Shut up, you are the only one in this world who is not qualified to say this to me. You are the real most troublesome person!

Okay, okay, so what are you going to do?

...take a look first...take a look and then talk.

Irena, whose momentum suddenly weakened when she talked about business, walked directly along the outside of the building, preparing to observe the situation inside and take a peek at her parents whom she had not seen for many years, so that she could be prepared. For this, An Luo He could only shake his head and follow him.



Walking around the familiar perimeter of her home, Irena was walking as quietly as a thief.

Windows came into view one after another, but unfortunately the lights inside were all turned off. The glass windows clearly reflected the scenery outside under the moonlight, and also reflected her sneaky appearance.

She wanted to take a peek outside but could only see herself, which made her somewhat depressed.

After going around in a circle, she still couldn't see the scene inside, which made her frustrated. When she returned to the starting point, before An Luo could urge her to knock on the door, she suddenly suggested: Yes, that's right! Maybe they have already It’s not good to wake them up suddenly when they are asleep, so why don’t we just go camping outside and spend the night together?”

I'm talking about you! Are you so timid even at the doorstep? Show some of the courage and confidence we had when we swindled money together! After all, it's only night now, and even if you go to bed, you won't fall asleep so quickly, right?

“Please don’t say things that are impossible, and even if it’s just dark, you might have already fallen asleep!”

....Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you.

It is Irena's bad habit to always back down at critical moments. An Luo, who knew this well, simply slapped his hand on the door without waiting for her to stop her.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of knocking on the door immediately made Irena jump up anxiously: You, what are you doing! I'm not mentally prepared yet! Stop it!

When you are mentally prepared, it will be dawn.

Ignoring the dissuasion, she slapped the door, and soon Victorique's voice of Wait a minute! came from inside. Soon, the door was opened with a burst of footsteps, and a familiar middle-aged woman appeared at the door.

When Victoria saw An Luo for the first time, she was just a little surprised. Then when she saw Irena on the side with her head lowered coyly, she opened her mouth slightly and let the sound leak out from her lips: . ….Irena…”

That, that...Mom...

The girl raised her gaze slightly and looked at her mother who had basically changed from three years ago, her face full of guilt and embarrassment.

You kid, you're finally back...

Um, um... I'm back... Well, I'm sorry, I...

Wait a minute. Victorique, who quickly recovered from the surprise, suddenly stretched out his hand to face her, looked her up and down with a confused expression: Why do you see me, it's like meeting your mother-in-law's little daughter-in-law. ? Are you...really just coming back to see me?


The atmosphere that was supposed to be very warm after a long separation suddenly became weird. Irena was also dumbfounded and looked up at her mother slightly. She didn't understand what her mother was talking about. She just felt that this situation It was stranger than she expected, exceeding the expected maximum threshold, and even made her a little uncomfortable.

But Victorique let her eyes wander between her and An Luo, and soon nodded slightly with a clear look on her face: I see... Is it possible?

Yes, yes? What?

It's disgusting~ You kid, you're still pretending to be stupid now, of course you're a kid~

Victorique touched her face with one hand and showed a bright smile, but Irena just felt that she didn't know how to deal with it at all, and asked blankly: Huh? Child...what child?

What a shy kid~ Do you still want to hide this from your mother? Of course it's yours~

...Us? Irena pointed at herself subconsciously, and then pointed at An Luo.

Well, it's yours and An Luo's. Victoria nodded with a smile, then stretched out her hand to touch her belly, and said with a sigh: I didn't expect that I will be a grandma in the blink of an eye. Time flies so fast. ah.

——Wait, wait, wait!! Mom?? What are you talking about?!

Irena, who finally came back to her senses after a long while, instantly blushed to the point of pitifulness. She immediately waved away Victorique's hand and glared at her angrily, but Victorique looked calm and did not ignore this glare. Looking at it, he just said with some disappointment: Ara~ It seems that it's not there yet? Are you here to tell me that you are getting married?

No! Why did things become like this?!

Isn't it true? I thought you would definitely have to wait until you get married before coming back.

Then, the target may not be this guy!

But didn't you come back together?

I just happened to meet him! My relationship with this guy is not good at all!

Really? But didn't you have a great time chatting outside the door?

Hey...why would mom...

Because we have been listening upstairs~

Victorique, who couldn't help but laugh, told the truth without any sugarcoating.

...have you been listening upstairs? No, wait a minute? We...?

This sudden fact made Irena staggered by the shock. When she subconsciously looked into the room, her father Paul poked his head out with a smile and said embarrassedly: I'm sorry, Irena, your mother said she wanted to give you a gift. Surprise, don't let me come out...Dad didn't expect Mom's surprise to be such a surprise...


Welcome back, Irena.

Irena angrily wanted to complain to her mother who had just come back and played a trick on her, but Victorique had already taken her into her arms with a smile and gently stroked her hair.

All her dissatisfaction was blocked at this moment, and she could not say a single word of complaint, which made her sigh with complicated emotions in her heart. She was really no match for her mother and idol (and enlightenment on the road of crime). By).

Paul on the side could only look at Victoria hugging her with envy, and then turned to look at the girl who seemed to be woken up by their noisy voice when An Luo opened her mouth to say something, but Ailijie also happened to be walking out of the house in her pajamas. Come out of the room.

The girl with cute goat horns rubbed her sleepy eyes and subconsciously turned her gaze to the door and noticed An Luo's presence. She was stunned for a moment. The next moment, she didn't say a word and pounced on him as if she had bumped into him. His arms wrapped around his waist and hugged him hard.

The girl buried her face in his chest and kept calling his name. The strength of this hug was so strong, as if she never wanted to separate... A normal person would probably be hugged by this, which is much stronger than that of ordinary children. The strength of the hug hurt.

This made Paul, who was alone on the ground, feel envious. At the same time, An Luo's eyes became somewhat strange for some reason.



After a long while, An Luo and Irena followed the people in the room and entered the room together.

Okay, okay, calm down and I won't run away.

An Luo, who was surrounded by little lolita on both sides, touched the heads of the two little lolita. While enjoying the pleasure of masturbating a lolita that was far better than masturbating a cat, he also faced Paul who was opposite him and was full of doubts. Sight.

Paul, who was rarely eating, looked at his second and third daughters, and then at An Luo, who obviously had a better relationship with his daughters than his father, and couldn't help but ask. : Although it's not good for you to ask this kind of thing just now, I also know that you helped these two children, so your relationship with them cannot be bad, but An Luo...don't you have a special hobby? ?”

Special hobby? Uh...what are you thinking? How could something like that happen?

...Then what are your hands doing?

Paul's eyes moved downward, staring at An Luo's hands that had touched the sisters' heads just now, but were now casually rubbing their soft faces, and occasionally brushing against the soft flesh of their chins like petting a cat.

I think it doesn't matter if the elders play with the children's faces a little bit... After he told his reasons, he noticed that the mother and daughter chatting at the dining table were looking at something strange, and he immediately Then he changed his words and said: Ahem, okay, I admit that I can't control my hand. After all, it feels good, so... you can't rely on me, right?

I-I think it doesn't matter! Yeah, yeah! As for my brother, it's okay!

The two sisters, Alijie and Milina, didn't mind at all when their cheeks were gently kneaded and played with, and their chins were rubbed by fingertips. They even narrowed their eyes and held his hands from the left and right sides as if they were enjoying it. She acted coquettishly at him.

This situation made Paul's face stiffen a lot. An Luo also unconsciously looked at his hand that picked up something from the table, and said with a smile: Um, Mr. Paul... is not here now. When you are eating, why do you hold a table knife in your hand? And why do you point the tip of the knife towards yourself like a dagger? That's not the way to hold a normal tableware, right?


I think you must have misunderstood a lot, so please let me explain.

You said, I'm listening...but... Inexplicably, I felt like I was being used to help An Luo support his wife, and I also had some suspicions that he wanted to take away his three daughters at once. Paul asked with a broken smile on his face: I don't think you would say that you and these two children have made a lifelong agreement or something, right?

Are you kidding me? How could something like that happen? An Luo couldn't help shaking his head at this unfounded and outrageous suspicion.

But... in the face of his denial without even thinking about it, the suspicion in the surrounding eyes only weakened slightly, and there was no sign of completely disappearing.

This made him couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong with their own thinking, so they suspected that something was wrong with him? However, the two sisters were not bothered by this somewhat subtle atmosphere at all, and they were still smiling and clinging to his side like little birds.


According to initial estimates, Irena's return home should be full of warmth. After all, the atmosphere of returning home after a long absence should be touching no matter what.

Unfortunately...the reality is far from both of their imaginations. The reason why Paul doubts him is because when he asked the two sisters about their dreams in the past, their answer was I want to be a brother when I grow up. The bride! Me too! Me too!... Only then did An Luo get interrogated inexplicably, and even Victorique was very suspicious of him.

Next, An Luo was still chatting with the two sisters and Paul in the living room, but Irena was taken to Irena's room upstairs by Victorique.

Speaking of which, how is your progress? Victorique, who was spreading the sheets with Irena, suddenly asked for no reason.

You, what are you talking about, mom? I told you, we don't have any strange relationship! After finally calming down, Irena's cheeks became slightly hot again, but at the same time, she denied it with fierce words without even thinking about it. , and looked at his mother with a look of doubt on life and asked: Mom...when a normal daughter comes back, will any mother tease her daughter in such an extreme way?

No way~

Victoria shook her head with a smile.

and you......

Am I an ordinary mother?


Speaking of which, your relationship is really good? How far has it progressed?


Well, you must have never even kissed or held hands, right?

——So! We just...

Zhinu Mo Ruomu, you are my child and I have watched you grow up. I can understand your thoughts even with just a look~? Not to mention your performance is so obvious.

Without waiting for the somewhat annoyed Irena to deny, Victorique blocked her words with a smile on her face. She didn't know how to speak for a moment. She just lowered her head and muttered in a low voice: ... Really. Is that so? Is my performance really that obvious?

She has the expression of a girl in love, so cute~

Oh...? What's that expression?

Well, let's put this aside for now.

Wait...Mom? Are you trying to trick me?

Haha~ What do you think?


Facing her mother's smiling and silent look with a mysterious face, Irena felt as depressed as An Luo before... At the same time, she also had some doubts about whether her gentle and kind mother when she was young was just her memory. The illusion brought about by beautification.

On the other hand, Victorique was in high spirits and kept teasing her daughter who had not returned home for a long time. Irena soon felt physically and mentally exhausted. She couldn't help but dreaming about a touching reunion. , so I was still worried about how to deal with it and cursed myself for being naive.




(PS: Recommend the book again

Introduction: Only Long Aotian can defeat Long Aotian! by.Long Aotian special killing system

Target world: Godslayer (ongoing)——

Friends who like Accelerator, don’t miss it if you pass by~)

Accelerator of a Certain Dragon's Arrogant Killer

Chapter 41 Mother’s Forced Teaching·Irena’s Reverse Confession

Well~ That's enough teasing now, let's get down to business.

After venting his dissatisfaction with his daughter for not returning home for a long time, Victorique looked at her daughter's flushed face, patted her spotless skirt with satisfaction, and sat on the chair as if she planned to talk to her about something serious. .

However, Irena didn't understand at all. What could she have to talk about when she just came back? At the same time, she asked cautiously as if she had noticed something: Um...Mom, you won't treat me for so long. Are you angry that you didn’t go home?”

You can't say not, just a little bit~? Victorique smiled and raised her hand to make a slight gesture. Judging from the movements alone, it seemed that it was only a little bit, but Irena understood that her mother That must be more than just a little bit.

But when she was about to say something, Victorique added: Although it's not appropriate to be angry with your daughter, Irena is also very harsh on her mother. She hasn't even written a letter after so many years. Send it to us, mom is obviously very worried about you.

That, that's because of the money issue. Sending letters over long distances is very expensive...

You are really a little money addict. Who do you look like?

Be like mom...

But I think there must be other reasons? I won't ask you the real reason, so don't worry.

...Yes, I'm sorry...

She should be very familiar with her mother, but after knowing that she was Nicole, Irena found that she couldn't understand her mother's thoughts, so she could only tell herself that she didn't say going home for so long, even the letter I didn't send it back and felt so guilty that I bowed my head and admitted my mistake.

It's good to be able to recognize your mistakes. Then we should get down to the topic and have a good talk. Victorique nodded happily and stretched out his hand to motion for her to sit down as well, obviously intending to have a long chat with her.

This made Irena subconsciously think of how her mother had said when she left that she must let her hear the story of her travels when she came back one day.

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