Yes, let's take our princess to see something interesting...but, what is interesting to you?

An Luo, who was accustomed to follow Alice, held the girl's soft and boneless hand. He was walking in front, but he didn't know what kind of activities were interesting to Alice.

Not to mention that Alice's own physical ability is exaggerated to the point that it cannot be described by biological means. The average physical ability of people in another world is far better than this one. Under such circumstances, for Alice, even if she goes to the Olympics to watch running A game is no different from squatting on the ground watching a tortoise crawl. It would be strange if it could be interesting.

Ah, I suddenly feel that there is nothing interesting in the sports meeting. Let's find a place to sit leisurely? Really unable to think of any interesting projects, An Luo could only choose to give up. This made Alice think for a while and saw that With a sly look in his eyes, he nodded with an innocent smile: If Mr. An Luo is willing to be my chair, I will agree.

...Aren't you ashamed to be in public?

A little bit. After all, it's better to find a place where there's no one around, right?

But if you do it that deliberately, doesn't it sound like an affair?

——Stealing, having an affair?! That's not true! We are engaged, how could it be cheating, having an affair! Ah, no, no... I mean, sitting together, how could it be cheating, having an affair! These radical words made Alice's little face turn red. After she finished her defense, she looked up at him angrily: Master An Luo is so unclean! How could you say such filthy words! What are you thinking? what!

People who have already established a relationship can have an affair secretly, but does it count as dirty? Alice is such a pure child~ Haha, come with me, I will introduce you to a new child.

Faced with the girl's dissatisfaction, An Luo smiled and touched her head. Not caring about the glare, he took her to the Kobe house, intending to introduce Kobe salt to Alice, and rely on Kobe by the way. Come and help yourself establish a new image.


On the other side, Yu Ishigami suffered from the side effects of speaking out, and finally couldn't stand the cold gaze of people and ran away.

Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyako Shirogane could only watch Ishigami escape with mixed emotions, looking like he was about to cry, because they didn't know how to defend Ishigami in the face of the three members of the Kobe family who were gunning for each other. , or use some method to tell them that Ishigami Yu is actually quite open-minded, and that he likes to commit suicide, but there is nothing else.

Therefore, the two of them tacitly chose not to care about this matter, and regarded it as a lesson to Shi Shang. Although he likes to commit suicide all day long, especially Baiyin Yuxing, he is also a little worried about being affected. After all, he is absolutely He doesn't want to be called a lolita by a lolita in public, otherwise he will really be unsafe.

Just when both of them were very curious about the relationship between the three members of the family who were still aggrieved behind them and An Luo...

Ah~ So you guys are here? I'm so sorry. We happen to have an important visitor to receive, so we are really inseparable. An Luo, who brought Alice here, pretended to be busy. It just so happened that Alice was so thin-skinned that she let go of him before meeting her acquaintance.

...Important visitor? Kaguya looked at Alice walking beside him in surprise.

What's wrong? Do you want to say that Alice is not important?

No, Your Highness Alice is indeed very important, but she is not yours...

What your status is is one thing, but the importance of your visit is another. When the Princess comes to visit, of course she must be accompanied by her as the Student Council President.

But normally, even the qualifications of the principal are not enough. It should be the chairman and the minister of foreign affairs, right? How can a student council president greet such a high-level foreign guest? Seeing through, An Luo just wants to use the status of Alice's royal family. , Kaguya, who allows herself to skip work openly, really doesn't know how to say good things to him. After all, this reason is really hard to condemn.

On the other hand, the Kobe family behind them looked happy because their guess was successful, and they even looked at Alice curiously.

Especially Kobe Shio, who trotted up and said in surprise: What a beautiful princess, but from which country is the princess?

I am Alice Thea Alexandra Elizabeth, the second princess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. I am very happy to meet you today. Alice, who is still very polite to outsiders as usual, With a bright smile, she slightly lifted the hem of her skirt, and gave everyone a perfect salute that was both elegant and cute, fully displaying the style of a royal girl.

Okay, so awesome~! Princess, you are so awesome! Just like in the storybook! And very beautiful! It seems that the title princess is very popular among children, and Kobe Shio's eyes sparkled.

Well, she is a real princess after all. An Luo shrugged and simply walked to the auditorium and sat down, casually saying: It's not good to walk around on a hot day, let's just watch the game here. Of can just stroll around if you want, and you shouldn't encounter anything in this school anyway.

After speaking, An Luo patted Kobe Salt's head, planning to spend the morning leisurely while playing with Alice and Xiao Yan, but...

——Senior! You don't participate in any activities! You don't cheer for everyone, and you hide here and play with the children!

I had just sat down in the chair and was still not warm, but Iino Yako's voice sounded clearly unhappy as usual from behind me.

Turning around, he saw Yako, who was wearing a blue and white sportswear with some sweat on her face. She probably went to participate in some activity, and was staring at him dissatisfied.



Judging from the girl's face, Iino Yako is probably angrier than usual at this moment. Is this because... I didn't go to cheer her up? An Luo couldn't help but think about the reason for Mizi's anger.

But in fact, he didn’t even know what kind of activities Yako participated in. He only remembered that when she was sleeping, in order to keep Yako away from sleeping, he casually said that he would go to cheer her up during the sports meeting and let her go. Bianpidian walked away again.

This situation made An Luo feel a little guilty, but he still argued: Look, Alice is here. As an important state guest, I must accompany her.

But now I only see you teasing children, and isn't Her Highness Alice a student of this school? There is no need to accompany you all the time, right?'s because you are engaged that's why you want to be with us all the time? Follow?

While glaring at him, Yako accidentally thought more and more crookedly after mentioning her fiancée, and even put her imagination into words: Then, and then...use official duties as an excuse. Follow her all the time, and then hug her as your fiancé! Then, when you are sexually attracted to her, take her and hide in a corner where no one is around to have an affair?! - It's too obscene! How shameless! Absolutely not! This child is the only one 13 years old, senior, you are such a beast!”


Mi Zi scolded An Luo for being unscrupulous with a red face. It was not the first day he met Mi Zi, so he knew that she liked to think nonsense and was very good at obscene things. But being thought of like this made him a little stunned and didn't understand. Why should I be blamed for what she imagined.

Alice, who originally didn't care about what others said, because An Luo had mentioned the affair before, made her reflexively move aside and said in disbelief: Did An Luo really think so? !....No, it’s unclean! It’s too obscene!”

Brother An Luo, what does cheating mean?

Kobe Shio, who was right in front of An Luo, tilted his head and looked at him in confusion.

Ah, how should I put it... Xiaoyan should not listen to this kind of thing. This big sister seems to be righteous, but in fact she is yellow in her heart and head. She is obviously still a child, but she always She thinks about strange things, must be my lack of education that makes her like this.

Wait a minute! What are you talking about, senior? I'm not that kind of weird girl!

No, you are.


Just...wait a minute, are elementary school students quarreling somewhere?

Senior didn't say something strange first!

You were obviously the one who said the strange things first, right!?

It's you! I just told the truth! Occasionally, Mizi would become aggressive. Because An Luo was unjustly accused, she couldn't help but look even more dissatisfied and gritted her teeth and glared at him: Don't you think Have you ever done anything weird to this princess?!”

Completely...! He subconsciously wanted to deny it, but before he finished speaking, his instinct issued a warning. The blond girl standing next to him narrowed her eyes, looked at him with a smile and said ambiguously: Lord An Luo? You won’t say anything outrageous, right?”

What exactly? Please answer honestly! Senior!

An Luo got stuck mid-sentence, and Mi Zi couldn't help but move closer to urge him.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer, but when faced with this kind of question... what's the best way to answer it?

This question was originally easy to answer, and he had to say no without saying yes, but he felt an aura from Alice in advance that could not be ignored and was unable to speak.

If he denies it, he will be criticized by Alice behind his back later, and it will probably take a lot of time to coax him. But if he doesn't deny it, his reputation will also take a critical hit.

He neither wanted to make Alice angry nor wanted to damage his reputation, so he was in a dilemma for a while.

Although now he wants to complain more than answer, Alice clearly opposed this statement before, but now she doesn't allow herself to deny it. Doesn't she take advantage of being the one taking the blame?


Being sandwiched between the two girls, An Luo was silent for a long time. Faced with this death question, An Luo couldn't think of a good answer, so he subconsciously looked at the boy beside him.

Although Kobe Asahi didn't understand An Luo's thoughts, he still actively stood up and denied it at the first time, saying, Do you need to ask this question? Mr. An Luo will definitely not do strange things to children!

Huh? Who are you? The outsider intervened, causing Yako to raise an eyebrow and retort: ​​What do you know about senior? Senior is basically a lolita! He obviously likes young people!

You are a lolicon! What do you know about Mr. An Luo! If you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense!! How could Mr. An Luo be a shameless person who is a lolicon or something like that!


Being humiliated by his benefactor and idol made Asahi Kobe furious and acted extremely angry. His eyes were so terrifying that he even wanted to kill someone. He was so frightened that he was actually a timid person at heart. Yako, who had always pretended to be brave, trembled and was rarely torn apart. The reflex that broke the disguise hid behind An Luo.

S-Senior, what's going on with this person... It feels so, so scary...

Yako, who was huddled behind An Luo, was like a frightened little animal, with only half of her head sticking out to quietly observe Asahi Kobe.

Well, Xu, don't be so angry. This child is just a little arrogant, and he is still just a child. His vision of people will inevitably be biased, and children also like to play pranks and attract the attention of adults with their nonsense.

Is that so? Just one sentence from An Luo immediately made Asahi Kobe take two deep breaths to calm down again, but then he thought of something and couldn't help but said in surprise: Ah, I have heard that children of this age deliberately make things difficult. People of the opposite sex are usually difficult to like. Could it be that...this woman has a crush on Mr. An Luo!? That’s why she said such malicious words on purpose?

Chapter 23 The self-destructive Mizi·The Buddha who turned the tide

——You, you, you, you, what are you talking about?! I just simply hate senior!!

Kobe Asahi's shocking words made Iino Yako reflexively run away from An Luo, pointed at An Luo angrily and retorted: Who would like this guy! Not only is he always playing tricks on others! He is also very mean-spirited at all times! Gentle! If you don't follow the rules, you'll even get into fights! He's simply a bad guy! As a student, he's so bad! How could anyone like such a senior!? Even if all the men in the world die and the sun falls from the sky! I won’t even like senior!!”

... No matter what, it doesn't need to be said to this extent, right? To be honest, even I would be a little hurt when being said like this suddenly,

An Luo, who was immediately counted out a lot of shortcomings and completely denied, only felt a stomachache and an invisible arrow hit his chest. He couldn't help but cover his chest with one hand.

This rather hurt look made Yako feel regretful for a moment, but she couldn't take it back even after she said it. She could only bite the bullet and continue: Anyway, in any case! I hate it the most. It’s the senior! It’s absolutely—impossible to like him!”

After finishing her words, she resisted the urge to cry, turned around and ran away angrily.

That, that... Kobe Shio, who was right next to An Luo, saw that he was obviously hit. He didn't know what to do. After being flustered for a while, he raised his hand towards An Luo and touched him. His head: Be good, be good, be a good boy, it's okay~! I like brother An Luo the most~!

Hmm, it turns out that Xiaoyan is better...!

Although it felt weird for a child to do this, An Luo still held Xiao Yan on his lap and couldn't help but touch her young face and hair.

..... In this cold world, Loli is the only one left with warmth. Feeling the body temperature of the salt on his legs, An Luo couldn't help but sigh, and even thought that being a lolicon might not be a bad idea.

Kobe Yuno followed closely behind her daughter and expressed nervously: In my heart, Mr. Anluo's status is as important as the two children!

Ah, thank you...but I'm not a child anymore.

Facing the goodwill shown by Yu Jie, who was about thirty years old, An Luo could only smile back with a smile that he didn't know how to respond to. He looked at Kobe Asahi who wanted to say something else, and said one step ahead: You don't have to say, I Understand that a man’s feelings cannot be expressed in words.”

Yes! Kobe Asahi nodded vigorously.

From the outside, An Luo seems to have almost blended in with this family of three, and the harmonious atmosphere is very warm. However, people who look around and understand that he has nothing to do with this family look confused. When did he become a family with this family of three?



Alice, who originally wanted to comfort An Luo, but was overtaken by Xiao Yan, could not help but lower her gaze when faced with the scene unfolding in front of her: Master An Luo...are you treating me differently?

How come? I treat everything equally.

Then...why do you let this child sit on your lap? It wasn't even allowed when I told you just now.

Are you really weird? Just because we are children, it doesn't matter?

——I, I am a child too!

Alice hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she suddenly began to take advantage of her age.

Sure enough, even though she is still young, she is still a woman, and everything is on her side. Whether she is a child or not depends on her words... An Luo, who sighed at Alice's change in his heart, pointed out Alice's behavior last time: ...What did you say last time? You weren't allowed to treat you like a child?

I don't remember! Hurry, it's time to change!

No, no, no, where is your identity? If you want to do something like this, you have to wait until you get home? Halfway through the words, An Luo noticed that the people on the side looked at him a little wrong, and he immediately squeezed Looking at Xiaoyan's face, he immediately shook his head and changed his words without raising his head: No, no... no matter how you put it, it's a bit not good. Well, it's not so good for a thirteen-year-old. There are some differences in age. No small problem.”


Alice raised her little head and stared at him dissatisfied, but after a while she also noticed the eyes of the people around her. She seemed to understand what he was worried about and used her mobile phone to send him an email.

After An Luo also read the email, he immediately answered in the affirmative, making her sit aside with a smile on her face again.

Kaguya and Yuxing, who were left watching, saw that there was nothing to do, so they simply told them and left, preparing for the activities they would participate in later.

Originally, An Luo was still happy that he could finally tease Alice and Xiaoyan peacefully. Unfortunately, it was not interesting to sit and watch the sports meeting all the time, especially with the existence of Alice, the princess. Just her identity put great pressure on people, and the same for Xiaoyan. The one who couldn't sit still wanted to play around, so the other two took Xiao Yan to wander around the school, intending to get used to a crowded place like the school in advance.

After a while, only Alice was left beside him. She obviously said that the game was boring before, but now...

Is it really okay not to go back to class?

Compared to attending classes, it is also very interesting to experience absenteeism from time to time, and the competitions are also very exciting~

Alice leaned against him with a smile, and immediately denied everything she had just said before.

Okay, as long as you are happy... Apart from that, An Luo didn't know what to say.

To be honest, he was very happy that Alice was becoming more and more smiling, but it also made him miss the shy and well-behaved girl when they first met, who could be easily teased and didn't know how to resist.


On the other side, in the disciplinary committee room.

——I'm such an idiot, such an idiot! What did I say?!!!

After getting out of everyone's sight, Iino Yako ran back all the way. She squatted in the corner of the deserted Discipline Committee room and cried with her head in her hands. She felt extremely regretful for her previous words that seemed to have her own way out, but she was asked to admit such a thing in public. But she couldn't do it even to death.

After a while, the door to the Disciplinary Committee's room was opened again.

The Big Buddha Xiaobo, who had seen her crying figure before, heard her voice outside the door. After entering the door, he first sighed forcefully, and then slowly spoke:

...What happened again?

I...I just did something very stupid...

Isn't that common? Aren't you usually like this?

No! This time it's very, very stupid!

Well, then?

It was not the first time that Mizi was disappointed, and it was not the first time that Mizi had messed up. Dafo Xiaobo just sighed and sat on the chair, and finally began to listen to her description seriously.

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