A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 911: Take control

The Wizarding World, the tower of the annihilation.

"I was so concerned by so many worlds, if all came, I would launch a massive invasion..."

Being confidently accompanied by Xiao Ba, and reviewing the millions of slaves of the Monsters Legion Green, suddenly the body is stiff, the original cold and excited, full of confidence, there is a little dignity at the moment.

"Hey! Young master, what's wrong, not satisfied?"

The words of Xiao Ba, let the tower in the annihilation of the tower accompany Green to review the thousands of giant crabs of the slave army of the slaves, and doubts to see Green.

"No, the district has been on the scale for decades. It’s not bad..."

After absent-mindedly praised a thousand-eyed giant crab, Green frowned at the face of truth, pointing to the huge figure of the mysterious 10,000-headed bird under the body gradually leaving the slave monster army group farm.

"The situation in the world of the spiritual world is more complicated. It seems that the world community there is still in an era of incomparable chaos. Unfortunately, the battle of the wizarding world civilization is imminent, hehe..."

"What the **** is it?"

Xiao Ba asked questioningly.

During this time, Xiao Ba waited for a big invasion of the world of the spiritual world. However, it was obvious that the body of Green, who had just been in the world of Ling, had gotten news. However, Green, who had planned to sweep the whole world, was so eager to do so.

"One, two, three, four, five, six ... seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, a full nineteen sacred marks witch invasion, more panic boiling six-level holy sorcerer, even if the parasitic spore world and Those chaotic creatures add up, and they occupy an absolute advantage anyway. In the unlikely event of an irreversible accident, there are other world invasions, and they can also seek help from the wizarding world through the world crack."

After some analysis, Green's heart was slightly relaxed.

However, it still can't alleviate the pressure of self-confidence from the original full collapse, and now to the care of the unknown.

"Let the avatar control the evolutionary base as soon as possible. Although this base is the base where evolutionary people inherit the most psionic technology, and I am here to echo, but I can't guarantee to open faster than the cf-2 base. The world crack. After all, the promotion is close, when the cf-2 base opened the crack in the parasitic spore world, it was also prepared for ten years."


Chaos in the end of the world, the evolution of human a base.

Although the body of Green's annihilation was tied to the body, it was still trapped in a metal cage.

The metal cage is in the interior of a giant incinerator, which is extremely strong and can only pass through extremely fast transparent metal. Blurring sees some shadows outside the body.

"One, two, three, four, five, six... forty-three, forty-four! A total of forty-four life, of which forty-one lower lives can be ignored, and the remaining three reach The second-class biological standard. It takes two to three seconds to break through the cage and the incinerator in real time, and it takes two to three seconds to crush the three creatures. The crushing of the force is enough to be foolproof!"

The source of Green's annihilation is whispering to himself.

According to the induction, the two s-level evolutionary people in this base are nothing but the ants-like creatures in the wizarding world. They are reluctantly included in the third-level creatures of the wizarding world power system, and have this annihilation source. The quality of life changes.

The last moment was still plain and there was no sign, the next moment, suddenly. At the foot of Green, the metal cage "嗡" was twisted and twisted in layers, and the whole hall was shocked. The figure suddenly popped like a black cannonball.

A fist hit the top of the head and the metal cage was in a hole. Even with the "bang", the incinerator broke through a big hole.

The prison that was considered to be imprisoned by Green by the evolutionary person seemed to be like a paper.

Walking in the real time of one-eighteenth of a second, there is a dense thorn in the body of Green. At this moment, there will be no loss of the spurs. Those humble microbes living in the appearance of time have not yet had time to reflect, and they have been smashed by the bones. Hit. Fall down and die.

The real time of the world's main level of crushing pressure is not at all resistant to these low-level creatures.

This reminds Green of the first time in the first hunting expedition, the world's main fan group, Amonro, the prophet of the world. The slaying of the sorcerer and the sorcerer sorcerer fleeing incessantly.

Ok! ?

The half-step time-sensing s-level evolutionary person Li Yue, the first one reflected to the mutation. Unbelievably, I just stood up, I don't know if I want to resist or flee, but I was rushed to the front by Green's afterimage. I was so proud that I held a palm and lifted it on my neck, throwing it back like a sandbag.

Bloody hurricanes, low-level evolutionary people are too lazy to control slavery at this moment.

In just two seconds, Green will guard the 41 low-level evolutionists, and the figure flashed in the s-class evolutionary Li Yue, who was able to fall to the ground, and two a-level evolutionists.

In the eyes of these three evolutionary people, Greene's Situ ink, as if teleported, killed all the people in the entire hall, leaving only three of them.

Unbelievable, this is not a force at the level of life.


"嘭", the incarnation of the source of Green's annihilation knocked the s-class evolutionary person.


After half an hour of hourglass.

"Li Yue, it's time to go."

The sword of blood stasis obtained from the incarnation of the source of Green's annihilation was constantly being wiped. Shi Bingshu walked into the hall of the incinerator with his head down, and the sensor door automatically fell behind him.

Suddenly, the **** smell in the history of Shi Bing made his body stiff, instinctively raised his head and leaped backwards, but he was thrown away by a huge force, and he did not land. He felt a pain in his stomach and viscera. I spit it out.



It was a little after a while.

"Wang Sai, there is something out there. I think it is necessary for you to listen to the Situ Mo."

Within the entire a base, there are not many that can be called the king's game. At this time, standing next to Wang Sai is Li Yue who has been enslaved by the soul.


Wang Sai did not have any doubts~www.novelmtl.com~ I continued to get a lie that Li Yue had already compiled along the way, and slowly walked into the incinerator hall like a magic cave...

As the lord of the world, this annihilation source is only the weakest and other world lords who have the power of Green. As long as there is no stupid behavior, relying on the crushing power of the biological level, control a small base like this. , but it is a matter of raising hands.

The district is less than a day, the entire a base of seventeen cabinet elders, more than 300 evolutionary personnel who are associated with the cabinet elders, all enslaved by the soul!

In this way, the entire a base is completely under the control of Green.

Like invisible people, Green is accompanied by these officials to visit a base, and through these key personnel, launched a new "Savior" plan for a base, low-level evolution people are difficult to contact the super high-level change, a base is still Operate in all order.

a base everything, in the master of Green! (To be continued.)

Ps: One day off tomorrow, business trips, more inconvenience, sorry.


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