A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 57: The encounter with the **** of contract Willie

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The contract **** Willie stood blankly in the God Realm. Willie couldn't feel anything about the projected clone. Willie looked at the God of War and asked, "What's the matter?"

The God of War looked at Willie with a strange look, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

In fact, the God of War was already snickering in his heart. The God of War did not maliciously think: "The hardships he has suffered, this guy will also suffer." It is also not blamed for the God of War for thinking like this. You must know that after the God of War understood Cook’s identity, The regret in my heart, the heart of strangling the sun **** and the **** of contract is there, but the **** of war cannot do that, because the gods are strictly forbidden to kill each other, of course, if you have great skills, quietly kill other gods , Ha ha, it doesn't matter, because the gods have not seen each other for thousands of years, it is the same as we humans have not seen each other for a few days. Who knows when something happened. [Top][点].2.O

The reason why God of War will think about Cook’s identity is that Cook is related to the power of God of War. The power of belief is related to the strength of the believer, just like the orcs under Cook. That strength is rising quickly, how can this not make the God of War happy, because the power of the God of War has also become stronger.

And the most important point is that Cook does not interfere with the beliefs of his subordinates. This is what Cook is in the view of God of War, that is, a good person, a very good person. Look for such a person, help others, and not interfere with others, God of War I also wish that Cook was stronger. Of course, if Cook wanted these orcs to change their beliefs, Cook would have been destroyed by countless gods. You must know that those believers are the cornerstones of the existence of gods, and there are no believers. How is this different from taking the life of a god?

So Cook has always been smooth. No matter what race he is, Cook does not interfere with freedom of belief. In fact, at the beginning, Cook didn’t know how important faith is in this world, but Cook’s on earth At that time, the leaders did not interfere with belief, so Cook did so subconsciously. If Cook interfered with freedom of belief, Cook's power would definitely not be so high.

Belief in this world, whether it is a believer or a god, is an insurmountable red line, just like the many races under Cook's hands. Once Cook forces the belief in a certain god, then the trouble will be big, first of all, internal Different beliefs will change, and gods will also be mixed in, so after Cook knew this, he clearly did not touch this red line.

In fact, in Cook’s perception, faith is important, but material life is also important. If nothing else, it depends on the current cadres and the previous cadres. Of course, the previous cadres’ faith was to serve the people and truly do At this point, and now after the baptism of the material society, that is to serve oneself, of course, there are occasional services for individual people, as for the relationship between them... hehe!

So belief in Cooke is certainly important, but material is equally important, and Cook has no better way. After all, gods are superior.

Wiley was puzzled. Why didn’t his mental power clone lose its induction? This shouldn’t happen by itself, and if the mental power projection clone was destroyed, then I should be able to feel it, Wiley was suspicious. Looking at the **** of war, the **** of war is like a okay person.

"Hit this **** hard, Cook, let me tell you, this guy has got countless benefits from your contract, and he dares to help outsiders cheat his own people. I think this kind of traitor should be killed fiercely. Might and prestige." The God of War's spiritual power projection clone roared loudly, and immediately became the person on Cook's side.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, your God of War has also got a lot of benefits, look at how many new temples you have built in the God of War temple, you are embarrassed to embarrass me." Cook replied in an angry voice. , At the same time, the Demon Sealing Pillar in his hand did not stop at all. There was a bang for a while, and Cook found that the Demon Pillar was so powerful that the avatar of the spirit power projection of the **** had no response, just like a human being. Now, what does this feel to Cook, that is, it is unscientific, very unscientific, of course, the matter of gods is not scientific in itself, so Cook is not entangled.

"Cook, what do you want to do, do you want me to catch the sun **** and give him a violent beating?" The God of War immediately patted his chest and asked.

As soon as the God of War came out, the surrounding druids were dumbfounded, and the orcs were dumbfounded. Then the orcs immediately ignored the druids around and looked at the surrounding druids. Once the God of War wants to do something, then these orcs Definitely rush over first.

"Hmph, I'll talk about this later, you have to beat him again, the God of Contract, otherwise I can't guarantee that the land to be built by the God of War Temple can be approved smoothly." Cook put away the sealing magic pillar and said .

"Haha, no problem, this is the strength of my God of War." God of War laughed. God of War still knew some of Cook’s internal regulations. I have to say that God of War also admired Cook, because Cook practices freedom and equality. Fair rules, just like any temple, if you want to build it, you must first report for approval, and then a large group of people discuss the feasibility, who is this group of people, various people, and of course there are various believers, so the temple is built together The land has to be approved. There is no time for three or two years, so don't think about it. In the end, Cook will nod his head. If Cook does not nod, it will be useless.

"But Cook, you look at the Demon Plane, but I don't have a temple, and it's not Liberty City, do you see if it can be..." The God of War then whispered to Cook.

"A divine tool used by priests, you also know how powerful Wumei's is." Cook said directly.

"Okay, the artifact is the artifact, but I can only tell you where the artifact is. After all, even if I have the artifact, I can't carry it down. First of all, this projection gate can't pass, isn't it?" God of War agreed.

Cook snorted, then said, "Then I have to think about it."

"Don't, don't..." The God of War hurriedly wanted to continue, but at this time the spiritual power projection clone of the God of Contract had slowly woke up. 'As soon as Willie's mental power projection opened his eyes, he saw a big fist, and then Willie screamed: "God of War, you bastard, bastard, why did you hit me, oops, oops... ."

God of War doesn't care so much at all, catching Willie is a fat beating. Cook is watching a joke. Of course, Cook is also vigilant. Willie also cursed while being fat and beating: "Little man, despicable villain, Traitor, traitor, complete traitor, I want to break up with a guy like you, you ungrateful bastard, bastard."

After finally stopping by the God of War, he looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, I will continue?"

"Okay, forget it, but you guys said that the sun **** soul attacked me this time. If I hadn’t had a soul protection necklace here, I’m afraid my soul would be damaged. You also know that I’m attacking the demon plane now, just in case. If I have something good or bad, no, this sun **** is not the spy of those guys on the demon plane, right?" Cook buttoned a big hat on the sun god.

The God of War rolled his eyes, and then said: "The gods of the Demon Plane belong to the Council of the Gods."

"Oh, there is a conspiracy." Cook didn't feel embarrassed that the lie was exposed, but continued to plant the lie.

"This is possible, after all, there are many factions in the Council of the Gods, cough cough, you will know how boring that place is when you reach the God Realm." After the God of War said, he immediately realized what it was, and then replied.

Willie is dumbfounded when he sees the situation in front of him. Cook Willie knows it, because Cook’s soul fluctuates, and if Cook signs a contract, there will be soul fluctuations. As the **** of the contract, Willie wants to know It was too easy for Cook's soul to fluctuate.

"Damn the sun god, dare to cheat Lao Tzu, this girl doesn't want to be in the realm of the gods..." Willie jumped and scolded, knowing that Cook's contract has made the **** of contract shine, Ni What Ma’s past contract is in the eyes of the contract god, that is rubbish, which sentence is the favorite of the contract god? That is, the right to interpret the above is owned by Party A. Nima is an idiot. What is this? This is cheating. Explain, explain the ass, explain what is plain, just distorting the facts.

Of course, why does the God of Contract need a complete contract? It is because once the contract is violated, the power of belief received by the God of Contract will be reduced. Yes, yes, it is reduced, because the power of belief of the God of Contract mainly comes from The party initiating the contract is Party A, so the **** of the contract must of course consider the issue on the side of Party A. Just as Party A pays taxes to the government leaders above, then the leader’s **** is naturally on Party A’s side~www.novelmtl .com~Of course, where does this tax payment...haha!

"Stop acting, I don't care about the sun god, you tell me what to do, don't think I'm a good bully Cook, I'm a lower plane now..." Cook just threatened.

Willie didn't give Cook a chance to threaten at all. He immediately patted his chest and said, "Brother, this time it is my brother who is wrong. Just say what you are going to do. I'll take it when my brother."

When the God of War heard this, he stared at Willie with his eyes wide open, as if he was saying: "Good boy, it's really good enough, so clever!"

Willie had to do this. When Willie thought that Cook could draw up a 100,000-word contract, he knew that Cook’s brain was not a human brain, and Nima had to wait for such a guy to threaten, so he was enough. I've suffered, so it's better to be a bachelor.

"If that's the case, then I said it?" Cook heard Willie take the initiative to put down his body, and his heart was very helpful, but on the surface, Cook still wanted to act to see how much of Willie's sincerity?

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