A Unique Hunter

Chapter 122: The curtain of war "second more! 》

The second one is here!

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" The largest temple in the Orc Wasteland, the Temple of the God of War, is also the largest temple in the entire Orc Wasteland and the oldest temple in the entire world. A hundred loud bells came from the temple.

The main temple of the God of War Temple is located in the Gema Snow Mountain in the middle of the Orc Wasteland. It is located at the top of the Gema Snow Mountain. The Gema Snow Mountain stands abruptly in the center of the Orc Wasteland. Unlike ordinary snow mountains, the Gema Snow Mountain is There is only one huge mountain, and the top of the mountain presents a hollowed-in plain. Only in the south there is a huge gap. The other three sides are covered with snow-capped peaks more than a kilometer high, which looks like a missing half from a distance. The bowl was placed on the top of the snow-capped mountain. The plain on the top of the mountain was only a dozen square kilometers. Here is the Temple of the God of War.

In fact, this is a huge extinct volcano. The gap is the place where the magma flowed out before. Even now, this mountain still feeds countless orcs at the foot of the mountain. Because the Gema Mountain Range is extremely high, a lot of cold air has formed countless Snow, but there are some small hot springs on these mountain peaks. The heat from these hot springs melts the snow and forms countless warm streams. It is these streams that have nurtured countless orc tribes. It is these hot springs that have created them. Thanks to the unique climatic conditions within an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in the Gema Snow Mountain, the winter is not so cold, and the summer is not so hot. Even the poorest orcs can find a hot spring river under the Gema Snow Mountain, and then go smoothly. Throughout the winter.

However, Gema Snow Mountain is listed as a forbidden place for ordinary orcs from the foot of the mountain. Only the clergy of the temple can enter and exit here. This allows the Gema Snow Mountain to maintain a good landform, and due to the location of the temple, there is a gradual increase of orcs. When visiting the temple, Gemma Snow Mountain is called the Holy Mountain, and the hundreds of miles at the foot of the Holy Mountain is now surrounded by a wall of tens of meters high. This is the largest city in the orc wasteland, Mengcheng!

When a hundred bells rang through the entire Mengcheng city, all the orcs in Mengcheng rushed into the streets, crawling to the ground in the direction of the holy mountain, and Ma Cheng began to pay homage because of the one hundred bells. It means that the high priest of the temple has been called by God.

After visiting the shrine, hundreds of heavily armed warcraft knights emerged from the temple. These knights were dressed in steel armor and armed with steel spears, riding all kinds of warcrafts from the twelve gates of Mengcheng. , And then a message came.

"The high priest used his life to fortune the future of our orcs.

This time the high priest used the power of the prophet to obtain the will of the great God of War. In the far south, there is the sacrificial heritage that our orcs lost.

It is those despicable, cunning humans who have stolen the precious wealth that the great God of War left us orcs from us, sacrificially inherit.

We need to take up the weapons in our hands and recover the treasures of our orcs clan from those despicable, short humans, and return our sacrificial heritage to the holy mountain of Gema.

Brothers and sisters, take up the weapons in your hands and march towards the far south! go ahead! "This is the general war mobilization of the orc clan. At this moment, countless orc tribes began to migrate to the south. They dragged their homes with their mouths. They took everything with them, drove the domesticated herd, and picked up what they were holding. Weapon, head toward the south!

"My Lord Prophet, it is September. They are very unwise to do this. Another month will be winter. These tribes will freeze to death in the wasteland after leaving the sacred mountain of Gemma!" In the deep room, a fox old man with a silver tail was crawling in front of a fox woman with a fiery red tail, and the woman crouched and whispered.

"Child, this is all the will of God of War!" The old man opened his eyes and said with a little helplessness.

"My Lord Prophet, please, are you always willing to see our countless orcs freeze to death in the wasteland, or be attacked by those goblin tribes, ogre tribes, and hordes of beasts? Seeing the newborn baby of our orc being frozen in the mother's arms, screamed. Prophet, I beg you to see the lives of countless compatriots, please keep talking...!" the woman whimpered.

"Okay, boy, I was touched by your words, let's go, and come with me!" The old man looked up at the ceiling, with deep eyes as if he could see through the endless starry sky through the ceiling. The old man waved his hand and interrupted the woman's words. Slowly stood up and said.

"Thank you, Lord Prophet, please forgive your subordinates for the offense just now." The woman said quickly.

"Let's go, I haven't seen my face for more than a hundred years. This time I will make an exception for countless compatriots!" The old man smiled flatly, and then walked towards the door while speaking.

And Cook stared in a daze at the books that were at least ten centimeters thick in his hand. These books were made of so-called parchment paper, which was made of parchment as thin as paper, and then used to bind them together, one sheet of parchment. The price is dozens of gold coins. Only a few great nobles on the mainland would use this kind of parchment, because such a parchment involves hundreds of processes. As long as one fails, the sheepskin will be useless. Similarly, parchment is one of the materials commonly used in major temples, but due to limited production, only those high-level will use such parchment, and this book has as many as a thousand parchments, which means that this book is light The material is worth tens of thousands of gold coins, not to mention the content inside, but unfortunately, the book Cooke can't open at all, even with the magic eye, only seeing a cloud of darkness, there is no magic wave at all.

"Weird things!" Cook studied it and put the book back in the sealed box. Cook didn't know that this book had caused a lot of trouble. After this calm winter, the orcs The army will aggressively invade several empires in the north, and a war involving the entire world will begin.

"What is this?" At the end, there was a white sheepskin scroll. Cook looked at it first and found that there was no magic wave. Cook slowly opened it.

"What is this?" Cook opened the scroll and saw the words on it resembling flowers, and Cook couldn't help muttering.

"Sky Eye, can you see what this is?" Cook put on his glasses and called Sky Eye.

"This is a potion formula!" To Cook's surprise, the sky's eyes can really see things clearly.

Cook stammered and asked: "The sky can really see clearly, why?"

"Communication glasses are actually two huge mirror lenses made of magic crystals that leave things behind through the mirror crystals, and then convert them into spatial fluctuations through the conversion magic circle in the glasses, which can be accepted by the teleportation device in the ID card. When it arrives, there is also a transformation magic circle in the sky eye. The sky eye will be compared with the 130 different races and 450 variants in the memory crystal one by one..." The explanation of the sky eye made Cook roll his eyes. .

"But how can there be such a huge transforming magic circle in these glasses?" Cook asked, vomiting~www.novelmtl.com~ The glasses use miniature magic circle, all the transforming magic circle size is three hundred and ten. Only the size of a grain of wheat! "Tianyan's answer made Cook have the urge to faint. The three hundred and ten magic circles added up to the size of a grain of wheat.

"Sky Eye, although I don't understand the operation of the magic circle, there is a certain ratio between the thickness of the magic circle and the size of the magic power passing through. How do you explain this?" Cook asked again.

"Because of the different materials, the communication glasses use magic silver with no magic resistance, rather than the lowest-level mithril. The use of magic silver can theoretically reduce the existing 310 magic circles by 50%. !" Skyeye's answer made Cook's eyes widened. The size of the grain of wheat is only one-third the size of a small fingernail.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, then what kind of text is this text, and what kind of content is on it?" Cook decided not to compete with Skyeye anymore. Cook directly understood Skyeye as a computer, and more than 300 A conversion magic array is just understood as a chip. Cook thought of the era of microelectronics. Perhaps the era where the Sky Eye is located is the era of micro magic.

"This is an awakening potion formula, written in ancient divine writing." Tianyan replied.

"Awakening potion, is the awakening talent?" Cook asked excitedly.

"Yes!" Tianyan's answer was as straightforward as ever.

"Bang!" Cook fainted directly and happily, and Cook seemed to see the overwhelming gold coins rushing towards him in an instant.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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