A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 40: Live vaccine experiment "Part 1"

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Yes, Cook compared the blood of the demon race with that of the poisonous dragon, and he really found some very similarities. One of them is that the assimilation of the blood of the demon race is as fast as the infection speed of the poisonous dragon blood. .

Maybe others can’t see any similarities from here. One is assimilation and the other is virulent infection. But Cook is now from another perspective, that is, the blood of the demons is regarded as carrying a virus. Then look at it this way. Now, the time for the two to infect other creatures is almost surprisingly similar, fast, and very fast. Apex Novel 3.2.o

Fast is almost metamorphosis. This is one aspect, and the other is uncontrollability. Yes, once the blood of the poisonous dragon and the devil are infected, it cannot be controlled.

The blood of the poisonous dragon has a strong coagulation effect. It can be said that once it enters the body of the creature, the blood of the creature coagulates immediately. Once the blood coagulates, the entire creature means death. The same is true for the assimilation of the blood of the demons. Once infected, it means Death.

The blood of the poisonous dragon is the one that inhibits the blood assimilation of the demon. When the two amounts are the same, the final product is a group of rotting pitch-black liquid. This is the disappearance of the poison in the blood of the poisonous dragon, and the vitality in the blood of the demon also disappear.

And even if the blood of the Demon Race meets the blood of other poisons, the blood of the Demon Race can finally assimilate the blood of other poisons under the same amount. Only the poisonous dragon's blood cannot. Even if the blood of the Demon race is several times the blood of the poisonous dragon, then The final result is that most of the blood of the Demon Dragon and the blood of the poisonous dragon are offsetting each other, and in the end, the blood of the Demon Race loses its vitality extremely seriously. It is the only biological blood that cannot be completely assimilated.

"The poisonous dragon clan, tusk, it's been a long time since I saw those guys, should you let these poisonous dragons be the strikers?" Cook still missed the poisonous dragons in his heart.

Cook almost forgot the name of the patriarch of the poisonous dragon clan. After coming to the Sanctuary, Cook seldom returned to the plane alliance. Thinking of the plane alliance, Cook's brain flashed: "Yes, Mana armor, which is almost isolated from the external environment."

"But the demons still have a strong magical talent. This magical armor may not be as good as he thought." Then Cook thought about it again.

So this idea was quickly dismissed by Cook. At this point, Cook seems to have entered a dead end. In fact, Cook is very excited now. Why? Because the blood of the poisonous dragon and the blood of the demon can be said to be mutual restraint Just like a cold, cold medicine can be used to fight against it, but the dose of the medicine is different. Cook now needs to find a suitable Dulong blood to mix it out, because Dulong blood has antidote.

The dragon’s poison, the poison that once made the dragon clan change its color, is actually the antidote to the dragon. Soon the dragon’s poison was configured by Cook. Strictly speaking, the dragon’s poison is also An extremely powerful poison. Once hit, the dragon's blood instantly solidified to jelly, and then the entire body of the dragon slowly expanded, and finally the scales were stretched by the coagulated blood, making it extremely hideous.

When the dragon poison came into contact with the blood of the demon clan, something strange happened. The blood of the demon clan solidified in an instant. Cook was stunned. Yes, he didn't expect the dragon poison to be so powerful.

But then Cook became a little depressed, because the dragon’s poison is still very poisonous to other creatures. This is in an endless loop. The poison of the dragon can fight against the blood of the demon, and the poison of the dragon is also It can resist the blood of the demons, and the dragon’s poison is the antidote to the poison of the dragon, but any of these three can cause human death.

After Cooks thought about it, he gradually came up with a solution. Is there any way to reduce the dose? How can I say, whether it is the dragon poison or the poisonous dragon venom, there is a large amount of poison. problem.

Cook is trying to find a way to reduce this dose to a dose that is not harmful to humans. After this thing is successful, it will be injected into the human body first. When the blood of the demon is infected, then the time of the blood infection of the demon will be slowed down. Then carry a certain dose of the two venoms, and then inject them in sequence, waiting for the rescue of professionals.

However, there are two kinds of severe toxicity involved, so this dose is very difficult to grasp. It can be said that it will take several years or even decades of experimentation. After all, the harm to the human body may not be discovered at that time.

After a while, Cook shook his head with a wry smile, because this method not only takes a long time, but also has a low risk. What's more troublesome is that there are no subjects for experimentation.

Cook's fingers tapped on the tabletop of the test bench, thinking quietly, Cook's brain was running fast, and then Cook thought of another way, that is to set up a magic device, which can be a necklace, earrings, bracelet Waiting for other things, and then controlled by the user, before being infected by the blood of the demons, controlled by mental power, directly injected into the body.

These are two solutions. The first one requires a lot of time, and the latter also requires a lot of time. After all, no matter what kind of magic equipment stored in the dragon poison or poison dragon blood, there must be a certain dose. , And have to store multiple, because the amount of infected Demon blood cannot be determined, it is impossible to determine how many doses need to be injected. This requires professional treatment, otherwise, it may not be infected by Demon blood, but instead The poison of the dragon or the blood of the dragon is poisoned to death.

Cook was faced with one problem after another. Cook's brows were frowning, and he was thinking quickly about what method to adopt.

But it’s not that simple. Cook thought about it and thought of another way, that is, remotely as the main force, and it only carries a very small dose of dragon’s poison or dragon’s blood, with a certain buffer time, and finally Leave it to professionals.

"No, this Nima needs many people who are proficient in pharmacy, poisoning and pharmacy!" However, when this method came out, another problem was encountered, that is, large-scale operations. There must be a lot of professionals, but they are proficient in pharmacy. There are very few of them, so where to find so many professionals.

"It seems that only vaccines are cultivated, huh." After thinking about it, Cook only started to cultivate vaccines. In fact, he injected a small amount of Demon blood into the body of the poison, so that these poisons could slowly resist the blood of the Demon. Of course, the time required is not short, but this is the safest method and can be used on a large scale without requiring many professionals.

And the vaccine that Cook thought of was the cultivation of poisonous insects in the wizard. You must know that these cultivated poisons are very powerful, so the resistance of these poisons against the blood of the demon must be stronger.

Then Cook began to screen out which poisons to use for experiments. In fact, not only poisons, but eggs wrapped with poisons can be used for experiments, because there is no probability that things like life mutate.

Of course, the difficulty of this task is very complicated, because in order to have a resistance vaccine, it is necessary to use a small dose, and then continue to increase, and also for these biological treatments, observations and so on that carry the demon blood virus.

And the same kind of highly toxic creatures need dozens of experiments together, because the blood of this demon needs to be added to it, but also for the higher success rate of screening, it means that tens of thousands of toxic creatures will die. It is very possible that Cook has not yet received the vaccine against resistance.

Once it fails, then the things done before will have no effect, and only serve as a reference.

So Cook is very busy in the laboratory. There are dozens of poisonous creatures, and there are at least hundreds of them. That is to say, Cook wants to observe the various characteristics of so many creatures, and then continuously increase the magic according to these characteristics. Even the smallest dose of blood used by Cook, the mortality rate exceeded 99% after the first injection, and the remaining 1% died later.

Cook looked at the thousands of poisonous creatures that died and was not discouraged. Cook tried again, this time with a smaller dose, this time the death green reached 80%, and the rest of the symptoms were also obvious.

Cook cultivated these surviving toxic creatures separately, and then continued to introduce thousands of toxic creatures to continue the experiment, and the first batch of experimental subjects Cook also injected a small amount of dragon poison.

Such repetition, such a record, and after a month, the longest one has received three injections of Demon blood, and the least one is only one. Now Cook’s experimental items are still full, and Cook is going to pass this. Continuous experimentation, and then select the individuals in stock, and then further cultivate.

"It seems that it is time to inject the poison of the demon blood three times and use the method of cultivating poisonous insects by the wizard." Cook estimated that these poisonous insects could not withstand four blood injections of the demon blood because these poisonous insects did not produce antibodies or the like. s things.

So Cook is going to conduct intensive experiments~www.novelmtl.com~Witches cultivating poisonous insects are also fed with some physique-enhancing drugs, so the cost is extremely high. This is one of the reasons Cook has to screen out and then cultivate.

The medicine and food were fed to these three-injected poisons, and Cook also directly added some life water into it, so these poisons were originally dying, but after a few days they were alive and kicking, obviously they have almost recovered.

"In the fourth injection, there were six types of test individuals, three two-headed pythons, two fang spiders, and one acid earthworm... a total of nineteen animals were in good physical condition and no antibody production was found." Gram started recording the fourth injection.

But when Cook used his mental power to inject different doses of Demon blood, all those who passed the third injection died in a short time. Without soul fluctuations, Cook instantly activated the decomposition ray. The monsters produced after being assimilated by the blood of the demons were instantly decomposed.

"What the **** is going on, there seems to be something wrong?" Cook muttered in his heart, and then checked the experimental record.

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