A Unique Hunter

Chapter 123: Awakening Potion "3rd more!"

The last one, the third one! Everyone is great to collect, click, flowers, tickets, Ryan also guarantees to Liha, Ryan’s character is very strong!

"Sky Eye, is this awakening potion real?" Cook asked a question that he thought was absurd, because Cook was so excited, so excited, the awakening talent is a big thing for all human beings, the awakening talent It is also a threshold, a huge threshold of poverty and wealth, slavery and freedom, but for the awakening magic circle using the wizard’s union, hundreds of gold coins at a time are undoubtedly the ancestors of all those poor and enslaved people. The huge wealth that he has never possessed, if there is this kind of medicine, then Cook can imagine how crazy it would be.

"True, this is only the lowest-level awakening potion formula. The probability of awakening is less than 30%. There are two more advanced ones in the memory stored by the eyes of the sky. One is 50% and the other reaches 100%. It is 80, and it is effective for all human races. However, there are fluctuations in the probability of different races. Your formula is only for the human race!" Skyeye's answer almost made Cook jump up directly.

But Cook still asked doubtfully: "Humanoid races, then include orcs and ogres?"

"Yes!" Skyeye's answer made Cook completely relieved. Cook couldn't help thinking that all his subordinates are talented fighters, and they are all strong orcs. You must know that the combat power of the orcs after the awakening talent is many times that of humans.

"Haha, quickly translate it for me!" Cook commanded impatiently.

"The main material of the awakening potion formula is soul sand, non-attribute magic crystal, and the auxiliary materials are blue grass, centipede flower, seven love mushroom, and water of life." The sky eye passed the names of several materials, and Cook quickly picked up one. Pen, and then recorded it in pinyin, but the square word is too eye-catching.

"Sky Eye, explain the materials." Cook ordered directly.

"Soul sand is pure soul crystal, also called soul crystal. It is generally the soul crystal left over by the ghosts of the underground world and the undead of the undead plane with a very small chance after death. The attributeless magic crystal is a kind of magic crystal. , Blu-ray grass belongs to the magical plant of the ice system. It generally grows in the mountains and snowy areas at an altitude of 5,000 meters. The centipede flower is a kind of flower similar to the centipede foot that grows near the dragon's nest. A mutant fungus near the sexual magic plant, the water of life is the essence secreted by the tree of life." Tianyan explained one by one.

"Damn! Blu-ray grass and centipede flowers both grow in the territory of the dragon, and the water of life is the treasure of the elves. Is this a potion for awakening?" Cook cursed after hearing it. The urge to shred the formula, but Cook was still reluctant to bear this formula. After all, the expensive materials needed for the medicine are also in the cost of the medicine. There is no need for the pharmacist to worry about it. Naturally, a lot of adventurers will earn gold coins crazy.

"What about another formula with a 50% chance of awakening?" Cook asked afterwards.

"Soul sand and non-attribute magic crystals remain unchanged. Blu-ray grass is replaced with ice-type high-grade magic crystals or ice-type magic cores above level 6, and centipede flowers are replaced with dragon body fluids. The water of life remains unchanged, and the seven emotions The mushroom is mainly used to solve the painful feeling of the awakened person when using the medicine through the illusion. It is recommended to use a powerful paralytic poison before taking the awakening medicine." The answer of the sky eye brightened Cook's eyes. The ice magic crystal is still possible. The ice magic core estimates Difficult, the ice creatures all live in the ice and snow, and they are too much suppressed for other factors. The body fluid of the dragon reminds Cook of Xiao Lei's saliva.

"Why can this centipede flower be replaced with dragon body fluid?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"The centipede flower is mainly to dissolve the soul sand, and only the centipede flower is corrosive and not highly toxic. The body fluid of the dragon can also do it. The water of life is mainly to supplement the huge body and life loss brought by the awakening talent. If there is an advanced wood magician who is continuously performing wood magic, the spring of life, you can also abandon the water of life, in fact, the awakening potion is mainly to stimulate the talented bloodline hidden in the body through the instant increase of mental power and elemental energy "Tianyan replied.

"Senior wood magician is probably only available in the elven race, but finding a senior wood elven magician is probably more difficult than the water of life!" Although Cook muttered in his heart, he has already seen it. There are some hopes for the success of this kind of potion. There are still some in the soul sand Cooke. Although it is a deposit, Cook can use some. The magic crystals without attributes are not magic crystal coins. The body fluid of the dragon is also ready, so the rest It is the ice magic crystal, but it is estimated that there are very few top grades, and there is also the water of life.

"Then this formula can be handed over, but who should I give it to? Doktor, no, this old boy is not upright at all! Wushuang old man, I guess I don’t like it! By the way, Mentor Lyle, Mentor Lyle This backer, what materials can't be obtained? With this formula, the status of Lyle's tutor is estimated to be improved, and I have another backer in the union. It is better not to put eggs in a basket!" Since Ke has a better formula, the medicine formula in his hand is going to be handed over in exchange for a certain benefit, and Cook is thinking about how to maximize the benefit.

Lyle has been very busy these days. Because of the series of actions in the Magic City, the demand for potions has increased. The trade union has issued tasks, so Mentor Lyle has to refine the potions himself. Mentor Lyle is extremely incomparable. Nostalgia for Cook, Cook is a little pervert who can refine ten bottles of top-grade potions at a time, but his tutor knew that Cook was frightened, so he did not go to Cook for help, but when an assistant reported that Cook When he asked to see him, under the surprised eyes of his assistant, Mentor Lyle dropped half of the potion he had refined and rushed out.

"Hey, this is a high-level defensive potion worth tens of thousands of gold coins!" The assistant looked at the tutor and couldn't help but stunned.

"Oh! Dear Cook, you have something like this, I feel sorry for you, but I am very happy to see what you are now!" Mentor Lyle saw Cook and stepped forward to give one embrace.

"Thank you for the tutor's care, I'm already well, and I haven't seen the tutor for a long time!" Cook also hugged Lyle tightly, but some people were dissatisfied, Xiao Lei was not satisfied, because Cook was embraced by Xiao Lei Recognizing it is for its own use, just as a dragon recognizes its lair.

"Hehe, the little guy is upset, let's go! Cook, go have a drink together!" Lyle invited happily.

"Teacher, this time I want to bring out a good wine, the kind of good wine that can increase mental strength, I have gained a lot from the alien plane this time!" Cook hurried to keep up, to know Lyle The instructor's wine contains magic herbs, and drinking it has great benefits.

"What gain, isn't it just some magic metal?" Lyle asked disdainfully.

"Tutor, take a look at this, is it worth our celebration!" Cook handed the formula that recorded the awakening potion to Mentor Lyle, and asked with a smile.

Mentor Lyle walked into his room. This is Mentor Lyle’s private space, which is actually a small living room and lounge. Mentor Lyle took the scroll and first looked at the material of the scroll: "Yes, yes. In some ages, such sheepskins have been rolled up for at least a thousand years."

"Hehe, this scroll is placed in a sealed box~www.novelmtl.com~ but the sealed box was cracked by me violently. You always know that any seal is no match for time. I just poke lightly. Just got this thing!" Cook said liedly.

"Ancient gods, there are not many people who know this thing well, do you know what kind of potion formula this is?" Lyle was shocked when he glanced at it, and then asked with wide eyes.

"Hehe, I just know four words, awakening potions, but I have found several masters in magic words and asked four words one by one. After all, I don’t know what it is! I don’t know the rest. Knowing, this is mainly for keeping secret!" Cook looked at Lyle and replied with a smile.

"Your kid is very lucky. Fortunately, you didn't find someone to appraise it. This is an awakening potion formula that has been lost for thousands of years. It is of inestimable value. If anyone knows it, I'm afraid..." Teacher Lyle listened. When it came to Cook's explanation, he thought it was reasonable and solemnly explained.

Looking at Lyle’s appearance, Cook couldn’t help but feel ashamed of his excitement. Looking at the Lyle mentor, he clearly knew the value, but he explained calmly. In fact, Cook didn’t know that at Lyle’s level, he was powerful. The spiritual power of "not only represents strength, but also represents calmness.

"I guess it's the same, but I don't want to put this thing in my hand. One is that I don't have the ability. The materials needed for such a heaven-defying potion must be very valuable. The other is that even if I refine it, then I dare to take it. Sell ​​it out? So I give this formula to you, your tutor!" Cook said his thoughts very naturally.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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