A Unique Hunter

Chapter 119: Nabru

Six thousand five hundred words! Basically when others are three watchers.

As one of the best in the dark world of the Magic City, Nabru not only possesses a prominent identity, but also has a huge intelligence network, and has several professional slave teams, who have long captured orcs on the barren plateau where the orcs live, and Catch elves in the dense Warcraft forest, and look for dwarf tribes in endless mountains.

However, when Nabru received the notice from his subordinates, someone had escaped from the underground prison and was fighting fiercely, causing casualties to the guards. Nabru severely threw down the crystal, which was extremely transparent and valuable. Wine glass.

Nabru came to the basement and found that the scene was far more chaotic than he thought. Nabru couldn't help being furious. He walked straight to Roo in charge of the basement, slapped him viciously, and then roared: "You he? Are you looking for death? You don’t care about some slaves who have been infused with sleeping potions. What use is there for you?"

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, they are not slaves, they are the guys outside." Luo Ou prostrated on the ground despite his teeth being knocked out.

"Say, what's the matter?" Nabru is anxious. Nabru usually doesn't do any actions in the Magic City, because there are too many big people here, maybe he doesn't know how he died, so Nabru also tried his best Restrained his subordinates and prevented them from making trouble in the Magic City.

"Brother-in-law, I saw a chick who is very beautiful outside, so I used some means, that is, the kind of psychedelic agent I bought was originally just for fun, but I accidentally said that the chick actually said that her boyfriend had a lot of Magic metal, and her boyfriend is just a low-level warlock, so I took someone to touch it directly. The kid was melting the magic metal in the magic furnace at home, and we caught it all at once, but this kid didn’t say anything about life or death. , We used a little trick to get the chick to speak, but we knew that the kid had two companions, one of whom Nisai had just heard of, so we used the news Nisai heard to deceive it. The guy who came out didn't know how to slip out of the carriage, and Shalin and the three guards must have died inside." Luo Ou said loudly.

Nabru was even more annoyed when he heard it. He grabbed Luo Ou’s head and hit the ground twice, then yelled, “Are you a pig brain? A magic furnace that can dissolve magic metal. This is something that ordinary people can have. This is a controlled item of the Wizards’ Guild. Lao Tzu is not able to get such a thing. You or he actually provoke such a person, saying, where are these two people and where do they live? ?"

"One lives on Gordon Street, one, and the other in Wushuang Academy." Luo Ou knew that he would definitely suffer this time, and stammered quietly.

"Wushuang Academy, Wushuang Academy, 咚! 咚!" Nabru heard these four words, all over his body, and then he grabbed Luo Ou's head and slammed it against the ground, with two dull sounds After the sound of the sound, Luo Ou's face was full of blood, and a large opening in his forehead was constantly flowing red blood.

"Boss, boss, I've inquired about it. All the students in Wushuang Academy are doing tasks. There are just a few people waiting in the academy. Boss, the boss is magic metal worth hundreds of millions of gold coins!" Luo Ou hurriedly Begging for mercy, but also defended.

"Hundreds of millions of gold coins, do you or he know how many hundreds of millions of gold coins are? You used to hold hundreds of hundreds of gold coins. I see from your sister's face, I admit, hundreds of millions of gold coins, Luo Ou, you Do you know how much you can do with hundreds of millions of gold coins? Hundreds of millions of gold coins can make our entire family disappear, Wushuang Academy, I remember what I told you, there are places in the Magic City that you must not mess around. Which one?" Nabru asked calmly.

"Yes, boss, you said!" Luo Ou looked at Nabru in horror. Luo Ou knew that the calmer Nabru, the greater his anger.

"Since you don't remember what I said, then you can go!" Nabru gave Luo Ou a faint look and said calmly.

"No, old...bang!" Luo Ou looked at Nabru in horror and begged loudly for mercy, but before he could finish speaking, Nabru kicked Luo Ou's chest fiercely with one foot. There was a crisp click, and then Luo Ou's body was kicked tens of meters away, hitting the wall heavily, and slowly sliding off the wall, leaving a bright red blood stain.

"Bon, what did Nissay say?" Nabru took a faint look, and then asked the other person next to him. As for Nissai is just a relationship of Nabru in the Ministry of Supervision, the level is very low. I just want to be a cleaner, but there are many places where cleaners can go, no less than the places where ordinary law enforcement officers go.

"Nisai said that the kid Luo Ou deceived later was named Cook. When Rossi was sorting out the trash when he was off work in the afternoon, he saw a sheepskin scroll. The one named Cook is doing something, but the sheepskin scroll seems to have been discarded by the Secret Service and does not look like it will be bought." Dabang replied tremblingly.

"So how do you get into the academy?" Nabru's face became more gloomy.

"Nisai went in personally, Luo Ou and Nisai have a share agreement." Dabang said quickly.

"Hehe, great stick, you also have a sharing agreement, right? Otherwise, just relying on Luo Ou's straw bag can mobilize people to catch people from Gordon Street, great stick, but you forgot what I asked you to do with Luo Ou. Yes, since you can make small moves behind my back, then you can also go." Nabru said with a smile.

"Boss, boss, you...!" Before Da Bang had time to say anything, he saw the surrounding scenery roll over, and then plunged into endless darkness.

Nabru looked at his head with the stick rolled to one side, and he waved his hand to clean up the corpse. Then Nabru stood in front of dozens of other men, waved his hand and said: "The magician, the archers are withdrawing. The thieves and fighters stay here. This is not suitable for long-range occupations. The heavy armored fighters wear heavy armor and use fine iron to squeeze the shields. They just squeeze me in, but I will also squeeze in. If I go in, I will offer a reward of three thousand gold.

"Yes, boss!" The magician and the archer hurriedly evacuated, and the heavy armored fighters also began to put on heavy armor with the help of others, and the two-meter-high fine iron tower shields were taken out.

"Prepare! Be careful!" Nabru personally sat down, looked at the well-equipped men, and shouted orders. At the same time, he also learned about the fighting process just now through this period of time. In Nabru's view, the cast iron project * Well, for the heavy armored warrior wearing heavy armor and holding a tower shield, there is no threat at all, but Nabru just said to prepare and saw a huge one meter in diameter flying out of the tunnel. The package, Nabru was shocked, knowing that it must be engineering*, because there is a black smoke behind the package, which is unique to engineering*.

"Boom!" Nabru yelled a little late, because the package actually exploded in the air, a huge roar and countless splashes of cast iron fragments raging in the hall of hundreds of square meters.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!" The dense metal impact rang continuously, and no sound was heard in everyone's ears, only a buzzing sound.

In the bottom corner of the passage, Cook and Zagot were covering their ears and growing their mouths. Zagot heard countless fragments shooting in from the passage, and then drew sparks on the rock wall. , And the violent vibration made Zagot even more excited, asking loudly: "Cook, how do you know that the project* stays for two seconds?"

"Haha, experience, go ahead, now those guys must be in a hurry." Cook smiled mysteriously, then put on his glasses and rushed out. As for Xiao Lei, of course he was left in the corner.

"Thorn Technique! Thorn Technique! Thorn Technique!" Just as Cook rushed into the hall, he felt a puff of gunpowder, and the darkness in front of him was even more dark, but this couldn’t be troubled by Cook. Cook has detection glasses, and Cook did not Instead of killing people, three thorns techniques were released in less than five seconds, and hundreds of thorn seeds were thrown out.

"Damn it!" Nabru was lucky in the strong gunpowder, and a red light immediately lit up around his body, but when Nabru saw that he was covered in blood and one of his ears seemed to be missing, even more so. Pulling a sharp piece of cast iron from the cheek, Nabru shouted.

"What's going on?" But in an instant, Nabru felt something was wrong, because Nabru realized that there were some vines and thorns around him with the help of the light of vindictiveness. Nabru was dumbfounded, and he was clearly in his basement. what.

"Shoo! Ah!!!" A burst of arrows pierced through the air, remembered, followed by a scream, Nabru heard it, this was the voice of the guards at the gate.

"There are archers, there are archers!" Nabru yelled nervously, and at the same time severely split the thorns and vines with the weapon in his hand.


"Boss, it's a wood magician!"

"Boss, my leg is broken!"

Nabru yelled, and then a dozen people yelled. Nabru yelled in annoyance: "Assemble, gather in front of the gate, don’t speak, hoo! Ding!" Naboo! Lu looked at the arrow that had been smashed, and was very frightened. He didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Hey, I thought it was all right if I didn't speak. Cook saw through his glasses that the hall was filled with countless thorns and vines. When Cook's mental energy moved, these thorns and vines automatically gave way. Then Cook put the bow and arrow into the space ring, took out the sharp dagger, and slowly touched it towards a guard.

The guard was obviously unable to walk because of the thorns and vines, thinking that this was a heavy armored warrior, and the thorn seeds that Cook used were extremely tough, and the darkness in the hall was extremely dark, so this guard did not The way to move, can only rely on the approximate direction to continuously chop the thorns and vines.

"Kacha! Kacha!" This heavily armored warrior was very clever and didn't dare to use his fighting spirit at all. He thought that fighting spirit in the dark was the target of archers, but they would not be so careless if they knew they were facing a hunter. Because the hunter is called the king of the jungle, not to mention that the jungle is completely man-made. This heavy armored warrior relies on the heavy armor carefully built by this dwarf. With this as a buffer, there is no problem in breaking out of vindictiveness.

"Who?" This soldier deserves to be experienced. Just as Cook approached, the soldier immediately became alert and shouted in a low voice.

"Damn, you don't actually use vindictiveness?" Cook was stunned. If this heavy armored warrior was running vindictiveness, he would be a dead mouse biting the hedgehog. There was no way to speak. How could I know that this heavily armored warrior did not use vindictiveness? After Ke was surprised, he was ecstatic.

"Puff!" Cook manipulated the two vines to sway behind the heavy armored soldier. The heavy armored soldier immediately swung his sword and slashed over it, and Cook rushed forward fiercely. The heavy armored soldier felt the wind behind him. With a cold snort, his body bowed, and he slammed backwards, trying to knock Cook away, but Cook who drank the Fengxing Potion was light and fluttering, just a light stroke of the dagger in his hand and a pop, The blood and internal organs of this heavily armored warrior fell out all of a sudden, and a neat and oblique button from the waist not only slashed the body, but also cut through the heavy armor that the heavily armored warrior was proud of. .

"Ah!!!" The sorrowful cry of the heavy armored soldier was so creepy in this hall.

"All the vindictiveness has been transported, the fire fighters immediately chopped down the thorns, hurry up, the heavy armored fighters who died just now." Nabru couldn't take care of that much, vindictiveness broke out suddenly, and then shouted.

"Boss!" A warrior had just exploded out of anger. He just yelled the word "Boss" and saw a demon standing in front of him who was five meters high. Before he had time to react, he had a giant three meters long. The axe slashed towards the warrior. In front of the devil's power, the fighting spirit seemed to be non-existent, and it was instantly split into two.

"Good job, tank, kill them for me!" Zagot followed closely behind the tank, shouting excitedly.

After Cook saw that these guys had vindicated, especially the heavy armored fighters, Cook basically had no room to start. The dagger was very sharp, but it was not close at all. But Cook had a way, the poisoned iron brier, The soles of the feet are also one of the parts that are not easy to gain in fighting spirit. Fortunately for heavy armored fighters, the sharp iron tribulus has no effect at all. As long as other fighters are stabbed by iron tribulus, even if it is a bit of oily skin, it will be within tens of seconds. Would fall to the ground and die.

There is also engineering*. Although engineering* cannot break the vindictive defense, Cook's method is very insidious. It is to use vines to hold the engineering* behind the back of these soldiers' heads and explode. The violent shock waves and loud noises will stun people, and even It was the shock that the grudge shield couldn't block the sound at all, let alone the strong impact. To put it bluntly, the body itself had to bear the impact.

"Set fire, set fire to these things." Hearing a scream, Nabru called out loudly. The weapon in his hand first drew out a slip of flame, and the surrounding thorns and vines suddenly burned violently.

"Damn, I want to die!" Cook knows what kind of danger it is to set fire in such a confined environment. The dense smoke and air will make this secret room a huge cemetery.

"Go! Go!" Hearing Nabru's words, Cook quickly found Zagot, grabbed Zagot and ran.

"Go there, do I want those guys to be good-looking?" Zagot struggled, and the tank saw Zagot go, and followed him rumblingly.

"Boy, run there!" Before Cook had time to explain, Nabru rushed out. There was no way. Zagot's voice was too loud. Nabru's anger broke out all at once, and countless thorns and vines were taken. Blue broke abruptly.

"Hurry up!" Cook took out his horn bow, and two magic burst arrows shot out at Nabru in an instant.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" Nabru saw the magic burst arrow, and his teeth were itchy. He was not afraid of Nabru being a golden swordsman, but Nabru didn't dare to resist the magic burst arrow, because now Nabru There was only one weapon in his body. As for equipment or something, Nabru probably hadn't walked through that thing for decades, and this time it was the most hidden underground prison, and Nabru would know that there was a battle.

Nabru is not afraid of magic bursting arrows, but the explosion of magic bursting arrows will produce a very strong impact. This Nabru is not afraid, Nabru is afraid of elemental fluctuations caused by explosions, this thing is easy to cause vindictive fluctuations , If there is a gap in the fighting spirit shield, even if it is a second, if the arrow fragments shoot into the brain, eyes and other parts, Nabru is only dead. This is also one of the reasons why the magic burst arrow is expensive.

Moreover, the greater the impact of the explosion, the greater the physical pressure on the fighter itself, the greater the consumption of fighting energy, and the greater the pressure on the meridians. Therefore, ordinary soldiers are not afraid of physical shocks because they consume the least energy, but with The impact force of an explosion with elemental fluctuations consumes almost multiple times more than physical impact.

"Haha, it's not necessarily who will die! Come again!" Cook can't take care of that much now. Two magic burst arrows have been shot. This is still on the task plane and bought with a magic crystal coin. But one million gold coins, this shot is two million gold coins.

"Damn it!" Nabru was also stunned by Cook's shot, and decided to keep Cook in his heart, because he could easily take out the magic bursting arrow with millions of gold coins. What power is behind K.

"Hey! I'm coming too!" Zagot watched Nabru continue to dodge forward, a short black staff appeared in his hand, and then began to recite the spell, and the tank was very tacitly grasping Zag with his hand. Goth.

"Curse: blindness!" Two arrows appeared in Cook's hands again, one was a magic burst arrow, the other was a poison-hardened armor piercing arrow, and this armor piercing arrow was five magic crystal coins, because The above is a depiction of the sharp gold, armor-piercing magic circle, and this is the only arrow like Cook, but Cook also ordered ten, and Cook is extremely insidious and poisoned, perfect. Powerful paralytic poison.

"Boom!" Hearing Zagot's spell, Cook immediately shot the magic burst arrow in his hand. The huge impact of the burst of magic burst arrow made the surrounding vines and thorns on fire were all shaken away, leaving more than ten meters free. An open area around the corner.

"Ah!!!" Zagot's curse took effect. Nabru felt that his eyes were dark, and he subconsciously used one arm to tightly cover his head, and a huge shield appeared in the other hand, a strong one. All of a sudden, the magic light of Nabru appeared from the shield. Obviously, the shield was a treasure in Nabru’s hand, but Nabru felt a shock in his hand. Nabru didn’t realize anything, but after a few seconds, Nabru opened his eyes, and the curse had disappeared. Nabru stared blankly at a huge hole in the middle of his most precious magic shield. His fighting spirit burst out with all his strength, and the fighting spirit on the one-handed sword skyrocketed by tens of centimeters. The wind demon rushed towards the two of Cooke.

"You **** it, **** it!" Nabru's shield is a magic shield. Among the magic items, the shield is the most difficult to build. One is that it requires a lot of materials, but it is troublesome to portray a magic circle. The word may be easy, but if you want to enlarge the word hundreds of times, it will definitely be very troublesome. Moreover, the design, structure, and arrangement of the magic circle of the shield require high skills, because such a large shield, It is impossible to arrange a magic array in every place. This requires calculating the area affected by the magic array, and the anti-strike ability of the magic array, etc., so a magic shield is almost several times the price of the same weapon.

"Boom! Bang! Wow!" Nabru rushed towards Cook directly, and the magic bursting arrows that Cook shot in a hurry did not stop Nabru, but Nabru's weapon directly hit Ku The tank’s giant axe was successfully blocked in front of the tank, but after all, the tank is not an adult demon, and its weapons are also very rubbish. However, ordinary metal products and the giant axe were shattered by Nabru’s fighting spirit. The huge body was directly rushed out by the powerful vindictive force, and Cook and Zagot behind the tank flew out together. Cook was spitting blood directly by this strong force, and Zagot was knocked out even more. Past.

"Boy, no matter who you are, you are going to die!" Nabru wiped the blood from his face, which was the damage caused by the magic burst arrow.

"Cough! Hey, come here and see if your family can bear it." Cook coughed and laughed, but he looked at the iron door a few meters away, Cook and Zagot It was knocked away tens of meters away and flew directly to the iron gate of the prison.

"Really? I killed you here, so who else knows that I killed you?" Nabru walked towards Cook very calmly. Just now, the magic burst arrow and the tank's recklessly let Naboo Lu's vindictiveness is a bit disordered, and his body is a little constantly calling. Nabru is working hard to run vindictiveness~www.novelmtl.com~ so Nabru has time to talk so much with Cook.

"Thorn Art!" Cook raised his hand, and a handful of thorn seeds flew out. The countless thorns and vines between Cook and Nabru were instantly blocked.

"Haha, die!" Nabru's grudge has stabilized. Seeing these thorns, Nabru laughed disdainfully, and his grudge soared. The two two-handed swords erupted with powerful grudge and directly gave the thorns in front of him. The churning is extremely crushing.

"Look!" But Cook yelled, and a dark thing threw it towards Nabru.

"Bang!" Nabru twisted his wrist and directly shredded this dark thing. With a bang, the liquid was directly shaken into countless mists by the powerful vindictiveness.

"Flaming grass!" Nabru felt a hot breath pouring directly into his mouth and nose, and tears flowed from his eyes immediately, Nabru yelled, and the two long air blades cut directly towards him. The place where Cook is located, but because his eyes are made with the liquid of the flamingo, the head is not very accurate. Flamingo is one of the items for the magician to exercise his mental power, just like the hot pepper. His breath also kept chanting spells, which can greatly improve the stability of his mental power.

"Boom!" Cook's body was pressed by the tank, so there was no way to move at all. The flaming air blade directly hit the head of Ke Cooke, and the other air blade directly cut off half of the tank's arm. As Nabru waved the magic sword in his hand again, Cook closed his eyes in pain.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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