pancake, which resembled flour pancakes, but It's definitely not bread.

"Your Majesty, we are from the Blackrock Wilderness." After seeing Cook, all the orcs were crawling on the ground, and the Fox Clan reported to Cook.

"Blackrock Wilderness, what are you doing here?" Cook didn't know where the Blackrock Wilderness was, but Cook didn't intend to ask.

"We are here to borrow the site. The Blackrock Wilderness is too barren. We want to borrow a site from the Druid so that our Blackrock Tribe can develop." The Fox Clan said.

Cook looked at the fox tribe with surprise. This fox tribe is a middle-aged man. His clothes are very poor in his opinion. Even the weapons seem to be a little broken. Cook asked with a weird look. : "Will these druids lend you territory?"

"Yes, we borrowed for a period of time fifty years ago, and we are not repaying it." The man in the fox replied affirmatively.

"Wipe!" Cook was surprised, yes, this Nima actually still borrows the site, can this Nima borrow the site too? What kind of society is this? What kind of habit.

Cook asked tentatively: "Then if I borrow a place like a druid, do they borrow or not?"

"Of course I have to borrow it. Your Excellency beat the Sun God." The man in the fox clan replied.

"Okay, get up and talk. Talk to you like this. Tired. By the way, how many people are in your tribe and how much food do you need?" Cook saw that these orcs had a good attitude, so he said with a smile. Cook was in a mood at this time It's also very good.

"There are three million people in our tribe..." The middle-aged fox replied respectfully, and of course he stood up. The orcs are so direct.

"How many? Three million people?" Cook was stunned. Nima's three million people were still a small tribe.

"Yes, with three million people, our tribe can be regarded as a relatively large tribe." The Fox tribe's words were somewhat proud.

Cook is speechless. Nima has 3 million people, not 30,000, and 3 million people are still a relatively large tribe. Cook curiously asked, "How many people are there in such a big tribe?"

"The largest tribe has 20 million people, but this is just a tribe, and the others are only a few million people." The middle-aged Fox tribe replied respectfully.

"Damn." Cook was speechless, Nima's 20 million orcs, what kind of thoughts this was like, is hard to imagine.

"Then how many sites do you Blackrock Tribe intend to borrow?" Cook asked again afterwards.

"It takes about a month to go to the site." The middle-aged fox said.

Cook patted his forehead, knowing that the speed of the orcs is extremely fast, almost comparable to the speed of a motorcycle, and that this motorcycle can also climb mountains and mountains, and the motorcycle runs for a month, what a lot of territory Nima should be.

"Didn't it mean that there are few druids?" Cook asked afterwards.

"The druids have few people, but the territory is huge." The middle-aged fox replied helplessly.

Cook still didn't understand. Then Cook asked carefully, only to discover that the druid occupies a floating plane, like a huge asteroid, but not a star, but a continental plate. There are many such planes in this one. This druid occupies a relatively good plane. These planes will cross every certain time. At that time, it was the creatures on the two plane blocks. The time for communication, but the plane blocks of the evil camp will also rub shoulders with these planes, so the evil camp and the light camp continue to war, which is a bit like what. Each of these planes is like a ship sailing on the sea. If you encounter a friendly merchant ship, you will trade, and if you meet pirates, you will have to fight.

"Hey." Cook sighed. Cook sighed for the Demon Race. In such an environment, the Demon Race could not become a climate at all, because it is too difficult to rule here. If there is a gap between each plane There is no plane teleportation connection, each plane is independent, even if it is a part of the power controlled by the demons, but it is too difficult to control more.

"In other words, even if you borrowed the territory this time, only part of your Blackrock tribe will come to this druid territory?" Cook used the term territory.

"Of course, it is mainly children, women and children. As long as hundreds of thousands of people can come, our tribe will not be hungry. Although our Black Rock Wasteland is relatively desolate, it is still rich in products." The middle-aged fox said.

"Well, then I will pay you food and borrow a piece of the Black Rock Wasteland, don't you mind?" Cook asked, and Cook is now looking for a place to stay.

"No problem, no problem." The middle-aged fox quickly agreed, very excited. In the eyes of these orcs, what Cook is, that is a super existence, and a certain **** also hinted that everything is Obey this human being.

"So how long will it take to get to your Blackrock Wilderness?" Cook asked again.

"About half a year." The middle-aged fox gave Cook a time of consternation.

"For half a year, doesn't it mean that you have been here for a long time, and you are not afraid that your family will starve to death?" Cook asked in surprise.

"No, we orcs will never let any clan be hungry. If you want to eat, everyone will eat, if you want to be hungry, everyone will be hungry." The middle-aged fox tribe explained.

"Go, go to the Blackrock Wilderness." Cook now desperately needs to find a foothold, and the territory where the orcs is located is an ideal place.

The orcs and his party left with Cook. Of course, Cook had called Kanter before he left. To Cook’s surprise, Kantor also brought dozens of druids, but after this introduction, Cook I learned that these are all Kanter’s family, Kanter’s parents, Kanter’s parents’ siblings, and some close relatives. These druids were very cautious when facing Cook, and seemed a little cautious. Ke ignored it.

"My lord, if you take the dark passage, it is estimated that you will save half of the time, but the dark passage is full of powerful creatures, and there are evil races." The middle-aged fox tribe said to Cook.

"Take the dark passage." Cook said afterwards, and then Cook asked something about the dark passage.

It turns out that the orc’s Blackrock Wilderness is below the druid’s territory, and the dark passage is a huge crack. This crack diagonally downwards, through here you can quickly reach the Blackrock Wilderness, but there are some powerful ones inside. Creatures and some evil camp races live in it, and these druids and orcs are not very accustomed to that environment, so the general dark passages are just guarded, and no one will enter, because for the love of nature, For the sun-loving druid, darkness is the least favorite environment. As for the orcs, they are not in the druid territory, so there is no reason to destroy the dark creatures in it.

"Constantine, there is no night in your place, just like this druid plane?" Cook asked the middle-aged fox with a nice name.

"No, half of our Blackrock Wilderness is daytime and half of the time is night. The temperature during the day is very high and the night is very cold. Therefore, only our orcs can survive in the Blackrock Wilderness." Constantine replied.

Cook also learned that in this orc team, Constantine is the main character, followed by the two tauren, and the tiger family known to Cook is just Constantine’s bodyguard. As for the other tauren, The guard is the same as the positions of the two tigers, but the position of the tigers is higher.

A huge canyon, you can see the dark mist under the canyon~www.novelmtl.com~ There is no end in sight, and there are also several druid camps stationed here, which is equivalent to a human village. However, the terrain here is too dangerous, surrounded by endless cliffs, and hundreds of meters above the canyon are filled with countless criss-crossing thorns, densely packed, like countless barbed wire fences, there are countless tall buildings on both sides of the canyon. These trees contain highly poisonous trees. Cook’s eyes light up. For other races, these highly poisonous trees need to be kept away, but for a pharmacist, this is endless wealth.

"There are extremely powerful creatures in the dark passage, so even the evil camp guys dare not go deep, so the defense of this canyon is relatively weak, after all, those dark creatures will not come to the ground." Kanter explained to Cook. Tao.

Cook nodded. To come from this underground surface, the evil camp must pass through this dark passage, but the complex terrain inside contains countless powerful dark creatures, and the evil camp dare not go deep.

"But under the dark passage, there must be an evil camp living there." Constantine added.

"Let's go." Cook didn't have the slightest fear. For Cook, reaching the Blackrock Tribe is the most important thing. As for the dark passage, it is not Cook's arrogance, maybe there is a strong presence, but these people Cook It can still be seen.

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