This made her change her previous feeling of guilt and depression. She happily put her backpack on the table and took out the diary she renamed The Witch's Journey.

Mom! I'm also planning to publish a book! I've already thought of the name and it's called Witch's Journey! Basically all the stories I experienced during my travels are written in it.

Ah this...

Victorique was unexpectedly troubled by her daughter's excitement.

What's wrong?

I'm very interested in the travel experience, but...


Mom, I am more interested in your emotional experiences than your travel experiences.

Victorique, with a smile on her face, pushed aside the diary she pushed over, and leaned forward to look at it with interest. Irena, who was petrified by these words, just looked at her with tenderness. With a teasing smile, he said, So, let's talk about your feelings with your mother, right?

No, no...Mom? Shouldn't you take care of your health first?

Well, of course I am also worried about your health, but seeing that you are well, I won't worry anymore. Of course, the most important thing is...

.....the most important is?

Seeing that her mother did not show a playful or ambiguous smile, but only looked at herself quietly. It was rare for Irena to see such a serious expression on her mother's face. She couldn't help but swallowed and nodded, waiting for her answer.

Victoria also pondered for a long time, whetting her appetite before speaking slowly.

Because - I'm curious!


Victorique's serious words made Irena dumbfounded, but Victorique continued with this seriousness, When you were young, I had fantasized about, or looked forward to, and... You talk freely about love, and now the opportunity has finally come, how can you let me continue to endure it?

Mom...don't you just think this topic is interesting?

This is one aspect.

....What about the other side?

Irena was so exhausted that she lay on the table. While asking, she suspected that she actually thought the topic was interesting. However, Victorique's face showed a gentle smile as usual: Don’t you think it’s a great thing to discuss your favorite person with your favorite daughter? Ah, of course, if An Luo is the favorite person, my mother will be a little jealous.”


Unable to look directly at her mother's tenderness, frankness, and little jealousy, facing these loving words, Irena couldn't even deny her guess. She just let out a lovely cry and buried her face in her hands, in her head. I desperately searched for answers on how to answer and what reaction to make, but unfortunately...

At this critical moment, her mind was always blank and she reflexively wanted to escape. However... her mother, who knew her very well, had already locked the door and even blocked the closet when she entered the house. On the gate.



Although Irena is quirky and a liar just like An Luo, and is much more cunning than girls of the same age, but...

The person she faced today was her super nemesis, the kind of nemesis that she could even defeat until death.

Victoria's understanding of her can be said to be the best in the world, and she is even more proficient in deception. Her experience in this field is also overwhelmingly rich, and she also has the identity of a mother, a super weapon level, which makes her continue to There is no way to find anyone to complain to.

In front of Victorique, whose hidden identity was exposed and no longer needed to be concealed, Irena was completely teased.

Not to mention resisting or anything, they just chatted for a while. Victorique tested all her little thoughts until almost all of them were exposed, and her inner thoughts were also clearly seen through.

Irena. Victoria looked very dignified while stroking her face with one hand. She looked at Irena with a smile, which made her alert for a moment: W-what?

Ara hates you? Why are you so wary of your mother? Will your mother still harm you?

...No way?

I don't care who I harm, even if I harm my husband, I can't harm my daughter.

It makes sense, but it seems quite pitiful to say that Dad...

This is a metaphor, a metaphor. Victorique smiled and waved her hand: Then? You like An Luo, right?

Ha, ha?! What are you, what are you talking about without any basis? Irena was startled by these overly straightforward words. She couldn't hold back the restlessness in her heart and jumped up on the spot.

Oh, don't be so panicked. I'm not an outsider, and there's no need for my daughter to hide anything from her mother, right? After all, my daughter and her mother were connected in the past.

Victorique, who seemed to enjoy Irena's panic, smiled, narrowed her eyes, and held her chin with her hands, admiring her daughter's embarrassed look.

It's not mom's turn to say this!...Mom even hid the fact that she is a witch! It seems like something like this has happened?

It doesn't seem like it!

Well, let's put this kind of unimportant matter aside for now.

What is irrelevant?? Mom, you are obviously trying to change the subject!

You like An Luo more than this, right?

So, so! An, An Luo is not the person I like! Why does mom always disobey others? Changing the subject and saying such strange things is really, really...!

Irena's unusual and uncontrollable excited tone made the corners of Victorique's mouth curl up even more, and she said with deep concern: Really? Did I make a mistake? In that case .....What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? Could it be that you have a fever?

It's not like you said something strange!...I'm going to bed! Mom, get out quickly!

Knowing that if this continued, she would become the object of her mother's pleasure tonight, Irena directly pulled Victorique up from her seat and pushed her towards the door.

Victorique allowed Irena to push her, but at the same time she couldn't help but sigh: Oh, why are you so embarrassed even though you are such a big man? Obviously there is no problem even if you get married at this age, you are too embarrassed It’s too late to mature.”

This is my business! And I'm not ashamed, it's true!

You are my daughter, isn't your business my business? And... In the middle of her words, Victorique grabbed Irena's hand and tried to push away the wardrobe blocking the door. He put his hands on her face, so that she could not escape and could only look at herself like this, and said in a rare and serious voice:

You still haven't corrected your problem of shrinking back at critical moments. It won't take long for the person you like to have a partner and show affection in front of you. Even in two years, they will bring their The child comes to your house and calls you aunt, but you... you can only force a smile and help coax him and other people's children when the person you like asks for it, becoming a veritable loser.

...I-I can't...

Irena, who subconsciously wanted to avoid her mother's sight, was slightly frightened by the reality she described, but she still refused to acknowledge this highly possible future.

Humph~ Since my daughter is so disappointing, as a mother, I will teach you a unique skill.

Special skill...?

It's very simple, first be sexy~and then go straight to it and that's it~!

——It's too simple!

It's okay, it's okay~ The more complicated the strategy, the better. As long as it's effective, of course the simpler the better. Follow my steps, and no man can stop you~! Leave it all to mom!

Victorique, who was more excited than Irena herself, had an expectant smile on her face, but Irena, who had no way to resist her mother, felt very uneasy.

However... She was also a little uneasy about the future described by Victorique, and could only accept her mother's guidance.



On the other side, under Paul's scrutinizing gaze, An Luo stroked two little lolita whom he had not seen for a long time. He relied on the warmth of the little lolita beside him and completely ignored the suspicion in his eyes. However, his ignorance also made him The suspicion grew stronger.

He had no good way to deal with this infinite loop. Anyway, no matter how he explained it, Paul would misunderstand himself and interpret the explanation as sophistry. Therefore, he was very simple and did not intend to explain anything anymore, and enjoyed what he could enjoy at the moment.

Although Alijie and Milina were the two children who were woken up by them, they soon couldn't stand their sleepiness and fell asleep cuddling up to him, and it didn't take too long before this happy time ushered in. A complete end.

One of the people who had a secret conversation between mother and daughter upstairs, Victorique came down from upstairs, but Irena did not come down for some reason.

It's getting late now, so it's time to get ready to go to bed. Victoria paused, then looked at An Luo with a troubled expression on her face: But...although Yi Lei Na’s room is always tidied, but Alijie and Milina are sleeping in the room that was prepared for you before. Where should you sleep better?”

The guest room where An Luo slept in Irena's house has been occupied by Alijie and Milina. An Luo also heard the two little lolita say it just now. This is the result of their strong request, but An Luo Luo knew about Irena's home. This residence had more than one guest room.

Huh? Are we... Before An Luo could ask Paul, he heard the unusual part of her words and wanted to say something. But before he finished speaking, Victorique said Knowing when the cake appeared in his hand, he handed it over and said with a smile: This is tonight's supper, want to try it first?

Hey? Now?? Are you in a hurry? Now...

How about a quick taste?

...Okay, okay.

Under Victorique's stressful smile, Paul couldn't bear it and subconsciously nodded and took it, tasting the cake with the knife he had been holding in his hand.

This made Victorique nodded with satisfaction, then looked towards An Luo and suggested: The two children sleep so soundly~ Don't make any noise. Can you please carry them as gently as possible? On the bed?

Of course it's okay, it's just...

An Luo subconsciously looked at Paul who was still staring at him while eating the cake. When he heard this suggestion, he stopped talking and swallowed the cake to say something.

But before Paul could speak, Victorique smiled brightly at him: The child's father, do you have any other ideas about my arrangements?


It looks like there isn't one.

...Yes, no.

Paul, who seemed to have been given the right to speak, but actually had no chance to speak at all, lowered his head under Victoria's smile and resumed eating the cake.

The family status of the people in this family is clearly demonstrated at this moment.

But if you think about it seriously, although Victorique is a wanted criminal in many countries like her daughter, she is also a very powerful witch. She also has two witch disciples, although they are very casual. After the two disciples became trainee witches, they gave birth to her together in half a year. The witch's brooch made them all become witches twice as fast as Irena.

But leaving aside the issue of personality, I heard that she was already a powerful witch twenty years ago, and her status in the country of Royal Crestria was even more astonishing.

In this world, women are already stronger in terms of personal status when there is no official position. In this case, as a witch, Victorique takes the initiative and becomes the head of the family. There is nothing surprising.

However, when An Luo carried the two little lolita back to the room and returned to the living room, he found that Paul, who was eating cake, had only fallen asleep halfway through the cake.

Is this...? He looked at Paul, who was obviously sleeping abnormally, and then at the beautiful woman next to him who was smiling but saying nothing: ...What's going on?

Oh~ what could possibly happen? It's just that he fell asleep here when he was old and sleepy. Can you please help me move him to the room? Victoria asked again with a smile on her face. .


The obstructionists have been removed.

So when An Luo came back again, Victorique put down the black tea that she had brewed at some time, and said naturally: I'm really bothering you today. You must be tired after moving three people, right? But it's a pity. There is really no usable room now, and sleeping on the floor is not very good, so why don’t you make a compromise and sleep in the same room as Irena tonight?”

Uh, Miss Victoria...what kind of compromise is this? Why did you compromise to sleep with Irena?


No, it's just...

Then it's decided~

Victorique clasped her hands in front of her chest and decided where An Luo would sleep tonight with an unchanging smile.

Although he understands Victorique's character and normally when asking for opinions, he has already made up his mind and will do everything possible to get others to agree, An Luo still couldn't help but express his opinion:

No, no, no, wait a minute, Miss Victoria, is this thing progressing too fast? Irena is not a child now. Although I feel that I will not do anything wrong, after all, when I travel We often go camping together, but...

I know, I know, don't worry, I'm very relieved of you, and if something happens, you just have to take responsibility~?

Victorique showed a soft smile and raised the corners of her mouth sharply... To be honest, An Luo didn't quite understand what she said. Was she reassured or worried about herself?

But no matter what, he didn't even have a chance to refuse, so he let Victorique push him upstairs to Irena's room.

.....The dim interior was dimly lit with only the soft moonlight falling from the windowsill.

The gray-haired girl, who was usually restless and didn't pay much attention to her sleeping state, was lying on her back on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Oops, Irena actually fell asleep first? But it must be because she is tired from the long journey. You too, go to bed early~ Ah, if you really can't control yourself, it doesn't matter if you play a little prank~

Just leaving these meaningful words, Victorique pushed An Luo hard and pushed him into the room, closed the door and locked it directly from the outside.

This was a situation that people didn't know how to evaluate. An Luo was confused for a long time before he came back to his senses. After a while, he got closer to the bed and looked at the defenseless girl on the bed through the moonlight.

Irena's dress was no different from the past. She was wearing a white dress that could be used as a nightgown. Her long gray hair was obviously wet because she had just gotten out of the bath. It made people feel excited.

However, compared to the clothes she is used to seeing, her current sleeping posture is a bit awkward. This actually makes An Luo, who has never seen her upright and flat on the bed, feel very novel, and at the same time he can basically guess... .. Victorique probably also used some kind of coercive measures against Irena to make her unconscious here.

Seriously, what is the best thing to do when faced with this situation?

Forget it, I'd better not think too much and go to sleep.

Although the situation at the scene was very strange, there were occasionally times when he would not take advantage of others, so he regarded himself as an upright gentleman, so he just opened the quilt and simply got in, and even moved Irena's hand over. Use it as a pillow for yourself.



Originally, in order not to fall into Victoria's trap, An Luo planned to have a good sleep and not think about too many strange things, but...

The unsuspecting beautiful girl is right next to her, and the able-bodied boy is sleeping in the same bed with her. How can it be possible that nothing can go wrong?

Not only was the other party exuding a pleasant fragrance, but the girl's soft touch and body temperature were also directly transmitted through the summer thin material nightgown, which made him unable to sleep for a while.

He propped up his head with one hand on his chin and looked at Irena beside him. Although he didn't want to admit it, when lying quietly like this, Irena was indeed an undoubted beautiful girl.

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