A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 972: Sitting in the sky

"Hey, young master, he woke up."

In the ice cubes, the taro stalkers violently opened their eyes after struggling.

"the host!"

Breaking the ice armor and restraining it, at this time the Shantou people, as one of the millions of soul slave monsters under the Greens, bowed their heads, this is the deepest surrender from the soul instinct.

"Well, where is the spring of life?"

Green asked straight to the subject.

The Shantou, who has completed the soul enslavement, thought deeply, and respectfully said: "Master, the king of the pro-Fern has been rooted, except for those fern king trees, there are very few people who have specific information. I am only once. By chance, I learned of a vegetative person who might have the roots of the king of the pro-Fern."

"Oh? Who?"

Green also knows that being able to be greedy by the alien six-footed double-footed dragon king six-level world, soaking this spring of life must have great effect.

Once the pro-Fern king dominated the road to promotion, it must inevitably contribute.

"The Lake of Life, the sun, the guardian of the leaves, the cactus."

Life Lake Green knows that just beside the fern of the fern, there is a powerful kelp creature that is fighting against the soul-sucking kiss.

However, with the increasing number of five-level sacred sorcerers who invaded the world, it seems that they have changed their opponents.

Judging from the screaming thunder of the Thunder, there is not a Thunder Wolf King, it is the Thunderbolt Arc Witch Wizard.

The guardian of the leaves and leaves?

Little is known about the history and culture of parasitic spores. After Green nodded, he said faintly: "Take me."

The soul slaves of the Shantou people walked in front. At this moment, a group of vegetative soldiers gathered in the distance, apparently because the flame rhinoceros destroyed the power and attracted some nearby ferns to guard the attention of the soldiers. The visitors came in about twenty people. Look like.

"Kill them."

Green looked into the distance. The vegetative guards who came along the cane bridge between the giant trees glanced at the slave monsters that followed the nose.

Then the "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" broke into the air, and the roar of these monsters came, and Green followed the Shantou people, low-key, not rushing to the so-called sun. Well flew away.

The blue lake is endless, and the tide is overwhelming.

It’s smashing, the clouds are sweeping over the sky, and the Thunder arc is continuous. It’s the Thundercloud Arc Witch Wizard.

But I saw this holy mark wizard, fighting with the giant kelp that stretched out one after another in the lake of life. There is a strange complex energy in the lake water, which can restore the damage and consumption of kelp monsters very quickly. It is a kind of natural life of the domain. The lake is not dry and it is difficult to kill it.

"Master, that is the sun well."

On an insignificant island, only one banana tree grows with vines and a stone well. It seems to be overwhelmed by the wave of tumbling at any time.

Without disturbing the two monsters in the lake, Green followed the Shantou people to the island.

"Into the sun well, you need to sacrifice enough parasitic spore blood as a price. I heard that it was consumed a lot. The burden is too big, I will also come from the future."

The Shantou people said, slyly open a branch of their own.

As the parasitic spores flowed, the vines alongside the dry wells sniffed. The blood is constantly sucking, and the face of the girl is getting paler and paler, and the breath of life is falling.

After a while.

This third-grade vegetative person loses a lot of blood due to parasitic spores. After falling to the first level, the vines were satisfied to leave. A large banana leaf rolled up the Taro and Green, and everything in front of it disappeared quickly.

The surrounding space is illusory, and the rule of the atmosphere seems to have changed. It is not that the Shantou and Green came to an affiliated space, that is, they were pulled to the distant part of the world by some kind of external force.

The banana leaves disappeared. Just outside the thunderstorm, the arc of the sorcerer and the kelp screams were stormy. Now, in a blink of an eye, there is endless yellow sand. Only a lonely, multi-million-meter super cactus stands in the top of the dune.

Xiao Ba didn't follow up, and Green looked at the empty shoulder.


Although it is huge, but it is weak and pitiful, I am afraid that even the first-level biological level has not arrived, like a big balloon broken in a bucket.

"You two have already paid enough, and each person has a chance to know what history of the world is possible. I am the king of the pro-Fern to appoint the rule will be responsible for preserving the leaves of the years."

It seems like a rule of inertia, and there is no sense of autonomy.

As for this piece of the endless desert, it is just the reflection of the sun well water, a small and illusory world sitting in the sky!

It does not mean that the master class exists. Although it is only a small and illusory world, if it is not mastered, Green can hardly enter.

The weak Shantou was guided by Green, and took the initiative to go forward. He said: "I want to know the specific location of the Fountain of Life of the King of Pro-Fern."

It is no wonder that the cost of the Shantou people is so great that they have to bear the cost of two people.


After the cactus king chewed for a while, spit out a leaf and fell into the hands of the Shantou people. The illusory leaves quickly disappeared.

"Need to open the shackles of the life of the sea fern!?"

The lake of life, the sea of ​​life, is just a different name.

I got the answer I wanted, and the Shantou people stepped back. Green stepped forward and stepped down: "Where is the last vestige left by the king of the fern in this world?"


After the cactus king chewed for a while, he spit out a leaf and fell into the hands of Green.

After Green caught the brow, he gave the leaves to the Shantou people~www.novelmtl.com~ These leaves can only react with the parasitic spores.

"Master, the last relic left by the pro-Fern is here!"

The Shantou people just finished, suddenly the space around the room changed, the faint wave of thunder came, followed by a flower, and returned to the small island of the storm.

"Mom, even the illusory world, you dare to enter, mad!"

Xiao Ba Da shouted, but fortunately, this illusory world is only a small space attached, extremely shallow and illusory, without special rules, no danger, but can be given as a gift to low-level wizards, how to say it is also the carrier of time and space seals.

Thinking like this, Green sneered, and even slowly opened the "Book of Truth", the magic stirs, a lot of forgotten runes floated out.

"Just use this Wang Jingshui into the dreamland, as a reward for the positive performance of the night shadow Saqi's invasion, hehe."

Cultivating the devotees, Green will not be embarrassed. (To be continued.)


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