A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 973: Shantou


Green suddenly felt the burning pain on his face, and he couldn't tell the refreshing.

Under the face of truth, the gaze of the eyes is actually a kind of pure energy of the purified soul attribute. It is passing the lip print of the sorcerer's sorcerer through the face of truth, nourishing the soul of the sacred mark.


Because Green's soul is in the body of Xiao Ba, I saw the ‘呻+吟’, which is so refreshing, like drunkenness.

"Mom's egg, nourishing the soul so feeling..."

Then, the small eight-headed head into the gap of the dimension.

"The Soul Eater's Kiss Stigma has been on the ferry of the fern, and began to collect souls on a large scale!"

Green blurs the sense of the city.

A six-level sacred sorcerer will come, even a vast and vast vegetative city, will be a devastating disaster, not to mention a sacred sorcerer who is good at squandering the soul.

It’s awkward!

The arc explosion is continuous, and the arc thundercloud sorcerer is also a strong presence in the five-level mark, but it cannot destroy these kelp in a short time.

"What is the life of the sea otter lock?"

In doubt, Green took the Shantou people and sneaked into the lake of life. There were green and algae creatures everywhere, and Green sneaked deeper.

One or two currents pass through the chaotic seawater from time to time.

The face of Green Truth is insignificant in the form of a hickey, as if guiding the road sign, accepting the huge soul energy from the city of Bo ferry, and following Green to sneak into the bottom of life.


Rolling in the boiling lake water, a lot of bubbles wrapped around the green energy to the center of the lake of life, this kelp strange body flowing, obviously not parasitic spore blood.

"This is a descendant of the original algae in the parasitic spore world, but because of the relationship that once dominated the fern, relying on this lake of life, it has become a powerful existence comparable to the world tree."

The Shantou people explained the origins of the kelp, but obviously he knows very little.

"Underwater ancient city? It seems that the so-called life sea otter lock should be there."

The Gribes discovered an underwater ancient city far away. As the two approached, a transparent shield kept the two out.

"what is this?"

The Shantou people have never heard of the protective cover concept. Green is also slightly surprised, but it is clear that the activation concept of this shield is completely different from the wizard civilization shield.

"My body is too big. I am afraid that after passing through this protective cover, I will be resisted by the entire protective cover, causing some unnecessary trouble, or you should go."

As he said, Green grabbed the left hand of the Book of Truth and gently touched the defensive hood.

Slow. A vortex is centered on the left hand of Green, and is generated on the shield. The overall structural balance of the shield is maintained without any damage, but it is a fine control.

And Green's other right hand holding the extreme abyss wand, smashed the source of annihilation, with the temporary loss of a part of the magic limit, will be renewed because of the previous sacrifice of a large number of parasitic spore blood Upgrade to level 3.


The Shantou people followed the vortex hole of the protective cover opened by Green, entered the inside of the protective cover, and swam toward the ancient city under the sea.

Green's left hand was removed from the shield and the vortex on the shield gradually recovered. The "wave" was re-closed.

The burning pain on the face of truth is accompanied by a strange and refreshing, and the pure energy extracted from the power of a trace of soul gathers toward Green. It is only a part of the harvest of the soul-sucking sorcerer's sorcerer's harvest, which shows that the true harvest of this sacred sorcerer will be even more terrible.

Of course, with the level of its six-level holy mark, it is still a considerable nourishment for Green, and for the Soul Eater, it is just a few embellishments.

Waiting silently, the Shantou people came with a soul message.

The two people communicated very inconveniently through a thick protective cover. At this time, the communication cost a considerable part of the power of the Shantou people, and then they came to see some vague information.

"Find the life of the sea otter lock. The shackle is already open, and there is an unknown space connected below. It seems to provide the source of life with endless energy. There is a group of coral worms here, very strong!"


The energy of the kelp blame is not from the life sea itself, but the energy under the shackles?

Could it be said that the following is the root of the pro-Fern king! ?

Since the target was found, Green would no longer care about the exposure and not expose it. The figure flashed and rushed to the protective cover. The impact of the huge source of the holy mark wizard suddenly made this envelope at the center of the lake. The shield of the area is twisted, and a dent of hundreds of meters appears. At the center, Green is like a foreign invader who forcibly breaks through the clothes of the world, and it is difficult to penetrate into the underwater city.

"Abominable, not defensive measures left behind by the masters, after so many years, there is such a powerful force."

In the difficult journey, Green looked at the distance and had already noticed the kelp blame here.

The two kelps rushed straight here, and the waters in all directions were boiling. The attack did not reach, and the pressure in all directions was first pressed against Green.

At the same time, the lake suddenly "banged".

It turned out to be a body full of rice ears, like the scarecrow's parasitic spore world guards plunged into the bottom of the lake, igniting the power of the amazing world, along the direction of the soul of the Bo ferry, found Green.

"The demon that devours the soul, hidden here... um!?"

Originally, I was only looking for monsters that secretly swallowed and collected souls in the war, but found Green, who was trying to break open the protective cover and force the ancient city under the sea.

Needless to say, the goal is naturally the shackles of life.

"It's awful! It is trying to take away the spring of pro-Fern roots and immediately shut down life shackles!"

Closing the shackles of life will effectively prevent the overflow of the spring of pro-Fern roots. www.novelmtl.com~ It also prevents foreign enemies from invading and stealing world treasures, as if the treasures of this world are guarded.

Although, this will make the kelp blame completely lose the ability to die.

"Master, life shackles are closing."

From the protective cover, the Shantou people's anxious will came, trying to break through the green of the protective cover, looking at the two world Guardians who had been close to the kelp attack and strong attack, and they refused to sigh and gave up and continued to break into.


At the same time, the current of the lake of life is moving, apparently with the kelp stagnation, the arc thundercloud sorcerer descended to the bottom of the lake.

The foreign invasion criterion, found that the resources are shared, the next time the life shackles are opened, I am afraid that the parasitic spore world has been completely occupied, and the number of sacred sorcerers and guardians of the world will be divided.

Thinking of this, Green no longer hesitated to pass on the will to the Shantou.

"It is up to you to enter the shackles of life!" (To be continued.)

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