A Unique Hunter

Chapter 118: Deceived "7000 words broke out! 》

Cook greeted the deacon and went out with the deacon, but this time Xiao Lei had to follow Cook. Cook had no choice but to take Xiao Lei. A very ordinary carriage was parked outside the college. There were no signs on it. Cook couldn't help but glance at the deacon in confusion, because the people in the Supervision Department were very arrogant.

"Please!" The deacon didn't explain anything, but opened the door of the carriage and made a please gesture.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Cook stepped into the carriage. There were several reasons for Cook to believe that this matter was true. First, it was not how people from the Ministry of Supervision knew that someone had said hello, and the second was Wushuang Academy. Go in, but when Cook got into the carriage, he knew it was bad.

"Boom!" The deacon suddenly pulled the door of the carriage. As soon as Cook turned around, the carriage galloped up, and the deacon just did not come in. Cook's hand I touched the carriage and found that the carriage was made of metal.

"Damn it, who is doing this?" Cook ran his anger with all his strength and slammed the door of the car, but an invisible force blocked Cook's power, and Cook's hand couldn't get close to the car. Door, Cook saw that the entire carriage exudes a layer of magic halo. Obviously, this is a very special carriage with a magical defense array, and the method of controlling the magical array is obviously not something that Cook can know. Cook couldn't help cursing.

Then Cook took out the dagger again. This is the dagger he got in the dragon's lair. However, this time the dagger couldn’t touch the box of the carriage at all. It was also pushed a few centimeters away by the force field of the magic defense array. Cook looked at the carriage bitterly, and he couldn't help but shudder. Cook thought about it and found that he hadn't offended anyone. To be honest, it was an offense. Only the Arran Empire was ravaged by Xiao Lei’s mother. , There is also the war that destroyed the Ceylon Empire, but this is unlikely. These two empires are indeed strong in the vicinity of the Roland Empire, but they must have such a large power in the Magic City and be able to enter and exit at will Wushuang Academy is estimated to be impossible.

"Isn’t that **** Zagot who leaked some secrets?" Then Cook thought of a very bad possibility. If Zagot went to leak the secrets, it is estimated that the Wizards’ Union would not arrest himself in such a low-key manner. , Will definitely come with a big fanfare, and come openly.

Since there is no way to escape, Cook only needs to think quietly, there is no chance in the carriage, but when he gets out of the car later, he can let Kaka take the opportunity to escape, and at the same time Cook calls the sky eye with mental power: "Sky eye, Can the space gun hit the targets around me?"

"Theoretically, it can, but you need to accurately locate your location." Tianyan replied.

"Well, then please pinpoint my location. In addition, how powerful is the space gun?" Cook issued an order.

"The order is being executed! The power of the space gun depends on the amount of energy. The greater the energy released, the greater the power." Skyeye's reply made Cook feel unreliable.

Cook asked again: "So what's the matter with the space gun?"

"It's very simple, it is to compress the energy bomb and transmit it directly to the target location through the space magic circle!" Skyeye's answer made Cook's heart lifted, and such an attack is probably not very reliable.

Sure enough, Skyeye’s explanation later gave Cook a headache: “The unstable pressure factor of the space gun depends on the stability rate of the space during space transmission. If the space is stable, the positioning error will be small, and if the space is unstable, the positioning error will be large. Storm, there is a high probability that energy bombs will be swallowed by space storms, and it is also possible that the anchor point will become the catharsis of space storms."

"Wipe, let's prepare to release the space cannon!" Cook ordered with gritted teeth. If it is really life-threatening, Cook still wants to fight.

"Accurate positioning will take another 50 minutes, please keep the mental link, the system is measuring." Tianyan answered.

"Sky Eye, is it possible that there are other Sky Eyes?" Cook asked again, because Cook found that he also needs a killer like Sky Eye in this world.

"I don't know, it is a very dangerous action to detect other Sky Eyes, and detection cannot be done without authorization." The Sky Eye's answer made Cook dumb.

Cook asked in confusion: "They are all in the same plane, do you need to detect?"

"Your statement is wrong. The 200 celestial eyes are distributed in two star regions. The 200 empires manage nearly 10,000 plane planets. However, the celestial eyes are only allowed to be used on the plane planet where the imperial capital is located." Cook almost threw Xiao Lei on the ground.

"Then it is impossible that nearly 10,000 planets in these 200 empires have been destroyed?" Cook asked in a puzzled way.

"No, there is a 0.01% probability of not being destroyed, because a huge elemental storm occurred three hundred and fifty thousand years ago. The elemental storm carried a large number of meteorites and rushed into the two star regions. The next two elemental storms The star fields have almost disappeared, and even the sun has disappeared several times." The answer from Sky Eye made Cook even more confused.

"What is Elemental Storm?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"This is still an unsolved mystery, but the elemental storm theoretically occurs once every billions of years." Tianyan's answer made Cook a lot easier.

Cook was about to continue to learn about Elemental Storm, but Cook felt that the carriage stopped suddenly. Cook was a little surprised. Calculated according to time, he should have not left the city yet. A voice from outside rang: "Come out, kid !" Cook gently opened the door of the car. Obviously, this was for the owner's safety. The door of the car was opened inward.

"Huh! Who are you?" Cook didn't get out of the carriage, but shouted loudly, with a fist-sized round metal out of thin air in his hand. This is a dwarf project that Cook specially purchased on the black market*, but It is a middle-grade cast iron*. Cook bought hundreds of them, and almost wiped out the stock in the black market.

For others, cast iron* is basically a tasteless existence. For ordinary Warcraft, refined iron* can't break the defense at all. For cast iron* that can work, cast iron* with more than a dozen gold coins is a bit luxurious , You must know that the pension after the death of a soldier of the Ceylon Empire is only a few gold coins, so these things are regarded as luxury items, and they are generally very popular with dudes.

"Come out, boy, or we have to take action." Cook asked, and the people outside immediately yelled.

"Ka Ka, go for help!" Cook secretly instructed Ka Ka, the cast iron project* in his hand flew out of the car, and Xiao Lei chuckled tightly around Cook's neck.

"Boom!" With a sound, the cast iron engineering* banged loudly.

"Ah! Ah!"

"Damn it, kill him, my eyes!"

"Engineering*, this kid has engineering*!"

Cook heard a scream, and the cast iron project in his hand flew out *for no money. These cast iron *used *similarly*, they are all metal pins, just pull the pins and throw them out.

But after Cook dropped a dozen of them, he poured a bottle of secondary invisibility potion into Xiaolei and herself, and then Cook quietly got off the carriage. When Cook left, he lost a handful of them in the carriage. Infused with the magical thorn seeds, then Cook hurriedly closed the door of the carriage of the mountain.

"Boom!" The carriage of the carriage was closed, and what Cook can think of is that the carriage is already covered with thorns. It can be imagined that these people should spend some effort pushing open the carriage door. Cook saw that it was in one place. There are hundreds of square meters in the underground hall. Not only is this carriage, there are more than a dozen tall warriors and archers around the carriage. There are a lot of accumulated goods around the hall. Obviously this is an underground warehouse, except for a few bows and arrows. Staring at the carriage, the rest of the soldiers obviously suffered some damage under the attack of the cast iron project*, so they were far away, showing a large circle, but the carriage was surrounded by cast iron* exploded The white choking smoke in the back gave Cook an excellent opportunity to escape.

"It looks like I'm going to design a kind of *, I don't know * can I apply for a patent?" Cook shrank, shrank under the carriage, and then climbed under the carriage. To Cook's excitement, the carriage is actually here. No one, obviously there was no door in this aspect of the carriage, and Cook was thinking about other things while fleeing.

Cook quickly got out of the carriage with the help of the secondary invisibility potion and hid on a pile of goods in the corner. Cook saw a guy who was obviously the boss commanding an uninjured soldier to approach the carriage with a huge shield. Cook gave a sneer, then slipped off the cargo pile gently, and then touched the obvious doorway on one side. There are three doors in this hall. One of them is the door behind the carriage. Obviously that place is the entrance. Even so, there were two tall warriors guarding there. The other gate was where the leader came in. There were nearly twenty people beside him. Only this gate was the closest to Cook and no one was guarding it.

"Damn boy, you are dead, come out quickly, I can...!" Cook quietly touched the door. To Cook's surprise, the door opened easily. Cook There was a scream of the boss in his ears, and obviously those guys thought Cook was still inside.

"I was stubborn. I was almost fooled." Cook was just about to close the door casually. When Cook saw it, the door could be easily pushed open from the outside, but there was no way to open it from the inside. The whole door was fine with a thumb thick. It’s made of iron. Cook took the dagger and cut off several small organs on the iron door. Then Cook closed the door. Cook took out the communication glasses he got from the ruins, which could absorb the user himself. The elemental energy activates the dark vision magic array, enabling people to see things in the dark. According to Cooke's knowledge, a dark vision magic array needs to consume several kilometers of magic metal, so this magic array should not be small. The glasses weighed only a few hundred grams in total. Cook didn't know how these magic circles were drawn inside the glasses, but Cook didn't plan to learn more about it, because it was not a product of civilization at all.

Just like the people here who have broken hands and short legs, as long as they release advanced magical hands, their legs can grow out. Such a situation is obviously unimaginable on the earth, so Cook does not plan to be true, just use it. In fact, Cook also I probably understand that, just like computers, the most primitive computers are behemoths occupying hundreds of square meters, weighing up to 30 tons, but their calculation speed is only 5,000 additions per second. The size of the final palm, and the calculation speed is N times faster, this is brought about by the progress of civilization and technology, so Cook does not want to entangle it.

After Cook put on the glasses, the night vision function was activated. Cook clearly saw from the glasses that this is a slow downward passage, which is five or six meters wide and seven or eight meters high, with a step of stairs extending downwards. , Cook walked slowly with curiosity and helplessness.

"It's actually a prison cell?" The downward passage is not long, only a few tens of meters. Cook reached the rooms with large metal fences that he saw below, and Cook counted them roughly. There are more than one hundred rooms. Cook clearly sees that the orcs, humans, dwarves, and monsters are kept inside. Cook finally knows the identity of the person who arrested him. He is obviously a slave. dealer.

Cook hid in the darkness, constantly looking at the creatures in the cell. Just before Cook finished his wandering, a heavy footstep sounded. Obviously someone came in. Cook hurried to the shadows. Hidden inside, as the light moved, Cook saw clearly that there were four people in total, two of whom were still dragging one person.

"Boy, you can stay here at ease when you enter here. Don't try to escape. Remember, you must draw the detailed location of the ruins." A thin man said with a strange smile.

"I've already said that the ruins are not on this plane. You have to go through the wizard's union. You can't go even if you have a map?" What Cook didn't expect was that the dragged person turned out to be Zagot.

"Nonsense, you don't need to worry about these things, let me tell you, our boss's energy is not small, and we have found your companion. If you don't speak anymore, your companion will be too late to speak." The man said threateningly.

Zagot asked in horror: "How do you know that I have..., I know, you actually bought the driver!"

"Hey, our boss has hands and eyes open to the sky, that kid hasn't been fooled by us with a message." The thin man said triumphantly.

"You, you...wow!" Zagot spit out blood, then fainted.

"You lock up this kid, I'll see how the kid in the carriage hasn't been taken out. If it doesn't work, get that girl out." The thin guy saw Zagot fainted and ordered He said, then turned around and left.

"Puff!" When Cook heard that these guys actually had to attack Mickey, Cook couldn't take care of that much. Cook's soul came from the world of equality of life, so Cook didn't want to see **** scenes in his heart. , But now the thin man threatened Mickey’s life, Cook moved his steps gently, waiting for the thin man to pass by, waiting until the thin man had just turned around and just took two steps, a dark line Passing directly across the thin man's neck, with a puff, under the shining of the light, the thin man's neck sprayed a red mist.

"Boom!" The thin man's head rolled down, making a bang.

"There is a thief!" When the other three soldiers saw this situation, they immediately shouted.

"Puff!" Zagot was thrown on the ground. The three fighters stood back to back, turning constantly, and hacking in the void with their weapons from time to time. Obviously these fighters have some experience in dealing with thieves.

Cook looked at the three soldiers trying to move to the door with a sneer in the dark corner. With a light turn, he immediately waited at the top of the stairs. Cook knew that the time for the invisible potion was passing, and Cook was on the stairs. A horn bow was taken out at the top, and the shining arrow appeared so clear under the light below, but due to the terrain, the three of them did not know that they were aimed at by the shining arrow on the upper stairs.

"Taste the taste of the magic burst arrow!" Cook aimed at one of the three. The soldier did not wear a helmet. Obviously he thought it was not necessary at such a safe place. Cook said silently in his heart, and then slowly He opened the horn bow in his hand.

"Boom!" The straight-line distance is only a few meters away, and the strength of the horn bow has almost reached a thousand catties. The power of a thousand catties is condensed on a small arrow. You can imagine how powerful the penetrating power is. It is said that the magic burst arrow does not have sharp arrows. On the contrary, the arrow of the magic burst arrow has a certain armor-breaking effect. With a bang, almost the entire magic burst arrow has disappeared into the head of the guy without the helmet. This world's grudge Although tough, the head, eyes and other parts cannot be practiced unless a vindictive shield is used. However, it is undoubtedly a death-seeking behavior to confront a thief and use fighting qi rashly, because using a vindictive shield consumes fighting qi quickly. , These three people knew that they were facing not a thief, but a hunter, how perverted the hunter who can hide, the three of them can imagine.

With a bang, the whole body of the guy hit by the magic burst arrow burst open, and the huge impact force rushed the other two directly to the stone walls on both sides, making two dull noises.

"Shoo!" Before the two had time to wake up from the vertigo, and before they could use the vindictive shield, they were pierced through the forehead by two shimmering arrows, and they were firmly nailed to the wall.

"Who is it?" Zagot was awakened by the sound of magic bursting arrows at this time, and asked loudly.

"It's me!" Cook walked out of the shadows, looked at Zagot, who was scarred, took out a healing potion and handed it to Zagot, and used a dagger to cut the chain on Zagot.

"Thank you, **** it, I was sold by that guy, bitch, I must make her look good when I go out." Zagot poured the potion and cursed bitterly.

"Hey, let's see how to escape now. There are at least dozens of heavily armed soldiers outside." Cook said with a wry smile.

"Is there any dark magic power recovery potion? My magic power was eliminated by someone using potions." Zagot's injury quickly recovered. Hearing Cook's words, he immediately asked.

"Take it, there is only such a bottle. You also know that the dark magic core is not so easy to handle!" Cook took out the magic power recovery potion. The magic power recovery potion is divided into different categories. Cook also knows for the first time that the warlock belongs to the dark system.

"Thank you, Cook, you are my savior. I have been in the Magic City for decades. Today is the first time I was tossed like this. When I go out, see how I toss them." Zagot felt When the magic power recovered quickly, he gritted his teeth and said.

"Stop talking, quickly recruit your pet. Let's stay here first. I have already asked Ka Ka to ask for help." Cook yelled angrily.

"For help, where can the little thing Kaka go for help, there are magical defenses everywhere, can Kaka get in? Who is there?" Zagot asked while summoning the pet tank. ,

"Hey, why did I forget that the place where Ka Ka is going is full of magical defenses, and the orcs inside are imprisoned." Cook was said by Zagot, and immediately reacted, Ka Ka could not go there.

Zagot commanded the tank to wait in the passage, then said with bright eyes: "What are you waiting for, open the prison door, orcs are natural soldiers!"

"Damn, my brain!" Cook quickly drew his dagger, but then Cook said again: "What if these guys don't recognize them?"

"You won't force them to sign a contract first, as long as the temporary contract is enough. When you go out, everyone will go their own way. If you don't sign the contract, you won't be given any healing potions and physical recovery potions." Zagot He could hear the intensive footsteps through the iron gate, and said anxiously.

Cook hurriedly acted, but before the action, he threw a pile of cast iron projects* to Zagot. Zagot looked at nearly a hundred cast iron projects* with excitement, his mouth burst open, and then let the tank hold the giant Axe stood in front of him, then pulled out a cast iron engineering* pin and handed it to the tank.

"Boom!" As soon as the iron door was opened, the cast iron project* in the hand of the tank was thrown out. With a bang, the cast iron project* exploded with a dull sound, followed by a series of screams.

"Hey, I'm not afraid that your archer and the magician are standing far away. I have a strong pet." Through the gate Zagot saw this cast iron * exploding among a dozen archers and magicians, Zagot He laughed, knowing that it is impossible for ordinary people to throw a nearly five-kilogram project* for nearly two hundred meters, but the tank is a demon, and the demon can see things in the dark, so Zagot's sneak attack succeeded.

"Retreat, the magician, the archer retreat, the warrior is on the top of the shield, the thieves look for a chance to rush in." A voice outside the door roared.

"Haha. Come on. Come on!" Zagot shouted excitedly, one by one cast iron projects* were pulled out of the pins, and then handed to the tank, the tank is extremely powerful, the cast iron* is almost equivalent to heavy The power of the weapon hit, let alone the explosion.

"Hey, why are you here alone?" Zagot looked at Cook coming by himself and asked in surprise.

Cook spread his hand and said, "They are all fed some kind of medicine, and they are all in a coma."

"Damn it, sleeping potion, I know who it is, these **** guys...ding!" Zagot jumped up and cursed, but then with a ding sound, an arrow hit the giant axe in front of the tank. , Zagot retracted his head all at once.

Cook looked at the panic outside the door. The soldiers were holding their shields. The archers and magicians were on the other side of the hall. Obviously he was frightened by the cast iron project* thrown by the tank. Cook also took out the horn bow. , And then picked up a handful of fine iron arrows, and then took out a portion of poison, and each arrow was dipped in the poison bottle.

"We still have to rush out, otherwise we will be over when there are more people." Cook said, tightening the equipment on his body.

"Big brother, big brother, don't you, do you want to rush out in such an environment?" Zagot quickly grabbed Cook and said with a sad face.

"What do you say?" Cook glared at Zagot.

"How many projects are there*?" Zagot looked around ~www.novelmtl.com~ and asked.

"There are more than three hundred!" Cook looked at Zagot, said with some guilty conscience, and then asked: "Aren't you trying to bomb this place?"

"Correct, the use of engineering* was originally developed by the dwarves for digging pits. We must not be too thick from the ground here..." Zagot said with his eyes rolling.

"But what if it's thick?" Cook asked angrily.

"Hey, you see that there is no feeling of suffocation in this secret room. It means that the ventilation system inside is good. Let's blow across the passage first, and then..." Zagot's idea made Cook dare not imagine it.

Cook quickly refused: "No, the two of us are not proficient in architecture. If everything collapses in one blow, I don't want to die so early."

"No way!" Zagot heard Cook say so, his face turned green, and if both collapsed, the two would definitely die.

"Come on, man, if you don't charge, you just wait for death!" Cook patted Zagot on the shoulder and said.

"Damn, I hate taking risks, I hate such irresponsible behavior. Tanks, throw them all out!" Zagot cursed loudly, taking off a suit of clothes from the dead next to him, and taking the rest of the project *Bundled together, then pulled a few of them apart, and handed them to the tank, while the face of Cook next to him was green. You know, there are dozens of projects*!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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