A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 940: The Wizards' Disaster (20)

"The power of this level is actually much weaker than it was ten years ago. How old was this guy ten years ago?"

Green muttered in surprise, not choosing to join the battlefield ten years ago is definitely a wise choice. &

"But the body is huge and has absolute repression for low-level creatures. In the past ten years, the scare sorcerer has not been hurt by this devil, and it is this devil's vine, which can only be made with those chaotic root tumors. The source of the make-up is endless chaos, repaired at super-regeneration speed, and remains undead."

The sacred sorcerer of the Skeleton Clock Tower is not convinced, and it is clear that the powerful way of this six-level creature, the devil, and the vine, is not recognized.

Then, it seems to have thought of something, the bones of the bell tower secretly sighed.

"Compared to the king of the Inferno, the purgatory giant holding the Purgatory Furnace, this devil's six-level life is just a general character. At most, it is a matter of how many furnaces, hey, Hessota..."

When the bones and clocks of the bones have been recalled, they still feel that they are often regretted.

Under the face of the truth of the burning of the black flame, the green elements flashed, and the left hand of the book of Truth could not help but tighten.

More than once, Green has passed through other wizards to observe the fierce battles that the once-inflamed world has not experienced.

The king of Albba, the king of purgatory, could not be overbearing, destroying the end of the furnace, and the black sorrowful sorcerer's fallen image imprinted the heart.

Although for the Black Sota itself, the soul still survives after the reincarnation, if it can once again be lucky enough to advance to the holy mark. The memory of Hesota I and the ancient wizard I will be reawakened, and there will be a more perfect opportunity to advance to the true spirit. It is a rough road to true spirits.

However, for Green, the Skeleton Clock Tower and everyone else, the former Black Sota has indeed fallen.

"However, without us as many sorcerers to eradicate chaotic root tumors in the periphery, the panic of the sacred sorcerer wants to suppress this devil's vine, which is tantamount to resisting the forces drawn from the whole continent. This is not at all. Possible. I am afraid that the speed of the destruction of the scare sorcerer is far less than the recovery speed of the other party!"

The sorcerer of the hourglass is more sober and analyzed.

The sacred sorcerer of the sacred bell tower pulls out the crescent moon blade and the mandible opens. It is incredible that the soul of the soul swells into the curved blade.

"Well, I said nothing, although I don't know if this devil's vine has hidden chaotic root tumors, but from this moment's performance, the branches of these damages did not immediately regenerate, it seems that it can no longer maintain the previous prosperity. The state is over. We will follow the panic-stricken sorcerer and say that it is enough to consume its original power."

Silent, this giant scorpion is like a death reaper in the dark.


The Sword of Destruction came to Green's side, and said: "In addition to these devils, vines and vines. Also beware of the chaotic creatures hidden by the devil's vines, which have a five-level creature."

Compared with a decade ago, when the Thunder World blasted the world's fifth-class biological celestial wolf king, the eyes of Green looked obviously more awe-inspiring. This is not a medium-sized creature from this world community. It has been shocked by the scale of the world war triggered by Green.

Even the power that is revealed in front of you, the wizarding world. It is by no means a powerful world that can be beaten by the thunder world!

It seems that Green has pulled it into the Wizarding Alliance program and there should be some chance.

"The power of the thunder mastered by the emperor wolf is a power of thunder that has the spirit of repelling the soul. Any energy and biology of the soul is firmly restrained by my family. Mysterious and powerful chaotic world, there is no order inside. Is the center of this endless world..."


Suddenly, the devil's vines and the vines are at high altitudes. The power of the thunderous thunder is like a sea of ​​anger, and the purest destructive power is gathered in the sky. The momentum is so vast that the ground will send the devil's will to sway and roar.

Some of the power of the thrilling energy is stirring, I don’t know how many devils and vines and vines are damaged. The thunder of the smashing screams makes the air bleak and paralyzed, and is transmitted to the earth along the huge body of the devil.

After watching the eyes of the truth for a while, Green turned his head and looked at the Tiankui Wolf King who was also looking up to the arc of the Thundercloud. As for the unfinished words of the Tiankui Wolf King, Green would not have to pay attention to it. After all, it is only the owner of the Aboriginal world who will stay within the community of this world.

"Well, let's go too. It's so many branches. Although the speed of regeneration is much slower, it is far less than the speed of our destruction, but it is enough for us to be busy for a while. Be careful, don't let the slave army die too much. ”

The black phlegm spirit giant burned a black flame and held the extreme abyss magic wand. After a sigh of relief, the horse rushed out.

"This guy seems to be completely adapted to his identity as a sorcerer, hehe."

Under the white stretch of the secluded spring, only the exposed eyes are seen. Seeing that Green is getting more and more adapted to the sacred marks, the power of the wizard is driving, and the words of the hundreds of thousands of slavery corps and the sorcerer’s army are driven by the words, and they are humming and humming. The same is turned into a residual image to catch up.

It’s awkward!

Elemental biological form Thunder three-headed wolf, Tiankui Wolf King, turned into a Thunder also rushed out.

Rushing to the devil's vine that blooms like a tyrannical flower, waving a giant tree branch.

"Ivory, can you still recall the time when we were led by the Black Sota and sent this person to the door of the world of inflammation?"

The sorcerer of the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer.

"When the Black Sota is still there? At that time, we are a few scenery, now... oh, everything at that time is vividly in sight~www.novelmtl.com~ It seems to be vaguely in front of us. A few wizards who together ensure that he will not be killed by the other side in the world of the soul of the soul, have now grown to our step, and far from reaching the end of the potential, the black Sota guy did not Look away."

Said, the ivory castle sacred sorcerer looked into the distance, the green, the secluded spring, the celestial wolf king, who had been entangled with the devil vines and vines, and the second ivory armed red red bones "嘎嘣" and "嘎嘣" A lot of bone spurs seem to be ruthless, just like a mane blasting like a lion.

"Go, don't let these younger people look at us!"


Two hundred meters of bone giants stepped on the air, swaying the incredible waves of shock waves, like the shells fired, covering the heights of the sky to cover the light of a twisted devil, the bad vines rushed past.


The fist that was covered with spurs was branded on the thick branches of more than a hundred meters, and the sound of the wood was twisted and twisted. (To be continued.)


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