A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 934: The Wizards' Disaster (14)

"What do you mean?"

As the leader of this invasion, there is no more senior wizard in this place, Green asked.

At the same time, under the face of Green Truth, the double eyes look down the canyon, the balance rule is covered with thick veins, and the layers are blocked. It is like a natural seal formed after the evolution of the world. Without any external force, everything is such a coincidence, a desperate destiny. .

If the will is not transmitted under the previous rift, Green is probably only thinking that this is an ancient dragon and a mutant mosquito nest.

This world has the Lord of the World?

"Hahahaha, this is a long story to say, um, I think, the explosion of the smashing smasher in the Thunder world is about 7,000 years ago?"


Greene Springs Archimonde West Vernes confirmed that this creature has not been heard.

"After more than a thousand years ago, several big worlds in this world dominated the fight, and many worlds were smashed. Under the last resort, the emperor wolf king represented the world of thunder and signed with the world’s world leaders. The alliance fate contract, in order to protect itself in the world of melee. Well, yes, you still don't know, this world was once called the world of dinosaurs"


Xiao Ba stretched his tongue and spit, and it was a history of dust.

Compared with the other three, Green is obviously more interested in the history of the world. Often some world treasures and wealth civilizations are hidden in these ambiguous historical legends. They are also the clues for the real wizards to explore treasures in the small and medium world.

Green's interest can not help but show some goodwill, low: "You can call us a wizard."


This five-level brake, the ancient Thunder giant wolf, apparently did not hear the information about the wizard. After nodding, he began to depict the history of the dusty history.

"Well, things happened very suddenly. One day, a very powerful world leader called the Suihua Division was summoned to the world community by the enemies of the Thunder World, and launched a massive invasion. Explosion Thunder World launched the Destiny Contract to summon the dinosaur world to help. But these selfish and greedy guys chose to betray the alliance of my family and violate the fate contract."

"Hey? Lying down..."

Cough and cough

This time, not only the small eight, even the Green Springs Accord Hill Venice are shocked.

"Stupid guy. Strong and endless masters of the gods of the gods, the spirit of the wizard, must follow the rules of fate contract, in order to constitute an endless world of trading rules, there is a world that dares to openly violate the reputation of the contract"

Sylvester sneered,

As an open world of civilization. Almost every wizard who knows the common sense of foreign exchange knows that if he dares to violate the fate contract, he will be punished ten times as many times as he is to maintain the endless world balance.

The punishment of fate can't be escaped, and it is inevitable that everything is out of coincidence of the natural evolution of the endless world.

"Oh, just as you have seen, the world will be ruined and dying, there is no world lord, no world Guardian. Everything is in their own world because they take up too much of the world's resources." Seal, ridiculous sorrow, hahahahaha..."

The secluded springs are fierce and cold, and they are vigorous and provocative: "Since you can't violate the alliance contract between you, what about your cooperation, what is your purpose?"

"Our sole purpose is to see the decline of this world as a punishment for betraying the ancient wolf family of the ancients."

huh huh huh huh……

The head of the three Thunder giant wolves "vomited" and spit out the power of the Thunder. The faintness constitutes a fate contract that is well-known in the balance rule. The other two wolf heads sneer, and the wolf claw points to a clause in the fate treaty.

"The wizards, have you seen it? According to the fate contract, every world lord of the Thunder World will explode and help counterattack when the dinosaur world is attacked by foreign enemies. But after coming to this world, according to the fate contract, we found that we The scope of assistance bound by the contract is only under this seal."

Excited ridicule. Hearty.

"Yes, I know, because the world is no longer the world of dinosaurs. This is the world of the spiritual world. Our contract is to help counterattack. If these remnants of the dinosaur world will not fight back, how can we assist?"

"Wow, it’s enough to be a savage tycoon, enough evil, I like it."

After listening to the explanations of the three Thunder giant wolves, Xiao Ba suddenly laughed with impunity.

Green people looked at each other and their eyes lit up. If they really follow the other side's words, this matter will not only make a big difference, but may even have the possibility of deeper cooperation.

Even ... to pull into the Wizarding League

However, compared to the four holy sorcerers of Green, the dinosaurs in the underground seals heard the guys who have been calling for more than a hundred years of hard work, and even found the contractual loopholes because of the outside world’s seas and seas. The evil enemies of the world have jointly planned **** themselves, so unscrupulous, and even intend to let themselves hear, this feeling is almost going to be mad.

"You won't succeed."

From the depths of the seal, the anxious helpless roar, but helpless, the above Green and others simply ignored.

In fact, at this time, Green and others who are on the weak side will not be convinced of these Thunder World students.

The best way to cope with the world's war is the absolute power and fate contract.

"Since all of you want to cooperate like this, you should also feel the central part of the world. The irresistible force of the wizarding world is raging?"

Green smiled and said in a low way: "When you finish the deal, the guys in these seals will be dealt with accordingly. And why don't you take this opportunity to cooperate with Boda's powerful wizarding world? 哼哼哼哼... If you can contribute With its own power, assisting the wizarding world to conquer the parasitic spore world connected to the world, the wizarding world will never be paralyzed, and there will be a benefit of exploding the thunder world."

Green smiled and looked at the other side, whether there is a dark feeling, depending on whether the other party can sign a fate contract.

A few heads of ancient princes and wolves looked at each other and looked at the wizards who were also careful to deal with them. The world of blasting thunder did not want to follow the traitors of the past and was also reluctant to join the world war that had exceeded their ability to cope. ~www.novelmtl.com~ Faced with a few wizards aggressive, another five-level Thunder wolf that never spoke, the middle wolf slowly point.

After three hourglass hours.

With the power of the elements, the fate contract is signed.

"Oh, you won't be embarrassed. Without the support of the world's will, let those chaotic creatures destroy the world and destroy everything."



Some of the collaboration between the ancient dragons and the baptism of the ancient dragons, as the beginning of the cooperation between the wizards and the emperor.


Ps: Today, two more, yesterday, Christmas, watching a night TV, today is too much, the sadness of the single dog, Wang Wangwang, Meng. To be continued.


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