A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 941: The Witch's Disaster (21)

Three days later.

The smashing power, the black arc of the annihilation, tears all the light in all directions, which is the power of the lower creatures, and hits the devil's vines with the sword that is about to be destroyed.

After the twisted branches of the tree were destroyed by the power of annihilation, a dozens of rounds of slippery holes were silenced, and the devil’s vines and branches were “squeaky” and straightened, as if they touched the palm of the brazier. The desire to withdraw, but by the small figure that did not open the real body, a sword light across, the power of the annihilation penetrated the mouth of the giant branch.


There is a black helium flame burning in the incision. This truncated devil's vines and vines are on the broken and ridiculous land. The whole ground is shaken and the burning dust is filled.

However, I saw that the devil's vines and vines were constantly twisted and struggled. After they got rid of the devil's vines and vines, they gradually stood up in the form of avatars, as if they were standing up like a tree giant, and once panicked and threw the sorcerer's sorcerer into the world. The tree giant has already seen Green, and at that time there was more than one.

At this time, the tree giant roared, and both eyes glared at the sword of high-altitude destruction, while constantly driving away the terrible black flame contaminated by the body, attempting to extinguish it, but with little effect.


Suddenly, a giant giant with a height of more than 100 meters descended from the sky.

Body scales, bones, bone spurs mixed, Pangza's muscles almost twisted into a group, this is Green's incarnation of the source of the fourth layer of wild instinct to annihilate!

Compared with the height of the tree giant of more than 500 meters, the height of the 100-meter incarnation of the source of Green's annihilation is not worth mentioning. However, at the moment, with the savage giants, the sun-drenched sag of the sun-baked giants spreads out, and the feet seem to be like Gathered with incredible power, it was transmitted through the body to the arm fist for a moment, in the original, barbaric, brutal roar. The banged the tree giant thigh.


The giant tree of the tree that has been retreating is also throwing a slap, and descending from the sky, a large piece of bones of "嘭" is crushed.

At first glance. The source of Green's annihilation is separated from the devil's vine tree giant, and it is equally divided.

But the next moment...


With the sorrow of the sword of destruction, the sneer of "squeaky" in the sneer. A ringing finger, the millions of all kinds of horrible slave monsters that cover the sky, rushing to the tree giant from all directions, killing a batch and adding a batch, on the thigh, on the trunk, tree In the seams, there are all slave monsters everywhere, destroying the tree giants.


Youquan muttered to himself, counting the fruits of labor in three days. I was about to cooperate with Green to carry out the destruction of the 16th devil's vines and branches. The white bandages seemed to suddenly notice what was happening. The instinct of crisis instincts made the figure staggered, and a residual image disappeared.

Ok! ?

The aftermath of the fierceness still made the secluded light smothered. It was almost a moment that the giant stone of the horror was transformed, and the giant sword of the black flame was burned backwards. The space trembled with a rumbling bang. I just noticed the direction of the crisis.

"It should be the chaotic discoloration frog!"

Without any traces, the secluded spring attack fell through.

This color-changing frog is a four-level creature among several chaotic creatures around the devil, but it is more threatening than the only five-level creature. The attack that has just been attacked by Youquan is probably the other side’s long tongue.

Once even the five-level steel body of the sacred mark wizard has been counted once, and now the secluded spring can be safe, showing how terrible it is to be sensitive to danger.

It’s awkward!

The grid outside the distant sky is the absolute nemesis of this invisible sneak attack creature!

Extreme Abyss magic wand tip. The annihilation of the inflammation burns like a candlelight, sucking all the light in all directions, and spreading out the high-frequency disturbing shock waves. With the mobilization of the rules of the world's clothes, the world's clothing thunder rules are used as carriers, and this group of annihilation inflammation tears. The light in all directions is fleeting.

Hey, hey!

The completely invisible color-changing frogs perceive the crisis of the power of the thunder, and the two screams of "squeaky", a bead that exudes incredible chaos and twists the space in all directions. Also rushed towards Green.


Unexpectedly, the power of annihilation and this chaotic bead were actually offset in midair.

Look at the aftershocks of the air. The degree of attack of this chaotic bead seems to be higher than the arc of the force of Green's annihilation, but it has not been exerted because of the arc characteristic of Green's annihilation.

call out!

With such a big move. Finding the sneak attacker along the energy trajectory is a breeze for the sacred sorcerer with real sense of time. At the next moment, the stunned giant has appeared on the top of the discolored frog, and the black flame sword smashes all momentum and volleys.

What is even more terrifying is that under the white stretch of the spar giant, some kind of blasting wave is emitted. The sacred spring is perfectly combined with the double force of the singer. After the element surge effect is achieved, the handle is burning with a pure smoldering flame. Great sword, the power is even better.

It has not yet fallen, and the space in all directions has been squeezed one by one to the color-changing frog, as if the entire sky has collapsed.

If it is other chaotic creatures, it is difficult to escape after being locked by the secluded spring.

However, this chaotic discolored frog is in the oppressive locking of the sky, the body follows the ground sinking, and even the chaotic atmosphere of the body is firmly locked. At this moment, there is obvious collapse, it is difficult to look up, but only that After a strong and powerful hind foot through the chaotic discoloration of the frog crazy power, the volume has reached half of the total!


With a scream, the chaotic discoloration frog relies on the incredible launching power of the hind legs, and it has swiftly rushed to the sky, completely avoiding the secluded spring.


Gloomy laughter, under the face of Green Truth, the two-color light is calm and cold, and the extreme abyss magic wand is extremely cold and the gravity field has slammed down.

Green judged through the clues that the chaotic frog frog escaped the trajectory. The first step was to accumulate in the air and give a fatal blow!

"Green, be careful!"

Ok! ?

The confident Green suddenly felt the huge pressure of the sky in the back, and a devil's vine vines fell like a whip from the sky~www.novelmtl.com~螳螂螳螂, the oriole is behind! ?

"Hey, you have no chance!"

In the sky, a star made up of tens of thousands of mourning phantoms fell, and after easily destroying the devil's vines and vines that attacked Green, a desperate pursuit, followed by this panic star is accurate. With a bang, the chaotic discoloration frog was broken into pieces.

The top-level creatures of the two battles, now the devil's vines and vines have reached the point where the oil lamps that are completely without cards are exhausted, and the panic is boiling on the sorcerer's side, winning the prize!

"Call, this guy is calculating us!"

After a sigh of relief, Green looked at the distance and saw a lot of devils and vines three days ago. The number of branches was only six or seven hundred, and he sneered.

After looking at each other with the secluded spring, the two continued to rush to the next devil's vines and branches to the goal... (to be continued.)


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