A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Continue to study

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"Yeah, I spent a full 100 catties of dried meat in exchange for it. The taste of this succubus, look at this breast. Look at this butt, and this white thigh....|Top|Point| .[2][3][][].o" the man replied, but the people around him immediately became petrified.

"No, I heard it right, it's just a hundred catties of jerky?" The man's friend asked with a shining eye.

"Of course, but this transmission cost, as well as the cost of this circle..., no matter what, I have to work for several months and still owe a debt to bring these guys back, hey." This man The people around disappeared before the words were finished.

However, the registration office that was originally responsible for entering the Demon Plane next time was crowded with demigods, Sanctuary Peak, all with red eyes going to the Demon Plane, making these staff members frightened.

It’s no wonder that in the eyes of humans, what a devil is? It is a treasure house that can be moved. The blood of the devil is the best raw material for magic potions. Even the skin of the devil is a good material on the scroll. A powerful thug, of course, like a succubus, and the special effect of a bed warmer. On some special occasions, other people bring elves, orc slaves, and bring a succubus, not two succubuses. Yes, this doesn't shake the audience, and the price of the succubus...

Soon the second group of people was determined. Of course, it is necessary to sign a package agreement first. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, Liberty City will not be responsible. Of course, other forces in the Liberty Alliance are slowly participating in the devil. In the management of the black market dungeon on the plane, it is not Cook’s delegating power, but to remove suspicion. In case someone is unlucky, naturally someone will help Cook speak. This is the art of management.

Cook naturally doesn’t know that the Demon Plane is in the eyes of those strong on the Sanctuary Plane. That is an open treasury of activities. Magic metal is slag. A piece of dried meat can be exchanged for the same weight of magic metal, let alone metal. So, when the three-headed golden dragon came back this time, he brought tens of thousands of tons of gold, and used gold to create an extremely dazzling armor for himself. Of course, the price was also high. The servant directly grabbed a black dragon and gave it to Cook. When the reward was paid, so after the return of the three golden dragons to the Dragon City, the number of dragons in the entire Dragon City was reduced by more than half in just one night, and the remaining half was also waiting in the Dragon City City Lord’s Mansion. What are you doing? Submit Resignation, these are all giant dragons who have things to do. They can't just leave like those Dragon City residents. For a while, Dragon City has also fallen into the first huge chaos in history.

The arrival of thousands of dragons also almost sounded the battle alarm in Liberty City. Fortunately, these dragons knew that Liberty City was not easy to provoke, so they notified them from a distance, and finally these dragons were placed in Liberty City. In a mountain range outside the territory, Lina and Xia had to open a coordinate point here, and directly transmit these dragons through the portal projection.

These thousands of giant dragons entered more than a thousand at once, and the rest were waiting eagerly, while the Yalong and the black dragons of the demon plane suffered and were constantly plundered. Some even the black dragons disappeared. , Of course, because the Demon Plane is really too big, the Black Dragon City still doesn’t know. In fact, the Black Dragon City only has dozens of black dragons, because the black dragons don’t believe each other. In case they fall asleep, a few guys next to What should I do if I turn myself?

Therefore, the black dragons are scattered in other places, and although the dragons on the Sanctuary plane are greedy, they are in the same dragon city anyway, so there are groups of three or five, ten and eight teams, and dozens of teams. Look for black dragons to rob, why, because black dragons are rich, these black dragons show off on the demon plane, collection is called a rich, of course the black dragon itself is useless in the eyes of these dragons, so they are all given to freedom The alliance offsets the teleportation cost, and Lina and others are dark enough. The price of an adult black dragon is only one-tenth of that of a black dragon's egg, and a young dragon is only one percent.

The reason for Lina and others is very strong. The dragon egg can be placed there, and it will not consume anything. The contract is also very convenient. The adult black dragon has a bad temper and consumes a lot of money. Of course, it is also recognized that it has combat power. Only the black dragon young dragon, not only It’s not surprising that it’s worthless for hundreds of thousands of years to consume as it consumes hundreds of thousands of years.

So these dragons finally ransacked some demon cities. Those demon dragons originally wanted to kill, but the demigods from the sanctuary plane, the peak of the sanctuary needed these demons, so some dragons gradually became free. The humans in the alliance colluded and ransacked the city. The dragon chose wealth first, while the Freedom Alliance chose the population. Not to mention, some remote small cities were looted and no one paid any attention. So for a while, the entire demon plane was It's dangerous.

The most shameful thing is that these dragons are still disguised as black dragons. Of course, this is the suggestion of Lina and others. After all, there are god-level powerhouses on the demon plane, and the dragons are not stupid, so even if they see the dragon looting the city , Not surprising, run faster at most, because the various races in the demon plane ransack each other, it is already commonplace, and some are eager to go to this abandoned city after the black dragon ransacks.

So the Demon Plane was as chaotic as ever, and of course those monarchs' territories were still the same, without the slightest movement.

In the laboratory, Cook didn't care about the outside situation at all. Cook's experiment fell into a dead end. First of all, it was in the high temperature field. The release of the high temperature field by the equipment can block the attack of the magic blood of the demon.

But again, all attacks and defenses have a quantitative change. If the amount of blood is large enough, after passing through the high temperature field, the blood will still attack the target, and the assimilation properties of the blood of the demon are almost Let this target instantly become the nourishment of the demon, and then can attack other targets again, and then fall into a continuously powerful cycle, the final result is the demon victory.

Decomposition, this decomposition technique Cook understood, only shaking his head, first of all, decomposition requires talent. If there is no talent, you need a source of decomposition rays, that is, a source of decomposition rays, but the weight of this source is extremely abnormal. The size of a sesame seed is almost billions of tons, so it is impossible to equip it on any portable equipment.

As for sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and ultrasonic waves, the effects are not very good, because Cook designed something that is integrated into the equipment. It has the characteristics of low failure rate and long battle duration. So these Cooke experiments, all Effective, but it’s impossible to equip in large quantities and continue to fight for a long time, and Cook’s experiment is also extremely important. Once something is adopted, it must be used on a large scale, so if it is not ideal, it will cause The disaster is also great.

"Damn it." Cook was a little upset. After all, whoever would do the same would do the same. In a month, Cook tried dozens of methods, and he did tens of thousands of tests. The data is filled with a space ring.

But after the irritability, Cook calmed down again. Cook still had this self-control. After Cook calmed down, he looked at the test data and thought about how to change his mind.

"The blood, vitality, and assimilation ability of the demons." Cook recorded these three points, and then thought about the countermeasures one by one.

"Blood is the foundation of the Demon Race, so if you want to solve the Demon Race's blood problem, you must first destroy the vitality of this blood. This is very important. But strictly speaking, the most abnormal aspect of Demon Race blood is its assimilation ability. It is the ability to swallow each other. Only if this assimilation ability is cut off, then the vitality of the blood of the Demon Race will naturally have no effect, just like ordinary blood, but what can this assimilation ability do?" Cook thought.

"Is this ability to assimilate a virus?" There was a flash of light in Cook's mind, and then he had a new idea.

Yes, the assimilation ability occurs when the virus infects normal human cells, and this is what Cook thought of.

"Since it is a virus, can you have a vaccine?" After Cook thought of the virus, he thought of another point, yes, can this assimilation ability be immune.

Now that he had this idea, Cook began to prepare for the experiment. What Cook needs most is the blood of various creatures. For a time, the entire Demon Plane, the juice of various plants on the Sanctuary Plane, and various creatures. The blood was continuously sent to Cook's hands.

Then Cook started the complex vaccine development work. Yes, Cook also entered a misunderstanding before, thinking that this demon is another creature~www.novelmtl.com~ but will the demon be infected with some kind Viruses are like the biochemical monsters inside, but this demons was born naturally. Of course, as long as there is one demons, other demons can be born easily, just like zombies infect each other.

The blood of tens of thousands of organisms was used by Cook to compare experiments one by one. In half a month, Cook did thousands of experiments. Cook had a rough direction, and the blood of toxic organisms had the most assimilation time. Long, so Cook directly selected the blood of toxic organisms as the research object.

In addition to plants, poisonous plants have an inhibitory effect on the blood of the demon, because after the liquid of the poisonous plants enters the blood of the demon, the vitality of the blood of the demon is significantly reduced, which is obviously to resist the assimilation of toxin consumption.

After another month and a half, Cook looked at the results of the records in his hand and felt a little depressed. The only race that could resist the blood of the Demon Race, the answer made Cook take for granted, that is the blood of the Dragon Clan.

"There are some similarities between the blood of the poisonous dragon clan and the blood of the demon clan?" Cook looked at the recorded data in surprise, a little unbelievable, and more bad guesses.

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