A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 951: Stolen evil spirits

In any world, there are two rules to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, the world's clothing and balance rules.

The balance rule originates from the pressure inside and outside the world. Compared with the shadow void outside the world, the unique rules and elements derived from the will of the world will cause its own strong external pressure, crowding out foreign invaders.

As for the rules of the world's clothing, it is a self-protection rule after the evolution of the chaotic creatures. It is like a thunderous weaving into a giant net, which will protect the world.

Cleverly, there is a huge gap between the thunder and the protective layer of this world.

These gaps are nothing for high-level creatures, because they are too large in size, and it is difficult to drill through, but low-level creatures can silently pass through the gap. This is the demon record of the spy shadow wizard. origin.


Green's world of clothing rules the constitution, but can ignore this rule that the world's guardians rely on to be the world's strongest guardian sheriff!

Green did not rush to sneak into the parasitic spore world, but carefully walked around the world, feeling the degree of change in time and space, as if observing the weak points of the outer layer of the big box.

After more than ten days, Green finally got something to gain, and found a time and space weakness in the parasitic spore world.

There is no doubt that this is the time and space channel between the world of the human world and the parasitic spore world!

The weakness of the world's time and space means that the strongest defensive force in the world is gathered. The power of the entire parasitic spore world is gathered here. Once Green is stupidly invaded from here, I am afraid that it will end in failure in minutes.

In this way, the farthest distance from here is the safest.

In the sneer of the truth, the figure of Green is fleeting. Fly to the other side of the world.


Oh la la...

Surging, like most material worlds, the rules of the world have evolved in the parasitic spore world. Even in the ancient times, the algae rule was still very popular, but it was eventually replaced by the buns rule.

However, the ratio of the land to the sea of ​​the Wizarding World is seven to three. The proportion of marine land in the parasitic spore world is four to six. The degraded ocean rules have become the barren land of the world relative to the lush and lush land of plants.

At the center of the ocean, there is a small island, which is small in size and isolated from the world. It has been built and built by some indigenous people, and has built a beautiful island city. Known by some adventurers as the city of the Pearl of the Sea.

"The good Jia Libin soil, brought from the Mingwu Mountain Hall of the male fern domain, ten pieces of top grade energy spar an ounce!"

"The blood of *..."

The sounds of the sellers are coming and going. The reason why the adventurers are willing to come to the island is all under the sea of ​​pearls built by the indigenous Zhangyehua family of the island. It has a spring of life and its source is constantly flowing. It is a luxury item that the fern kings of the three continents rushed to snatch.


On a natural vessel made of giant lotus leaves, there was a melodious horn that rang all over the city. This giant of several hundred meters in diameter quickly attracted the attention of the plants gathered in the port.

One of the harbor's giant trees is connected with dense marijuana vines, countless tree houses, and many vegetative people look at it.


Sea fog moisture condenses into dewdrops between the leaves. Falling from the sky, a team of well-organized vegetative soldiers rushed to the dock to welcome the guests from the spores.

"What about your patriarch?"

There was no patriarch figure in the Zhang Huanhua soldiers. The bamboo thorns on the lotus leaf were very dissatisfied. Behind it, a stinking evil flower surrounded by large red flies, "嗡" , "嗡", "嗡" ringing non-stop.

"Fern King adults don't want to be angry, today is the fountain of life..."


This Zhang Zhanghua is talking, suddenly. The whole island is changing and the tide is overwhelming. A wave in the port surged seven or eight meters high.

It’s too sudden, and the many followers brought by the bamboo leaves on the lotus leaves can’t help but fall. Some even fall directly into the sea.

"It's a hurricane, the wind is coming!"

"When it is not yet seasonal, how come suddenly come to the hurricane, what is going on!"

"Save people..."

The island is in a mess. .

At the same time, several small vegetatives who played at the top of the giant trees at the Pearl City of the Sea, looked at the sky with a nap until the mother of a child shouted from below, and the little plant talents on the giant trees of the West fell back. , Nener's pointing at the sky.

"Mom, there is something behind the cloud, it is watching us."

The sky is full of winds, violent chaos, how can you see clearly.

呜 一片 压 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I didn't lie to you, you see it, it's there, behind the clouds, it's down..."

"Which... um!?"

Suddenly, this vegetative person expands the field of vision, the shape that obscures the shadow of the entire sky...

Suddenly, the vegetative pupils shrank, leaving only the instinctive trembling in the body, almost breathing away.



"Call, finally squeezed in!"

Green two hundred meters of elements illuminate the turbulent flow of several kilometers of elements, slowly descending into the vast island of the vast ocean within the parasitic spore world, slightly breathing.

"Oh, there is no reaction in the rules of the world's clothes. The guardians of this world are all gathered in the world channel. Without any awareness, it is a perfect smuggling."

The element is burning with a black flame, surrounded by great winds, and the two-tone green light overlooks the island.

Surrounded by waves, the island continually slaps the walls, and over some low trees, the panicked weak plants are screaming and screaming at themselves, pointing to the fear of the end of the world.

call out!

A third-level vegetative man flew up and stopped in midair, only to be kept blown away during the turbulent flow of elements under the slow landing of Green.


It’s awkward!

The light is dark and staggered, and the black arc instantly disappears the vegetative form of this strange flower. Green as a sneak stalking god, there is no meaning to communicate with this humble ant ant~www.novelmtl.com~After smashing the vegetative figure The black flame giant looked at the vegetative city underneath, and the extreme abyss magic wand waved.

The cold and cold weather brought by the extreme deep cold is like the arrival of a large area of ​​icecraft witchcraft. The sudden drop of temperature has turned this island into a world of ice, the rocking giant tree becomes a statue, and several boats that are escaping to escape are frozen. On the sea, people’s final horror expressions are vivid.


The feet are on the ground, and the aftermath scatters a large number of buildings and a wall. The huge flame footprints evaporate the frost nearby, and one of them crosses, leaving the footprints burning with flames.

After turning this vibrant island into a glacier and hell, Green, who was about to leave, suddenly scorned, looking at the building in the center of the island, sucking a big mouth, and a life-filled stream on the ground was sucked into the mouth.

"Oh, just coming at random, there is still such a harvest..."

In the discovery of the vitality of the seventh phase of the truth, Green found that his vitality has slowly increased. (To be continued.)

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