But since he is the chairman of the board of directors, he can't tell Bai Yu about this matter, let alone say that he specifically checked their measurements. In that case, the word pervert will probably keep an eye on him, and he will doubt whether he will Checked the measurements of all the girls in the school.

It's just a joke. Really, how can I be so powerful? After a brainstorm, I realized that I couldn't be honest. An Luo casually found an excuse and handed over the maid uniform in his hand: Actually, this is just I guess I just bought it casually, and it is definitely not tailor-made. If you don’t believe me, you can try it. Once you try it, you will know that it is not actually tailor-made.”

No, you must want me to trick me into changing into it, right? That must be the case!

Bai Yu, whose face was full of vigilance, shook his head vigorously and refused, causing An Luo to deliberately pretend to be disappointed and go back to the room in a maid costume... In fact, he was indeed quite disappointed.

Bai Yu, who was preparing to cook again, really didn't know how to complain about his hobby. She also didn't know which one of so many possibilities was the right one, whether it was tailor-made or designed by An Luo to trick her into wearing it. of?

Time passed by, and it wasn't long before the sports meeting officially opened.

The whole school became noisy. Not only were the students making noises one after another, but music was also playing on the radio, which was a live broadcast of the progress of the sports meeting.

The rare sleeping time was completely destroyed, and his status in the family had recently declined visibly, so An Luo could only lie on the guardrail outside the playground and sigh.

I'm so sleepy...it's so noisy. Can't the sports meeting be held quietly?

Well, don't say that~ Although it is noisy, doesn't this sports meeting also have many benefits?

Skipping classes and coming here for the sports meet, Fujiwara Toyomi, who was wearing a navel-baring outfit as usual, smiled and pointed at Fujiwara Chika, who also had her navel exposed, and teased: Look, when Chika dances, her breasts will bounce as well. It’s very high! It’s amazing!”

This...well, it's hard to deny that this is indeed a very impressive sight!

After being nodded, An Luo subconsciously looked at Chika Fujiwara, who participated in the sports meeting and actively participated in various achievements. Looking at the elastic one of the origins of life that jumped with her body, she couldn't help but nod in agreement. .

Haha~ Mr. An Luo is so frank~ Shouldn't you blush and not look at it? Fengshi smiled and patted An Luo on the shoulder, and An Luo replied without even thinking: I'm not that kind of person. As a person, wouldn’t you be able to watch secretly after all? How indecent it is!”

Although I appreciate An Luo-jun's frankness, but if you look at it openly, you will generally be regarded as a pervert, right?

It's okay, I'm used to being treated as a pervert, and if someone else comes, I will immediately look away. Who knows where my sight is without looking near or far? In the end, I am just I'm watching over my friends.

Looking at the figure of Chika Fujiwara in the distance, Anluo cheered up again and subconsciously wanted to find the figure of Naruse Shiroha, a girl with the same huge breasts.

Although Bai Yu looks bigger, she is actually not just bigger but also hides her huge breasts, so you should never take a peek.

But before she could find Bai Yu, An Luo remembered that she had no club battles in the home club and had not participated in any activities. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. At the same time, she also breathed a sigh of relief because of the man's sad possessiveness.

Before he could adjust his mood and go see other great girls, there was suddenly a rush of footsteps behind him, followed by a rush.

The impact did not bring any pain, and the soft and great cushioning material pressed against the back was clearly detectable.

Hey~ Brother Anluo, what are you and your sister talking about? Moeha Fujiwara suddenly jumped on Anluo, resting her chin on Anluo's shoulder with an innocent smile.

Nothing, just chatting about the weather... Today's weather is very good. It shouldn't rain or anything in the afternoon. By the way, you're skipping class too??

It's rare that the high school holds an annual sports meeting. Of course I have to see the active performances of Brother Anluo and Kaguya-chan. What activities did Brother Anluo participate in?

Unfortunately, I didn't participate in anything. Shinomiya is involved in the activities of the Kyudo Club, and I also participated in some other things.

Hey~ Brother Anluo runs very fast, right? Why don't you run?

Lazy. After giving a brief response, An Luo reached out and patted Mengye on the head: You have to come down, right? How bad is it for such a big child to be seen like this?

What's wrong? I'm still a child~ And Brother An Luo is obviously very happy~

No, just because he is a child, he feels there is nothing to be happy about. Come on... Before An Luo could finish speaking, a gentle girl's voice came from not far away. ——What are you doing? You seem very happy. Can you join me?

An Luo didn't need to look back to know who was behind him, but the Fujiwara sisters who subconsciously turned to look over found that it was a pink-haired girl with a body shape and features similar to theirs, and a body that crushed those of her peers. He looked harmless and friendly, and walked towards them quickly with a soft smile.



As a campus that will be closed on weekdays, it is normal for some people who are not usually encountered in the school to appear in the open sports meeting. However, when the expected Matsuzaka Sugar appeared, An Luo also thought of other people. The possibility of Qing appearing here since then.

For example, Tachibana Kanade, Yusa, Alice and Megumin are also absent from class, and they don't know if they are here, which is also a big problem.

...Who is this? Fujiwara Toyomi, who was still watching the excitement, subconsciously looked at Anluo when Matsuzaka Satou appeared, and suddenly had a headache.

Ah, yes. Putting aside the problems he might face later, An Luo subconsciously came to a conclusion from the perspective of character analysis, and said matter-of-factly: If there are no accidents, I think she should be Your long-lost sisters, right?”

Chapter 22: A counterattack weapon for death’s questions

Long-lost sisters? Moeha Fujiwara, who was still lying behind An Luo and refused to go down, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when she heard these words.

Better than Qianhua and bigger than you, it just fills the gap in the middle. My current name is Matsuzaka Sugar. After making a little joke, An Luo looked at Sugar and introduced the two of them: These two are my friend’s sisters, and my sister’s friend and sister pair, Fujiwara Moeha and Fujiwara Toyomi.”

A friend's sister, and a sister's friend and sister? Sugar sorted through the complicated-sounding information, then nodded clearly, and said with a gentle smile: I understand, but this is not Such a close relationship, right? Then this Moeha-chan can almost leave Anluo-senpai, right?

No~ Mengye refused without even thinking about it with a smile on her face.


Brother An Luo lies on his body to keep him warm.

It's just autumn. It's not cold at all, right?

I'm afraid of the cold, and Brother Anluo feels very comfortable on my back~

Mengye, who had an abnormal personality in the first place, seemed to realize that the other party was also abnormal, or that he was aware of the same kind of information, but he did not show weakness at all and hugged An Luo's neck forcefully.

This action made the smile on Sugar's face break a little, and An Luo was a little unclear whether he should watch the show or dissuade him to avoid the dispute from continuing.

In terms of personality, both sides are not normal, but in terms of ability, in the eyes of ordinary people, these two people are both very talented women. In this case... maybe it is unexpectedly interesting to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?

However...if he really wants to sit on the sidelines and ignore this, he will probably be dragged into the quagmire in a short while, and it is not impossible to even attract more onlookers and point the finger at him. This is among so many people. From experience, he realized the truth in the bloody storm.

Okay, okay, Moeye, come down quickly.

In order to avoid being seen by acquaintances later, An Luo tried hard to get Mengye off his back, and taught Mengye, who was obviously not happy, I have something to do later, and like this What if people see you? Although you are indeed young, you are not really a child anymore. You have to pay attention to your image in front of others. There will definitely be many parents coming later. What if your dad runs away too? Go to school and let him see you. What will he say?

It's okay! Dad won't care about this kind of thing. Mengye complained angrily and corrected her: Sister Qianhua also said that you never do anything serious in school! Everything happens to other people except you. You did it! What can happen to Brother An Luo?

You are really too young. Have you ever seen the boss of the company and will you personally do the following work? Small things must be left to others to handle. As the head of the company, I only do big things. You can only do big things. It’s my turn to take action personally. If I do everything, then a boss like me won’t lose points very much, and I don’t have that kind of spare energy at all, right?”

Then what is...

Ah~! No! Mr. Principal will come to see me later! I'll take the first step! You guys can talk slowly!

Before Moe Ye could ask, what was the big deal, or what big things had he done? Since the student union had really not had any big events so far, An Luo, who had not done anything, was about to run away as fast as he could. Before leaving, he didn't look back and told Mengye: Mengye, please help me treat Sugar well, and I'll treat you to an extra-large parfait next time we meet!

Eh? Really?! Moeye, who was still a little dissatisfied, suddenly changed her mood. Of course, it was not because of how precious Buffy was. Like Qianhua, she actually had a hidden pocket money. She had such an amount of pocket money. In fact, you can eat most of the things at will, but it was said that a treat is usually for two people to eat together. This condition made her heart move, and she put on a bright smile and grabbed the sugar that wanted to chase An Luo: Let's talk together. Right? Hehe~hahaha~~

...Okay~ Let's have a nice chat, shall we?

Although it was the first time he met someone who seemed to be the same kind of person, and he didn't know how to deal with it, but after thinking about it, Sutang realized that this was a good opportunity to get information, so he changed from gritting his teeth to smiling broadly.

An Luo, who was actually observing them secretly from a distance, found that these two guys with hidden knives in their smiles could at least temporarily maintain a peaceful state on the surface. This made his attention inadvertently caught by Fujiwara Chika wearing sportswear. But he couldn't help but be attracted by the rising and falling of his chest.

While watching the game, he even accidentally reached for his pants pocket subconsciously and hung up the phone that suddenly rang.



the other side.

Mr. An Luo hung up the phone... What should I do? Kobe Yuno, who came here with her children as agreed, looked at the phone with some worry: Do you want to make another call?

No, it's better not to fight, mom. Kobe Asahi said in a positive tone: Mr. Anluo must have something very important now. We'd better go shopping by ourselves first. When he sees it, he will definitely call us. of.

Let's do whatever makes sense. We can go shopping by ourselves first, and then ask the students. Mr. An Luo must be a very popular person in this school.

Kobe Yuno nodded in sudden realization, thinking that this possibility was very high, so he took his daughter, who had not been out for a long time, to visit the campus, which was very unfamiliar to their family of three.

Kobe Asahi was obviously wary of crowded places. Kobe Asahi, who was visiting such a place for the first time, looked around with gleaming eyes. It was such an action that people nearby were arranged to be responsible for people outside the school when they were free. Kaguya Shinomiya and Mikayuki Shirogane, who were leading the way, noticed that they looked at each other and walked over immediately.

What a lovely child. Are you here to visit? Or do you want to see the active performance of your family? Seeing that the other party was a cute little girl, Kaguya became excited for a moment and took the lead and leaned over with a smile to ask kindly. .

Well, I want to find brother An Luo!

...Huh? What? An Luo...brother?

The moment An Luo's name popped up, Kaguya felt a little stupid, and couldn't help but curse in her heart when that guy had another girl.

Yes! Brother An Luo!

With an innocent smile, Xiao Yan nodded vigorously in affirmation.

Then let me take you to find him. He should be in the student union room at this time? The cuteness of the little lolita regardless of gender made Kaguya temporarily put aside her confusion. She smiled again and guessed that An Luo should be in the student union room based on the time. While sleeping, he subconsciously looked to Yu Xing for advice.

No, he's not in the student council room.

In the morning, I saw An Luo complaining that it was too noisy and couldn't sleep. Bai Yin Yuxing shook his head and denied this possibility.

There was no other way, Kaguya could only choose to call and ask An Luo himself.

But An Luo, who was disturbed for the second time on the other side, finally took a look at his phone and saw that it was Kaguya calling. Almost without thinking, he thought that she had some trouble in school and wanted to call him, so he hung up on the spot. He continued to watch the game, and at the same time relied on the magic of directional detection to observe the conversation of the yandere girls from a distance.

That guy... actually hung up on me. He must have thought that I wanted to do business with him, right? Kaguya's face darkened after being rejected, and she guessed that An Luo had hung up on her without even thinking about it. reasons, and couldn’t help but smack my lips at it.

Yu Xing on the side could only smile bitterly, because this was indeed in line with An Luo's style, and he couldn't help but feel that he was extremely busy when he was the student council president, but An Luo was so relaxed when it was his turn to be the student council president, which made him feel uneasy. I feel the gap between this comparison and feel regret for my diligence.

Although he also understood that there were no Hayasaka Ai and Shijo Maifei at that time. These two people who did not participate in club activities and devoted themselves to the work of the student union could serve as a labor force for him to help him do things. There was also Iino Yako who worked part-time as a disciplinary committee member and was still working in the student union. In the end, if he didn't do something to convince the public, he would have been kicked out long ago... Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't withstand the public's anger, and she couldn't live with it in her heart and conscience.


The two of them just took a family of three from Kobe with them. While introducing the situation on campus, they also asked passers-by if they had seen An Luo and what their relationship was with An Luo.

However, due to An Luo's prior explanation, they did not tell the truth, only saying that they were acquaintances who had been helped before.

After a while, An Luo was not found, but they first found Yu Ishigami, a member of the support group who was active in the sports meeting, and subconsciously saw this acquaintance and stepped forward to talk: Ishigami!

Huh? What's wrong?

Ishigami, who had a red cloth tied on his head and was wearing a female uniform borrowed from Kaguya, looked over subconsciously.

We are looking for An Luo. I wonder if you have seen him?

Senior Anluo? I didn't see it, but with his character, he should be sleeping in the student council room now, right? Ah, no, he shouldn't be able to sleep if it's so noisy now, then... Ishigami Yu touched his chin and thought. Thinking about it, he noticed the breasts of a female classmate passing by not far away, and immediately showed a smile that every man would understand: If I hadn't skipped school and were still in school, I think there would be a greater chance of seeing her in the women's competition.

——What are you talking about! After Ishigami Yu finished speaking, Kobe Asahi was so angry that he immediately rushed forward and angrily yelled: Mr. Anluo is not that kind of person!

Although he doesn't have much social experience, his childhood experiences have given him an intuition as sharp as that of an animal, so he can understand the meaning of Ishigami's previous words, which is why he feels very angry about it.

Hey, hey? Who are you?

Kobe Asahi.

Oh...really? Then what do you know! What else can a boy in his youth have in mind besides a girl's face, breasts, butt, and thighs?

Although there was some difference in naming the other party directly, Ishigami Yu, who did not understand the atmosphere as usual, still lectured the boy who seemed to be about the same age as him, or a little younger than him, in a positive tone.

Don't insult Mr. Anluo with your filthy thoughts! Mr. Anluo can't be that kind of person! You pervert in women's clothes with long bangs! To Asahi Kobe, Yu Ishigami's words are simply slandering his idol, Kobe Yan Yan was also hiding behind his brother, baring his teeth and yelling: Go away! Women with long bangs are perverted! Loli...that...lolicon!

Wait, wait?... Forget it, women with long bangs dress up as perverts, what is lolicon?? What did I do??

Ishigami, who subconsciously raised his hand to cover his face, was used to being said to have long bangs. It was normal for him to be regarded as a pervert for wearing women's clothing. In addition, Chika Fujiwara had also said that he was a pervert in the past, but he felt very innocent about this lolicon comment.

But he never thought that this was because Kobe Shio heard the conversation between An Luo and Kobe Asahi last time, and he thought that the lines were the most suitable for weirdos and perverts.

And this word is indeed very destructive, especially when it is said that the target is a lolita, the men and women next to him subconsciously cast a strange look at Ishigami, and the two boys did not know that they were real lolita fans. Still having a strong sense of justice, he stood directly in front of Shio and glared at Ishigami.

Ishigami...so you are actually this kind of person?

Subconsciously thinking that Ishigami Yu must have known Kobe Shio and even did something to it, so he was called a lolicon, Mikayuki Shirogane also cast a disappointed look at him, causing him to almost explode on the spot, wailing loudly. Defense: No! I like ordinary girls! And I like normal girls!

..... At the sports meeting, this area that no one paid attention to became lively for a while, and even attracted the attention of An Luo who ran to a high place to watch other balls.



When he discovered the Kobe family, An Luo realized that the first call should be made by them, so he immediately prepared to walk down from the height towards them.

But when he took a final look around, he unexpectedly noticed the blond girl Alice who was supposed to be in the junior high school. Alice was in the auditorium below, looking at the people participating in the sports meeting with interest.

Speaking of which...it seems like I was the one who asked her to come?

After thinking about it carefully, An Luo came up with the idea that when she asked herself if the sports meeting would be interesting, he seemed to have casually said that it should be interesting and let her come and see for herself.

This left him in a dilemma for a while, wondering whether he should go to the three Kobe family members or go to Alice first, but at this moment, his cell phone rang again... The caller was Alice. Silk, looking down, you can see that the blond girl is on the phone now.

Unfortunately, his situation left him with no choice but to let Shirogane Mikayuki and Kaguya continue to receive the Kobe family for the time being, while he ran in the direction of Alice below.

Her blond hair blowing in the wind like golden sand, her clear blue eyes that seem to reflect the color of the sky, her petite figure and skin as white as fine snow, she is like a girl who personifies the word lovable. It was like a princess monopolizing many treasures that other women could not obtain no matter how hard they pursued... The girl who was actually a princess attracted the attention of many people at the sports meeting venue.

The girl herself ignored these glances and seemed a little troubled because she couldn't understand what was so interesting about this sports meeting.

This also made her the first time she noticed An Luo appearing from under the teaching building, she quickly walked forward and complained: Sir An Luo, you are lying again. What is the point of this kind of activity?

Hmm...isn't it interesting?

Yes, I can't see anything interesting at all. I run too slow and throw things with the same effort as if I haven't eaten. It's very boring. Alice complained, but she also walked forward quietly, pretending He grabbed An Luo's hand inadvertently, and then showed a happy smile as if the plan was successful: As compensation, Master An Luo will take me to see some interesting activities.

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