A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 933: The Sorcerer's Disaster (13)

After perceiving the strong volatility transmitted from the distant thunder world, Seiquan, West Vernis, Accord, and Green’s face changed, and the laughter came to an abrupt end. It was extremely serious and no longer delayed the time. The sound of the sorcerer's sorcerer went straight.

The layers of the sound burst in the air.

Once the other party has finished, the Wizarding World and the Thunder World will not have any compromise. This is the most unwilling result for the four people who could easily harvest the wealth.

Many mutant giant mosquitoes in front and a small number of ancient dragons, like the most loyal believers guarding, desperately intercepted the four holy marks wizards, moths to fight fire, not afraid of death, just like to use the flesh and blood to stop the sky star The coming of 陨.

This time, using the elemental teleport and the powerful body to move forward, the fastest green, the magic of the body, a strange position swept out in all directions, all directions to the Green's mutant mosquitoes, ancient dragons as if time and space are still Just paused.

"Avatar force field!"

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

In the next moment, many mutant mosquitoes and ancient dragons squirmed, and the body lost its power and fell into a parabola from the sky. Thousands of people were still obsessed with the last moment, and the next moment seemed to be the most vicious curse, and it was torn apart.

The horror of terror is horrible.

Ok! ?

"this is……"

West Vernes is behind Green, ice, thunder, wind, fire, earth, the power of the five elements is like a spinning wheel, which constantly triggers a circle of elements to oscillate, close to the mutant mosquitoes, ancient dragons Being annihilated.

In the real time of the Holy Mark wizard, the savvy and wise singer walks through the side of these alienated creatures and performs detailed observations in slow motion.

This is an ancient dragon man like a lizard.

However, at this moment, the ancient self-emotional consciousness of the soul of the dragon has been separated from the passive evolutionary consciousness of the somatic cells in this strange position, as if a flame was skillfully opened by some mysterious force to open the inner and outer flames.

On the one hand, there is not much research on the technique of refining, and Sivilnis can only observe from the appearance.

I saw that the tongue of this ancient dragon man actually climbed out from his mouth like a worm. With a sinuous spiral suction cup, he had to swallow a long eye that climbed out of the eye socket. However, the next moment was dragged back by a certain internal organ protruding from the throat of the ancient dragon. Howling.

The entire ancient dragon's stomach is violently creeping. The next moment of "嘣", a large number of alienated internal organs spewed out and fled.

"Witcher who studies the direction of life cells?"

Just as Sivilnis surpassed the moment of Green who was practicing witchcraft in the field of alienation, he felt the unseen system of witchcraft, which was completely different from the behind-the-scenes and the Archangel. Sylvester, who possessed the wisdom of extraordinary elements, first thought of some immortal legends in the elemental wizards and developed a knowledge system!

Often, these wizards have the existence of ordinary people who cannot understand the great ambitions. The most recent real-life example is a round-the-night dream wizard.

Write down this opponent with strong potential, silently, Sivilnis and Accord, Yuquan, Green, have broken through the layers of defense, and flew away in the direction of the space shock from the distant thunder world.


After a quarter of the hourglass time.

"Mom egg! Live tired? Later, tell the night shadow, all the people!"

A group of bipedal pterosaurs spread their wings. More than a hundred heads, all of which are more than one level of creatures, and at the same time, the ground has stretched out a large piece of kelp-like branches, and rushed toward the Green Castle driving mystery.

Other holy sorcerers have been similarly blocked, which is quite different from the past.

Many of the mysterious 10,000-headed birds rushed in all directions, and the two-headed pterosaurs that were blocked by these moths swallowed and swallowed, and a pair of powerful giant claws caught the mutated cannibal plant. After being broken into several paragraphs, it was like a baby crying.


Green stood calmly on the back of the mysterious Wantou bird. The brows under the face of truth seem to be thinking about something.

"They are not out of biological obedience, but seem to be called by the will of the world. The will of this world is gradually resurrecting. The pressure on me is getting bigger and bigger."

Green reached out to the palm of his hand and felt that the world’s rejection was growing, as it stood.

"Hey!? Mom, what's the situation? Is it because there are too many connected worlds, different rules, and the world is awakened?"


After three hourglass hours.

Break through the interception again and again. With Green's hand-held Abyssal Magic Wand driving the mysterious 10,000-headed bird, the secluded spring and Archimonde steered the abyss, and West Vernis took the private metal aircraft to the core of the ancient magic dragon, the Eastern Zhou Rift Valley, and was immediately seen in front of him. The six thunder world masters who have completely fallen into the world of dinosaurs have stopped.

"It has come down completely? The world cracks and the servants of the Legion! Why are these only six world leaders present?"

The palm of the hand holding the Extreme Abyss wand is quietly tight, and the faces of Green Truth are looking forward to these six apparently just coming, and there are some powerful Thunder creatures that are not very suitable for this world rule.

Thunder three-headed dog?

According to the appearance of these Thunder creatures, Green's heart naturally compiled such a universal name.

Among the six world's masters, two five-level creatures, four four-level creatures, and four people in Green and the four are obviously in the downwind. At this moment, they can't help but stay in a relatively safe position far away, faintly facing each other.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, are you the enemy that the world is facing?"

The leader of the five-level Thunder giant wolf stands in the air, and the cloud of elements in all directions is uneasy, as if it were gathered in a spiral, and a large Thunder arc spurts out and falls on it, but it is not the use of natural power. It is the Thunder rule of this world that instinct is excluded.

"We are the blasting Thunder World Warrior Thunder Wolf, and also... your friends!"



The little eight chewing cranberry squirted out~www.novelmtl.com~ kept coughing, almost didn't swallow, and the tears came out.

"Where, the Eight Lords did not get it wrong, this guy has just come to this world, is it necessary to vote for the Wizarding World?"

Under the Great Rift Valley, several exclamations came with a very angry voice.

"Tiankui, you dare to violate the fate contract, once the dinosaur family is the end of your ancestral wolf!"


What is the situation?

The four people of Green were also slightly surprised, kept cautious and careful, and silently observed the situation here. It seems that something more than the wizarding world has happened. (To be continued.)


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