A strange world

Chapter 97 Chapter 96. Coming to an end

A chirping sparrow landed on the window sill, and its thin round pupils reflected the figure walking into the room.

"Abby, it's dawn..."

The head maid wakes up the girl who was having a sweet dream.

Her eyelashes fluttered open, and as the girl sat up, a pair of scissors fell into the soft bed.

"Maid maid...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Master Annan told me." The head maid didn't see the scissors and sighed gently: "He really takes care of you."

"Us? Where is Master Annan?"

"He and your brother were catching bugs in the manor."

Abby hid the scissors, walked to the window, and saw her brother laughing happily around Annan.

"Brother! Come chase me!"

Abby's brother waved to Annan who was squatting in the grass.

It is always easy for children to forget their sorrows and be captured by the joy full of childlike innocence.

But Annan was not so naive. He was not a child and had grown-up things to do - until the boy ran over and threw a handful of straw stalks at him.

Annan put down the spider bottle and chased the little boy on the grass.

The fiery red arrows in the sky stopped him in his tracks. The fire crow fell, and Annan took off the letter hesitantly.

[Dear brother:

Why are you taking so long to reply? Fire Crow could fly from Breeze City to Osurond Territory and back in just half a day, but it took you a day and a half! Do you still want a family? Or do you feel like your revenge is like the protagonist in a novel? Don’t forget your last name is Reeves! Our last name is Reeves too! This is none of your business! Stop acting recklessly like you did when you were a kid...this is the world for adults, not your children's castle! If I don’t see your letter again, I will go to Breeze City!

The following is what the eldest sister said:

Leila means to tell you not to be blinded by revenge. She is very worried about you... although she has always denied it. Her eyes cried like a Slavic wombat after your accident.

What happened to losing memory? How much more can you remember? Need our help?

Anyway...just be fine. 】

"elder sister!"

The shouting woke Annan up, and he saw the boy open his arms and throw himself into Abby's arms.

Annan hurried back to the bedroom with the letter paper, put down the spider bottle, and then wrote a reply in the study:

[Reply to sisters:

Sorry for making you worry. I have forgotten a lot, but I have not forgotten you. I won't be carried away by hatred, so don't come here. I have lost a lot and don’t want to lose you again. 】

Their replies came in the afternoon:

[My idiot brother:

For the sake of the last sentence, I will not scold you in this letter for the time being.

Be careful of the wild women out there, they will deceive you with love, but they are just greedy for the blood of our Reeves family... I don't want some little bastard to suddenly come out and call me aunt when we are reunited! Also, they all say that you are a warlock, and the gift they gave you is on the feet of the fire crow, which can release a medium elemental summons once a day... Don't be so moved that you cry!

The territory has become a lot more chaotic since your accident. Those servants and subjects who are not familiar with the family think that the family will be annexed, and people run away every day. Even if the eldest sister tells them that you are still alive, they don't believe it.

If you still have a conscience, go back... Just make yourself famous as the King of the North in Breeze City, and let Breeze bring the news back.

If you can't even do this...just live a good life for me, you don't need to worry about home! 】

Annan wrote back, suggesting that they use low taxes and farmland to attract refugees and freedmen as subjects, and then start meditating every night.

A portion of chestnut soup and soft bread are enough to warm up Annan on a cool morning.

But it could not dissolve his hesitation about the future - just now, the always silent Augusta Olmedo asked the servant to bring the news: the stage will be set tomorrow.

Annan will be freed from his identity as King of the North that has brought him trouble.

The day after tomorrow is also the time predicted by the apocalypse forecast.

So when Francois arrived at the estate at noon, Annan was depressed with guilt.

"The feeling of purification and corruption is not pleasant. I was stripped naked except for my underwear and put in a room, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered..." Francois noticed Annan's depression. "Are you in a bad mood?"

"What would you do if Breeze City soon said I was a fake..."

Annan overlooks the snow-capped mountains in the north. Even in midsummer, the capped mountains are still pale.

"That may be the most terrifying conspiracy..." Francois said solemnly: "The Twelve Kings of the North are the cornerstone. I can't think of anyone who would want to overturn it..."

"But what if I'm fake?"

"This is impossible!"

Francois's reaction was stronger than expected. He firmly believed that Annan was the King of the North.

Unknown beings attack the King in the North, and under the dark cloud of terror, no one is stupid enough to pretend to be the King in the North who is in danger, and a warlock at that.


A fiery red shadow fell on the guardrail of the terrace.

Francois's words came from behind: "And everyone knows that your family owns the fire dragon and the fire crow."

Annan took out the letter from his paw.

[Return to Annan Reeves:

Don't worry about your family. Some news came back from Breeze City, and the citizens were reassured that you were fine. You don't use the name Levi's anymore? That's fine, we don't want you to be under too much unnecessary pressure.

Here are my words:

The eldest sister also wants to attract homeless people, but you can't do it. Osulund Territory is the noble territory with the lowest tax rate around. If it is any lower, the nobles will come to protest and complain, and you have to prepare things to entertain them... Oh, you don't have to worry about your family affairs! 】

After Annan returned to the desk, he took out the drawings of Susan's spinning machine from the drawer. While flipping through the dictionary, he wrote its function and asking them to hoard cotton on the back, while talking to Francois.

"How can I help you wash away your shame?"

Francois was slightly stunned, but rejected Annan and said he would tell him when the time comes.

Annan had no choice but to give up and went to the basement alone to summon the blue dragon. The majestic and beautiful vertical pupils appeared behind the cracks.

Annan asked about the origin of the mage's robe, and the blue dragon said that it picked it up from the woods. Annan asked some more questions, but unfortunately the blue dragon didn't know more.

In the afternoon, Annan went out for a trip and saw a temporary exhibition stand set up in the square outside the city lord's palace. The news that the King of the North will announce something important tomorrow has also spread throughout Breeze City.

In the evening, Annan fell into silence when he returned to the manor.

Are you really ready to give up everything now and bear the disappointment and anger of your friends?

Duo duo--

The crisp knocking on the window made Annan, who was distracted, look up and saw the fiery red shadow outside the window.

[The pride of sisters:

Little Annan, do you still remember old Senser? This old carpenter made the drawing you gave us. Ten spindles are really ten times faster than one spindle! Old Senser has been praising you, so why bother? I have been dealing with the bad faces of the servants these days, and now they can finally smile.

The following is what the eldest sister said:

The Susan spinning machine you brought should be able to solve the collar crisis. Take care of yourself and don’t take any chances…

Your existence is better than all treasures]

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