A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 58: The name of the magic pillar

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Cook said while looking at Willie's expression. But what made Cook suspicious was that Willie didn't have any expression. It seemed to be exactly what Willie said. Let Cook speak. Although Cook doesn't fully believe it. Willie’s sincerity. But as a god, this attitude is considered sincere enough. Cook thinks about it in another place. Just for this, Cook also feels that he shouldn’t embarrass Willie. Cook spread his hands and said: “That Can you compensate me for something."

God of War was originally watching the show. But when he heard Cook say this to Willie, he immediately yelled: "Unfair. Unfair. This guy is the master behind the scenes. How can this be done."

"Hmph. I am the master behind the scenes. Who took the initiative to trouble Cook. It is not you. It is true that you want to drink the sun god." Willie did not hesitate to reveal the true thoughts of the **** of war.

"That's what you said." God of War also shouted loudly.

"You believe what I said. Then I will say now. God of War. You quickly compensate Cook for ten and eight artifacts as a compensation. Would you like to listen." Willie sneered at this.

"Boom." The God of War was annoyed. He smashed his fist at the God of Contract, Wei Lie. Wei Li did not expect that the God of War would do it. All of a sudden he was thrown away.

"Boom." Willie's body directly penetrated the huge statue of the sun god. Half of the mountain rang loudly.

"Damn it. Bastard. God of War. You are a ‘bastard’.” Willie suspended in the sky, shouting loudly at the God of War.

"Hmph. I'm just a bastard. Today, my **** is going to teach you a little guy. "Bastard." The God of War was angry. He flew out and shot out. Then two The gods fought into a ball in the sky, and the huge wave of divine power stirred up things like tornadoes in the sky.

At this time, the ground is suffering. The storms formed by these divine powers are like super hurricanes. Trees tens of meters high are directly uprooted like feathers. Numerous druids have transformed themselves. Fleeing away.

And what is Cook doing now. Cook is holding a memory crystal ball in his hand. He is inputting magic power. Cook is still muttering to himself: "Fight. Continue to fight. Hit me hard. Willie. Left."

After the God of War violently beat the God of Contract, he finally let go. The God of Contract is now only the size of an ordinary person. It is mainly in the fight against the God of War. The divine power is severely consumed. The God of War is still about ten meters high. The God of War waving his fist and saying : "I will settle accounts with you when I return to the God Realm."

How embarrassed and embarrassed is the God of Contract. The God of Contract is preparing to speak cruelly. Seeing Cook watching the show, Willie suddenly loses interest. Cook asked in an angry tone; "It's over. Let’s talk about compensation when it’s over."

"Nothing. Cook promised that I will do it for Wumei. I will tell you two weapons left by the ancient shaman... But the stick in your hand is a bit familiar." God of War patted 'Chest' said, and then the God of War looked at the Feng Mozhu in Cook's hand suspiciously and asked.

Why didn't the **** of war ask directly? This is because in the realm of the gods. Inquiring about other people's weapons is an expression of hostility. You must know that the battle between gods is more often a competition of equipment. The battle between real gods often continues For a long time. At the **** level, the elemental power is almost inexhaustible. And everyone’s level is not much different. So the dependence on equipment at the **** level is even more important. Therefore, equipment. Weapons cannot be used. Feel free to inquire, unless there is hostility.

"Awesome. This is an ancient artifact. Sealing Mozhu." Cook has long known how powerful the Sealing Mozhu is. This thing beats the gods' divine power clone. What is it? It is the number one sap. Weapon. Being beaten by the magic pillar to the god's'jing' divine power clone has no power to fight back.

"What." God of War and Willie exclaimed at the same time.

"The seal of the magic column. Is it very famous?" Cook asked'confused'. Although Cook knew that the seal of the magic column was abnormal enough, he did not expect to make the God of War and Willie scream. It seems that this weapon is coming. The history is not simple.

"Cook. It's really the Sealing Demon Pillar." The God of War asked solemnly.

"Of course. But I don't know if it's specific." Cook replied with a shrug.

Willie spoke at this time: "I guess it's an imitation. Not real. In the entire plane, there are many imitations of the Sealing Magic Column."

"Huh. Just the brain of your shovel beast. Didn't you think of how you felt when you were beaten by this magic pillar just now." The God of War asked Willie with contempt.

Willie was said by the God of War. He immediately called out: "Damn it. Is it true that Cook's hands are real."

"Who knows. No one has ever seen the Demon Sealing Pillar," God of War replied extremely irresponsibly.

"Feng Mozhu is very powerful." Cook couldn't help asking at this moment.

"The Demon Sealing Column is known as the number one weapon. It is the most powerful weapon. However, even in the God Realm, there are several Demon Sealing Columns. And the styles are different. And the power is extremely powerful. But People in the gods have always believed that these sealing pillars are not real. As for the use of the sealing pillars, it is the first generation of war gods. It is said that they are invincible on all planes. In the end, this first generation of war gods could not bear loneliness. No one can be an enemy of the God of War. So this first generation of God of War disappeared in the starry sky. It is said that he was looking for the edge of the starry sky." The God of War answered.

"The weapon of the first generation of God of War." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes. The first generation of God of War is very powerful. And the first generation of God of War is said to be a Druid. And there are many animal forms. So you don't know that maybe a grass in front of you is the God of War. I don’t know that the mosquitoes flying in the air may also be the God of War. And the power of the God of War is extremely powerful. There has never been an enemy. It is more common to take the life of the enemy in the army." Willie also said Replied.

After a stunned Cook, he thought of the sealed beast soul in the sealing magic pillar. Cook said with a dry smile: "I don't have that kind of function. Isn't it true."

But the God of Contract is not so foolish. So he asked: "Cook, your current form is."

"Oh. It's actually very simple. Five times to add madness. Add the beast soul warrior. Although I have only one-eighth of the bunny blood. But I will not only have all the war song auras. I will also be mad. I am also a beast soul warrior .Quack." Cook said with a quack of excitement.

After the God of War heard Cook's answer, he asked incredulously: "You are actually a beginner in the sanctuary."

"Of course." Cook replied triumphantly.


"Abnormal." The God of War and Willie yelled in unison. They looked at each other. Nyima’s two gods’'jing' supernatural power projections were beaten by a sanctuary elementary level. What is Nyima's immutability? .

"Then Cook. Why can you continue the fivefold madness for so long?" The God of War then asked curiously. As a double madness, and for 30 seconds, the God of War. How long has the fivefold madness lasted At least a few hours.

"Speaking of this. I regret that. At the beginning I used the dragon's power'medicine' agent. Then I knew that the'medicine' agent was too good. It completely changed my body. It almost turned into a dragon. Later, decisively I stopped using it. But I want to suppress the dragon's power in the dragon's'medicine' agent. Then I have to keep exercising. So I take a lot of'medicine' agents. I also use gravity magic lines. However. I also endured an environment of sixteen times the gravity. I recently killed a monster in an overlapping space. The blood of this monster was absorbed by the body.   I don’t know if there will be any serious consequences." Cook 1 Said with regret.

The God of War and Willie almost want to choke Cook. It is good to know that the dragon is transformed. In the God Realm. There are several races that are not members of the Council of Gods. But the Council of Gods is not willing to provoke these races. First of all. It's the angel family. Then there is the giant dragon family. There is also the Phoenix family. And several other divine beast families. And if you are in the God Realm, you have the dragon bloodline in your body. Then you have to weigh it when others deal with you. The group of big crawlers knows.   Will it be too painful to find trouble for itself.

What kind of creatures like dragons are? They are greedy for money. Once other creatures with the dragon’s blood are killed, then these dragons will ignore them when they are in a good mood. If they are in a bad mood, a large group of giant dragons will come to the door to ask for sin Then there are examples of looting the family and extermination. Of course, looting the family is the first priority. The extermination depends on the dragon's harvest.

"Cook, do you still have the ‘medicine’ of the dragon’s power?" God of War asked with a smile.

"Yes. Without it, I just need to find a dragon and ask for some blood to refine it myself. But your'jing' divine power projection. But it can't be used. And you need the blood of the god-level dragon to use it. I can'get it'. No more. Let’s talk about it. Even if you are "getting" the blood of the Dragon of the Lai God, I can't guarantee the success rate." Cook replied with a smile. But Cook is already thinking about whether he wants to go back The Dragon Power's'medicine' was promoted. First of all, it was his confidant.

"No. Cook, it's not certain that you have entered the God Realm. You have to take care of our old acquaintances in the future." Willie quickly replied.

"Old acquaintance. Old acquaintance is to help the sun **** to trouble me." Cook asked disdainfully.

"Okay. I'll take the sun god's servant down. Cook at your disposal. If you are not satisfied with Cook, I will take down the temple of the sun **** by myself." The **** of war immediately cried.

"That's right. I'm going to pick up that **** too. If the sun **** wants to "muck" in the God Realm after Nima, he has to tidy up. Anyone dare to attack at will." Willie also shouted. .

"Big brother. Big brother. Big brother. I was wrong. I shouldn't attack you at will. Big brother, you can do it. My old life will be'handed over' to you." At this moment. Sun God It appeared all of a sudden. You must know that this is in front of the Temple of the Sun God. So the Sun God came down halfway. He knew the cause and effect for a long time. Hearing that the God of War and the God of Contract was looking for trouble for himself. This Sun God hasn't come out quickly.

But the sun **** said in his heart: "Brother. You are just like an ordinary human. I am a deity. I still dare not attack a human. Is this still called a god. Who knows that you are an uncle. Not an ordinary Humans."--28936+dsuaahhh+28878-->

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