Of course! The village opposite has grown its business in a straight line by selling things that arouse consumers' sexual fetishes. That's why we asked the witch to make it! The village opposite has sexy and beautiful as its selling point, so we will go to the other village Develop and overtake in corners in one direction! It will definitely sell well for those who are interested in this!

...Are people who buy wine just people with weird sexual fetishes?

Irena stopped what she was doing and looked at An Luo expressionlessly. This look made An Luo feel uncomfortable.

Why are you looking at me at this time?

You must have forgotten that you drank wine with my father every day at my house, right?

Don't get me wrong. Those wines were not bought by me but by your father. If you put it that way... you actually said that your father has a strange sexual fetish? Isn't that bad?

An Luo put the blame on Irena's father without even thinking about it.

The skillful pushing of the pot left Irena speechless for a moment. Although she wanted to say that he drank wine on the way, but seriously considering that her father also drank wine every day, this statement seemed to be too broad, so she could only be selective. Ignoring the fact that he had just accidentally injured his father, he changed the topic and complained: ...I'm really exhausted. Stepping on grapes is really tiring. How much wine can those measurements produce?

This...well, about half a barrel, right?

——Only half a barrel? So little? I've been stepping on it for so long...!

Irena was shocked by the village chief's speech. She immediately fell on the sofa and sighed, wondering if she should simply give up the competition, but... at this moment, she thought of another question. : If you think about it this way, is Rosemary really capable? I remember that this wine sells well, right?

Of course! After all, it was the little angel Rosemary who stepped on it! And now all the wine coming out across the street was made by Rosemary~!

Hey~ In this case, she has to...

——Wait! An Luo suddenly interrupted Irena's thinking, causing her to glare unhappily: What are you doing!

No, it's just...that, I suddenly had an unknown premonition.

An ominous premonition?

...Can we not delve deeper into this matter? It's better that some secrets remain secret forever. You should know that many facts have no meaning other than hurting people, and since they can only If you hurt someone, it would be better if you didn’t know.”

An Luo held his stomach and looked very ugly. It was even the first time for Irena to see his face look so bad.

Although I couldn't figure out what he was thinking about at first, when I thought about it, I remembered the reason for their previous separation, and couldn't help but sigh: Are you talking about your Miss Mira Rose? I obviously didn't I’m not going to bring it up, why would you bring up such an annoying topic yourself.”

No, put that kind of thing aside for now, and that's not what I'm talking about now.


Irena stared at him with questions in her head. She tilted her head to the side. After a long while, she patted her thigh as if she suddenly thought of something. She stood up from the sofa with a dark smile and stared up at him: Speaking of which, An Luo...you've drank a lot of grapes stepped on by Miss Rosemary, right?


Even as far away as my home, you can buy Miss Rosemary's wine. Even if she works sleeplessly every day, she can't possibly make so much, right?

...Ah, I suddenly feel like sleeping. I'd better find a place to sleep!

An Luo, who was holding his stomach, turned around and wanted to leave, but Irena grabbed his hand in an instant, raised the corner of her mouth with a smile and said: -No, you don't want to.

No, I really want to!

Come explore this secret with me, maybe it's a secret of wealth~?

I'm not interested in money!

Then please pay me back the money you owe me.

...This...please give me some more grace. By the way, if you can lend me some more money, I will definitely...

Of course there is no problem with this, but... you understand, right?

Irena, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at him with a smile, her eyes full of indescribable joy.

No, I don't understand and I don't want to understand. I suddenly remembered that I have other things to do, so now I will...

——Don't even think about escaping! Come with me!



After much tossing, An Luo was finally pulled over by Irena, and was dragged to the opposite village with a very ugly face.

After Irena got rid of the man guarding the entrance to the winery in the opposite village, they quietly opened the door and saw that An Luo had already thought of the truth but didn't want to face it when he heard that the efficiency of trampling grapes was very low.

...Hahaha~ Don't you want to post my photos and sell wine? Then hurry up and step harder!

Rosemary held a goblet in her hand and tasted the wine without moving at all. Sitting in the middle of the room urging the other people in the room to work harder.

What is really outrageous is that these people who are trampling grapes are not just ordinary grape-trampling girls, but a group of strong men who were pulling the cart earlier.

They were sweating Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! and were stamping hard on the newly harvested grapes, making their feet mixed with sweat and grapes.

——Na na~! An Luo, what's your mood now? What's your mood~!

Irena laughed while holding her belly, and poked him with her elbow from time to time.


An Luo completely ignored the girl next to him who had burst into tears from laughter. He just supported the wall with one hand and kept retching. The village chief on the side was holding a bottle of wine with Rosemary's photo on it, doubting the reality with tears streaming down his face: How, how is it possible! This was not stamped by Rosemary! It was stamped by these strong men?! What did I drink before?!

.....You two are really exaggerating~

Irena was gloating beside her with a happy face. She seemed to be happier than during the Chinese New Year, and she added: Speaking of which, I remember that my mother didn't let my father drink the wine from the village over there, right? Those things later became Who are you drinking for?

...Stop talking! Well...my stomach, my stomach is not working anymore...vomit!

An Luo, who felt his stomach churn and became uncomfortable all over, resisted the urge to draw a knife and chop down the liars, and kept inducing vomiting for himself.

This exaggerated look made Irena shake her head repeatedly: Give up, it was already 4 years ago. No matter how hard you induce vomiting, you can't vomit it out.

——It all depends on people! How can you give up if you haven't tried yet!?

Oh~ Then try your best~... Haha~! Oops, I can't, my stomach, my stomach hurts... Hahahahaha!

Looking at An Luo who was still inducing vomiting, although she finally wanted to be patient for a while, Irena couldn't hold it back in the end. One hand kept patting An Luo's shoulder, and the other hand held her belly again. I laughed until I shed tears.

Even her stomach started to hurt, but she still couldn't hold back her smile.

If someone else encountered this situation, she would be speechless but would not laugh so exaggeratedly. She might even feel a little sympathy, and of course the probability of gloating is not low.

But precisely because the person she met was An Luo, who would tease her whenever she was bored. This situation, which was like a belated retribution for him, naturally made her fall into trouble without any worries.

But her unabashed laughter, An Luo's vomiting sound, and the village chief's incredible cry also attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

However...the opponent is a witch. Without close range and a sneak attack, these people have no chance of winning.


There were no accidents. The man who trampled the grapes in the winery and Rosemary, the supervisor, were all easily tied up by the rope conjured by Irena.

After a while, when the sun went down, people from another village and people from this village also heard about this situation and gathered around to watch the scene of this large-scale fraud.




(PS: The original novel clearly stated that it was Irena who stepped on the grapes here, not Victorique. It just said that the way it was narrated 10 years ago made people think that Victorique 10 years ago was involved; but in fact Judging from the main storyline, Victoria was still raising Irena at home 10 years ago.)

Chapter 22 Drunk girl was cheated online·The evil duo from Chongzhong Township

Miss Rosemary, I'm glad you can drink the wine brewed by these men with such gusto, don't you feel sick?

Irena shook the goblet in her hand, observed the wine snatched from Rosemary's hand for a while, and then quickly raised her lips again and glanced at the two people next to her. One was still crying, and the other was The man, who was still holding his stomach, shook his head and sighed: ...For example, like the two of them, they seem to have suffered a major blow.

It's okay. What I drank was made by myself a long time ago.

Rosemary, who was tied up and placed on the roadside, corrected Irena's statement. This statement triggered the village chief, who angrily yelled: In other words, all the things we bought were stepped on by these big and thick men. ?! What the hell is going on Rosemary-chan?! Did you lie to us?!

——It's too much! It's too much! It's because of Rosemary-chan that you betrayed one of my own people and bought wine from the village opposite you!!

——The wines that I have tasted carefully over the years! Actually, actually... all of them were trampled by these disgusting men?!

.....The men in the village here, together with the village chief, almost cried and denounced this fraud. They even knelt on the ground thinking about what they had done while tasting the wine, beating their chests for being deceived.

Others simply joined An Luo and tried every means to induce vomiting for themselves. Those who didn't know it thought there was a mass poisoning incident here... Although in fact, inducing vomiting was completely meaningless now.

The exaggerated performance of these people earned Rosemary a roll of her eyes, and she smacked her tongue and muttered: Tsk...don't you just fake the place of production? The taste is not the same, you stinky men are really Loves to care about everything.”

——The most important thing is love! Even if the taste is the same! But what really matters is the fact that Rosemary-chan stepped out of it! What is contained in it is love! It is the soul!! Murura was kneeling on the ground crying. Chang, after hearing Rosemary's words, couldn't help crying loudly.

That's right! Soul... No, girls are good for everyone, but how can I accept it when a man steps on it with sweat! You guys look down on us!! An Luo also wiped his face with a sullen expression. After retching for a long time, he just spit out his lunch but there was saliva left in the corner of his mouth. After scolding him, he grabbed a handful of grapes that had been picked next to him and smashed them directly on Rosemary's body.

——Hey! What are you doing to Rosemary, you bastard?! The man on the other side noticed Rosemary's face was covered with rotten grapes, and he also scolded, grabbed the grapes and threw them over.

But An Luo quickly picked up the collar of the village chief who was kneeling on the ground, and lifted him up to form a human shield in front of him.

Uh wow-?!

The village chief, who was caught off guard and was shot in the side of the face, screamed out in surprise. He reflexively grabbed the grapes in the hands of the villagers next to him, threw a bunch of grapes back and hit the villager on the head.

——You guy!? Seeing that his companion was attacked, the villagers from the opposite village immediately fought back again, causing the village to be hit again.

This behavior was like a fuse, causing the existing conflicts between the villagers on both sides to explode, triggering an offensive and defensive battle in which grapes were thrown at each other.

What are you bastards doing to the village chief!

Don't look down on Rosemary-chan!

Asshole! Die!


The villagers were full of dissatisfaction with each other and attacked each other. However, after An Luo let go of the village chief, he quickly dodged the grape attack and prepared to seek compensation from the woman on the floor.

But when she glanced around, she noticed that Irena grabbed her homemade wine from Rosemary. After hesitating for a while, she didn't care that someone had already drank it... . Or maybe he took a sip without caring because he was of the same sex:

Hmm~ It's really good. Do you want to try it? Irena handed the wine over with a sinister smile: This is the wine that was truly tasted by Miss Rosemary~

...Stop talking, I still feel sick to my stomach...

An Luo accidentally thought of the wine he drank in the past, and combined with the scene of the strong men sweating and stamping on grapes, An Luo's stomach started to churn again and he covered his mouth reflexively. He quickly walked to the corner and retched again. got up.

Haha~ It's so pitiful~ An Luo, you actually have today, today is really a day worth remembering~! Irena followed him to the corner, avoided the fight, raised her head and took another sip of wine, her face full of All are cheerful smiles.

But... it didn't take long, after just a portion of the wine was consumed, her cheeks turned red, and even standing became a little wobbly, and then she began to hold on to the wall to let herself fall down.

But when she started looking for An Luo, she found that... An Luo didn't know when, but he had already run to Rosemary who was lying on the ground, and reached out to touch something around her waist. His eyes suddenly widened in shock.

——An Luo?! What are you doing?!

Eh? Me? An Luo, who was not willing to be deceived and felt that he had been the most wronged in his life, stopped looking for his wallet and subconsciously looked back and said, Of course I am claiming compensation?

——Body?! You pervert!

How could I ask for such meaningless compensation?! What I want is money! Money! This guy looks almost 25 years old, right? There is nothing wrong with having big breasts, which is an advantage, but his personality is not my type. !I won’t ask this kind of person to use his body to compensate. No, what I want to say is...I won’t ask for this kind of crime. No matter what the other person is like, my thoughts are the same. I won’t do that. Let’s go for the dirty stuff.”

Halfway through his words, An Luo felt the cold and frightening looks in Irena's and Rosemary's eyes. He changed his words in time and corrected them to prevent them from misunderstanding him.

This change of words seemed a little too late. Rosemary, who was tied into a rice dumpling by Irena, jumped on the ground like a caterpillar and protested: ——Hey! You were still touching me just now. Butt! Now you’re still saying you’re not interested? What do you mean by not interested?! Could it be that you really like perverts with washboard figures and weird interests?!”

No, I haven't touched your butt. Please don't fabricate things that don't exist. Besides, this is compensation for me.

After she finished speaking, An Luo, who continued to look for something on her, took the wallet out of her pocket. At the same time, a girl's gloomy voice came from behind: An Luo...!

What are you doing! Do you want to take a share of the pie? But you are not the victim. Even if you are cruel, I will...

——Go to hell! Pervert!

Irene, who was too drunk for the first time and was already drunk before finishing the glass, didn't hear his explanation clearly and shook her body and took out her wand.

Then, the buckets containing grapes flew up next to the villagers from the two nearby villages, and then the grapes flew towards An Luo like machine guns under the influence of magic power.

Whoa?! What are you doing?!

An Luo jumped up subconsciously, avoiding the magic grape bullets, and let Rosemary, who was tied next to him, be baptized by the bullets. She moaned in pain for a moment, and the others who were tied next to them were moaning. The men were all hit by stray bullets and screamed in surprise.

But these painful cries did not attract pity. The girl who was the culprit even said dissatisfiedly in Anluo: Don't hide! You guy! Give me...just stand and die!

Don't say such unreasonable things, okay! You said you were going to kill me, how could I just stand and die?

Then don't blame me for being rude~! Haha, hahahaha!

With a terrifying laugh, Irena waved her wand and drove the surrounding grapes again, launching a dense saturated fire strike at An Luo.


However, An Luo also moved flexibly through the grape bullets with strange steps, or used his telekinesis to deflect the grapes when it was inevitable to avoid them. He performed a feat of being hit by thousands of grape bullets without any grapes touching him.

The magic power in this world is somewhat similar to telekinesis, which can move objects. Although the accuracy is not as good as his telekinesis, which is completely otherworldly and can perform ultra-fine operations, it has other wider uses in a general sense.

For example, there are wonderful functions such as turning into ice, fire, and replicating items. However, the huge gap in accuracy and calculation power also allows An Luo to easily interfere and protect himself from grape bullets driven by magic power.

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