At the moment when the teleportation magic took effect and arrived at the Land of Honesty, he suddenly slapped his head as if awakening from a dream:

I completely forgot! If you want to apologize to the people you pass by, wouldn't it be faster to start from the country of honesty than from the city of faith? I should give them a ride.

But now it is quite troublesome to go back to find the two girls. After all, the coordinates that teleportation magic can record are limited. He has the coordinates of the Country of Honesty but did not leave any coordinates in the City of Faith.

....Forget it, let's settle down now that we're here, let's find Irena first. She's in...huh? Where is this place?

An Luo took out the map to confirm the approximate location by hunting, but found that Irena was in a village with a strange name - This Side Village.

Chapter 21: Sexy is worthless in front of cuteness

Next to the strange Village This Side on the map is a village called Village Opposite. Generally speaking... they are villages with quite weird names.

However, Anluo from the opposite village had some impressions, because he had drunk the wine collected by Irena's father, and the slogan was still Rosemary, the grape-trampling girl; made of loving trampling. 】 Below it is also written【Origin: Rosemary-chan, the grape-stepping girl from the opposite village. 】

..... Speaking of which, why is it the country of origin? Will grapes grow on the girl named Rosemary? Could it be that Irena went to a specific place because she wanted to drink?

Thinking about the wine after a long absence, An Luo couldn't help but think about the place of origin, but because he couldn't figure it out for a while, he simply went to the direction of this village because there were no fellow passengers stepping on the giant sword. .

What I have to say is that he is in a very bad mood and wants to drink some wine, and at the same time, he can stop the bad behavior of children drinking.

In the beginning, it was just a separation between friends. The sudden change of form made his mood a little complicated. However, Emnesia was very cute and fun to tease. In this regard, he was a little reluctant to part with the separation, and he felt the same about the separation. Somewhat lonely.

Well, it is said that Avilia has been acting like an idiot wearing a cardboard box since the day she entered the Orthodox Knights, and said, As long as I have this, my true identity will not be exposed. Avilia is also a bit silly and interesting.

Oh~ no matter what, this trip is very interesting. I really hope to see Emnesia and the others again sooner, but I don't know what will happen to them then.

At the end of the trouble, An Luo looked at the wish and let out a long breath, nodded to himself and flew out of the country, walking in the direction of Irena... Although he missed it Friends who have separated are good, but now he doesn't have a penny and needs rich people to provide funds so that he can have dinner and a place to sleep at night. Therefore, he can only make a decision in nostalgia and food and clothing. choice.


Although he can easily obtain large amounts of funds, there is no sense of accomplishment in getting money easily. This makes An Luo focus more on obtaining funds from others as legitimately as possible, which can be regarded as a part of experiencing life during this trip.

For example, you can seriously do a temporary job that you would not do in the past, or get some money from Emnesia and Irena... Although you lose all your money on Emnesia, it is just like leverage 10 It was like stock trading, which was done with capital and profit, plus he lost all his belongings, but the feeling of having Amnesia pay in the process, he personally felt that it was actually quite good.

I don't know how to ask Irena, so that money-grubbing guy will willingly help me pay. Ah, speaking of which, I still owe her gold coins and haven't paid her... It feels like it's not easy.

It didn't take long after he muttered to himself. After walking through the forest where the endless boring scenery was everywhere, he arrived in the afternoon at two villages with strange names that were not far from the Country of Honesty.

Walking through the quiet country paths, you are surrounded by plump, ripe, and very attractive-looking grapes, and in the center is a simple wooden building. The two small but beautiful villages are as close as brothers.

These two wine villages are famous far and wide. For some reason, there seemed to be no one there. When he followed the hunting skills and walked in the direction of Irena, he found the target and also saw some strange scenes.

Wearing the usual black robe with a witch certificate brooch hanging on her chest, a gray-haired girl with a delicate face and a hint of childishness was sitting on a floating sofa... or to be precise, she was being lifted up. on the sofa.

Irena's expression looked unnatural, and it seemed as if she was being forced to lift it up even with the sofa. Don't you wonder if this is a portable shrine? An Luo stepped forward, but he noticed a group of strong men walking in the distance, dragging a car carrying a large amount of wine. There was also a beautiful woman with big breasts in a low-cut dress standing in the car.

...It always feels familiar? Ah~ Speaking of which, I used to drink the wine she drank. It seemed to taste pretty good, but the real person is much older than the photo... No, it's age It’s much bigger.”

Thinking of the photo on the wine, An Luo immediately recognized that this was the person named Rosemary, but she was obviously much older now, and she felt like she had transformed from a girl to a woman.

——Oh~ aren't these people from this village with no business at all? Why are you gathering together? Huh~? Holding up a little girl you don't know? Is it a festival? Rosemary stood on the wine cart. , noticed that Irena looked unwilling to be lifted up even with the sofa, glanced around at the props that were obviously intended to step on grapes, and immediately noticed something, put her hands on her hips and smiled mockingly: You can't You want this little girl who plays the role of a witch to step on grapes, right?”

How rude, I'm a real witch!

Irena showed no sign of weakness and pointed to the symbol on her chest with obvious displeasure.

Hey~ She's obviously a little kid, but she's actually a witch. Rosemary, who didn't care about Irena's identity as a witch, showed a contemptuous smile and sneered: I see, that's it. I understand, because I know you can't win. Am I just going to smash the jar and let this barren witch step on the grapes to stimulate sales?


Irena trembled all over.

If the front is not convex and the back is not curved, isn't it barren? The face is also very delicate.


The figure is like that of a child.

——Like a child?!

No, he's just a kid.

When Irena's face became more and more gloomy and the corners of her mouth twitched, Rosemary did not hesitate to launch a pursuit that added fuel to the flames. She looked away from the man who was holding a bottle of wine with her photo on it. He waved his hands with a contemptuous smile that was sure to win and was similar to the low-level villain queen in fairy tales: You can't beat me by asking a kid like this to step on grapes~ The little weirdness of a kid in front of sex is worthless, completely. Don’t cry when you can’t sell~”


Irena, who was ridiculed to such an extent when they first met, was already extremely angry and clenched her trembling fists tightly. She resisted the urge to punch her in the face but was about to say something back when she raised her head. Suddenly, she saw An Luo, who had been separated from her for a while, among a group of grape-tapping girls from this village.

An Luo touched his chin and muttered something to himself, and nodded from time to time as if to agree with Rosemary's point of view. He stood up and jumped off the sofa. He ignored Rosemary who was subconsciously retreating next to him and rushed towards him. passed.



It was unclear why Irena was preparing to step on the grapes, but An Luo listened to the two arguing...or Rosemary expressed her unilateral opinion, and unconsciously started to think about this issue.

...Indeed, there is nothing wrong with Irena being cute, but her figure is a shortcoming and she is completely like a child. No, Irena is a child to begin with, but maybe she can be saved in a few years. Yes, the breasts should be able to grow to some extent. After all, Miss Victoria's breasts are bigger than hers. From a genetic point of view, there should be no problem. Probably... but that will only happen in a few years. .”

An Luo, who blended into the crowd, touched his chin with one hand and kept nodding, expressing his thoughts in his dual capacity as a legal guest and an elder.

But before he could think about Rosemary's next sentence and make a judgment on the issue of cuteness being inferior to sexy, he just lowered his head and thought about the importance of cuteness and sexiness, but he only thought of the face as the deciding factor between cuteness and sexiness. More importantly, he saw the familiar hem of the skirt and the fair skin of some girls' legs coming into his sight.

...I haven't seen you for a while~ An Luo, can you tell me why you appear here? Are you a stalker? By the way, what are you thinking about now?

Eh... The moment he raised his head, he saw the girl's terrifying smile. An Luo instantly changed his mind and said seriously: ——I was thinking about the fact that sexiness is not worth mentioning in front of cuteness!

...Do you think I will believe you?

Why don't you believe it? Don't you have confidence in your own cuteness? You must know that if your cuteness is missing, it can be regarded as a great loss in the history of mankind!

This is true, but...

Uh...don't you deny it?

Seeing Irena nodding in agreement, An Luo was a little surprised and couldn't help but reflexively interrupt to ask. After all, although he knew that she was narcissistic, he didn't expect that she could be narcissistic to this extent. .

Irena's expression froze at this moment, and then she said with a smile: ...Why do you deny it? Do you want to deny it? Did you lie to me just now?

No, I'm serious! Very serious!

After shaking his head vigorously in denial, An Luo quickly walked forward, looked at Rosemary who was still wondering why she was ignored, and said loudly: What are you talking about just now? Why is Irena so cute? Maybe they won’t be sold! What’s not convex in front and back? What’s barren?! Don’t you know that lolicons exist in the world? Don’t you know that there is actually a very, very market for petite girls like this at the airport? !The most important thing is, don’t you even know that sexiness is worthless in front of cuteness!”

I don't know at all. What kind of pervert are you? You actually like this kind of child? Even if you are a pervert, how many perverts like you are there in this world? How could anyone like this kind of grapes that children step on?

Rosemary, who was just watching the show, looked a little weird for a moment, especially when she looked at An Luo, her eyes were filled with indescribable contempt.

No, look at the people in this village! Both men and women definitely support cuteness! Sexiness has gender boundaries, but cuteness - absolutely no boundaries! So... An Luo said with full affirmation He made bold remarks, pointed at the villagers wearing red uniforms, waved his arms and shouted: ——Cuteness is justice! Sexiness is worthless in front of cuteness!

That's right! Cuteness is justice!

Sexiness is worthless in front of cuteness!

——Cuteness is justice!!

——Sexiness is worthless in front of cuteness!!!


Some men, especially the women who had been unhappy with Rosemary for a long time, followed An Luo and raised their arms and shouted. The men of Rosemary's faction were also forced to shout when they were stared at by the women in the village, Cuteness is justice! Sexy is worthless in front of cuteness! These two sentences, like slogans, made the whole village excited and chanted, and the momentum directly suppressed the people in the opposite village.

I, I really dare to say it! Then let's compare! Whose wine sells better among the wines that this poor kid and I have tasted! Finding that there were strange men on her side, Luo followed the shouting Smary was so angry that she glared at the traitor and spoke out loud.

——Okay! Let's see! Who can buy the best wine!

Irena, who was suddenly on the verge of death, while enjoying people's praise, glared at An Luo fiercely and spoke accordingly.


Irena, who was filled with anger after being ridiculed, followed the grape-trapping girls in this village. After changing into uniforms, she quickly came back. At least she became a qualified grape-trampling girl in appearance. Although she was just trampling grapes, why? An Luo doesn't understand this...but according to the village chief, this kind of role-playing can stimulate consumers more.

At this moment, the girl is no longer dressed like a magician. The cuffs and skirt are decorated with white ruffles. The main body is a burgundy long skirt and long-sleeved top. She usually wears her long hair down, which is rare. Tied into a single feels more like a maid outfit than a grape-stepping girl's uniform.

This rare look made An Luo couldn't help but take out his phone and take a photo, causing him to glare at Irena again.

Then Irena, who was dressed as a girl stepping on grapes, lifted up her skirt as if performing a ladylike ceremony, and stepped barefoot into the large wooden barrel filled with grapes. The purple cloth under her feet cracked in response, and her white little feet also Suddenly the grape juice and grapes were submerged under the barrel.

The moment he witnessed this scene, An Luo subconsciously looked at the village chief beside him and asked in a low voice: By the way...Mr. Village Chief, did Irena wash her feet when changing clothes? And... ...It turns out that when grapes are stepped on, the grape juice will completely submerge the feet of the trampler?

Of course I do. Usually you have to wash your feet, but I think it doesn't matter if this witch doesn't wash her feet.

Eh? Why?

This... you understand, right?

The village chief hinted with a smile that every man could understand.

Ah... I think I understand, but won't it affect the taste?

It's fine!

Are you okay? Uh... by the way, what do you mean you're okay?

No matter what, it's okay!


——That's it! Things that arouse consumers' sexual fetishes! They are the best things for consumers! And wine that has been touched by cute girls is the best! It doesn't matter whether it's washed or not. Important! No, the unwashed original scent is the best!!

The village chief clenched his fist vigorously in front of An Luo, with such conviction on his face that An Luo didn't know how to complain... Although he psychologically agreed with it.

If the wine you drink must be stepped on, it is better for men to be stepped on by girls. In other words, if you ask him to choose 1,000 times, he will always choose something made by a cute girl, not one that has been stepped on or soaked by a big man's feet.

And now that he has seen the wine-making process, he will not drink a glass of wine of unknown origin to death. If he drinks the wine made by a big man, won't he be vomited to death? ?

However, it is worth mentioning that modern wines are generally made by machines, but it seems that many of the high-priced wines are still manually pressed. It is said that this is purer and more authentic, or that stepping on grapes is just a matter of time. A feeling? .....Although he has not understood this aspect.

Of course, he didn't know how to understand the word tata. Would the repeated words sound cuter? Like eating, washing hands, making poop, taking a bath, and sleeping? By the way, it's okay for a soft girl to say it. What else can this fat and greasy man say? ?

While thinking about this problem, An Luo felt a sight full of murderous intent. The girl on the wood was staring at him with terrifying eyes, and she was constantly stepping on the grapes with her feet, as if the grapes were him and Rose. Like Mary, she kept mumbling: ——Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell... .......!

...I always feel like I'm being cursed when I'm being stared at and yelled at to die. Is this child still angry? I should have said quite well... He is still holding grudges, he is such a vengeful child...

As he spoke, An Luo subconsciously hid behind the village chief, quietly observing the girl who still harbored hatred and kept stomping on the grapes.



Irena arrived in this village from Anluo in the afternoon, and walked until the sunset. She was so tired that she was covered in sweat and even her hatred had been polished away by the hard work.

It didn't take too long before I couldn't keep up the high-frequency pedaling. In the end, I really didn't have the strength to pedal non-stop for a while, and I couldn't continue at all. I could only go to the orthodox grape-stepping girl's house to take a bath and rest.

An Luo, who stayed where he was, looked at the girl's feet that were stained with grape juice, and then looked at the pulpy grapes in the barrel that were trampled by the girl and stained with a lot of the girl's sweat.

Although he felt that there was some slight obstacle in his heart, he still believed in the wine made by the cute girl in front of him more than the wine of unknown origin, so he couldn't help but decided to find an opportunity to steal and switch them all.

So after thinking for a moment, he moved his fingertips a few times, waited for a moment, and then pointed at the mountain in the distance: Look! Miss Rosemary is only wearing underwear! She seems to be dating someone? !”


——The little angel Rosemary went on a date with someone in her underwear?!

How can it be?!

..... Without thinking, a group of men stopped approaching the barrel and subconsciously looked into the distance. They immediately discovered that there seemed to be someone wearing underwear on the top of the mountain, and subconsciously rushed over.

At the same time, female villagers also walked over there to join in the fun. Only An Luo couldn't help but shake his head: They are really a group of single-celled creatures, but the ability of magic to copy objects is really useful. It is really useful to deceive people. Invincible... Well, although that is actually a woman I only saw in a custom shop, she is a complete stranger to you.

While talking, a large number of grapes planted in the fields not far away immediately detached themselves from the vines, quickly passed through the blind spots in people's sight, and flew to An Luo to join them.

At the same time, in order to ensure the original flavor of the beautiful girl's wine without any interference from any taste, the village chief prepared the trampled grapes together with the juice in the brand new wooden barrel, which flew up and was collected by An Luo into a different space.

Then the fresh grapes in the distance automatically flew into the wooden barrel, and were completely taken away by high-precision telekinesis. After the internal wine ingredients were completely taken away, the clean wooden barrel was immediately crushed by the invisible force and restored to the shape that Irena had trampled before In that way, the incredible transfer of raw materials was completed in an ultra-short period of time.

Although they are just raw materials now, it is very simple for An Luo to make wine. All he needs to do is to learn about the wine making process later;

After all, with his ultra-high strength and precise telekinesis, he can become the strongest super factory in history by himself, and it is all-round. The only thing that needs to be consumed is brainpower.


When all the people in the village returned disappointed with nothing, An Luo and the village chief learned about wine making. Irena had almost changed into her original witch costume and was rubbing her hands on the sofa of the village chief's house. He touched his calves, which were sore from overexertion.

The village chief has also prepared a bottle for wine. The bottle even has a photo of Irena stepping on grapes.

The slogan around the photo of the girl repeatedly cursing die with murderous intent and stomping on grapes read: The top wine from this village is made from my hatred and annoyance. 】【Origin: Miss Gray Witch Irena. 】

...I have always wondered why it is the place of origin? Shouldn't this be the producer? Are these grapes all grown on you? When did you have this function? An Luo took it. The village chief handed over the empty wine bottle with Irena's photo on it, and couldn't help but look curiously at the girl who was still rubbing her calf.

How is that possible? By the way, don't you even understand this? Irena, who had actually just heard the village chief say it, pretended to understand and mocked: This is the simplest way to do business. It’s stimulating consumers.”

...I see, but the combination of such a slogan and this kind of photo will really stimulate consumers? Will it really be easy to sell? Because he had offended Irena, An Luo did not talk back and just looked at it. Looking at the village chief, he once again revealed what Irena was also doubting.

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