A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 952: Bamboo thorn

嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭...

More than two hundred meters of black flame giant step by step, the vegetative tree house for the real body of the black phlegm soul giant, but the children's beach castle model, all the way inadvertently stepped out of the tree house dozens of Huge footprints, the footprints are still burning with blazing flames, and the ice around them melts.

The ice crystal trees that reach the height of the chest of the real flame giant are so small that for the lower vegetatives, the city of the Pearl of the Sea is a city for the Green at this time, but after a dozen steps, it has already arrived at the wave of freezing. seaside.

"Oh? Is there any residue?"

On the huge lotus leaf shape vessel frozen on the sea, the huge scented flower opened the petals, and saved the bamboo thorns that had been protected by their own lives from the extreme cold field attack.

At this time, the slender posture of the bamboo thorns stood on the wave of the frozen ice that was frozen in the last moment. It was unbelievable and looked at the city of the Pearl of the Sea that had become a glacier hell. The body could not help but tremble, without any Language can express one's own mood at this time.

Once a vibrant city, there is only one person left in a blink of an eye!

Loneliness, fear, despair...

The bamboo thorns forgot the death at this moment, looking at the horrible black flame figure of the two hundred meters on the shore of the island, standing without majesty, and the two big mouths of the chest were crying and laughing, exuding the trepidation and uneasiness. .

It actually killed the souls of the botanical people on the island.

"Evil monster, you also kill me, or the parasitic spore world fern kings will definitely use your body as the raw material of the world's most fertile soil!"

The bamboo thorns roared, and thousands of bamboo leaves spread out on the body, as if the flying knives were stacked in layers to the black flame giant. With the roar of the roaring screams, the harsh sound of the air was drawn.

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

However, these bamboo leaves are not yet close to the elements of the Ugly Soul Giant. The high temperature that Green naturally radiated evaporated, and it was impossible to cause even half damage to Green.

I looked at this lower creature with a boring look. Green was about to wipe the ants away, but suddenly thought of something, clenching the arm of the extreme abyss wand in midair.

"Well, fern, as a world aristocrat, you should know a lot about it, then leave you."

Said, Green Magic surging. A pound of scorpion spurred the outbreak of double force. This bamboo thorn planter, together with the glaciers within a few tens of meters, was slammed into the air by Green, as if it was covered by a super-forbidden magnetic field, no matter how the bamboo thorns struggled. I can't move even a little finger.

"Monster, what are you doing, as a great fern in this world, I will not give in to you, never!"

I seem to want to use shouts to cover up my helplessness. The bamboo thorns only left this last resistance.


I saw the black flame giant opening a mouth, a soul fire face appeared, revealing a wicked smile. Sliding behind the long tail flew to the bamboo thorns that were imprisoned in midair.


Struggling with trepidation, the bamboo thorns woke up.

Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

The sky has fallen more than ten giant fireballs, completely smearing the city of the Pearl of the Sea in the parasitic spore world. The green colorful runes that have restored the human body are shrouded, carrying the extremely deep magic wand, the gray-white spiral pattern mask under the two-color light. Looking over, deep and full of wisdom, full of mystery.

"the host!"

At this moment, the bamboo thorns have been used as the soul slaves of Green, and they have completely surrendered to the will of the great wizard. It is no different from the soul slave army's thousands of monsters.

"Well, tell me about the division of power in this world..."

After a few hourglass hours.

From the bamboo thorns, the general understanding of the marine field in the parasitic spore world is attached. Green nodded and his body changed. Actually turned into the appearance of the sinister flower behind the bamboo thorns, the body shape flashed behind the bamboo thorns.

"Since you don't know anything about the hidden things in the ocean, go find some special creatures here, they should know some clues."

Special creatures?

As a fern, the aristocrat of the parasitic spore world, the bamboo thorns rarely take risks in the ocean, and they rarely care about these creatures living in the barren sea. In fact, this is the first time it has gone out to sea!

After thinking about it for a while, the bamboo thorns suddenly thought of the way to come, and the place where the evil flowers told me was a move.

"Master, I know a place, called the boiling sea, which has an ancient plant flame algae. It is said that there are some strange creatures hidden there, which is a famous danger in the parasitic spore world."

Boiling sea?

Green, the form of the evil flower, nodded, faintly said: "Go and see."

Green's solid world crack mission, lighting the altar of time and space, the general world node can not meet the conditions of lighting the altar of space and time, only large world nodes.

The Soul Eater Kiss gives Green three time and space altar materials. If it can light one, it will ensure that the world's fourth-level holy mark wizards will enter and exit freely. If the two seats are five-level holy marks, the wizard will enter and leave without worry. ......


The bamboo thorns and the greens have fallen into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

Seven days later.

"Is this a flame algae?"

A kind of red-green seaweed, like the shape of a multi-angled starfish, emits amazing heat into the seawater, so that the seawater is boiling, and the marine life living here is extremely heat-resistant. It is a rich biological specimen. paradise!

After collecting some biological specimens, Green gradually sank into the sea floor and took out a set of time and space altar materials.

The body released a trace of horror, and the time when the sea creatures in all directions were like a frightened bird, rushing to escape, and Green was silently assembled according to the time and space altars given by the Soul Eater.

Because I didn't know the specific operational knowledge of this time and space altar, Green was wrong after more than a dozen times. Finally, after half a month, the altar of time and space was successfully assembled, as if a strange octopus with many tentacles opened~www .novelmtl.com~ The central area is shining brightly, revealing mystery and opening a small mouth.

"Well, try the world node here to connect with the altar of the spiritual world."

Green muttered to himself, a large black flame condensed by a magical force cast into the center of the altar, twisting the space, seems to be connected with a certain inductance in the underworld.

"Master, there is a reaction!"

The bamboo thorns are muttering in anticipation.


In Green's silent gaze, this black flame outside flame tip, and suddenly appeared a strange red lips afterglow, tenacious burning for a while, but after all, it is gradually extinguished, and the altar material is also damaged, see It seems that it will be scrapped after several failures.

"Oh, can't you?"

Without too much hesitation, the disappointment of Green will put away the material of the time and space altar, and the two-color light turned to look around and look for the special creatures of higher intelligence that may exist in this sea area. (To be continued.)

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