A strange world

Chapter 98 Verse 97. Don’t go gentle into that good night

Annan could no longer reply.

What he did seemed to be sustaining a destined tragedy.

Annan took the letter and opened the window facing Breeze City.

The smell of fireworks mixed with fragrant grass poured into the study room along with the extended light. The bustling and glorious neighborhood has never come to an end, and the towering Mage Tower will stay bright forever, guarding Breeze City.

But it's just a macro protection.

Whether in rich areas or slums, death, separation, pain...are happening every day.

Annan lit the letter on fire, placed it on the windowsill, and whispered softly:

"Levis, this is a letter from your sister. If you turn into an undead wandering in Breeze City, as the rumors say... don't be blinded by revenge, go home and take a look. They are waiting for you."

A gust of cool wind blew past the window, and the letter paper turned into ashes flew up with the wind and blended into the deep night.

Annan looked at the old moon covered by clouds, and seemed to see the flying thoughts flying unswervingly to the east, to the ancient place called Osu Londe Territory.

For a long time, Annan's gaze shifted from the distance to the near distance, and he looked at a carriage parked outside the manor.

"Master Annan, Augusta Olmedo is outside."

Not long after, the head maid's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Let him in."

The gate of the manor opened and the carriage drove into the manor.

Annan suppressed the sentimentality of the night, closed the windows, and waited for the arrival of the head maid with Augusta Olmedo.

Knock knock knock——

The door opened and Annan saw Augusta Olmedo and a figure behind him.



Martin gave Annan an Aunt Susan hug.

He was wearing an aristocratic dress, with collar buttons that shouldn't be buttoned, lace cuffs, and a poor man's haircut with only the top part of his hair shaved short, making Martin look nondescript, like an aristocrat... Home Silly son.

"Why did you come with...Mr. Olmedo?"

Annan was more frightened than surprised by Martin's appearance.

"Mr. Olmedo took good care of me. He took me to his manor, gave me delicious food, nice clothes, and even asked a teacher to teach me how to practice swordsmanship!"

Annan noticed that the wooden sword he loved was replaced by a noble dagger inlaid with precious stones.

"Maid, please take Martin to visit the manor." Annan kept calm and said to the head maid outside the door.

"Cousin, I'll come back to you soon!" Martin said excitedly, "This big house is bigger than the manor in the town" and followed the head maid away.


Then after Martin left, his eyes turned indifferent.

"You have crossed the line." Annan stared at Augusta Olmedo, "I don't want my family to get hurt."

"No one will be hurt," he said.

"But young warlock, you should know that the longer the King of the North stays in Breeze City, the more the city will become uneasy because of him. Chaos will also take advantage of the opportunity to enter."

Annan did not fall into his moral hijacking: "You held Martin hostage."

"I'm protecting him..."

Augusta Olmedo said: "They will attack the people around you... You may think you are protecting him well, but just like I can take him away from the tavern, so can they."

"But it's also a threat, right?"

The old man, who seemed to be on the opposite side but expressed admiration for Annan, was a little disappointed at this time: "Care and control... they have always been inseparable. How to distinguish them is up to you."

"...I will declare the truth tomorrow."

Augusta Olmedo nodded happily, and those disappointments disappeared: "Remember, countless people are suffering. Will you choose the people around you, or a false name?"

Augusta Olmedo and Martin left.

Annan did not keep Martin. Regardless of whether he was gentle or tough, Martin seemed to prefer Augusta Olmedo, who brought him novelties——

Shortly after they left, Andrew Luna arrived belatedly with the news that Martin had been taken away.

At the end of this night, the King in the North will disappear like a burning meteor.

Annan returned to the bedroom, closed the window with the curtains, and did not meditate at night when his thoughts were mixed.

He had another dream, in which he was standing in the thick fog. Standing in front of him was a vague silhouette of a man dressed like an old-style nobleman with black hair, who looked very similar to himself.

He kept shouting something to Annan, but the fog blocked the sound and could not be heard clearly. It was not until the dream collapsed that the anxious shouts clearly entered his mind.

“Don’t go gentle into that good night!”

Annan woke up from his dream with words lingering in his ears.

Is this just a pure dream, or is it a warning from Levi's ghost?

The cleaning technique smoothed the wrinkles of the mage's robe. Annan looked at himself in the mirror and moved the fingers wearing the two magic rings slightly.

"Master Annan, it's time to set off." The head maid's voice came from outside the door.

Annan walked out of the bedroom, got into the carriage with Dai La, and drove to the square in front of the city lord's palace.

The square was crowded with people, and the surrounding area was blocked by carriages with various family emblems printed on them.

The carriage stopped along the road leading to the platform. Annan got out of the carriage and stepped onto the high platform facing the gaze of thousands of people.

Annan saw Michael and the Wine Lady, as well as Soruman Bronzebeard, Andrew Luna, the countess, the head of the old family, and many people he knew and didn't know...

Everything I experienced in Breeze City was like a luxurious and exaggerated dream. Now, it’s time to wake up from the dream.

At the Reeves Family Castle, a figure in a white dress stood on the terrace.

Gently blowing the hem of her skirt, she prayed to the west: "My brother, I pray to the gods that the breeze will carry you back safely from Breeze City..."

"I heard that this King of the North is just a fake..."

Francois, who was among the crowd, looked at the person who spoke indifferently: "Shut your mouth, if you don't want to be punished for offending the nobles."

By the window on the second floor of the City Lord's Mansion.

The young city lord with long golden hair looked at the square and frowned as Annan climbed onto the high platform.

The sleeping blue dragon moved its claws unconsciously.

An eyeball-shaped chess piece rolled down from the gilded mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Meteor-like fire arrows emerged from the sky and hovered, like a ball of flames surrounding the black-haired boy.

It fell on Annan's outstretched hand, and Annan unfolded the note in response to his gaze.

It’s no longer a letter, but a long sentence:

[I had a sad dream...I dreamed that you fell into an ice cave, struggling helplessly, sinking deeper and deeper. When I woke up from the dream and left the wet pillow, I prayed to the gods that you could return safely...]

The area around the square gradually became calm, and people looked at the King of the North on the stage.

"I...Annan Reeves, the vengeful spirit crawling out of hell, the youngest King of the North, declare here."

Annan's calm and low tone slowly sounded over the square.

"I will find the real culprit who attacked the convoy and the culprit behind the threat to Breeze City."

"The authority of the Twelve Kings of the North cannot be violated!"

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